

Regional Integration Theory and Its Practice in ECOWAS Integration Process


【导师】 衣保中(YI Bao Zhong);

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文从区域经济一体化的理论研究出发,对西非国家经济共同体的区域一体化进程进行了深入的个案研究。该研究的主要有两个目标:一是重新审视区域一体化的理论,探讨该理论的某些不足之处;二是通过对西非国家经济共同体一体化进程的个案研究,提出一些新的理论思考,力图弥补原有区域经济一体化的缺憾。关于区域一体化的理论思考。我们的研究表明,在工业资本主义的发展中形成了自由主义的正统理论,这一理论的价值已被资本主义工业强国,特别是英国和美国的经济发展所证明。但是,两次世界大战以及世界金融和经济危机已导致英、美两个霸权的衰落。削弱美国霸权的区域主义逐渐兴起,推动了正统自由派经济理论和发展战略的创新。本文的研究是在EL-Agraa的基础上,重新解释了区域自由主义的歧义。1950年的瓦伊纳和细则显示,尽管自由主义正统/新自由主义在区域一级的模糊性,但工业化国家特别是美国通过布雷顿森林体系,积极推动第三世界国家之间在正统自由主义的基础上实行开放的区域主义。这种由发达国家支配的正统的自由主义是区域经济发展的途径。但是,本文认为正统自由主义经济理论有其弱点,并建议第三世界国家应该实行新的重商主义以推动经济发展。此外,本论文也通过对欧盟国家,东盟国家和拉丁美洲国家的区域一体化的比较研究,在对这些不同层面收集到的信息进行归纳整理的基础上,使我们能够更加清晰的认识西非国家经济共同体一体化进程的特征。本文经过深入分析西非和西非国家经济共同体成员国的发展战略,尤其是对西非区域一体化进程的研究,指出了西非国家经济共同体一体化进程中的一些问题。本文在霸权稳定理论的基础上,认为霸权的制度可以促进正统自由主义为基础的一体化进程。西非国家经济共同体成员国家没有足够的基础设施,以吸引外国直接投资。他们还缺乏熟练的人力资源和其产业化的金融资源。鉴于这些现实,论文提出了在发展中国家的工业发展新重商主义的做法。将采用这种新重商主义战略在开放的区域主义框架,允许各国开展合作,不仅在区域范围内,而且在全球舞台上。

【Abstract】 This thesis highlights the study of regional integration theory. ECOWAS is ourcase study of regional integration process. The Study aims at two objectives: torevisit the theoretical thinking of regional integration and also to highlight theshortcomings of the integration process in ECOWAS and offer the theoreticalapproach to overcome them.Regarding the theoretical thinking of regional integration, our research has shownthat the development of industrial capitalism has been the beginning of the liberalorthodox theory. This theory has been defended by the industrial powers especiallyGreat Britain and USA. The two World Wars and, financial and economic crises haveled these two hegemons respectively to their decline. The weakening of the UnitedStates economic power has contributed to the emergence of regionalism as the secondbest strategy of orthodox liberal.The study has revisited the work of El-Agraa. This work explained the ambiguityof regional liberalism that Viner and Bye had revealed in1950. Despite the ambiguityof liberalism orthodox/neo-liberalism at the regional level, industrial countries(especially the United States) through the Bretton Wood institutions impose thepractice of open regionalism based on orthodox liberalism among Third Worldcountries. According to the developed countries, orthodox liberalism is the bestapproach for development. This thesis highlights the weaknesses of orthodoxliberalism and suggests the new mercantilism approach of development to Third Worldcountries.Moreover, this thesis has also paid some attention on the comparative study ofregional integration within EU countries, ASEAN countries and Latin Americacountries. The information collected at these different levels has enabled us tothoroughly analyze the integration process in ECOWAS. After carefully analyzing the regional integration process in West Africa and thedevelopment strategies of ECOWAS member countries, the thesis noted someshortcomings in ECOWAS integration process. Based on the hegemony stabilitytheory, this thesis has noted the absence of a hegemonic regime that can boost theintegration process based on orthodox liberalism. ECOWAS member countries do nothave adequate infrastructure to attract FDI. They also lack the skilled manpower andfinancial resources for their industrialization.Given these realities, the thesis proposes a neo mercantilist approach for anindustrial development in developing countries. This neo mercantilist strategy will beemployed in the open regionalism framework by allowing states to cooperate not onlyin the regional context but also in the global arena.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

