

The Research of the Moral Revolution During the May4th Movement

【作者】 李彦秋

【导师】 赵英兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 五四道德革命固然与当时的社会状况密切相关,但从思想史的发展过程而言,它又是明清时期长期思想运动的结晶,是思想家理性思考的结果。明中叶以后,随着资本主义萌芽,市民阶级出现,阶级矛盾加剧,现实生活与理学压抑人性、遏制人们的物质欲望的道统观念日益冲突,反理学思想因此兴起。经过明末清初到戊戌辛亥期间进步思想家的批判,理学的地位一落千丈,“三纲”说发生了前所未有的动摇。由是,封建的传统道德失去了往日的权威,日渐衰败。戊戌辛亥时期,人们在对“三纲”的批判中,提出了新道德、旧道德,真道德、伪道德的概念,梁启超率先提出了“道德革命”的口号,主张“发明一种新道德”,取代“三纲”。为此,他提出了公德与私德、权利与义务、自由与服从、利己与爱他、独立与合群等许多新的道德观念与道德规范,为中国道德史增添了许多新的道德元素,弱化了传统道德的影响。有清以来的思想运动为五四思想界提供了丰富的思想资料,传统道德的弱化,更为其提供了广阔的自由空间,人们的道德活动领域极度扩张,长期被压抑的激情汇聚成一股强大的力量,向旧道德发起攻击。五四道德革命是五四思想家对民初现实政治深入思考后所做出的抉择。他们认为,封建的伦理道德是专制秩序的思想基础,旧伦理、旧道德同专制政治是一体的,只有摧毁旧的伦理道德,才能从根本上动摇专制政治,否则,专制政治纵一时被推翻,尚可再生。1915年9月,陈独秀创办《青年》杂志(从第二卷起改名《新青年》),并发表《敬告青年》一文。《敬告青年》是道德革命的宣言,也是一篇讨伐旧道德的檄文,宗旨是呼吁国人排除旧道德,树立新道德,融入世界潮流,走进现代生活,进而改造社会。辛亥革命后,适应袁世凯专制统治的需要,尊孔、复辟逆流甚嚣尘上,因而批判孔教就如陈独秀所说,成为道德革命之先声。五四思想家深刻指出,以尊卑有序、贵贱有等、君权至上为主要内容的封建礼教,鲜明地反映了孔子的礼乐征伐白天子出,严格等级制度,反对犯上作乱的思想;孔子思想是封建伦理道德之源,是维护宗法社会秩序的思想武器,是封建帝王的护身符,是专制政治的灵魂。孔子生长在封建社会,所提倡之道德,乃封建时代之礼教,古今社会不同,不能适应现代生活。欲以孔子之道支配今之社会国家,统一现代人心,规范社会秩序,只能阻碍社会的文明进步。家族制度是宗法社会的基本原则和组织形式,是承载封建道德礼教的实体性领域。孔子之道,儒家学说,宗法社会的伦理道德集中表现在家族生活中并从家族扩展到全社会。家族伦理是社会伦理、政治伦理的基础,齐家而后方能治国平天下。因而,五四思想家在批判尊孔论,揭示孔教与历史及现代生活关系的同时,对家族制度和家族伦理展开批判。孝是家族伦理之本。儒家讲孝,固有敬养之意,但其本质是不违、顺、从,子从父、妻从夫,尊上抑下,尊男抑女,尊长抑幼,由此演成君权、父权、夫权的绝对化,不仅抑制了个体的独立自由,也形成了全社会的奴隶主义。因而五四思想家批判家族制度、批孝,宗旨是呼唤个性解放和人格独立。与此同时,五四思想家还批判了封建礼教对女性的摧残,提出了妇女解放的主张。迷信鬼神,表现的是浅化蒙昧;偶像崇拜,则演为尊古、尊圣等不变的习俗,都是奴隶主义道德的重要根源。这些迷信观念的泛滥,极大地束缚着人们的思想,阻碍着新思想、新道德的传播。因而,五四思想家不得不用相当精力去清除这些浅化意识,揭露灵学及巫术、占卜、扶乩等邪说的荒诞性和欺骗性,揭露各种偶像崇拜的本质,反对依附于人、依附于神、依附于命的奴隶道德,提倡理性的,科学的,真实合理的信仰及人格独立。五四前期的文学革命并非纯文学运动,而是思想革命、道德革命的一部分。旧文学是旧道德的载体,二者相依为命,互为表里,因而反对旧道德必须批判旧文学。在封建社会中,文言与白话,实际上反映了上流社会与下等社会、贵族与平民、治人者与治于人者的社会分野和等级界限。白话文运动本身就表现了语言使用上的平等要求,也为新思想、新道德的传播提供了有力的工具。文学革命中,鲁迅以自己的创作实践揭露旧礼教旧道德的“吃人”本质;周作人提倡“人的文学”,主张文学创作要关注人生,启发大众养成“人的道德”,都有力地批判了旧道德。“调和论”是道德革命发展的主要障碍。调和论在中西文化关系上标榜折衷,一方面主张学习西方的科学技术,另一方面又主张发扬中国的固有道德,所谓“物质开新,道德复旧”,本质上是道德复古主义。五四思想家批判调和主义。其中,李大钊的观点具有代表性。他认为,道德不是超自然的,是与社会物质生活密不可分的;社会物质生活不断进步,只有开新,不会复旧,道德只能适应物质生活的进步而进步,不会离开物质生活的进步而复旧。20年代出现的“精神文明论”和“农业文明论”是调和主义的变种,前者反对物质文明,反对科学,主张通过“内心修养”实现古人的那种道德生活;后者反对发展工业,主张回归农业社会及其道德文明。五四思想家明确指出,没有离开物质文明而单独存在的精神文明,而所谓农业文明,不过是“开倒车”,要使中国回到古代社会去。五四思想家始终致力于新的道德建设,所谓新道德,大都寓于对旧道德的批判中。他们继承了以爱国主义为核心内容的优秀传统道德,吸收了西方优秀的近代文明成果,努力改造资产阶级道德,提出抛弃私有制度下一个人、一阶级、一国家利己主义的旧道德,开发公有、互助、富于同情心、利他心的新道德。其中最主要的是他们提出了“助弱抗强”的社会主义伦理观,主张关注弱势群体,扶助劳动者以抗资本家,扶助女子以抗男子,实现社会的普遍平等和大多数人幸福,从而初步构建了新道德体系,奠定了现代道德基础,把道德革命推向了一个新阶段。五四道德革命是有清以来,特别是戊戌维新时期思想运动的继续和发展,是对民初历史呼唤的回应,应时应势而发。它颠覆了以“三纲”为核心内容的封建道德,极大地解放了人们的思想。同时,提供了丰富的新道德资源,广泛传播了近代文明,特别是社会主义伦理的提出和实践,具有广泛的动员力量,催生了轰轰烈烈的工农革命运动。这是一场代表了中国社会变革和发展方向的伟大的政治革命和道德实践,有力地推动了五四时期的社会转型。五四道德革命是知识分子发动的以救亡为目的的文化运动,充分表现了知识分子的使命感和责任感。它不仅改变了传统文化的面貌,使中国文化步入了一个新的发展时期,也直接推动了救亡运动的发展,孕育了民族的新生。

【Abstract】 The moral revolution is closely related to the social status, but from the development of history in the process, it is the Ming and Qing dynasties long-term thought movement crystallization, is the result of rational thinker.After the mid-Ming period bourgeois appear and class contradictions aggravate which along with the capitalist germination. Confucian ideas that the real life and the human nature which suppressing human nature, contain people’s material desires conflict increasingly. Against neo-confucianism so rise.After criticism of the progressive thinkers of the late Ming and early Qing dynasty to1911revolution, the status of neo-confucianism slipped sharply,"three cardinal guides" said happened unprecedented moved. By is, the feudal traditional moral lost his authority and decline increasingly. From1898to1911people put forward the new moral, old moral, true moral, false moral concept in the "three cardinal guides" critique. Liang Qichao first puts forward the slogan of "moral revolution", and advocates "the invention of a new moral" which replaces the "three cardinal guides". For this reason, he puts forward many new moral concept and ethics which contain morality and personal morals, rights and obligations, and freedom and obey, advance and love him, independent and gregarious and so on. He adds many new moral elements and weakening the influence of traditional morality for moral history of China.Since the Qing dynasty thought movement provide rich ideological material for the May4th movement and the traditional moral weakening provides a broad range of free