

The Research of Internal Administrative Responsibility

【作者】 高志雪

【导师】 崔卓兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 内部行政责任理论是一个综合性的概念,根据其不同的理论视角和性质,具有不同的理论和现实含义。简单的说,内部行政责任是指,行政机关及其公务人员及其他人员就自己的行政行为,向行政系统内部承担的行政责任。引起内部行政责任的原因行为包括内部行政行为和外部行政行为。本文分为四个部分,从多个角度、运用中外对比、理论与实践结合、现实案例的分析等交叉比较的写作手法,对内部行政责任理论进行深层的理论和实践分析。第一章对内部行政责任的概念、组成要素、原则等进行分析和论述。首先,对内部行政责任的概念进行分析,以引起内部行政责任的原因行为为切入点,从内部行政责任外延和内涵方面,对内部行政责任作出详细的定位。其次,对内部行政责任与外部行政责任的关系进行研究,包括内部行政责任与外部行政责任的区别和他们的共同点。再次,区分内部行政责任与其他相关法律责任的关系。第四、详细分析内部行政责任的框架结构,分析组成内部行政责任的各个要素。第二章分别从理论背景、理论基础、相关理论等不同层面,对内部行政责任理论产生的正当性进行论述。首先,分析内部行政责任理论产生的背景理论,指出内部行政责任理论产生的大环境。其次,从我国现有的有关内部行政责任的理论研究出发,论证内部行政责任理论产生的理论。再次,从其他相关的理论中,寻求内部行政责任理论与其他相关理论的相通之处。第四,内部行政责任是行政系统内部的究责机制,又可以说是行政系统内部对其内部成员的管理和监督机制。因此,这部分笔者从国内外相关的内部行政管理学理论出发,指出内部行政责任理论产生的实践依据。第三章笔者运用大量的笔墨,运用对比的研究方法,首先对国外内部行政责任的现状和实践经验进行总结,找出可借鉴之处。其次,对我国不同历史时期的内部行政责任理论进行区分。第三,对我国内部行政责任理论的现状进行分析,结合实际案例,找出我国内部行政责任存在的问题。第四章通过第一章、第二章对内部行政责任理论的全方位分析,以内部行政责任的自我监督、自我控制理念为指导,对第三章提出的问题进行有针对性的完善并找出解决问题的方法。本文运用中外对比的研究方法,辅以案例增加说服力。以全局性和局部性、宏观和微观等相对平衡的角度或视野作为研究的切入点,以国内与国外、理论与实践交叉对比的研究方式详细、具体的论证内部行政责任这一内部行政控权机制。需要强调的是,本文虽以大量笔墨论证这种内部控权方式,但是并不等于否定原有行政权的外部控制,而是希望维持原有且较为成熟、完整的外部控权模式稳定的同时、在我国行政系统内,建立健全我国的内部行政控权体系,达到与外部行政控权机制相互平衡的状态。

【Abstract】 The theory of the Internal administrative responsibility is a comprehensive concept,according to their different theoretical perspectives and nature,with different theoretical and practical meaning. Simply put,the internal administrative responsibility, administrative organs and their civil servants on their own administrative behavior within the administrative system for administrative liability.The behavior which cause the internal administrative responsibility,including internal administrative acts,and external administrative act.The paper is divided into four parts,from various angles,using the way of contrast between Chinese and foreign,combining theory with practice,the analysis of actual cases of cross-comparison of writing style,deep theoretical and practical analysis on the theory of internal administrative responsibility.The chapter one, From the angle of elements and principles to analyze and discuss the concept of internal administrative responsibility.First,based on the behavior which cause the internal administrative responsibility to post the denotation and connotation of the concept. Secondly,distinguish the different of internal administrative responsibility and external administrative responsibility. Third, distinguish the different of the internal administrative responsibility and other concept.Fourth, analyze the frame of the internal administrative responsibility,and its elements. Sixth,put out the nature,status,principle of the internal administrative responsibility.The chapter two,From the different theoretical background,theoretical basis,the relevant theory,discussed the legitimacy of the theory of internal administrative responsibility.First,pointing out the environment of internal administrative responsibility,by analyzing the theory background. Second,starting from our existing internal administrative responsibility theoretical studies, demonstrated internal administrative theory of liability theory.Third,from the other theory,seeking the commonly of internal administrative responsibility theory and other theories. Fourth, from he internal administration theory within domestic and foreign to point out the practical basis of the theory of internal administrative responsibility.The chapter tree,The author used a lot of ink,using contrasting methods,first analyze exiting practice of foreign country.Secondly,distinguish different internal administrative responsibility which in the different historical periods.Third,based on our current internal administrative responsibility theory to analyze actual cases to identify the existing problems of China’s internal administrative responsibility.The chapter four,Through the chapter one and two,we knew that internal administrative responsibility includes self-monitoring,self-control,then,philosophy as a guide,targeted to improve and find ways to why solve the problem on the issues raised in chapter three.Besides,Based on improving our existing internal administrative responsibility,put out some innovative attempt.Throughout this article,the author use the ways of contrast and history,sketching out the framework of the internal administrative responsibility system.But,its not means that external administrative responsibility is not important.The author hope that maintain the original and more mature, stable external controlling mode at the same time,within the framework structure of China’s overall administrative system,establish and improve China’s internal administration control mechanism to balance the internal and external administration control system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

