

Study on the Competitiveness of Pharmaceutical Industrial Clusters in Tonghua

【作者】 蔡志刚

【导师】 赵儒煜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 当前,产业集群作为在特定地域上、特定产业领域内相对集中、互相联系的公司或机构群体,对于区域经济发展具有重要的意义。而这种意义能否有效地发挥出来,主要取决于一个产业集群竞争力的强弱。国外学者已经对产业集群竞争力进行了大量的理论和实证研究,形成了较为完善的理论体系。对于我国而言,尽管我国学者充分借鉴了国外先进产业集群理论,并结合我国实际情况开展了一系列开创性的研究。但是,关于我国产业集群竞争力的研究尚不深入,仍有很大的开拓空间。为此,我们以吉林省通化市医药产业集群为出发点,以实证分析的方式,尝试探讨其产业集群竞争力问题。从国内已有的理论研究成就来看,自20世纪90年代以来,我国学术界对产业集群现象的研究集中于产业集群理论探索和产业集群区域创新体系领域。随着西方产业集群理论对我国影响程度地不断加深,我国对产业集群理论的研究开始从竞争优势、规模经济、专业化分工和技术创新等多个角度逐步展开,并在产业集群的产生机理、作用机制等各个方面的研究中取得了较大的进展。但是,这些研究中涉及产业集群竞争力的研究却鲜有出现。目前,已有的研究主要以产业集群创新网络和区域经济发展为切入点,运用理论评述和实证分析的方法,探讨了区域创新网络、政策制度、“知识溢出”、“柔性专业化”、集群内部资源整合、区域经济发展水平、“产业集群租金”理论、外商直接投资、企业适应性行为、技术扩散与产业集群竞争力之间关系等问题。吉林省通化市医药产业至今已有百余年的历史。从其发展过程来看,通化市医药产业在市政府的大力扶持下,充分发挥了自身独特的资源优势和产业技术优势,经历了从无到有、由小到大、由少到多、由落后到相对先进、从传统工艺到大规模运用现代科技的历史过程。建国初期,由于当时特定的历史条件和政治环境,通化市医药产业以传统工艺为主,科技含量不高,没有实现大规模生产,发展水平一直处于比较落后的阶段。改革开放以来,通化市医药产业走上了良性发展的道路,逐步构建了较为完备的医药工业体系和医药产业流通网络,实现了集群化发展。目前,通化市已经成为中国著名的“药谷”之一,已经形成医药工业、医药商贸、医药科研、医药教育和中药材基地“五位一体”、功能完备的“医药城”。在吉林省通化市医药产业的发展历程中,产业集群发挥了重要作用。第一,通化市医药产业集群有效提升了通化市医药产业的产业集中度,改善了产业内部结构和产业链结构,促进了企业间的合作,对通化市医药产业整体的发展起到了积极的推动作用;第二,通化市医药产业集群促进了产业增长极由长春市向中部城市群转移,推动了县域特色产业的发展,完善了区域技术创新体系的建设,有效推动了区域经济的发展;第三,通化市医药产业集群催生了集群内部企业的成本优势,提高了医药产业的创新能力,增强集群内部企业的仿制水平,为通化市医药产业竞争力的提升提供了强大的动力。为进一步探讨通化市产业集群的竞争力,我们采用定量分析方法,对通化市的医药产业集群的子产业竞争力和产业集群的整体竞争力进行分析和评价。首先,我们运用偏离—份额法分析了通化市医药制造业各子产业的竞争力和产业结构特点,定量比较了通化市医药制造业各子产业与全国水平之间的关系。研究结果表明,与全国医药制造业的平均水平相比,通化市医药制造业处于领先地位,特别是中药与中成药加工业,发展速度明显高于全国医药制造业的平均水平,对通化市医药制造业的发展有着举足轻重的作用。但其它产业如化学制造业与生物制药较全国的增长速度则处于劣势。近年来,通化市医药制造业总产值的提高,主要依赖于中药与中成药加工业的飞速发展。通化市医药制造业各子产业的竞争力排序从高到低为:中药与中成药加工业,化学制药,生物制药。其次,我们运用了GEM模型方法从系统性、整体性和层次性角度出发,对影响通化市产业集群竞争力的要素进行了全面的研究,结果表明,通化市医药产业集群的竞争力处于全国上等水平,其中,通化市医药产业中“中药开发”,“地域资源”对通化市医药产业集群的发展起到了最重要的作用,而“高新制药”,“高科技研发”以及“国际竞争”则是通化市医药产业集群中的薄弱环节,是通化市医药产业未来发展努力提高的目标。另外,通化市医药企业之间缺乏合作,联系不够紧密,且在企业战略、结构与竞争的认识仍停留在企业自身层面上,没有认识到“战略联盟”的形成是提高集群竞争力的核心手段。从产业集群竞争力的角度分析,通化市医药产业集群处于全国范围内比较具有优势的水平,相对而言,企业的平均竞争力较大,而集群的环境竞争力相对来说较小。在上述研究基础上,我们认为,为进一步提升竞争力,应该从一个更具体、更全面、更可行的层面来提出应该采取的措施。第一,在通化市医药产业的发展过程中,要着重强调政府对医药产业的引导作用,在政府的引导下,树立医药企业正确、科学的经营观念和发展理念,提出符合产业集群发展特点的宏观调控政策,并充分发挥医药行业协会作用和政府依法监管职能;第二,通化市医药产业集群应着力培养集群内部具有品牌效应的中医药龙头企业,充分利用资源优势,设立标准化中医药生产体系,建设现代化规范中药产业基地,完善国家级示范项目,发展中药材种植业,并开展“诚信医药产业集群”建设,保证通化市中药与中成药加工业的核心地位;第三,通化市医药产业应加强医药产业创新体系的建设,集群内部企业应结合自身的特点,认清自身的研发方向,建立新药创新体系、推进体制创新、实现市场创新、推行营销创新、并提高对医药教育和医药科研的重视程度;第四,通化市医药产业应积极推动医药产业人才战略体系建设,树立“人才资源是第一战略资源”的时代理念,重视人才的培养,建立高级人才引进机制和保障体系以及推进人才管理机制改革;第五,通化市医药产业应完善产业链中相关中介服务机构的建设,加快建立医药产品流通体系,建立包括GAP产业基地、建设通化医药科技产业园科技企业孵化中心等一系列企业组织机构并鼓励各种形式的研发机构;第六,通化市医药产业应下大力气解决医药产业的资金供给不足问题,要解放思想,主动出击,全方位、市场化的筹集基金,充分利用政策优势,积极发挥中小企业贷款平台和医药商业发展基金的作用;第七,通化市医药产业应进一步建立健全医药产业的市场体系和市场秩序,统筹市场开发,整合销售组织资源和队伍建设,完善市场竞争策略,搭建医药产业“走出去”的平台,并认真研究国际营销战略,积极参加国际竞争。总而言之,通化市医药企业的发展状况反映了通化市医药产业的整体竞争力水平,而医药产业的整体竞争力水平决定了医药产业集群的竞争力。我们要努力实现通化市医药产业集群竞争力的提升,不断巩固产业集群优势,进而推动区域经济甚至整个国家经济的发展。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, clusters, which are defined as the gathering of enterprises and institutionsin certain region which are interactive and centralized, are playing an important roleon the development of the regional economic. The foreign research pioneers whohave done lots of theoretical and empirical study gradually make the clusters theory acomplete system, however, domestically speaking, the researchers in china are in fulluse of the foreign modern theory and practicing a lot of constructive work under ourcountry’s circumstance, but the study on the competitiveness of the clusters is still notspecific enough, there is still much open space to study on. Thus, based on empiricalanalysis, we present the pharmaceutical industrial cluster in Tonghua, Jilin Provinceand attempt to explore the issue of competitiveness of the industrial clusters.The domestic researchers have made some progress on the theoretical study of theindustrial clusters. Since 1990s, the study focus on the theoretical exploration and