

Researches on Innovation of Public Rental Housing System in China

【作者】 徐东辉

【导师】 年志远;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 制度经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 住房是人类赖以生存的基本生活资料,住房需求是人人平等的基本权利。中国的住房制度经过了近二十年的改革,现已逐步摆脱上世纪90年代提出的住房商品化、社会化政策的阴影,建立了“双轨制”住房供给模式,目前已经形成了商品房市场蓬勃发展、保障性住房体系初步形成的良好发展态势。与此同时,随着中国市场经济的高速发展,收入分配不均、贫富差距不断拉大的问题日益严重。上述现象反映在经济指标上,表现为基尼系数居高不下。中国基尼系数早在2008年就已经突破0.4的国际警戒线,达到0.412,2010年中国的基尼系数可能已达到0.5。尤其是最近几年,住房过度商品化的弊端充分暴露出来,商品房价格高企不下,价格涨幅已经大大超过居民可支配收入增幅,中低收入者的住房需求无法在商品房市场得到满足,呈现被边缘化的趋势。为了解决住房矛盾,中国开始构建保障性住房体系。初步建立了包括廉租房、经济适用房、限价房以及住房公积金制度在内的住房保障制度。保障性住房体系的建立,在一定程度上解决了部分城镇居民的住房困难。廉租房解决了社会结构中最低收入人群的住房困难;有一定支付能力的中等收入者可以通过购买经济适用房和限价房满足居住需求。可是,游离在现有住房保障制度之外的中等偏下收入阶层,恰恰是中国当前社会结构中占大多数的人群,他们的住房需求能否得到满足,不仅事关经济发展,还会对社会的和谐稳定产生巨大的影响。因此,中国在借鉴外国成功的住房保障模式的基础上,提出了建立覆盖城镇中等偏下收入阶层的公租房制度。本文分析了中国公租房制度的变迁,阐述了中国公租房制度的理论意义和实践意义,分析了公租房制度存在的问题和原因,借鉴了部分国家和地区的公租房制度带来的启示,在此基础上,提出了中国公租房制度创新建议。一、公租房制度研究综述及评析国外学者对公租房制度的研究早于国内学者。2009年政府正式提出公租房制度之后,国内学者才开始关注此问题。学者的研究主要集中在界定公租房的基本含义和保障范围、国外公租房制度的成功经验借鉴、公租房制度与其他住房保障制度的比较等方面。学者从不同的角度对以上问题进行了研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。但是,研究仍然存在不足之处,比如,尚未构建完善的公租房制度框架和系统的公租房制度理论体系,等等。二、公租房制度的理论基础任何制度的产生和发展都离不开坚实的理论基础。因此,中国公租房制度,应以新制度经济学为分析工具,以马克思经典学说和世界观为指导,以福利经济学和公共住房理论为依据。三、中国公租房制度变迁公租房制度变迁是各相关利益主体为捍卫自身利益或争取更多利益,互相博弈的结果。公租房制度变迁的内容包括土地供应制度变迁、住房金融制度变迁、税收制度变迁和法律法规的变迁;推动制度变迁的动力包括满足工业化和城市化的发展需要、满足“夹心层”的住房需求、促进社会和谐稳定和维护公平和正义的需要。四、中国公租房制度状况分析中国公租房制度现状是,各地在建立融资制度、土地供应制度、分配制度和相关法律法规等方面开始了有益的尝试,并取得了一定的成绩。但是,中国公租房制度还存在一些问题,主要表现在融资制度、土地供应制度、分配制度和相关法律法规等方面不完善。中国公租房制度存在问题的原因主要有公租房制度缺乏盈利机制、住房金融体系不完善、相关法律法规不健全、土地使用缺乏统筹规划、公租房准入和退出制度不健全、立法层次较低等等。五、部分国家及地区公租房制度及启示纵观世界各国,虽然在经济制度、政治制度和文化等各方面的作用下,公租房制度存在一定的差异,但是,无论是高福利国家还是低福利国家,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,公租房制度在保障中低收入人口的住房需求、保证社会公平、促进社会和谐稳定等方面都发挥了重要作用,并建立起符合本国国情的公租房制度体系。美国、英国、香港、新加坡等发达国家及地区和印度、马来西亚、菲律宾等发展中国家,均在公租房制度构建和运行方面取得了一定的成就,并积累了成功的经验。它山之石,可以攻玉。这些国家和地区公租房制度对中国公租房制度的启示是完善相关法律法规、构建多元化融资渠道、保障土地供应、完善公租房监管制度和对公租房保障对象细分等等。六、中国公租房制度创新建议公租房制度是以公租房保障城镇中低收入者和“夹心层”住房需求的制度。目前,在资金、土地、制度设计、税收制度、法律规范等方面还存在制约公租房制度发展的瓶颈。为此,应深入剖析中国公租房制度存在的问题及原因,在借鉴部分国家和地区公租房制度的成功经验的基础上,从融资制度、土地供应制度、分配制度、法律法规体系构建等方面入手,为中国公租房制度创新与重构提出建议,使之日趋完善。

