

A Study on Security of Judges’ Rights in China

【作者】 孙伟良

【导师】 张文显;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在依法治国进程日益推进的今天,人民法院肩负着贯彻依法治国基本方略的重要使命,人民法官作为社会纠纷的化解者、社会和谐的促进者和社会正义的维护者,其自身的权利如何保障,越来越多地被社会各界所关注。在司法实践中,法官权利保障对于提升法官的职业尊严和社会声望、促进法官依法独立公正审判有着十分重要的意义。党的十七大以来,我国司法领域的各项改革方兴未艾、成效突出,但是,法官权利保障却未得到应有的重视,其理论研究不够系统深入、政策措施更是无从下手。因此,对法官权利保障问题开展研究,积极探索具有中国特色的法官权利保障制度,对于实现司法公正,提高司法效率,加快我国司法改革的进程,打造一支高素质、强能力并且比较稳定的法官队伍,显得十分迫切和必要。构建并不断完善法官权利保障制度是一项社会系统工程,应着眼于我国的政治体制改革和司法改革大局,并有赖于立法机关、党政机关、司法机关和社会各界的共同支持和长期努力。从上述理论观点和实践需要出发,本文以法官权利保障为主题,通过实证调研、文献综述和比较分析,对这一主题的相关问题进行了比较全面的研究。本文包括绪论和四章。绪论。介绍法官权利保障这一问题的研究背景和意义,对法官职业保障、法官权利保障、法官权力保障等若干重要概念加以明晰,并将它们之间的区别与联系加以说明。第一章:法官权利保障的基本理论。首先对法官权利的定义及法官权利保障的内涵作了界定。法官权利是法律所确立的权利,是指法官为合法、有效地履行职务所享有的、受法律保护的权利和利益。法官权利保障主要包含法官独立审判权、身份权、经济权和履行职务时特别权利的保障。提出了如今法官权利保障的内在必要性,对司法独立的内在要求,从基本内涵、司法独立的理论依据、司法独立的前置性条件进行分析。从理论与司法实践的双重角度上看,法官有人们广泛关注的社会基础、宪法中有关于独立审判的规定、《法官法》颁布实施的法律依据和法院推行“维权”活动的实践经验,论述了构建与完善法官权利保障机制的可行性。第二章:法官权利保障的域外考察。主要采取实证分析和比较研究的方法,对各国法官权利保障及其自身发展过程及本国政治、经济和文化状况相适应的个性特征进行了分析研究。列出国际规范中的法官身份保障、经济保障和特别权利保障的内容,将英美法系国家较为完善的法官权利保障和大陆法系国家较为系统的法官权利保障进行比较分析。世界上大部分国家和地区,特别是西方法治国家为保障法官独立审判,均对法官权利保障问题作了具体明确的规定。如:法官终身制、高薪制、司法豁免制等权利保障,同时,许多国际文件也对法官权利保障做出了相关规定。通过具体阐述国际规范中的法官权利保障,了解英美法系、大陆法系等代表性国家和地区有关法官权利保障、身份保障、经济保障、尊严保障等方面的制度概况。然后对国际规范及两大法系国家和地区法官权利保障从期限、地位、待遇等一系列制度上进行比较研究,从事实上证实了国际规范及两大法系表现出的相互借鉴、相互交融的趋势。因此,比较分析域外法官权利保障的共同点和不同点,探求法官权利保障发展的一般规律,对我国法官权利保障的构建与完善,将具有重要的借鉴与启示作用。第三章:我国法官权利保障的现状评析。从我国法官心理和工作现状来看,突出了法官心理面临的内外监督的压力、工作上面临日益复杂的法律运用及法官面临日益增大的涉诉信访压力。由于我国现行的法官权利保障机制,无论是从质量或数量上、观念与制度双重层面上都得不到有效的保障,从而导致了法官多方面权利保障不到位。其主要表现为法律规定过于原则导致法官独立审判权不到位、管理体制不合理导致法官身份保障不到位、经费依附性导致法官经济待遇不到位、保护体制的缺陷导致法官职业特权的不落实。而权利保障不到位进一步对法官心理状态产生了重大的影响。法官职业压力主要来源于权利保障的不到位,其主要包括独立审判、司法权威、法官地位及个人待遇等。因此,在分析我国法官权利保障现状的基础上,分别从观念层面、制度层面、经济层面、技术层面等四个方面阐述我国法官权利保障不到位、不完善的成因。第四章:我国法官权利保障的构建与完善。通过对我国当下法官权利保障的现状评析,提出了不断完善法官独立权利保障、身份权利保障、经济权利保障和特别权利保障的建议。逐步完善适合中国国情的法官权利保障体系和运行机制,从制度上确保法官依法履行职权,维护司法公正。首先,从外部环境和内部制度双方面实行构建与完善法官的独立审判权;进一步完善法官身份权利的保障,构建法官终身任职制、免职程序法定化、职务变更自愿制及退休年龄适当延长;完善法官经济权利的保障,构建合理的司法经费保障体系和合理的薪俸制度;完善法官履行职务时特别权利保障,分别从构建法官司法豁免制度、强化法官刑法保护、构建法官尊严保障、健全法官人身安全保障及身心健康保障机制五方面做了详细论述,并结合国际规范、英美法系和大陆法系国家和地区有关法官权利保障方面比较成熟的经验,提出了若干设想和建议。最后,本文提出:构建并不断完善法官权利保障制度是一项社会系统工程,应着眼于我国的政治体制改革和司法改革大局,并有赖于立法机关、党政机关、司法机关和社会各界的共同支持和长期努力。

