

Study on the Relationship among Entrepreneuiral Team Heterogeneity, Entrepreneurial Team Climate and Entrepreneurial Performance

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 张秀娥;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 创业及其相关的理论在学术界已经逐渐成熟,创业对于国家和地区经济的刺激与推动作用也越来越多的得到证实。创业团队是创业理论中重要的组成部分,对创业团队进行深入的探讨,不仅有助于丰富创业和创业团队的相关理论研究,还对于组建优秀的创业团队有着重要的现实意义。就目前我国的创业成功率来看,团队形式进行的创业活动,其成功率要显著高于个人创业,这是因为团队创业可以将具备不同教育背景、工作经验和其他不同特质的成员融合到一起,进行优势互补,对于团队目标的实现和创业绩效的提高会有显著的促进作用。而这正是团队创业与个人创业最核心的区别。学术界普遍认为,复杂的创业活动,需要具备扎实的管理经验和丰富技能的创业团队,以应对创业期可能出现的任何困难与问题。因此,建立具备团队异质性的创业团队,以期达到优势互补的目标。但是现有的理论也表明,团队异质性对于创业期的创业团队而言是一把“双刃剑”,即团队异质性对于创业团队绩效的影响效果具有不确定性,可能是积极的,也可能是消极的。创业团队异质性对于创业绩效的积极性影响,是由于优势互补,资源共享;而消极的影响,则是由于不同的背景和不同的能力等多样化因素,造成的团队内部矛盾与冲突。由此可见,创业团队异质性等团队构成要素的创业理论,难以对创业绩效进行直接和完全的解释。一些学者开始关注创业团队异质性与创业绩效间的一些变量,例如他们试图加入创业团队的领导风格、外部环境、内部矛盾等因素进行综合分析,这也说明了目前创业研究的方向与重心逐渐由创业结果向创业过程转变。在理论方面,学术界关于创业团队异质性的相关研究已经很多,但是针对我国情境下的创业团队异质性、团队氛围和创业绩效的专门研究却不多见。论文通过对创业团队异质性、团队氛围和创业绩效相关关系的分析,丰富了有关创业团队异质性相关理论的研究,有助于创业研究者对不同国家间对比创业团队异质性对团队氛围和创业绩效的具体影响效果,帮助研究者进一步理解和明确创业过程的本质内涵。在现实方面,研究创业团队异质性、团队氛围与创业绩效的影响,对国内创业团队的组建与创业企业发展具有重要的战略指导意义。本论文研究主要分为以下几步:第一步,系统回顾创业团队异质性、团队氛围和创业绩效等基础相关理论。在创业团队异质性相关理论部分,又系统回顾和分析了创业的内涵及创业研究的发展,创业团队异质性的内涵,国内外创业团队异质性相关理论及进展,创业团队异质性的维度等。在团队氛围理论部分,回顾和分析了团队氛围的内涵,团队氛围的理论及进展,团队氛围的维度。在创业绩效相关理论部分,重点回顾了创业绩效的定义和维度。第二步,就创业团队异质性、团队氛围和创业绩效间的相关关系进行了专门分析。在创业团队异质性与创业绩效关系分析部分,既论述了两个变量总体间关系,也分析了两个变量子维度间关系。在创业团队异质性与团队氛围关系分析部分,既论述了两个变量总体间关系,也分析了两个变量子维度间关系。在团队氛围与创业绩效关系分析部分,论述了两个变量总体间关系,同时分析了两个变量子维度间关系。此外,就团队氛围在创业团队异质性与创业绩效间关系的中介作用进行了专门论述。在论述上述理论间关系的同时,形成了本论文的理论框架,并提出31条研究假设。第三步,对即将进行的实证研究做理论准备工作。首先介绍论文将要用到的研究方法;然后详细介绍了实证研究中调查问卷的设计过程;最后,对论文研究数据资料的分析方法进行了阐述。第四步,通过发放问卷的方式来检验第二步中所提的31条研究假设。依据GEM(全球创业观察)提供的我国各省市地区的创业活跃程度数据,论文选择东北地区的黑龙江省、吉林省、辽宁省,中部地区的河南省、山东省,西部地区的陕西省和四川省以及南方的江苏省为重点调研对象,主要通过发放纸质问卷、电子邮件和电话访谈等方式进行问卷调查和回收工作。本次调查共发放调查问卷412份,回收问卷303份,问卷回收率73.54%,其中有效问卷264份,回收问卷有效率64.08%。在对论文所用测量量表进行信度与效度分析的基础上,对论文中所有研究变量间的直接关系和中介作用影响关系都进行了检验。研究结论表明,在论文所提出的31个研究假设中,26个假设获得验证,其中1个获得部分支持,另外5个假设未通过验证。主要的研究结论有:创业团队异质性整体上对创业绩效有正向影响关系,但是创业团队价值观异质性对创业绩效的正向影响关系不成立。创业团队异质性对团队氛围整体有正向影响关系,但是创业团队异质性的各维度对团队氛围的影响关系较为复杂。团队氛围整体和各分维度都对创业绩效有正向影响关系。团队氛围在创业团队异质性和创业绩效间起到部分中介作用。论文还选择了包括吉林省、辽宁省、河南省和江苏省的15家企业进行深度访谈,访谈的结果与论文实证检验结果基本一致。最后,论文对所得实证研究结果进行了详细讨论,并对整个研究工作的过程进行了总结,强调了本文研究的理论和现实意义。同时也客观分析了论文在研究过程中存在的多方面的不足和对未来研究的展望。

