

A Study of Current Public Security in Chinese Rural Areas

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 韩广富;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 农村社会治安问题研究是当代中国社会发展理论的研究内容之一,在中国特色社会主义社会发展理论中具有重要的地位。加强农村社会治安问题的研究与探索,完善农村社会治安治理机制,是稳定农村社会,促进农业发展,保障农民安居乐业,破解新形势下“三农”问题的重大举措。农村社会治安问题,关乎建设社会主义和谐社会大局,影响着中国农村的整体发展和未来趋向,是实现建设社会主义新农村战略任务的基础性工作。论文坚持以中国化马克思主义理论为指导,采用系统研究、比较研究、文献研究、实证研究与规范研究相结合、宏观研究与微观研究相结合等研究方法,对中国当代农村社会治安问题进行了全面系统地分析和论证。论文由六章内容构成:第一章为绪论,阐述了论文的选题依据、研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法与思路、论文框架与创新观点等问题。第二章分析了当代中国农村社会治安问题的现状及发展态势。首先总结了我国农村社会治安已经取得的成就,指出近年来我国农村社会治安保持了总体稳定,公安机关在农村的治安工作取得了显著成效,农民对农村社会治安的满意度比较高。其次,明确指出了当前农村社会治安存在的主要问题,集中表现为暴力犯罪突出,侵财犯罪多发;“黄赌毒”等社会丑恶现象滋生蔓延;农村宗族势力和黑恶势力横行;农村地区邪教组织、非法宗教组织活动频繁,封建迷信活动泛滥;农村各类群体性事件急剧增多;农村治安灾害事故频发。在此基础上,分析预测了我国农村社会治安问题的发展态势,可概括为:总体上基本稳定,但隐患颇多,任务繁重,治安形势依然比较严峻,不容乐观。第三章分析了当代中国农村社会治安问题所带来的影响。从影响农村市场经济的发展,影响农村民主政治的进步,影响农村精神文明的推进,影响农村社会的团结稳定,影响农村的生态建设五个方面进行了论述。第四章对农村社会治安问题的成因进行了全面系统的分析。第一,经济因素方面:农业生产力总体水平不高、多种农村所有制经济形式的存在、农民收入差距的不断拉大、农村经济快速发展与资源紧缺之间矛盾的加剧。第二,政治因素方面:农村政治结构的变化、农村基层政权组织控制力弱化、农村治安职能部门的治理乏力。第三,法律因素方面:农村法律体系不完善与农业立法相对滞后、农村法制教育滞后,农民的法治观念淡薄、农村基层基础工作薄弱。第四,文化因素方面:农村传统文化根深蒂固的隐性影响、农民精神文明需求与思想观念的变化、农村地区精神文明建设滞后、农村思想文化宣传教育落后。第五,社会因素方面:农村社会关系变迁带来诸多挑战、农村剩余劳动力明显增多、农村社会治安可控制的资源不断减少、农民流动与分层加剧了农村社会矛盾冲突。第六,个体因素方面:农村基层组织干部个体的素质不高、农民个体素质偏低。第五章阐述了加强农村社会治安治理的基本依据。本章主要从农村社会治安治理的理论依据、政策依据和法律依据三个方面加以阐述。理论依据,主要是马克思主义社会冲突理论、中国共产党关于正确处理人民内部矛盾学说、关于系统论的基本理论以及社会主义和谐社会理论;政策依据,主要是“中央一号文件”中关于“三农”问题的政策指导性文件、党中央关于农村社会治安的政策规定、公安部关于农村社会治安的政策规定;法律依据,主要包括《宪法》、《民法》、《刑法》、《治安管理处罚法》等一系列法律法规。第六章提出了加强农村社会治安治理的对策。本章提出应按照综合治理、因地制宜、专群结合、促进发展的原则对农村社会治安进行治理。提出了农村社会治安治理的对策:第一,要创新农村社会治安治理机制。建立由预警机制、防控机制、调解机制、应急机制、监督机制共同组成的管理体系对农村社会治安进行治理。第二,因地制宜地推广农村社会治安治理新模式。分别从东部、中部、西部农村选取了典型的治安治理成功案例加以分析,总结经验启示,以便推广。第三,培育农村社会精神文明新风尚。要从高度重视农村社会精神文明建设起步,通过创新农村精神文明建设的组织管理机制,不断繁荣发展农村精神文明生活,逐步拓宽农村精神文明建设新途径,以便标本兼治,促进农村社会和谐。与以往研究成果相比较,本文的创新观点主要体现在以下四个方面:第一,对当代中国农村社会治安问题的系统研究,丰富和充实了当前该领域理论研究的不足。当代中国农村社会在经济结构、人口构成、社会心理、社会生产和社会生活方式等方面均发生了深刻变化,这些变化对农村社会治安产生了深刻影响,使农村社会治安形势日趋复杂。然而,从目前的研究成果来看,学者们更侧重于对城市社会治安的研究,对农村社会治安的研究尚显不足。而在中国,农村地区无论是在人口数量上,还是在地域面积上都占绝对优势,不容忽视。因此,对当代农村社会治安的现状态势、成因根源、原则依据、治理对策、范例启示等问题进行系统研究,对于构建新的研究框架、拓展新的研究空间、弥补学术研究不足具有重要的学术价值。第二,论文突破以往单纯从法学、治安管理学角度研究农村社会治安问题,综合运用经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学、治安学和法学等多学科的相关理论成果,研究和探索当代中国农村社会治安问题,为探索正确解决农村地区人民内部矛盾的理论与实践提供了一个独特的视角第三,论文通过一系列理论分析与调研实证,纠正了以往人们对农民治安需求的错误认识,提出在社会大变革时代的农民更需要安全感,积极寻求当前农村治安公共服务供给同农民治安需求之间的差距,找出切合当代农村社会治安的主要问题,并对其进行多角度多层面的分析,为研究农村社会治安治理对策提供了坚实的基础和科学的方向。第四,论文在研究农村社会治安治理问题时,突破以往常规的研究范式,没有拘泥于人防、物防、技防等具体实务问题,而是提出创新农村治安治理机制,建立由预警机制、防控机制、调解机制、应急机制、监督机制共同组成的管理体系对农村社会治安进行治理,并结合农村地域因素及治安特点,推广当前适用有效的治安治理新模式,为达到标本兼治的效果,还提出通过繁荣农村精神文明生活,营造健康的公共活动空间,培育农村精神文明新风尚的形成,以挤压违法犯罪空间,扬善抑恶,促进农村社会和谐。综上所述,当代中国农村社会治安问题,攸关农村社会的稳定和发展,攸关和谐社会建设大局。只有从实际出发,科学分析与判断新形势下农村社会治安形势,对影响农村社会治安的突出问题进行归纳梳理,努力把握其规律特点,研究治理对策,坚持正确的治理原则,充分发挥一整套治安治理机制的作用,并考虑农村自有的生态体系布局,以及农村发展非均衡的特点,对不同发展区域的农村推广适用有效的治安治理新模式,及时化解矛盾冲突,协调好农村各个利益阶层的关系,繁荣和发展农村精神文明生活,树立起农村社会精神文明新风尚,才能标本兼治,真正促进农村和谐,保证社会主义新农村建设的健康有序推进。

【Abstract】 The research on public security of rural areas is one of essential issues involvedin the theory of Chinese social development, which is of great importance in thetheory of social development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It isbeneficial and effective to achieve social stability of rural areas and agriculturaldevelopment, to ensure that farmers live and work in peace and to solve the threeissues of agriculture, farmer and rural areas, by means of deepening theinvestigation of public security of rural areas, and improving the administermechanism of public security. The issue of public security in rural areas, as the basicfoundation of constructing a new socialist countryside, plays an essential role in theconstruction of socialist harmonious society, and has a great influence on the generaldevelopment and future orientation of Chinese rural areas.This paper makes an attempt to expound the issue of current public security inChinese rural areas, in light of Marx Theory with Chinese characteristics, adopting aseries of combinations of methodology, such as systematic study, comparative study,literature research, empirical study, normative study, macroscopic and microscopicstudy.This dissertation consists of six chapters.Chapter One gets started with an introduction of the research background andsignificance of the topic under concern, and then gives an overview of the previousresearch of this topic at home and abroad, as well as the research methodology, andthe outline and the originality of the paper.Chapter Two makes an analysis of the current situation of