

Research on the Development of Culture Industry in Jilin Province

【作者】 张宝宗

【导师】 朱显平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 文化产业是21世纪的朝阳产业,对于提升国家文化软实力和综合竞争力具有重要战略意义,在促进区域经济结构调整、拉动经济增长、提高就业率、刺激消费、提高国民素质和文化生活质量,从而带动区域内全要素生产力提高等诸多方面发挥越来越大的作用。主要发达国家和新兴经济体高度重视文化产业的发展,美国、欧盟、日本、韩国等国家文化产业增加值对经济的贡献率已经超越一些传统产业,文化产业领域的国际竞争日趋激烈。我国文化产业近年来快速发展,2006年以来保持了年均23%的增速,2010年我国文化产业增加值超万亿元,2011年占国内生产总值的2.75%。十二五时期推动文化产业成为国民经济战略性支柱产业已经上升为我国的国家战略,成为推动文化大发展大繁荣的主要任务。从我国地区间文化产业发展现状来看,区域间产业竞争与合作并存,机遇与挑战并存。近年来,吉林省文化产业快速发展,主导文化产业成长性好,呈现出鲜明的特色,增长速度快,对就业的拉动作用明显优于其他产业,对经济增长的贡献率不断增大,为全省经济快速发展增添了强大的活力。文化产业对优化产业结构、推动相关产业发展也产生了越来越大的影响。从总量和规模上看,文化产业接近成为吉林省国民经济发展的支柱产业,具备了加快发展的基础。吉林省文化产业发展在空间布局上已呈现出专业化、区域化和特色化的布局特征,区域产业布局调整步伐加快。同时,吉林省文化产业布局还存在严重的城乡失衡问题,城乡文化产业发展水平差距甚大,农村文化产业项目在有的地方还是空白。通过对吉林省文化产业现实发展状态和规律的总结、认识,笔者提出构建“一轴两核三带”的文化产业发展格局,培育区域中心文化产业集聚区,实现差异化发展、错位发展的战略,增进区域内互补与合作相互带动,实现区域文化产业协调发展的新思路。结合“长、吉、图开发开放先导区”战略的实施,以长春市、吉林市、延边州为轴向,发挥长春、吉林、延吉三市文化产业聚集、辐射效应,带动长吉图文化产业发展轴上长吉文化创意产业核心区、图们江流域生态文化旅游产业核心区一主一副两个核心区;在长吉图以外地区形成三个次区域文化产业战略增长极,一是以通化、白山、长白山保护区管委会区域文化产业中心城市(地区)为核心,建设长白山森林生态特色文化旅游产业带,二是以松原、白城区域文化产业中心城市为核心,建设西部湿地生态文化旅游产业带,三是以四平、辽源区域文化产业中心城市为核心,建设辽河流域满族特色文化旅游产业带。随着长吉图战略的实施和吉林省文化产业的快速发展,吉林省与东北亚区域内各个国家的文化交流与合作必将进一步加深,规划吉林省的“一轴两核三带”的文化产业空间布局,对东北亚区域内各国必将产生积极的辐射影响。十一五时期吉林省文化产业园区建设还存在规划认识上的误区,已建或在建园区还存在很多问题,比如盲目发展、定位雷同、重复建设、同区域同质化恶性竞争等。十二五时期吉林省文化产业园区的规划建设,要强化集聚功能,促进文化产业园区科学定位,加大审核力度,促进文化产业园区合理布局。吉林省文化产业还存在总量不大、结构不优、领军人才匮乏、地区发展不平衡、产业集聚效应差、核心竞争力弱等问题,还不具备参与国际竞争的综合实力,与北京、上海、广东、湖南甚至云南等文化产业发达省份比较,也处于较为落后的水平。文化体制改革相对滞后、经济基础薄弱、人才资源匮乏、文化消费水平较低、公共财政投入不足、支持政策不配套等成为制约文化产业发展的主要因素。吉林省历史文化底蕴较为深厚,国家振兴吉林老工业基地战略、长吉图战略的实施为文化产业发展带来主要机遇,文化产业亮点多,报刊印刷、影视、文艺娱乐、动漫等主导产业迅速发展,呈现出良好的发展势头,跨越式发展潜力巨大。选择吉林省为区域研究文化产业发展的一般规律,具有一定的突破性、前瞻性和战略性,最终目的是为吉林省文化产业的发展提出符合实际的可行的发展对策。结合吉林省目前提出的推动文化产业成为支柱产业的发展战略,提出差异化发展思路,实施总量扩张战略、产业结构升级战略、人才兴业战略、特色文化产业战略、“走出去”战略、扩大消费战略等战略对策,实施文化产业提速计划,深化文化产业管理体制改革,盘活文化资源存量,引导投资拉动、实现增量扩张,大力发展内容产业,鼓励科技创新,提高产业集聚度,形成特色文化产业集群,加大优势产业扶植力度,加快公共文化服务体系建设,带动全行业跨越式赶超。

