

Research on Contemporary China’s Patricipating Parties Participating Ability Construction

【作者】 方彦明

【导师】 宋连胜;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 纵观中国多党合作的历史,关于“中国参政党”、“参政能力建设”的概念和理论不是从来就有的,是在中国改革开放30多年的历史进程中,中国共产党与中国参政党一起,根据时代主题和客观形势的要求,在弄清楚“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这一中国特色社会主义理论主题的基础上,针对建设什么样的政党制度、怎样建设这一政党制度的重大课题而提出的;是在不断总结多党合作实践经验,创新多党合作理论的基础上,在中国共产党提出加强党的执政能力建设和“坚持执政党建设和参政党建设相互促进”新论断的外在推动、与中国参政党自身建设的内在要求而形成的。因而,关于参政能力建设问题研究,既是实践问题又是理论问题。在中国改革发展的转型期,伴随着多党合作的新实践,时代要求从理论上回答参政能力建设问题。本文从选题缘由、研究背景、研究思路和方法与研究意义入手,阐述中国参政党参政能力建设的相关概念和相关基本理论,进一步说明参政能力建设是中国参政党建设的核心,强调中国参政党作为中国政党制度的重要载体,加强参政能力建设的内在必要性、紧迫性和重要价值。文章阐述了参政能力建设的历程及经验启示,又具体分析了参政能力建设的现状,及目前取得的成就、存在的问题,进行参政能力建设的重要意义。并进而系统地阐述了中国参政党参政能力建设的构成要素,及各构成要素的内涵、特征及要求。在此基础上,文章深刻剖析了中国参政党参政能力建设面临着诸多挑战。譬如,当代世界政党政治的剧烈变革;中国共产党执政能力日益现代化;当代中国转型期利益多元化;当代中国社会阶层结构的新变化等挑战。同时,文章又具体分析了影响参政能力建设的内在因素,这其中既有党派成员政党意识不强、参政党整体建言献策能力较弱和参政党利益表达功能有待提高等责任意识因素,也有参政党基层组织建设相对薄弱、内部运行机制不健全的组织根源。此外,从外在环境看,执政党对参政能力建设重视不够;部分地方政府对参政党地位缺乏认识;国家对参政能力建设缺乏具体制度保障以及参政活动缺乏物质、信息等方面的支持等外在因素,也是当前中国参政党参政能力建设所面临的困境。最后,本文探讨了当代中国参政党参政能力建设的途径与对策。首先,进行参政能力建设思路的分析:既要体现时代发展需求、促进执政党执政能力提升,又要体现鲜明的价值取向,同时,更要把发展作为参政能力建设第一要务。在此基础上,文章进一步探讨和分析了参政能力建设的对策。主要包括:一要增强参政理论建设;二要推进法律制度建设;三要推动党际关系和谐建设;四要加强参政党成员思想建设;五要完善基层组织建设;六要健全参政议政工作机制建设。文章还认为,为了科学研判参政能力建设的成效,就应当建立参政能力建设的评价标准。首先文章认为科学研判参政能力建设的成效,应以参政能力建设的出发点、宗旨和落脚点为准则。参政能力建设的出发点是“自觉接受中国共产党领导,共产党执政,参政党参政”;宗旨是“立党为公、参政为民”;落脚点是“促进改革、推进发展、维护稳定的三大历史责任”。为此,笔者从四个方面来探讨衡量参政能力建设成效的标准:首先,看是否有利于发挥政治整合功能;其次,看是否有利于发挥利益协调功能;再次,看是否有利于发挥团结凝聚功能;最后,看是否有利于发挥促进发展功能。本论文的最后的结论部分,主要是对整篇论文做简明扼要的说明和补充,指出本论文的不足之处,还需在讨论和各种观点的碰撞中加以完善,并对当代中国参政党参政能力建设发展前景给予展望,增强对参政能力建设理论研究的坚定信念。总之,中国参政党作为多党合作制度的重要载体,同政治协商制度一样都是世界政党政治发展史上的一朵奇葩。当然,关于当代中国参政党参政能力建设研究更是一个全新的课题,对其有关内容的探讨和研究,既要考虑中国政治现代化建设的时代主题要求,又要结合执政党执政能力建设的现实需求。并且从发展的维度看,其中的某些内容和侧重点将伴随着中国特色社会主义民主政治建设的进程而有所改变、调整而得到丰富。