theregional innovation system, along with the deeper impact on our country from theforeign cluster theory, the Chinese researchers start to study the generationmechanism, impact principle and so on in different subtitles, such as competitiveadvantage, scale economy, working specialization and tech-innovation. However,among these current studies, the works related to competitiveness of clusters are notas many as others. In the recent cluster documentary, the study focus on theinnovation network and regional economic development, we study the relationshipbetween the competitiveness of clusters and regional innovation network, policymechanism,“knowledge spillover”,“flexible specialization”, internal resourcesintegration, the level of regional economic development,“cluster rent”, FDI, adaptive behavior, technology diffusion.The pharmaceutical industry in Tonghua had a long history for more than 100 years.Throughout the process of the long history, the pharmaceutical industry in Tonghuatook full advantage of their resources and the support of the government, had wentthrough extremely winding road, and made a remarkable contribution to raising thelevel of the health of the people around the world. In early 1950s, due to certainhistorical and political reasons, the pharmaceutical industry in Tonghua was mainlytraditional craft-based, low-tech and without large-scale production, the level of thedevelopment has been in a relatively backward stage. However, since the execution ofthe reform-and-open policy, the pharmaceutical industry in Tonghua have been putonto the road of healthy development, and gradually build a more completepharmaceutical industry system and distribution network. So far, the Tonghua Cityhas become one of the famous“pharmacies valley”in china, has formed a fullyfunctional“Medical City”with pharmaceutical industry, medicine merchandise,medicine research, medical education and traditional Chinese medicine base.During the developing process of Tonghua pharmaceutical industry, clusters play animportant role. Firstly, the Tonghua pharmaceutical clusters efficiently enhance theindustrial concentration of Tonghua’s pharmaceutical industry, improve theintra-structure and the industrial chain, and promote cooperation among enterprises.Secondly, the pharmaceutical industrial clusters in Tonghua accelerate the transitionof the industrial growth polar from Changchun to central cities in Jilin Province,promote the development of the country special industries, and improve theconstruction of the regional technological innovation system. Thirdly, thepharmaceutical industrial clusters give birth to the cost advantage of the enterprises inthe clusters, improve the innovative capacity of the pharmaceutical industry, andenhance the artificial capacity of the enterprises in the clusters. Using quantitative analysis methods, we evaluate the competitiveness of the wholeindustry and sub-industries in Tonghua pharmaceutical cluster. We use shift-sharemethod to analysis the competitiveness and structure character of sub-industries in thecluster, and compare the relationship of the production level between Tonghua andthe whole country quantitatively. According to the empirical results, we find that theproduction level in Tonghua is leading the whole country, especially in traditionalChinese medicine, the developing speed is much faster than the country level, playinga critical role in Tonghua pharmaceutical industry. However, the developing status ofchemical and biopharmaceutical industry is far behind the country level. In theseyears, the traditional Chinese medicine is the main developing power of the Tonghuapharmaceutical industry. The sequence of the competitiveness of Tonghuapharmaceutical industry (from high to low): traditional Chinese medicine, chemicalmedicine and biopharmaceutical medicine. What’s more, we use GEM model toanalyze the factors which impacts the cluster competitiveness