space. People’s moral activity areas extreme expansion and attacks the old moral, the passion gathered into a powerful force which is subdued long-term. The moral revolution is thinkers’ of the May4th choice that is deeply thinking about the political reality of the early republic of China. They think the feudal ethics and morals is the order of the autocratic ideological basis, the old ethical, old the morals with the autocratic political are unified. Only destroying the old ethics fundamentally shake the autocratic political, otherwise, the autocratic political longitudinal at that time is overthrown, passable regeneration.September1915Chen Duxiu creates of "the youth journal" which was renamed "the new youth" from the second roll, and publishes "caveat the youth ".It is moral revolution declaration and a crusade against the old moral. The tenet is called for old people ruled out moral, set up the new moral, into the world trend, walked into the modern life, and social transformation.After the revolution of1911in order to adapt to the need of Yuan Shikai autocratic rule countercurrent that contains respect Confucius and restoration makes a great clamor. So critical confucianist as Chen Duxiu’s said becomes famous moral revolution. The thinkers of the May4th deeply point out that honor low orderly, gentle and simple level and monarchy first which are the main contents of the feudal moral codes clearly reflects the ritual and music from the army right of Confucius, and the strict hierarchy, and make the idea of insurrection against. Confucius’ thought is the source of the feudal ethics and is to maintain the order of the patriarchal clan social thought weapon and is the feudal emperor’s talisman, is autocratic political soul. Confucius grows in the feudal society so advocate of morality is the age of the feudal moral codes. Because of ancient and modern social different, so it can not adapt to the modern life. If use the word of Confucius dominates today’s social countries, unified the modern people, the standard social order, will only hinder the civilization and progress of society.The family system is the basic principle of patriarchal clan system and organization, and is carrying the feudal moral codes of substantive areas. The way of Confucius and Confucianism, patriarchal clan social ethics and morals concentrated expression in family life and from family to expand whole society. Family ethics is the social ethics, political ethics foundation, to run a household and then can the world. Thus, thinkers of the May4th movement criticize the family system and family ethics when they critique the theory of respecting Confucius and reveal the relation of Confucianism and history and modern life. Filial piety is family ethics of the company. The Confucian pursue filial piety which has the meaning of fear and maintenance. But its essence is not violate and follow, respect for hierarchy, respect men belittle women, respect the elderly belittle the younger generation so this play into monarchy, patriarchal, the husbandly hard-core. Not only suppress the freedom of the individual independence, but also formed the slaves of the socialist society. Thinkers’aim of the May4th is to call for individual liberty and independent personality when they criticize family system and filial piety. At the same time thinkers of the May4th criticize feudal destruction of female and put forward the liberation of women.Superstition ghost shows ignorance, idolatry evolved into constant customs such as respect the ancients and the saints, all of this are the important root slave socialist morality. The flood of superstition greatly bound people’s thoughts, hindering the new thought, the new moral spread. Thus, thinkers of the May4th have to remove the light of consciousness with quite energy, expose absurdity and deceptive such as spirituality, sorcery, divination and so on, expose all kinds of the nature of the worship of idols, against attached to people, attached to god, attached to the slaves of the moral life, advocate the rational and scientific, reasonable belief and real independent personality.Literary revolution is not pure literature movement, but thought revolution, part of the moral revolution in the early of the May4th movement. Old literature is the carrier of the old