

On Private Rights and It’s Legal System

【作者】 王琳琳

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 民法是私权的宪章。在我国制定民法典的背景下,科学认识私权本质,实现私权体系化、开放化、一体化,事关法典的现代性与进步性。目前,私权、社会权利、基本权利多元并存的权利格局正在形成。而权利“个体原子论”的方法立场,目的是为了张扬人的主体性,这可以解释权利的共性,但无法解释处于不同层次结构的权利之间的差异,不能显现私权特性。私权本质观若继续沿袭权利的个体立场,不但不能整合分足而立的具体私权,且可能吸纳不属于私权的权利,不当扩大私权外延,损及私权的纯粹性。因此,我们引进关系维度,对传统私权本质观主体性内在逻辑进行必要纠偏。将私权界定为:“为了保护私人利益而赋予其在私法主体间的自由意志范围,它以法律之力为行使方式和作用形式。”私权的构成要素与私权的本质是密切相关的两个问题。本质是确定构成要素的前提;构成要素既是本质的拓展,又是体系构建的素材,私权体系就是围绕私权构成要素展开的。私权由外在要素与内在要素两部分组成。外在要素包括“主体”与“客体”;内在要素包括“自由意志”、“利益”与“法律之力”。依据私权要素的不同,可以采多种方法对私权进行分类。但“要素分类”是私权体系化的初级阶段,仅是形式的体系化,其问题是:首先,每种方法之间的逻辑关系尚未捋顺,各种划分之间的层次尚待厘清;其次,这些孤立的划分方法,只是为私权体系化提供了支架,以此为据并不能支撑起具有稳定结构的私权体系。体系构建可以采不同的方法,并形成不同的维度。各种方法之间并不是没有关联的,有的是为了建构一个逻辑清晰、结构科学的外部体系;有的是为了发现法秩序的内部关联。外部体系可保障安定性、概观性、鸟瞰性,但是有封闭僵化的特点;内部体系是价值秩序,可弥补外部体系的不足,从而与外部体系合成有机整体。因此真正的体系化,是各种方法的结合。目前,依私权“要素分类”的体系化,各种方法之间关系层次不清,只是体系构建的初级阶段。为构建一个开放一体的私权体系,首先应从需求内容出发,形成以人格权、身份权、财产权为典型类型,并可以容纳非典型类型的具有流动性的私权内在类型谱系;在还原私权内在体系后,转向私权外向维度,以统一的私权构造模型,整合私权要素分类,厘清外部体系之间层次关系。私权构造模型包括:私权权能解构分离的束状结构;以“法律之力”基本类型为单位的构造形式;以“主体”为媒介的构造层次;以“客体”为依据的构造载体。私权的内在体系可以维持体系的开放,外在体系可以保证体系的统一。私权一体化、开放化和体系化的实践价值在于指引私权法典化。在总—分结构法典模式下,总则应提炼私权体系的一般规定,包括基本私权一般条款以及法律之力元形式的类型描述,但不易按客体列举具体私权;分则应从立法技术角度考虑以下问题:何种具体私权可以纳入《民法典》分则中;纳入《民法典》分则中的具体私权如何排序;未能纳入或不能独立纳入《民法典》中的私权,尤其商事权利如何与《民法典》衔接。

【Abstract】 civil law in our country, realizing the nature of private rights and making the systemof private rights open and integrated, are significant to the modernity andadvancement of the code. At present, coexisting structure of right is formed. Privaterights, social rights, basic rights coexist with each other. Traditionaly, rights , regardedas corelatives of law, are based on the theory of will that deems individual as atom.The purpose of atomic theory is to demonstrate the subjectivity of individual. This canexplain the generality of rights, but can’t explain the difference and speciality amongthe rights in the structure, or may ignor the characteristics of privates rights.Futhermore, this can also absorb what not belongs to private rights and expand theextent of privat rights inappropriately. Therefore, we introduce relation dimension tothe traditional views about the nature of private right, to cover the shortage. Wedefined private rights as the free will range among private parties in order to protectthe interests of individual, with the power given by law.The elements and nature of private rights are closely related to each other. Natureis to determine the premise of the elements. Elements are fabric of private rights. Inaddition, elements are the basis for system construction. Elements are divided intotwo types, internals and externals. The external factors includ "subject" and "object",while internal elements include "free will", "interests" and "the power of the law".Based on elements, we can use different methods to classify private rights. But thatcan not be taken as mature systemaltization. There are some problems with thisprimary division. First, the logical relationship between each method has not yet beenclear. Second, these isolated dividing methods, only provide framework ofsystemaltization and can not be regarded as the stable system of private rights.Different approach could be applied to system construction.They correlate with each other.Some of them are used to form the external dimension of system,which islogical and definite but not flexible.While the others are designed to configurate theinteranl dimension,which involves valuation and can make up the deficiency of theexternal one. Real systemaltization needs a combination of various approach. Atpresent, the classification of private rights in line with the elements, is on the primarystage of systemaltization .The relationship between each kind of dividion is not clear.In order to get a flexible system, at first, we should look at the interanl dimension, thatis, concentrate on needs of individual, and form a spectrum of typical rights involingpersonality, identity and property with other untypical ones.Then we ought to turn tothe external dimension of the system, namely, a unified tectonic model, to integrateprivate rights and clarify the relationship among different elments. The tectonic modelconsists of structure, form, levels and carrier. The interanl dimension can maintain thesystem open and flexible, and the external dimension can ensure private rights as anorganic whole.The value of integrating, elasticating and systematizing of private rights is toguide codification. General part and specific parts constitute Civil code. The generalpart should regulate the general term of basic private rights and the types of legalpower of private rights, to ensure the openness and adaptability of civil law. But thispart should not enumerate specific private rights with the criteria of object. Thespecific parts should consider the following issues from legislation technologicalperspective. First, What kind of private rights can be integrated into the specific parts.Second, how to order the private rights which are absorbed into the specific parts.Third, how to connect the private rights that outside the specific parts to the civilcode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