【Abstract】 During the process of proceeding rule of law, courts shoulder the importantmission to carry out the basic strategy of rule of law, and judges act as social disputessolvers and social justice advocates. The topic of how to secure judges’ rights raisesmore and more concern. In judicial practice, security of judges’ rights, which isbeneficial to elevate judges’ professional dignity and occupational prestige as well asto promote judges applying the law independently. Since the17thCPC NationalCongress, there have been outstanding achievements in the judicial reform of China.However, there are lack of systematic research and concrete measures for security ofjudges’ rights it deserves. As a result, it is necessary to probe institution for security ofjudges’ rights with Chinese characteristics in order to render access to justice and toimprove judicial efficiency as well as to invigorate the process of judicial reform ofChina. It is a systematic social project for devising and perfecting security of judges’rights system. In order to establish and perfect its own security of judges’ rights system,it should focus on the reform of China’s political system and the overall progress ofrule of law, and depends on the long-term support and efforts of the legislature, thejudiciary, and the whole society.This paper comprehensively studies relevant issues on the topic of security ofjudges’ rights based on the above-mentioned empirical research and practical needsthrough practical research, empirical review and comparative analysis.This paper includes an introduction and other four Chapters.The introduction generally introduces the background and significance ofchoosing the topic of security of judges’ rights, defines several relevant conceptionsand illustrates the difference and connection of these conceptions, such as professionalsecurity of judges, security of judges’ rights, security of judges’ power.Chapter I focuses on the basic theory of security of judges’ rights with adefinition of judges’ rights and the security of judges’ rights, followed by a discussionof instinct necessity of security of judges’ rights and an analysis of judicial independence and the feasibility of security of judges’ rights with a focus on theoretical and judicialand other legislative basis.Chapter Ⅱ discusses security of judges’ rights in other countries through acomparative approach, with a particular focus on the comparative analysis of securityof judges’ rights of the Common law countries and the Civil law countries. It firstillustrates institution in regard to security of judges’ rights in some typical Commonlaw countries and Civil law countries, followed by a comparative study on security ofjudges’ rights in international norms, the Common law countries and the Civil lawcountries, proves that the security of judges’ rights systems have the same trend in allthe international norms, the Common law countries and the Civil law countries. Acomparative examination in different jurisdictions would help probe the general rulesof security of judges’ rights, which could also be followed and applied by Chinaseeking to establish and perfect its own security of judges’ rights system.Chapter Ⅲ examines current security of judges’ rights system in China. In termsof the psychological and work conditions, judges in China face psychological pressurefrom inside and outside supervision, work pressure from applying more and morecomplicated laws and increasing litigation-related letters and visits. It discusses thereasons for lack of effective security of judges’ rights in China based on a detail analysisfrom the concept level, institutional level, economic level as well as technical level.Chapter Ⅳ analyses the perfection of security of judges’ rights in China, providessuggestions for perfection of security of judges’ independence, security of judges’status rights, security of judges’ economic rights and security of judges’ other specificrights after a review of current China’s security of judges’ rights system, combinedwith the experience of security of judges’ rights systems in the international norms, thecommon law countries and the civil law countries.In the end, this paper concludes it is a systematic social project for devising andperfecting security of judges’ rights system. In order to establish and perfect its ownsecurity of judges’ rights system, it should focus on the reform of China’s politicalsystem and the overall progress of rule of law, and depends on the long-term supportand efforts of the legislature, the judiciary, and the whole society.

【关键词】 法官权利保障
【Key words】 JudgesRightsSecurity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

