

A Study of Willa Cather’s Novels from the Perspective of Ecofeminist Literary Criticism

【作者】 孙凌

【导师】 付景川;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 众所周知,人类自工业化革命以来进入发展的高速时期,科学技术和现代工业文明的飞速发展、物质财富的迅猛增长极大地改变了人类的生活空间和生存境遇。然而,随着人类支配和改造自然力量的日益强大,人与人、人与自然的关系开始从和谐渐渐走向割裂和冲突,这使人类不得不直面生态环境恶化的后果。早在20世纪后半叶以美国为首的西方发达工业化国家就感受到环境问题的压力,在历史上首次面临环境危机的威胁,并不得不思考造成这种环境危机的社会生产方式及其思想文化根源。在这种文化氛围中,文学研究领域内的学者也逐渐展开生态思考,开始积极尝试一种融合生态女性主义视角的文学研究与文学批评理论的建构。生态女性主义文学批评的矛头指向的是“男性中心主义”的世界观,揭露并批判其对自然和女性的双重控制和贬抑,挖掘女性自然写作的生态价值、文学特征与审美内涵,比较男女自然写作的差异,从而成为文学批评的一枝奇葩。重审和重评传统文学是生态女性主义文学批评的一个主要任务。在被重新发掘的女作家中,薇拉·凯瑟是其中杰出的一位。薇拉·凯瑟是20世纪上半叶美国著名女作家,她的小说以优美的文笔、饱满的热情歌颂了美国西部拓荒者顽强的创业精神和坚强不屈的刚毅性格。多年来,许多批评家分别从性别、民族融合、对拓荒精神的歌颂与缅怀、创作手法等多个角度对凯瑟的作品进行分析、阐释和解读。但随着全球生态环境的日益恶化,越来越多的学者开始关注凯瑟作品所蕴含的生态思想,从生态批评角度对其作品进行研究受到了极大的重视。本论文正是在充分借鉴国内外已有研究成果的基础上,以马克思主义哲学中的辩证唯物观和自然观为指导思想,以环境伦理学提倡的环境道德为价值支撑,以生态美学中的美学原则为审美标准,试图从生态女性主义文学批评的视角对薇拉·凯瑟经典小说的嬗变进行研究,系统梳理其前、中、后三个创作时期的特点及发展脉络,以期对反思环境危机的思想文化根源,唤醒全人类的生态意识,建构生态文化这一重要课题有比较深入、全面的把握。本论文由绪论、正文和结语三个部分组成。绪论部分首先对本论文选题的意义、国内外凯瑟小说研究现状、论文的研究方法做了较为深入的阐释;其次对生态女性主义文学批评进行评述,包括生态女性主义批评的源起、生态女性主义的文学流向、生态女性主义文学批评的内涵、研究视域等内容。正文部分分为五章。第一章简要介绍凯瑟及其创作特色,特别对决定其创作观的因素进行了较深入的剖析。第二章以《啊,拓荒者!》和《我的安东尼亚》为研读文本,从妇女和土地博大的生产力和创造力以及相互依存和关爱等生态女性主义所倡导的女性文化理念对构建和谐生活的建设性作用两个方面,着重探讨凯瑟对男权中心论的解构及其对人类与自然之间和男女两性之间平等关系的看法。第三章以生态整体观、联系观、和谐观作为指导思想,详尽论述凯瑟所建构的工业文明中失落的精神世界。《一个迷途的女人》和《教授的房子》是凯瑟创作中期的代表作。在这一时期,凯瑟明显地改变了创作倾向,理想主义的幻觉消失了,在字里行间中表达了对商业文化冲击下人们精神蜕变的忧虑和愤慨,对旧有生活方式受到侵蚀、传统价值观念沦丧的失落情怀,以及对消逝的美好时代的眷恋之情。凯瑟发出了“世界在1922年左右,已一分为二”的悲叹。第四章着重探析凯瑟在其后期经典力作《死神来迎接大主教》和《邻居罗西基》中所精心营造的人与自然和谐相处﹑两性融溶共存的生态世界。凯瑟从往昔的拓荒精神那里终于寻求到一种方法将她那分裂成两半的世界再一次连接起来。她向人们展示了一条绿色的生活之路,为人类示范了一个在地球上“诗意地栖居”的理想家园。第五章从生态女性主义批评的美学维度出发,深入分析凯瑟小说中所蕴含的生态审美价值。作为具有强烈的生态女性主义意识的作家,凯瑟的小说蕴含着强烈的、多元的生态文化价值,但作为一个自足的体系,其作品有不同于其它文化形态的特质,有其不依赖于其它外部条件而存在的审美价值。结语部分对凯瑟本人及其创作做出总体评价。从生态女性主义文学批评视角对凯瑟小说的嬗变进行研究的积极尝试不仅为我们深入了解凯瑟的生态视野提供了契机,同时也有助于我们反思人类该如何与自然和谐共处,如何构建一种男女两性互补共存的新型的社会关系,促进人类的思想文化变革,进而建立一个遵循生态主义与女性主义原则的乌托邦。

【Abstract】 As is known to all, since the industrial revolution, the rapid development ofscience and technology and modern industrial civilization as well as the rapid growthof material wealth have changed human life space and living conditionsfundamentally. However, as the human’s domination and transformation of nature isbecoming increasingly powerful, the harmonious relationship between man and manand human and nature is gradually degrading into separation and conflict,consequently making the human have to face the outcome of ecologicalenvironmental deterioration. As early as the latter half of the 20th century, the US-ledwestern industrialized countries have felt the pressure of environment, for the firsttime in history, facing the threat of environmental crisis and having to think of socialproduction mode and ideological and cultural roots which caused the environmentalcrisis. In this kind of cultural atmosphere, the scholars in literary research field havegradually developed such an ecological thinking, so it is inevitable for the emergenceof ecocriticism. Opening ecological criticism unprecedentedly, the American scholarsin the field of literature research blazed new trials in ecological perspective intoliterary research fields, trying to make literature research with the method ofecocriticism, that is, to be engaged in literature research in the interdisciplinary visionof literature and ecology. During the 1990s, ecofeminist literary criticism was finallyestablished. Ecofeminist literary criticism directly points to androcentrism, exposingand criticizing its dual control and derogation both to nature and women, exploringecological value, literary characteristics and aesthetic connotation in female