【Abstract】 Cultural industry is a sunrise industry in the21st century, and it have importantstrategic in promoting regional economic structural adjustment, promote economicgrowth, increase employment, stimulate consumption and improve the quality ofcultural life, to enhance national cultural soft power and competitiveness play anincreasing role to drive the development of the regional total factor productivity. Themajor developed countries and emerging economies, attaches great importance to thedevelopment of cultural industries, the contribution rate of the U.S., EU, Japan, Koreaand other national cultural industry on the economy has gone beyond the traditionalindustries and the increasingly fierce international competition. In recent years therapid development of China’s cultural industry, maintained a23%average annualgrowth rate since2006, China’s cultural industry in2010over one trillion yuan,accounting for the gross national product in2011reached2.75%. The secondFive-Year period to promote the cultural industry has become a strategic pillarindustry in national economy has risen as China’s national strategy, the main task topromote cultural development and prosperity. Cultural industries in the regionalcompetition and cooperation exist at the same time.In recent years, in the strong support of the Jilin provincial government, thecultural industry development and the dominant culture industry growth showing thedistinct characteristics of fast growth, the pulling effect on employment issignificantly better than other industries on the economy. The contribution rate isincreasing, and the rapid development of the province’s economy added a strongvitality. Cultural industries to optimize the industrial structure, promote thedevelopment of related industries to produce more and more influence. The amountand size point of view, cultural industries closer to becoming a pillar industry ofnational economic development in Jilin Province, and it have the pace of industrialdevelopment foundation.Have shown from the actual situation of the development point of view, thedevelopment of cultural industries in Jilin Province in the spatial distribution ofspecialization, regionalization and characteristics of the layout features, theaccelerated pace of regional industrial layout adjustment. The same time, the culturalindustry in Jilin Province layout there is a serious urban and rural imbalances are great differences in the level of development of cultural industries in urban and rural areas,cultural industry projects in rural areas in some places is still blank. Summary of therealistic state of development of cultural industry in Jilin Province and the law,understanding, the author proposes to build "an axis of two nuclear and three" culturalpattern of industrial development, foster regional centers for cultural industriesconcentrated area, the development of differentiated, dislocation development strategy,to promote complement and cooperation within the region, driven to achieve thecoordinated development of new ideas for regional cultural industries. With theimplement of the strategy of the Changjitu, the development and opening up of thepilot area" cultural industries gathered to play in Changchun, Jilin, Yanji City,Changchun City, Jilin Yanbian as the axial, radiation effects, promote the culturalindustries of the Changjitu development axis the Nagayoshi cultural and creativeindustries the core area of the Tumen River Basin ecological and cultural tourismindustry, the core area of the main one of the two core area, the formation of threesub-regional cultural industry strategy in growth pole outside the Changjitu. WithFirst, Tonghua, Baishan, CMC regional cultural industries center city of the ChangbaiMountain protected areas (regions) as the core, construction of the ChangbaiMountain forest ecological features of cultural tourism industry, or by Matsubara,Baicheng regional cultural industries central cities as the core and the construction ofwetland eco-cultural tourism industry with the Third, Siping, Liaoyuan regionalcultural industry central cities as the core, the construction of the Liaohe River BasinManchu characteristics of cultural tourism industry with the rapid development of thethe Nagayoshi Figure implementation of the strategy and the cultural industry in JilinProvince, Jilin Province, Northeast Asian countries and cultural exchanges andcooperation will further deepen the planning Jilin Province,"an axis of two nuclearand three with" culture industrial layout of the Northeast Asian countries is bound toproduce positive effects of radiation.Summary of the Eleventh Five-Year period of domestic cultural industrydevelopment experience is not difficult to see, in some areas of the park planning andunderstanding of the errors, has been built or under construction in the park, there arestill many problems, such as the blind development of similar orientation, redundantconstruction with regional homogeneity of destructive competition. Planning andconstruction of the second Five-Year period of cultural and industrial park in JilinProvince, to strengthen the gathering functions, and promote the scientific orientation of the Cultural Industry Park, increased audit efforts to promote the rationaldistribution of cultural industry.The planning and construction of the cultural industry, cultural resourcesendowment, economic and social conditions for the development of urban scale, thescale of the consumer market to scientific planning, the implementation of thedislocation development strategy, taking a different development path. Theestablishment of the cultural industry park should reflect the geographical differencesand characteristics, and commitment to preserve, protect, and revitalize the role oflocal cultural resources.Cultural industry in Jilin Province is also low total structure and lack of leadingtalent, uneven regional development, industrial agglomeration of small-scaleproblems, do not have to participate in international competition of comprehensivestrength, even with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hunan developed provinces ofYunnan and other cultural industries compared in a relatively backward level. Culturalreform, the bases of economic, personnel structure and the level of culturalconsumption have become the main factors restricting the development of culturalindustries. A more profound historical and cultural heritage in Jilin Province, torevitalize the old industrial base in Jilin strategy, the Changjitu Figure implementationof the strategy to bring the main opportunities for the development of culturalindustries, the highlight of the cultural industries, the printing of newspapers,television, theatrical entertainment, animation and other leading industries are rapidlydeveloping, showing a good momentum of development by leaps and bounds andhuge development potential.Select the general rules of Jilin Province for the development of regionalresearch and cultural industries, with some groundbreaking, forward-looking andstrategic, the ultimate goal is to put forward a realistic and viable development ofcountermeasures for the development of cultural industries in the province. Combinedwith the actual development of Jilin Province put forward the idea of differentiation,the implementation of brand strategy, talent strategy; vigorously develop the contentindustry, encourage technological innovation; promote cultural upgrading of industrialstructure, improve industrial agglomeration, the formation of the characteristics ofcultural industry clusters; further increase advantage to foster industry efforts toaccelerate the construction of public cultural service system; deepen the culturalindustries management system to create the backbone of cultural enterprises and revitalize the stock of cultural resources; the implementation of the cultural industriesspeed up plans to guide the investment-led, incremental expansion, and cultivate anew culture format, driving the entire industry by leaps and bounds to catch up.

【关键词】 吉林省文化产业发展战略
【Key words】 Jilin provinceCultural industryDevelopment strategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

