

The Analysis of the Implementing Difficulties and Solutions of China’s Metropolis Guarantee Housing Policy

【作者】 李允

【导师】 张亲培; 麻宝斌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自我国住房改革以来,住房不断“市场化”,市场因素的进入使得整个住房产业得以发展,催生了房地产市场和众多房产商,住房经济的发展使得民众的住房状况得到改善,从而提高了生活水平和生活条件。但同时也带来了一系列问题,特别是近些年,房价节节攀高,特别是在大都市中,住房难已经成为主要问题,是民生工作的重中之重。公共政策就其本质而言是对公共资源进行分配的一种工具,大都市保障性住房政策就体现了这一点,保障房作为政府所提供的纠正社会不公的重要公共产品,不仅能够缩减社会阶层的贫富差距,更重要的是保证了公民最基本的居住权,维护了社会的稳定,为发展提供了良好的环境。我国经济取得了飞速的发展,城市经济特别是大都市经济是我国经济发展的主导力量,但由于大都市自身因素,其社会阶层差异较大,需求层次多样,结构复杂多元,因而各种问题包含于其中,其中,住房问题就是其中之一,其关系到一座大都市的健康、可持续发展,是需要亟待解决的大问题。所以,大都市保障性住房政策的主要目的就是要解决大都市中住房的供求矛盾,满足社会中、低阶层社会成员的居住需求,促进我国转型期经济和社会的平稳发展。通过保障房的建设还可以促进房价调控目标的实现,同时也有利于构建服务型政府,提升政府的公共服务水平,促进服务型政府的构建。相信通过保障房建设的研究能够为大都市地方政府提出政策实施中的不足,并为其提供政策建议和改进,以更好地实现政策目标。相信通过保障性住房政策的实施,将会完善保障房体系,从而有利于缓解当前的两级分化现象,进而促进社会公正的实现。尽管保障性住房政策在近十几年不断更新并充实,然而由于现实条件和制度的制约,当中央政策由上而下进行实施的时候,不可避免地在地方承接与具体制定和执行符合本地的政策过程中遇到诸多阻碍和矛盾,存在着一些实施困境,如资源困境、供需困境、建设困境、分配困境、调控困境与监督困境。保障性住房具有的重要意义不言而喻,特别是对于正在发展的大都市来说,其城市化的发展要求需要保障性住房政策体系给予支持与保障。展望未来,相信在未来中国的保障性住房政策体系将会有一个长足的发展,其中,大都市的保障性住房政策体系将扮演着重要角色,通过理念的不断更新,会使整个政策体系得到不断的完善,进而保障相关群体的住房权利与需求,有利于大都市城市化进程的推进,以点带面,以局部带动整体,从而促进我国整体社会的和谐建构与可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Since China’s housing reform, housing becomes commercialized. Starting from theexploring and piloting stage during 1978-1988, to the gradual promoting and refining,now the government is establishing currency based housing distribution and housingguarantee mechanism. The introduction of commercial factors promoted thedevelopment of housing industry, particularly the real estate market and the developers.The housing economy has enhanced the populaces’residential status, as many wealthierpopulaces are no longer limited by the employers’housing conditions; therefore thelevel and conditions of residence have been enhanced. Accompanying the above trend, aseries of problems have also occurred. In recent years, the price of housing has largelyincreased, particularly in Metropolis, the plight in housing has become a major issue, aswell as top priority in mass populaces’life. In principle, public policy is one means ofthe distribution of public resources, in which guarantee housing policy in Metropolisreflects. As an important means of rectifying social inequality of public products,guarantee housing not only reduces the gap between the rich and the poor, but alsoprotects citizens’basic residency rights; it established social stability, and providedhealthy developmental environment.China’s economy has developed massively, city economies, especially theMetropolis economies have become the leading force of development. However, due tometropolis’intrinsic problems, they consist of different social classes, diverse demandlevels, complex structure, and all kinds of problems. Housing problem is one of them. Itconcerns the health, sustainable development of a metropolis, which is the major issue to be solved. Therefore, the main aim of metropolis guarantee housing policy is to solvethe major housing contradictions between supply and demand, and to meet the demandfrom lower income class, promoting smooth economic and social transformationdevelopment in China.The construction of guarantee housing contributes to the realization of citizens’residency right, especially for the low-income groups, by achieving "All people havetheir residences". The construction of guarantee housing shall promote theimplementation of house price regulation, and the steady development of a healthyeconomy. In the mean time, the construction of the guarantee housing will benefit aservice-oriented government. By utilizing the guarantee housing is a means of publicproduct, the government is making great effort to supplement market mechanism, andrectifying the inequality in the market which resulted in injustice distribution of socialresources. Such effort by the government can also enhance the standard of government’spublic service, as well as promote the construction of a service-oriented government.The analysis of Metropolis guarantee housing policy shall put forward the deficienciesof metropolis’s municipality policy implementation, and provide the suggestions forimprovement, so as to better achieve policy agenda. It is believed that through theimplementation of the guarantee housing policy, guarantee housing system will beenhanced, which can help to relieve the current extreme gaps between social classes,and promote the realization of social justice.Metropolis guarantee housing policy system should be an integral system, whichconsists of the low-rent housing, the public rental housing, the economic housing, thefixed-price commodity house, and the settlement housing, as the policy sub-systems.Each policy coves from planning to construction, from application to termination, fromfiscal to financial, and from the management to the monitoring of each linked policysub-system. Ultimately, the entire guarantee housing policy system shall serve to meetthe demand from diverse levels groups so as to secure housing for them. Under currentpractice, China’s Metropolis housing guarantee system has prioritized low-rent housing policy, affordable housing policy, public rental housing policy, fixed-price