naturalwritings, as well as comparing the differences of male and female natural writings.Thus, ecofeminist literary criticism has become a miracle in literary criticism field. The review and re-evaluation of traditional literature is a major task ofecofeminist literary criticism. Its immediate goal is to make impairment judgment toliterature classic works contrary to ecological ideas and meanwhile makeimprovement evaluation to those literary works which contain important ecologicalthoughts, but fail to get reader’s attention. The ultimate goal is to promote academia tomake integrate reassessment and reconstruction of the history of literature, leadingpeople to establish an ecological literature concept, literature standard and literatureinterest. Willa Cather is one of the outstanding female writers to be reevaluated.Willa Cather is a very famous American female writer in the first half of the 20thcentury. Her novels full of enthusiasm praise dogged entrepreneurship and unyieldingand resolute characters of the pioneers in the western U. S. in a graceful style. Foryears, many critics have analyzed and explained Cather’s works from multipleperspectives, such as the gender, national fusion, praise for the pioneer spirit andtechniques of writing, etc. However, while human race are faced with seriousecological crisis and global ecological environment is deteriorating rapidly, criticsbegin to pay more and more attention to the ecological ideas contained in Cather’sworks. So the study on her works from the perspective of ecocriticism is receivinggreat concern.Based on relevant research findings domestically and abroad, with the dialecticalmaterialism, historical materialism and view of nature advocated by Marxistphilosophy as a guiding ideology, with the ecological knowledge as a scientific proof,with the environmental morals promoted by environmental ethics as a value support,and with the aesthetic principles in ecological aesthetics as an aesthetic standard, thethesis attempts to exhibit an evolution research on Willa Cather’s classic fictions fromthe perspective of ecofeminist literary criticism and probe into the characteristics anddevelopment track of three creation periods of Cather, aiming at reflecting uponideological and cultural roots of the environmental crisis, arousing ecologicalconsciousness of all mankind and having a more thorough and comprehensive graspof the important task of ecological culture construction.This thesis is composed of the introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction firstly summarizes the value of the topic, the current situation ofstudy on Willa Cather and her works both domestically and abroad and the researchmethods to be used. And then the part makes a comment on ecofeminist literarycriticism, including the origin of ecofeminist criticism, the ecofeminist literature flow,the connotation and research horizon of ecofeminist literary criticism.The authorthinks the biggest contribution made by ecofeminist literary criticism lies in that it hasbrought literature research brand-new concepts—ecological philosophy, ecologicalaesthetics and ecological literature and endowed literary criticism with naturalmission and social mission expected to assume.The main body is divided into five chapters.Chapter One briefly introduces Willa Cather and her creative characteristics andespecially analyzes the factors which have produced a decisive role in the formationof Cather’s creative view.Chapter Two specifically discusses the ecological consciousness embodied inWilla Cather’s early classic works, O Pioneers! and My Antonia. Considering the twonovels