【Abstract】 Housing is a basic means of subsistence for human survival, the demand for housing isthe equality of basic rights. After twenty years of reforming,China housing system hasbeen gradually got rid of the shadow of social policy—commodification of housingproposed in the 1990s, the establishment of a "dual track" housing supply model hasformed a real estate market booming, building up a good momentum of development of theinitial formation of the housing system. At the same time, with the rapid development ofmarket economy in China, the income of the uneven distribution of the gap between richand poor continues to widen, and this is the increasingly serious problem. The abovephenomenon is reflected in economic indicators, and performance for high Gini coefficient.China Gini coefficient in 2008 already exceeded 0.4 which is the international warning lineof 0.412. According to experts, China Gini coefficient of 0.5 in 2010. With theestablishment of affordable housing system, to a certain extent to solve the housingdifficulties of some urban residents. Low-rent housing to solve the housing difficulties ofthe lowest income groups in the social structure; middle-income earners have a certainability to pay through the purchase of affordable housing and price-limit housing to meetthe housing needs. But the existing housing security system, lower-middle income groups,it is precisely China current social structure, the majority of the population, their housingneeds could be met, not only related to economic development, but also on social harmonyand stability have a huge impact. Therefore, China‘s housing security model to draw onoverseas success on the basis of proposed the establishment of public rental systemcovering urban and rural lower-middle income groups (including the "sandwich layer").Through the assessment of foreign public rental system, summing up the success of itsadvanced experience and practice failures at the same time, of change and evolution of thepublic rental system, expounded China‘s system of public rental great theoreticalsignificance and practical significance of the problems and reasons for the operation of thearrangements and systems of the current system of public rental be on the basis of the depth of the analysis and interpretation, the bottleneck in the development of public rental systemmainly for the following areas: capital, land, exit mechanisms and the lack of relevant lawsand regulations. The bottleneck of the development for more than proposed in this paper,we should perfect the financing channels for public rental, land supply system, relevantlaws and regulations, and exit mechanisms, the establishment of government-enterprisecooperation in the construction of the system and other aspects of public rental system ofinnovative ideas.This paper analyzes the changes of the public rental housing system on the theoreticaland practical significance of the Chinese system of public rental housing, public rentalsystem problems and analysis of public rental system and the revelation of some countriesand regions, on this basis , the innovative proposals of the public rental system.Ⅰ. Summary and Analysis of public rental housing systemForeign scholars on the public rental housing system as early as the domestic scholars.After 2009, the Government formally asked the public rental housing system, domesticscholars started to pay attention to this problem. The scholar’s research focuses on thesuccessful experience of the public rental housing as defined in the basic meaning andscope of protection of foreign public rental housing system learn from the comparison ofthe system of public rental housing security system. Scholars from different angles to theabove questions, and have achieved fruitful results. However, there are still inadequacies,for example, not to build a sound institutional framework of public rental and public rentalhousing system theoretical system, and so on.Ⅱ. Public rental housing system theoretical basisThe emergence and development of any system depends on a solid theoreticalfoundation. Therefore, the Chinese public rental housing system to the new institutionaleconomics analysis tools, the classic doctrine of Marx and world view as a guide to thetheory of welfare economics, and public housing theory.Ⅲ. Public rental housing system changesPublic rental housing system changes relevant stakeholders to defend their owninterests or to gain more benefits to each other game. Public rental housing of institutionalchange, including land supply system changes, the changes of the housing finance system, tax system changes and changes in laws and regulations; power to promote institutionalchange to meet the development needs of industrialization and urbanization, to meet thehousing needs of the "sandwich class", promote social harmony and stability and tomaintain fairness and justice needs.Ⅳ. Public rental housing system in ChinaThe status of the public rental housing system, around a good attempt in the financingsystem, the land supply system, distribution system and related laws and regulations, andhave achieved certain results. Public rental housing system, however, there are still someproblems, mainly in the financing system, the land supply system, distribution system andrelated laws and regulations, imperfect. Public rental housing system problems mainly dueto the lack of profitability of public rental housing mechanism, the housing finance systemis imperfect, not perfect relevant laws and regulations, lack of overall planning of land use,access and exit system of public rental housing is not perfect, the legislative level is lowand so on.Ⅴ. Public rental housing system and the revelation of some countries and areasThroughout the world, although the role of the economic system, political system andculture, the public rental housing system. There are some differences, however, whetherhigh welfare state or the low-welfare countries, whether developed or developing countries,public rental housing system in the protection of low-income population housing needs, toensure social equity and promote social harmony and stability have played an importantrole in the system of public rental housing system and establish their own nationalconditions. U.S., UK, Hong Kong, Singapore and other developed countries and regionsand developing countries such as India, Malaysia, the Philippines, are in the public rentalhousing system to build and run some success, and has accumulated successful experience.Stones from other hills may serve to polish jade. Enlightenment of the public rental housingsystem of these countries and areas of public rental housing system is to improve relevantlaws and regulations, building a diversified financing channels to ensure the supply of land,improve the regulatory system of public rental housing and public rental housing securityobjects, segments, etc..Ⅵ. Public rental housing system innovative proposals Public rental housing system is based on the needs of low-income and "sandwich layer"to protect cities and towns in the public rental housing system. At present, capital, land,design of the system, the tax system, legal norms, there is a bottleneck in the developmentof the constraints of public rental housing system. Should thoroughly analyze the problemsand reasons of public rental housing system, as well as draw on the successful experienceof some countries and areas of public rental housing system, starting from the financingsystem, the land supply system, distribution system, relevant laws and regulations.Promotes innovations in public rental housing system to make it even better.

【关键词】 中国公租房制度创新建议
【Key words】 Chinapublic rental housing systeminnovative proposals
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