moral values, they depend on each other thus against the old moral must criticize the old literature. In feudal society, the classical and vernacular in fact reflect the social distinction and level boundaries of high society and under social, noble and civilian, the ruler and the ruled. Vernacular movement shows equality requirements of language use, provides the spread of powerful tool for the new thought and the new moral. In the literary revolution Lu Xun’s creation exposes "eat people" essence of the old ethical code and the old moral. Zhou Zuoren advocates the literature of the "person", the literary creation to pay close attention to life, inspire the public form of morality all of those strongly criticize the old morality."Harmony theory" is the major obstacle to the development of moral revolution. In Chinese and western culture harmony theory flaunts compromise. On the one hand, it claims studying science and technology from west, on the other hand, stands the inherent carry forward Chinese moral. Essentially material innovation and moral restore ancient ways are morality of restoring ancient ways. Thinkers of the May4th movement criticize harmony theory. Among them Li Dazhao’s views are representative. He thinks morality is not supernatural, is closely related to the material life and society. Social material life improvement, only open a new, not instauration and moral can get used to the progress of the material life and progress, not from the material life of progress and instauration.1920s the spiritual civilization and the theory of agricultural civilization theory is variant of harmony theory. The former against material civilization and science, advocates achieve the kind of moral life of the ancients by the "inner cultivation", the latter against development industrial and claim agricultural society and its view regression moral civilization. Thinkers of the May4th movement explicitly pointed out that spiritual civilization can’t leave the material civilization and so-called agricultural civilization is step backward which make China back to ancient society.Thinkers of the May4th movement always work for the construction of a new moral. The so-called new moral mostly carry out in the criticism of the old moral. They inherit the excellent traditions of moral patriotism with patriotism as the core content, and absorb western excellent modern civilization achievements. They put forward the old morality that discards one person, one class, one national of private system when efforts to transform the bourgeois morality and develop the new moral of public, help, sympathy and altruism. One of the main is that they put forward "help the poor and against strong" socialist ethics, advocate concern for vulnerable groups, help worker against capitalist, help women against man the ultimate goal is to realize the common social equality and most people happiness. Those initially construct the new moral system, and establish the modern moral base so the moral revolution is pushed to a new stage.From the Qing government the moral revolution of the May4th movement especially continue and development of1898ideological movement, and is the history of the call to the early republic of China. It subverts the feudal ethics with "three cardinal guides" as the core content and emancipates people’s minds greatly. At the same time it provides a wealth of new moral resources and disseminates the modern civilization widely. Especially socialist ethics and practice it has extensive mobilization of forces that gave birth to a vigorous revolutionary movement of workers and peasants. This is a representative of China’s social change and development direction of the great political revolution and moral practice and effectively promotes the May Fourth period of the social transformation.Moral revolution of the May Fourth movement is cultural movements which is launched by the intellectuals for the purpose to salvation and fully demonstrates a sense of mission and responsibility of intellectuals. It not only changes the face of the traditional culture, Chinese culture enters a new period of development, but also directly promotes the development of the national salvation movement, gave birth to the nation’s freshmen.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