to be a whole, the thesis argues that as early as a century ago, Cather did reflectthe theme advocated by current ecofeminism in her novels, in addition to pragmaticpioneer spirit the past critics often focused on. In view of the fact that both womenand land possess great productivity and creativity and female culture ideas proposedby ecofeminism, such as interdependence, mutual care, etc. play an important role inthe construction of harmonious life, the chapter aims to explore Cather’s effort at thedeconstruction of androcentrism and her appeal for equality and mutual understandingbetween human and nature on the one hand and between man and women on the otherhand.A Lost Lady and The Professor’s House are representative novels in the middleperiod of Cather’s literary career. With ecological holistic concept, contact idea,harmonious view as the guiding ideology, Chapter Three expounds the paradise lostresulting from industrial civilization constructed by Cather in the two novels. In themiddle period of her creation, Cather obviously changed her creation tendency.Dissolving idealistic illusions, Cather expressed her anxiety and indignation towards people’s spiritual transformation under commercial culture shock, her disappointmenttowards the situation that the old way of life was being eroded and the traditionalvalues were falling into decay and her reminiscence of the vanishing good times.Meanwhile, Cather made a lamentable remark——“the world broke in two in 1922 orthereabouts”.Chapter Four focuses on the analysis of ecological worlds Cather meticulouslyconstructed in her late masterpieces, Death Comes for the Archbishop and NeighborRosicky, where human lived harmoniously with nature and men coexisted withwomen, revealing a green life road and providing a good example for humanity tobuild ideal home of poetic dwelling on earth. Via the past pioneer spirit, Cathersucceeded in finding a method to join up that world which ever split into two partsonce again.Chapter Five makes a concentrated exploration of ecological aesthetics embodiedin Cather’s novels. Endowed with a strong ecofeminist consciousness, Cather’s novelscontain intense and multiple ecological cultural values, but as a self-sufficient system,her works have many characteristics very different from other cultural morphologyand have specific aesthetic values which exist independent of other externalconditions. In author’s opinion, Cather focuses on the research on the relationshipbetween literature and nature and man and nature, not only with ecological holism asits philosophy guidance, but also with the main principles of ecological aesthetics asits aesthetics guidance.The conclusion gives a general evaluation of Willa Cather and her works andsummarizes the significance of the evolution research on Cather and her novels fromthe perspective of ecofeminist literary criticism.The author’s active attempt at the evolution research on Willa Cather’s novelsfrom the perspective of ecofeminist literary criticism has strong realistic meaning andprofound historical significance. It provides us with an opportunity to makecomprehensive understanding of Cather’s ecological view and makes it possible forlater readers to have a broad ecological thinking space. Meanwhile, it helps us toreflect on how the human race maintain harmony with nature, how to construct a kind of new complementary and coexistent social relation between two genders and how topromote ideological and cultural transformation of mankind, striving to set up anUtopia which follows the ecological holism and feminism principle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