in Tonghuapharmaceutical industry. The results shows that the competitiveness in Tonghuaclusters is higher than the country level, for specific,“the development of Chinesemedicine”and“local resources”have play an important role, but the“high-tech”,“R&D”and“international competition”is the weak link, which is the improvingtarget. In addition, the Tonghua pharmaceutical enterprises is absent to realize the“strategic alliance”is the core competitiveness in clusters, they are lack ofcooperation and their communications are also not close enough, the understanding ofcooperate strategy, structure and competition still an the enterprise level. From theperspective of the competitiveness of industrial clusters, Tonghua is leading the wholecountry level, relatively speaking, the average competitiveness of enterprises is higher,and the competitiveness of the cluster environment is smaller.To this end, in order to enhance the competitiveness of the Tonghua pharmaceuticalindustry, we must propose solving measures in a more specific, more comprehensiveand more practical way. Firstly, we should emphasis on the guiding role of the government, establish a correct, scientific business concept and development ideas,put forward macro-control policies with the development characteristics of industrialclusters, and take full advantage of the pharmaceutical industry associations andgovernment regulatory functions. Secondly, we should focus culture within theleading enterprises with brand effect in the clusters, make full use of its advantages inresources, establish a standardized production systems, build a modern Chinesemedicine industrial base, improve the national demonstration project, developChinese traditional medicine farming, and carry out the construction of the integritysystem of the pharmaceutical industry cluster, and ensure the central position oftraditional Chinese medicine in Tonghua City. Thirdly, we should strengthen theconstruction of the pharmaceutical industry innovation system, understand their ownR & D direction, establish new medicine innovation system, promote institutionalinnovation, market innovation and marketing innovation, and pay more attention toimprove medical education and medical research. Fourthly, we should carry out theintelligence strategy system, form the concept of“Genius is the first strategicresource”, pay more attention in talent education and establish senior talentintroduction and insurance system. Fifthly, we should improve the construction ofintermediary service organizations in the industry chain, accelerate the establishmentof the circulation system of pharmaceutical products and GAP industrial base,construct business incubator center and encourage various forms of R & Dinstitutions. Sixthly, we should make great efforts to solve the problem of inadequatecapital supply, emancipate the mind, and make full use of policy advantages, SMElending platform and the pharmaceutical business development fund. Finally, weshould improve the market system and market order step by step, coordinate themarket exploration, integrate the sales organizational resource and team building,enhance the market competitive strategy, build the“going out”platform, seriouslystudy the international marketing strategy and participate in international competition.All in all, the development of the pharmaceutical companies in Tonghua City of reflects the overall level of competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry inTonghua City, and the whole competitiveness level of pharmaceutical industry inTonghua determines the competitiveness level of the pharmaceutical industry cluster.We should strive to enhance the competitiveness advantage of the pharmaceuticalindustry in Tonghua City, continue to consolidate the advantage, and thereby promotethe economic development of regional and even the whole country economy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