【Abstract】 Throughout the history of China’s multi-party cooperation, about the "Chinaparticipating parties", "participating parties ability construction" concept and theorynot never have, it is in China’s reform and opening up to 30 years of history, theChinese communist party and the participating parties together, according to thedevelopment of The Times and the requirements of the objective situation, and answerwhat kind of political party system construction, how to build a major issues ofpolitical party system. It sums up constantly the multi-party cooperation practiceexperience, and innovation the multi-party cooperation theory, and on the basis of thecommunist party of China in strengthening the party’s ruling ability construction and"to the construction of the ruling party and participating parties development topromote each other" new judge of the external promotion, and the inherentrequirement of the participating parties formed under. Thus, capacity building onparticipating parties, is both practical and theoretical problems. In the history of thedevelopment of China’s reform transformation period, with the multi-party cooperationnew practice, The time requests from answering the questions about participatingability construction of the participating parties on theory .This paper, from the topic selection, the background and significance of thereasons and expounds their participating ability construction of the Chinese relatedconcepts and related basic theory and the content of self-construction, and furtherstressed that the China’s participating parties as an important carrier of the Chinesepolitical party system that strengthen participation ability construction of the innernecessity, urgency and great value. The article also systematically expounds the course of their participating ability construction, experience and enlightenment. And detailedanalysis of participating in the ability construction at present the achievements,existing problems and important significance. And then, the article systemlyexplaining the essential factors of composition, and the meaning of every composition,and features, and requests. On this basis, the article deeply analyzed the China’sparticipating parties of participating ability construction is facing many challenges. Forexample, the contemporary world party political radical change; The Chinesecommunist party’s ruling ability increasingly modern; Contemporary China’s transitionbenefit diversity; The contemporary Chinese social class structure of the new changeand other challenges. At the same time, the article analyses the influence andparticipation in the inner source of ability construction, which has both partiesmembers party is not strong, the participating parties overall consciousness of ability isweak and participating parties need to further improve the function of expression ofinterest and responsibility consciousness factors, and construction of grass-rootsorganization participating parties relatively weak, internal operation mechanism is notperfect organization root. In addition, from external environment look, the rulingability construction of participating in the enough attention; Some local governmentsas participating parties to the lack of understanding; Countries participating in theability construction of lack of concrete system security and lack of participation inactivities material and information support and other factors, This also is the China’sparticipating parties of the participating ability construction facing a series ofproblems.Finally, this paper discusses paths and measures about the current China’sparticipating parties of participating ability construction. First of all, Analyzing theideas of the participating ability construction: not only reflecting the development ofthe Times demands, promoting the ruling party’s ruling ability to ascend, and reflecingtthe bright valuable orientation, and at the same time, the development as the firstpriority of the participating ability construction. On this basis, the paper furtherdiscusses measures of the participating ability construction. Mainly include: firstly, to enhance the theoretical construction of participation; Second, we need to promote theconstruction of legal system; Third, we need to promote harmonious inter-partyrelations; The fourth, to strengthen the thingking of construction; The fifth, to perfectthe construction of grass-roots organization; The sixth to improve the workingmechanism of participating politics. The article argues that, in order to scientificresearch the participating ability construction. it shall establishs a participating in theability construction of the evaluation standard. To judge participating in the abilityconstruction of the standard should be the participating ability construction. from thestarting point,and the foothold, the purpose founding party for the public affairs,participating politics for the people; objectives, and as the criterion. Participating in theability construction of the starting point is "voluntarily accept the leadership of thechinese communist party, the communist party ruling, their participating"; the purposeis "the people, the participation in for the people"; The foothold is "promoting reform,promote development, maintain stable three historical responsibility". Therefore, thispaper discussed from four aspects to measure the effectiveness of the participatingability construction standard: firstly, Seeing whether it helps bring political integrationfunction; Second, Seeing whether it helps play interest coordination function; Again,Seeing whether it helps play unity rally function; Finally, Seeing whether it helps playto promote development function. This paper last conclusion, is mainly to the wholepaper brief summaries of and supplement, this paper points out the shortcomings , stillneed perfect in discussion and various views in the collision, and finally to thecontemporary participating ability construction development prospects give forecast.In short, the China’s participating parties is an important subject of the multi-partycooperation system, it is the same with political consultation system as they are awonderful flower of the world political parties in the history.Certainly, On the researchof the contemporary participating ability construction of the China’s participatingparties is more a new task, about its related content discussed and studied, both mustconsider the China’s political modernization the theme of age , and must combine withruling ability construction of practical demand. and with the development dimension seeing, some of these content and emphasis will also with the construction process ofthe Chinese characteristics socialist democratic politics,and the constant change,adjustment and getting rich.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