public security ofChinese rural areas and its development orientation. First of all, it summarizes theachievements of the public security of our countryside, and points out that farmersare relatively satisfactory with the public security in rural areas on the basis of the current situations. And then, it picks up major problems concerning current publicsecurity in rural areas, including violent offenses, property crimes, cults and vices,feudal and superstitious activities, and mass disturbances. Based on the above, itanalyses and makes prediction about the development trend of the issue of publicsecurity in Chinese countryside, namely: it is basically stable in general with hiddenperils and great burden, and the situation of public security is still grim andintractable.Chapter Three analyses the influences of the problems of current publicsecurity of Chinese rural areas, from the following five aspects: the development ofmarket economy in rural areas, the progress of democracy, the promotion of spiritualcivilization, the stability and unity of countryside society, and the ecologicalconstruction of rural areas.Chapter Four makes a comprehensive analysis on the causes of problemsconcerning the public security of Chinese rural areas. Firstly, from the economicperspective, the general level of productivity in rural areas is not high, with theco-existence of various forms of economic ownership. Furthermore, the gap offarmers’income imparity is deepened, with the intensive contradiction betweenrapid economic development of rural areas and the shortage of resources. Secondly,from the political perspective, the control of basic level organizations is weakened,with the changes of political construction in rural areas, and the department ofpublic security governance is poor. Thirdly, from the perspective of law, the legalsystem in rural areas is imperfect, and farmers’legal awareness is weak with poorlegal education. Fourthly, from cultural perspective, under the invisible influence oftraditional culture in rural areas, great changes have taken place in farmers’ideologyand their needs for spiritual civilization. Fifthly, from social perspective, the changesof social relations in rural areas bring in many challenges, and the number of surpluslabor in countryside has greatly increased. What’s more, the controllable resourcesin terms of social public security keep on decreasing, and farmers’flow and rankingsharpen the social conflicts in rural areas. Sixthly, from individual perspective, the cadres in basic level organization of countryside are not well qualified, as well asthe farmers.Chapter Five elaborates the basis of strengthening social public security in ruralareas. This chapter focuses on the discussion from the following three aspects: thetheoretical basis, the policy basis and the legal basis. In terms of theoretical basis, ithas mainly adopted the Marx theory of social conflict, the theory of the CommunistParty of China concerning how to properly solve the internal conflicts of the people,and the basic system theory, as well as the theory of socialist harmonious society. Interms of policy basis, it is guided by the central file concerning the three issues ofagriculture, farmers and countryside, and the policies and regulations about publicsecurity in rural areas from both the Party Central Committee and Ministry of PublicSecurity. In terms of the legal basis, it chooses to consult the following laws andregulations: the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the civil law, thecriminal law, the Public Security Management Punishment Law, and so on.Chapter Six proposes some countermeasures to strengthen the management ofpublic security in rural areas. Generally speaking, it is suggested that China shouldmake a comprehensive control of public security of countryside in light of localconditions, combine the efforts of both professionals and the masses, and promotethe development of rural areas as well. Firstly, the management mechanism ofpublic security in countryside should be innovated, and a system of managementshould be established to deal with the public security in countryside, which consistsof early warning mechanism, the prevention and control mechanism, emergencyresponse mechanism and supervisory mechanism. Secondly, the new patterns ofmanagement of public security in countryside should be spread according torespective local conditions. It chooses some typical successful cases of publicsecurity management in countryside from east, west and central area respectively, inorder to make a detailed analysis and draw good lessons from