

Study on Utilization Efficiency Evaluation and Allocation Optimization of Resources in Agricultural Postal Logistics Network

【作者】 李弘

【导师】 王耀球;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 邮政业是影响经济发展与保障民生的重要服务产业,经多年国家投入与自身建设,已具有网络资源存量优势,但由于信息化、市场化的影响,面临传统业务萎缩的问题。通过业务调整实现资源有效利用成为邮政业发展方向。“三农”问题是有关国家经济发展和社会稳定的重要问题,建立健全农资流通体系是落实惠农政策的重要保证和关键环节。农资流通经营主体由垄断向市场多元化转变,为邮政进入农资流通体系带来机遇。邮政依托邮政物流网络核心资源开展农资营运具有适应性,同时又享有国家“三农”政策与资金支持,开展农资营运业务,成为其业务调整和发挥其资源潜力的有效途径。但从业务开展实际效果看,其在农资市场所占份额少、资源利用效率低。因此,通过资源协调优化实现资源有效利用成为邮政亟待解决的核心问题。本文以农资邮政物流网络为研究对象,按照从理论基础层,经应用分析层,到实践决策层的研究路径,采用理论模型构建、应用模型分析及实现、实证检验的逐层递进研究方法,通过对农资邮政物流网络的资源利用效率评价及资源配置研究,探索了资源协调优化机制及措施,实现了资源向高效率方向流动的资源配置优化方案。主要研究内容及结论包括:在对企业资源及其配置、物流网络理论分析的基础上,结合网络型企业特征,提出了网络型企业物流网络的资源结构、发展阶段和趋势、价值创造机制,以及资源分析识别→有效性评价→资源配置的资源协调运作机制。结合物元理论,建立了网络型企业物流网络资源协调运作的理论模型。以邮政物流网络型企业的物流网络为研究背景,从资源结构视角,分析其物流组织网络、物流信息网络和物流基础设施网络的资源及其农资运作模式,并分析了农资邮政物流网络的农资营运环节及整体过程的经济学特性与价值创造机制,阐明了该物流网络所具有的内在发展潜力。对比实际运作效果,说明了存在的问题、发展策略及资源协调运作的必要性。依据资源协调运作机制,以县域为农资邮政物流网络运作主体,分析其资源并建立了相应的资源效率评价指标集合;针对资源利用效率评价,在分析现有评价方法在应用中存在不足的基础上,提出了一种具有类特征及离散前沿面的改进型DEA模型(DFMC-DEA),并从理论与应用角度分析了该模型的有效性,其改进效果可为资源配置提供更可靠支持;针对资源配置,根据其所涉及的存量资源和增量资源在不同阶段(效率评价、资源配置)之间的相互关系,并结合配置过程的连续多阶段的特点,将显式“消此长彼”冗余存量资源配置及补贴式资金增量资源配置过程统一,提出了隐式“抵扣调整”资源配置模型,并以计算机模拟流程描述该模型。进而,依据资源协调运作机制中的内在循环机制,实现资源向高效率方向流动的持续优化宗旨。对内蒙古农资邮政物流网络的资源运作进行了实证研究,以69个县域为资源运作主体,采用DFMC-DEA改进模型进行效率评价,并利用数据库技术开发了多参数可调整的多阶段动态“抵扣调整”资源配置优化软件,实现了资源效率提高及协调配置。通过对模型及软件计算结果的分析,表明该资源配置过程具有“奖优惩劣”和“循环渐进式优化”内在机制。研究结果表明,以做强县域、拓展终端网点、合理化干支结构为导向,通过平衡与合理配置资源来提高资源利用效率,是解决农资邮政物流网络协调运作的根本途径。据此,本文提出了辅助性促进层及主导性改进层构成的对策体系,可为邮政资源优化配置进而提升其竞争力提供决策支持。

