

The Study of the American Culture Aids for China During the Pacific War

【作者】 孙洋

【导师】 黄定天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界历史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 提到二战时期美国的对华援助,人们耳熟能详的大多是美国对华经济、军事援助,实际战时中美两国间还蜿蜒着一条鲜为人知的文化交流纽带。为使中国在东方战场上努力抗击日本、对华传输自由民主文化价值观,美国国务院对中国实行了文化援助计划,主要包括专家学者交流;援助中国留学生;邀请中国技术人员赴美深造;以书籍和微缩胶片援华等几个方面。太平洋战争时期是中美文化关系发展的重要时段,该时段的文化援华计划是中美文化关系史的重要组成部分,反映了二战时期中美两国的战略同盟关系。虽为美国主导的文化交往,但有着深刻的时代内涵:它是中美文化关系史的转折点,一定程度上改变了美国文化对华单向辐射的模式,并把中美文化交流全面提高到官方化的层面,标志着中美文化外交的开端。但一定程度上也激发了美国文化扩张主义与中国传统文化之间的冲突。本文以充分翔实的档案资料为基础、审视文化援华计划中美国政策转变的历史根源、剖析援华计划实施的真正动机、细致解读文化援助的各个子计划,分析全局进展、解密细枝末节,突出文化计划在中美文化交流史中的作用。历史的因果关系蕴藏在历史过程之中。总结太平洋战争时期美国文化援华的历史,对当代中美文化交流亦有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The author selects one of the most important period (1942-1946) in the history of China-America relationship. The thesis mainly covers:American experts giving aids to China, Chinese scholars going to America for study, inviting Chinse technicians to America, American Library Association giving aids to China, microfilm, movies and broadcast helping China, copying textbooks, publishing papers, and translating books, etc. In this study, by putting the whole process of the history in the background of the Second World War, Sino-US relation, and US foregin policy, the author tries to analyse the detailed question from a broad perspective in order to make the argument and clarification deep and accurate.Besides Chapter 1 (Introduction and Conclusion), the main body of the thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter 2 is about "the plan of Amerca sending experts to give aids to China". During the Ocean War, the Burma railway was cut off by the Japanese Army, and both militray and material supplies for China could only be through air transport. At that time, America hoped to inspire the anti-Japanese spirit of Chinese soldiers, so they decided to give teachnical assistance by sending experts to China. This chapter mainly clarifies the making of assistance policy of America for China as well as the response of the government of Kuomintang, and also introduces the work of experts from the areas of agriculture, industry, newspaper, and medicine.The experts who assisted China led the development of Chinese technology and brought the advanced scientific belief to the lag-behind China. In this sense, China is the beneficiary of cultural diplomacy. But America never intended to send high-tech experts to China, and experts who assisted China also were attached the tasks of investigating the Chinese economy. America even took advantage of experts to invade China’s economy. When the anti-fascist war was won, America also sent social scientists to give China cultural infiltration.Chapter 3 focuses on "America inviting Chinese experts to America for investigation."As far as America is concerned, cultural diplomacy towards China should be a mutually beneficial measure. In view of it, America did a great deal of investigation on each collge and university in China, and also invited excellent college and university scholars to America for study. However, just as the first batch of scholars were going abroad, they were strongly interfered and blocked by Kuomintang, who arranged some of their members in those scholars and all the scholars who went to America must accept the training of central training league. The interference of Kuomintang upset the American initial arrangement. This chapter mainly explores the making process of visiting America policies, the selection of colleges and universities, as well as the investigation of American diplomatic personnel into the internal organization of Kuomintang. In the end, there were four batches of experts going to America for investigation. By using the abundant materials, the author gives a detaild analysis and textual research on their experiences, rearching process in America and the contribution to Sino-US cultral communication.Just as how American experts assisted China, when the war was ended, America changed its cultral policy towards China. When inviting the fourth batch of the experts, America actively invited experts from the circles of literature and art, attempting to contend against the Soviet Union. Under the impact of both eastern and western literature and culture, both Chinese and American plays, literature, dance, and drawing got melted with one another rationally. In addition, America also invited the experts of the Communist Party. However, because of all kinds of reasons, the four experts who were dispatched by the Communist Party failed to go to America.During the war, though America boasted that the cultural diplomacy towards China is mutually beneficial, but the actural operation was still led by America and was passively responded by China. At that time, the Sino-US cultural communication policy was promoted to the official level, but the traditional one-way transmission model was not thoroughly broken.The main content of the Chpater 4 is "America giving aids to Chinese students stuying overseas and inviting Chinese technicians to America". From the end of 1930s to the beginning of 1940s, because of the overall break-out of the anti-Japanese war, the number of students studying abroad was once quite worrying, and also there were many Chinese students who couldn’t return home because of the war. In the background of anti-fascist national cooperation, the interests of America and China were unavoidably connected with each other. America provided the money and working opportunities for those students.Because of the lack of large quanties of technique workers in America, and China also needed to be rebuilt after the war, the United States Department of State planned to invite Chinese technician to America for training. However, during the process, the Kuomintang trained the personnel who were going abroad and they also sent learning detectives supervise the mind of of those students. This part mainly clarifies the process of the government of Kuomintang sending students to America, analyses the fights between the American"Harvard Group" and Jiang Jieshi’s supervision on the students’mind as well as the process of issuing and abolishing the prohibition rules. On this basis, the thesis also unscrambles the essence of Kuomintang’s supervision on the minds of students and analyses the features of Sino-US studying overs cause in this specific period.Chapter 5 mainly analyses the "the plan of America library Association’s assistance for China". Blocked by the ocean, the transportation which connects China with America is not convinient. While communicating with China, America also considers the seriousness of the dustruction of the books and materials in colleges and universities which were moved inland because of the war and both students’and scholars’shortage of books for studying and research. This chapter lays emphasis on the non-sate actors—the process of America library Assoction’s assistance for China. By clarifying the aspects of American Libray Association raising money, sending personnel, editing catalogs, and transporting books, the thesis explores the elites of Americal Library Association (Brown, Miller, etc.)giving aids to china,decodes the relations between American Library Association and Sino-US culture officials, dialyse the cultural contribution of American national organization to China. From the failure of sending librarians and the coldness of Yuan Tongli towards Americal Library Association, this chapter further explores the beloging of American national orgnization in the cultural diplomacy.Chapter 6 is about "America sending mircrofilm, movies, broadcast, copying textbooks, publishing papers and translating books". The content of this chapter, which belongs to non-person communication of the Sino-Us relations, is actually the continuation of the Chapter 5. And it mainly discusses the United States Department of State sending periodical materials to China in the form of microfilm, translating western scholars’ achievements, using Planographic printing to slove the shortage of textbooks in colleges and universities, transmitting educational movies and broadcast to China, and reforming the traditional mind of Chinese people, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

