

From the Opposition of Individuals and Alienation Societ to Surmountin Opposition

【作者】 寇旭华

【导师】 王树海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 美国当代著名作家J.D.塞林格以长篇小说《麦田里的守望者》一举成名,对美国及世界文学产生较大的影响。他的其他小说虽然不如《麦田里的守望者》知名,但也有很高的艺术成就和思想价值,在文学研究界却没有得到足够的重视。本文以塞林格的全部已发表小说作品为研究对象,参照东西方相关的文学理论和研究模式,综合运用存在主义哲学、佛禅等东方宗教哲学、西方后现代主义文论、西方戏剧理论、小说理论、现代心理学等研究理论和方法,对塞林格小说进行全面解读和深入探讨,总结塞氏小说的思想内涵与艺术特色,梳理并建构起美国资本主义异化社会中的当代青年形象体系,展示其生存道路和对人生意义的探索;通过具体剖析小说类型和小说精神,以期从中揭示人类总体文明意义上的文学创作、美学维度,辨析小说的进步历史意义和其局限性,确认作品与美国为代表的近代资本主义文明的内在联系,以及在此意义上传达的对异化社会精神特质和现代文明的未来走向等问题的反思性认识。

【Abstract】 This thesis bases on all the novel texts of J.D.Sailinger, and absorb theprevious research achievements of the part, from the content, theme, artisticfeatures and ideological culture, all aspects of plug’s novels to finish acomprehensive analysis and study, grasp their works ideological change,analyzes the social criticism consciousness of alienation works, and novelsreveal the existential dilemma, and works reflect the development of humancivilization to the ultimate human care, from historical cultural developmentlevel of this appear to the history of the novel necessity and positive sense andlimitations.First to Salinger record for creation of the historical and cultural contextgeneral overview, describes his life experiences and creation course, to all ofhis works according to before, during and after the staging period, according tothe division is he to create content and style of the obvious change events:veterans, such as turning point in the life for node, to comb the creation thewhole picture.Second characters of Salinger’s novels by summing up and detailedanalysis, is divided into five similar study groups, such as the world he juststepped into the young man; Have a clear recognition of reality of thedisenchanted; Embrace, tender and the soldiers suffered trauma world war ii;To holden as a representative of the rebels series; With glass as arepresentative of the young family wise series, tries to characterization and from what they reflect on the ideology of the novel’s theme of Salinger fromindividual and secular opposition beyond opposition rheological course havean overall each of these four and master, will change the structure of theclearly show.The third is the philosophy of Salinger’s novels consciousness andaesthetic connotation thoroughly analyzed, this novel is a reflection of theexistential literature of the individual character of performance for livingpredicament, contains the existential philosophies, free choice failure; Tongzhen worship and youth sentimental aesthetic connotation, and the use ofeastern philosophy and Christian mix religious beliefs beyond opposition, forspiritual relief ultimate care consciousness.The fourth is to analyze Salinger’s postmodernism novel style, before andafter the change of writing style, exploration, the drama of the former middle tolate plot of the novel change external performance and internal cause; Thenovel unique form of expression and its cartoon strategy, and comparativestudy salinger and "collapse generation" in the creation of the background, thetheme and writing the similarities and differences of art.The fifth is a summary of the novels of Salinger cultural value andhistorical significance, from his works reflect the alienation of social criticismand poetic survival for the works of the excavation of the progressive andlimitations, see its positive significance and insufficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