【Abstract】 The postal industry is an important service industry relating to economy development and livelihood support of people. After years of national investment and self-construction, it already has the advantages of the network resources stock. However, because of the impact of informationization and marketization, it is still facing with the problem of a shrinking business. To effectively use resources through business upgrading and adjusting becomes a direction of development of the postal industry. The problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers are important issues related to the national economic development and social stability. To establish and improve the agricultural distribution system is an important guarantee and key link for implementing the benefit farming policies. The transformation of the agricultural distribution entities from monopoly operation to market-oriented operation brings about opportunities for the postal industry to enter into the agricultural distribution system.Relying on the core resources of the postal logistics network, it is adaptable to carry out the agricultural materials operation for the postal industry. At the same time, the postal industry enjoys the national policies of agriculture, rural areas and farmers as well as the financial support, and thus carrying out agricultural materials operation becomes an effective way to upgrade business and take advantage of its resources potential. However, from the practical effect of the business it is found that the postal industry shares less agricultural market, and is inefficient use of resources. Therefore, it becomes the core issue to be solved for the postal industry to implement the effective utilization of resources by the optimization and coordination of resources.In this dissertation, taking the agricultural postal logistics network as the object of the study, along the route from the basic theoretical layer, through the applicable analytical layer, and to the practical decision-making layer, and by the progressive research methods of estiblishing the theoretical model, analyzing and implementing the application model and case study, the utilization efficiency evaluation and allocation of resources of the agricultural postal logistics network are studied, the mechanisms and measures of resources coordination and optimization are explored, and an optimal scheme for resources allocation, which make resources flowing towards the high-efficiency direction, is achieved. The main contents and conclusions are as the followings. By analysis of enterprise resources and their allocation and the logistics network theory, and combined with the characteristics of the network enterprises, the resources structure, stages and trends of development and the mechanisms of value creation of the logistics network of the network enterprise are proposed, as well as the resources coordination mechanisms from resources analysis and identification through effective evaluation and finally to the resources allocation.Combined with the matter-element theory, a theoretical model for the coordinated operation of the logistics network resources of the network enterprises is established. Taking the logistics network of the network enterprise of the postal logistics as the background of the study and from an angle of resources structure, the resources and operation modes of agricultural resources in the logistics organization network, logistics information network and logistics infrastructure network are analyzed. The characteristics of economics and value creation mechanisms during the operation of the agricultural materials and the overall process of the postal logistics network are analyzed as well. The inherent development potential of the logistics network is clarified. By contrast of the actual operation effects, the problems, development strategies and the necessity for resources coordination are illuminated.According to the resources coordinative operation mechanism, and taking counties as the operation units of the agricultural postal logistics network, the resources are analyzed and the resources efficiency evaluation index set is estiblished. As for the efficiency evaluation of the resources utilization, an improved DEA model (DFMC-DEA) with discrete frontiers and cluster features is proposed based on the analysis of the disadvantages of the existing evaluation methods. The effectiveness of the model is analyzed theoretically and practically, which provides solid support for the allocation of resources. As for the allocation of resources, according to the relationship between the stock resources and incremental resources involved at different stages (efficiency evaluation, resources allocation) and combined with the continuous and multi-stage characteristics of allocation process, an implicit resources allocation model of deduction and adjustment is proposed based on the combination of the explicit redundant resources allocation of ebb and flow with that of the subsidized funding incremental resources. The model is implemented by computer. Furthermore, according to the inherent mechanisms of resources coordination, the continuous optimization purpose of resources flowing towards high-efficiency is fulfilled.The case study of resources operations of the Inner Mongolia agricultural postal logistics network is performed, taking the69counties as the units of resources operation. The efficiency evaluation is carried out using the improved DFMC-DEA model. The multi-parameters multi-stages adjustable dynamic deduction and adjustment software for the resources allocation and optimization is developed using the database technology. The enhanced resources efficiency and resources coordination are achieved. By analysis of the calculation results of the model and software, it indicates that the resources allocation process has the internal mechanism of awarding the good and punishing the bad, and the progressively optimizing cycles.The results of the study show that it is the fundamental way for the coordinative operation of the agricultural postal logistics network to improve the efficiency of resources utilization through balancing and the rationally allocating resources, strengthening counties, expanding the terminal outlets, rationalizing the structure of trunks and branches. Accordingly, in this paper the strategic system composed of the auxiliary promoting layer and the leading improving layer is proposed, which can provide decision support for the optimal allocation of postal resources and thus for enhancing its competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F253.9;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】816
  • 攻读期成果