them. Thirdly, it ishighly suggested that China should cultivate the social spiritual civilization of ruralareas, by means of innovating the organization mechanism of spiritual and cultural construction, and developing the spiritual and cultural life in rural areas, in order topromote the harmonious social development of rural areas.Compared with previous researches, the originality of this paper reflects in thefollowing four aspects:Firstly, this systematic study of the current issues concerning the publicsecurity in Chinese rural areas serves as a supplement to the theoretical researcheson this topic. Great changes have taken place in the current Chinese countryside interms of economic structure, population composition, social psychology, socialproduction and social life styles, which have made a great effect on the publicsecurity of countryside, leaving it increasingly complicated. However, based on thecurrent research findings, scholars have laid more emphasis on the study of urbanpublic security, rather than that of rural areas. The rural areas in China play animportant role, whether on the number of population or geographically. Therefore,this paper attempts to make a systematic study on the current situation of the publicsecurity of rural areas, including the causes, the principles, the solutions ofmanagement, and the inspirations, which helps to build a new research framework,broaden a new research scope and shed some light on the current research of thisacademic area.Secondly, the previous researches of public security of rural areas have alwaysadopted a perspective of either pure legal science or security management, whilethis paper tends to make a comprehensive use of multiple disciplines and relatedtheoretical findings, including economics, political science, sociology, managementand the science of law. Furthermore, this paper attempts to provide a specialperspective for the theory and practice of solving the internal conflicts among thepeople in rural areas.Thirdly, through a series of theoretical analysis and empirical investigation, thispaper has corrected the previous false ideas about the farmers’needs for publicsecurity, and pointed out that farmers in the era of social changes need greater senseof security. What’s more, it actively seeks for the gap between the supplies from the public services and the farmers’needs, and finds out main problems concerning thecurrent public security of countryside. Based on the above, the paper has made amulti-level and multi-perspective analysis on this issue, aiming at offering a solidfoundation and scientific direction for the study of the management solutions to thepublic security in rural areas.Fourthly, differnt from the previous researches of the management of thepublic security in rural areas, the paper proposes that the management mechanism ofpublic security in countryside should be innovated, and a system of managementshould be established to deal with the public security in countryside, which consistsof early warning mechanism, the prevention and control mechanism, emergencyresponse mechanism and supervisory mechanism. According to various localconditions and the features of security, it proposes to spread a new effective patternof managing the public security, and build a healthy public activity space throughenriching the spiritual and cultural life in rural areas, in order to promote thedevelopment of a harmonious countryside, which serves as an outstandingcharacteristic of this paper.Based on the above, the issue of current public security of Chinese rural areasdetermines the stability and development of the countryside as well as theconstruction of a harmonious society. From a practical point of view, in order toachieve the harmonious development of countryside and guarantee a healthy andcontinuous construction of a new socialist countryside, China should scientificallyanalyze and make judgment the current public security of rural areas under newsituations, summarize the main problems affecting the public security and theircharacteristics, and follow scientific principles of management to play the role of awhole system of management mechanisms. Furthermore, China should take thedistribution of biological system in the rural areas and the lack of balance ofdevelopment features into consideration, and spread applied and effective newpatterns of management to different local areas, as well as developing the spiritualand cultural life of countryside.

【关键词】 中国政府农村社会治安
【Key words】 Chinese GovernmentRural AreasPublic Security
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