commodityhousing policy. Of these policies, the low-rent housing and public rental housingpolicies have been further emphasized. In the mean time, the old town housingprotection policy, dilapidated house settlement policy, as well as the renovation policyof shack housing community and old house. The above policies constitute the maincontent of the housing guarantee policy system of, accordingly, each policy alsoconsiders a series of matching regulation.Guarantee housing policy has been continuously amended and enriched during thepast decades. However, due to the practical conditions and the restriction of the system,when the central policy implements with top-down approach, it inevitably comes acrossobstacles and dilemmas at the municipality level, when the municipalities shall craft thepolicies to local conditions. Such obstacles reflect difficulties in resources, demand andsupply, construction, distribution, regulation and monitoring.Through analyzing the history and mechanism of developed countries, of thosewho have experience industrial revolution, by matching the issues raised in China, thisresearch attempts to solve the difficulties of China’s housing guarantee policy from thefollowing four aspects.The first proposal is to diversify the financing resources of the guarantee housing.The financing of the guarantee housing lays a basic ground for the policy to beimplemented. Due to the tight deadline, massive workload, large amount of investmentis required to assure the construction of guarantee housing. Therefore, multi-sources offinancing is required from government investment, and social investment, so as tomaintain the diversified supply of financing.The second proposal is the reform of the organigram and regulation of theguarantee housing. The current situation, which presents lack of financing, thereluctance of market participation, the distrust to government distribution mechanism, islargely due to the lagging in of the organigram and regulation. It is urged that we analyze and design the mechanism and system which can stabilize the guaranteehousing system.The third proposal is regarding the refinement of the distribution policy of theguarantee housing. The construction and distribution are two important links in enablingthe effectiveness of the guarantee housing policy. Construction is the base, whiledistribution is the key. As we usually say, we should not only wake a big cake, but alsodivide the cake properly. As the key link of the Metropolis guarantee housing policy,distribution regulation shall consider the housing by its features and functions bymatching to respective residency groups. It is suggested that we taking low-rent housingand public rent housing as the major means to solve residency problem for low incomegroups, refine the policies of economic housing and fixed-price housing to solveresidency problem for mid income groups. Such actions shall contribute to the effectiveimplementation of the residency guarantee housing policy for different social groups.By clarifying and transforming concepts, we shall effectively employ the guaranteehousing in benefiting the populaces and solve their residency issues to the largestextend.The fourth proposal is to enhance the regulation capability of guarantee housingpolicy. The security meaning of constructing guarantee housing is of no doubt, however,it has to be supported with regulation. The regulation capacity refers to all aspects of theconstruction of guarantee housing, from starting phase to closing phase, fromconstruction to distribution, from utility to management. It involves planning,construction, verifying the quality of residence, adjusting the qualification, andcommunity management. It covers through the construction phase of guarantee housing,and largely influences the actual implementation of guarantee housing.The importance of guarantee housing is beyond description, especially for adeveloping metropolis. The urbanization process requires support from guaranteehousing system. In 2011, the government has made great effort in promoting theconstruction of guarantee residence. The central government budgeted in total 171.3billion RMB, which is 2.2 times of the budget than in 2010. In 2012, guarantee residency projects shall continue to finish the construction of 5 million quality suites,and commencing construction 7 million more suites. In addition, the mechanism thatcovers construction, distribution, management and termination shall be further refined.These policies will create nurturing environment and provide sufficient guaranty inassuring the construction of guarantee housing in metropolis.Looking into the future, I believe that the future of China guarantee housing policysystem will be considerably developed, of which, the metropolis of guarantee housingpolicy system will play a key role, by consistently renewing the concepts, the wholepolicy framework will be refined, so as to protect the security of related groups housingrights and demand, and to promote the urbanization process of the metropolis, frompoint to surface, from local drive the whole, so as to promote our country’s whole socialharmony construction and sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