【Abstract】 Entrepreneurship and its related theory in the academic community has beengradually mature,entrepreneurship stimulation and role in promoting national andregional economies are more and more to be confirmed.Entrepreneurial team is theimportant part of entrepreneurial theory,in-depth discussion of the entrepreneurialteam will not only help the rich entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial team of theoreticalresearch,but also has important practical significance for the formation of goodentrepreneurial team.On the current success rate of our entrepreneurial team in theform of entrepreneurial activity,the success rate significantly higher than individualentrepreneurs,this is because the entrepreneurial team will have a differenteducational background,work experience and other characteristics of members of thefusion to together complementary strengths,to promote the role of team goals andentrepreneurial performance improved significantly.And this is the team ofentrepreneurs and individual entrepreneurs the core difference.Academia generally agreed that the complex entrepreneurial activities,need tohave solid management experience and extensive skills of the entrepreneurial team todeal with the Start-up any possible difficulties and problems.Therefore,theestablishment of an entrepreneurial team with team heterogeneity to achieve theadvantages of complementary objectives.But the existing theory also shows that teamheterogeneity in terms of the entrepreneurial team venture is a "double-edgedsword",team heterogeneity of entrepreneurial team performance and the effect ofuncertainty,may be positive,may also be negative.Entrepreneurial teamheterogeneity on the positive impact of entrepreneurial performance is due to thecomplementary advantages,resource sharing;negative impact,it is the contradictionsand conflicts within the team due to the diversification of different backgrounds and different abilities factors.Thus,the entrepreneurial theory of the entrepreneurial teamheterogeneity and team elements,it is difficult to direct and complete explanation ofentrepreneurial performance.Some scholars began to concern among some of theentrepreneurial team heterogeneity and new venture performance variables,such astheir attempt to join the entrepreneurial team’s style of leadership,the externalenvironment,internal contradictions,and other factors to make a comprehensiveanalysis,which shows the direction and focus of entrepreneurship research graduallyby the results of entrepreneurial transition to the entrepreneurial process.On the theoretical side,academia,entrepreneurial team heterogeneity researchhas,but for the specialized study of the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity in ourcontext,the team climate and entrepreneurial performance is not common.In reality,to study the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity,team climate and the impact of theentrepreneurial performance of entrepreneurial team formation and entrepreneurship,enterprise development has important strategic significance.This thesis is dividedinto the following steps:In the first step in the systematic review of the basis of the theory of theentrepreneurial team heterogeneity and team climate and entrepreneurialperformance.The theory part of the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity,review andanalysis of the connotation of entrepreneurship and venture development,theconnotation of the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity,the heterogeneity theory andprogress of domestic and foreign entrepreneurial team,entrepreneurial teamheterogeneity dimension.In the theoretical part of the team climate,review andanalysis of the meaning of team climate,the theory and progress of the team climate,the dimension of the team climate.In the theoretical part of the entrepreneurialperformance,focus on reviewing the definition and dimensions of entrepreneurialperformance.In the second step,a special analysis of the entrepreneurial team heterogeneity,the team climate and entrepreneurial performance relationship.Entrepreneurial team heterogeneity and Venture Performance Analysis section discusses the overallrelationship between two variables,and also analyzed the relationship between twovariables sub-dimensions.In the group of entrepreneurial team heterogeneity andteam climate relationship analysis section discusses the overall relationship betweentwo variables,and also analyzed the relationship between two variablessub-dimensions.In the relationship between team climate and entrepreneurialperformance analysis section discusses the overall relationship between two variable,and also analyzed the relationship between two variables sub-dimensions.Inaddition,the team climate of the intermediary role of the relationship between theentrepreneurial team heterogeneity and entrepreneurial performance is devoted.Thispaper discusses the relationship between the above theory at the same time,theoretical framework,and proposed 31 hypotheses.The third step,the theoretical preparations for the upcoming empiricalresearch.First introduced the paper that will be used to research methods;thendetailed empirical study of the questionnaire design process;Finally,the thesisresearch data analysis methods are described.The fourth step,by issuing questionnaires to test 31 hypotheses mentioned in thesecond step.To China’s three northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang,Jilin,Liaoning,the central region of Henan,Shandong,western region of Shaanxi andSichuan,and the south region of Jiangsu focus on research,primarily through theissuance of paper questionnaires,e-mail and telephone interviews conducted aquestionnaire survey and recovery work.Total number of questionnaires sent outquestionnaires 412,303 questionnaires,264 valid questionnaires,a response rate of73.54%,valid response rate was 64.08%.On the basis of the paper measuring scalereliability and validity analysis,the direct relationship and mediate the relationshipbetween the research paper hand variables are tested.The study concluded that thepaper 31 assumptions 26 assumptions validation,five assumptions are not verified,aresearch hypothesis was partly supported by The main conclusions of the study are: entrepreneurial team heterogeneity of the overall entrepreneurial performance has apositive impact on entrepreneurial team values heterogeneity of the positive effect onentrepreneurial performance is not established.Entrepreneurial team heterogeneity onteam climate as a whole have a positive impact on every dimension of theentrepreneurial team heterogeneity of the team climate is more complex.Teamclimate as a whole and the sub-dimensions have a positive impact on entrepreneurialperformance.The team climate to play the part of the intermediary role between theentrepreneurial team heterogeneity and entrepreneurial performance.The paper alsoselected 15 companies including Jilin, Liaoning,Henan and Jiangsu Province in-depthinterviews,the result of the interviews with the paper empirical test results.Finally,the empirical results obtained are discussed in detail,and the entireresearch work are summarized,emphasizing the theoretical and practical significanceof this study.Also an objective analysis of the papers many deficiencies exist in theresearch process and the outlook for future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

