

Study on Lateral Vibration Control and Dynamics of High-speed Locomotive Based on Magnetorheological Damper

【作者】 马新娜

【导师】 杨绍普;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:铁路运输对我国经济的发展起着重要作用,高速化成为近年来的发展方向。随着运行速度的日益提高,车辆振动加剧,运行平稳性、稳定性及行车安全性受到威胁。车辆运行速度愈高,引发的动力学与振动问题愈加突出,安全问题愈加严重。因此,研究高速机车系统的动力学行为和振动控制以及控制过程中的时滞问题,改善振动,特别是改善横向振动,显得十分必要。本文采用理论分析和数值仿真的方法,对应用磁流变阻尼器的高速机车系统进行建模和动力学分析,对半主动悬挂控制策略、控制系统的时滞问题进行研究。论文的主要研究工作和创新性成果如下:(1)在分析磁流变阻尼器动力学特性的基础上,提出将磁流变阻尼器作为抗蛇行减振器和二系横向阻尼器应用于高速机车系统,分别建立了基于磁流变阻尼器的17自由度和21自由度高速机车横向动力学模型。对动力学模型进行仿真分析,验证了磁流变阻尼器应用于高速机车系统是可行的。(2)在对比被动控制、半主动开-关控制、一般模糊控制策略的基础上,提出了一种自适应模糊控制策略。对不同控制策略进行了仿真分析和比较,结果表明,自适应模糊控制相对于一般模糊控制、半主动开-关控制能够取得更好的控制效果,能在一定范围内有效地衰减高速机车的横向振动、抑制蛇行失稳。(3)对高速机车系统的临界速度进行求解。分析临界状态下的极限环和分岔现象,验证了自适应模糊控制策略对提高系统临界速度的有效性。利用平均法求出了磁流变控制系统的一次近似解,运用奇异性理论对系统的分岔集、滞后集和双极限集进行讨论。仿真分析了系统参数对幅-频响应曲线的影响。(4)对铁道机车系统横向动力作用进行研究。分析机车结构参数、一系悬挂参数、二系悬挂参数以及车轮踏面对横向动力作用的影响。得出了铁道机车横向低动力和高速运行稳定性对机车结构、一系悬挂、二系悬挂以及车轮踏面提出的设计要求。并根据分析结果给出了高速机车系统参数的优化建议。(5)理论研究和仿真分析磁流变阻尼器应用于高速机车系统后,四分之一机车系统模型和整车系统模型中控制时滞在不同控制策略下的动力学特征。运用多尺度理论研究磁流变控制系统中时滞的主共振特征,并分析了系统参数对稳定性的影响。图102幅,表13个,参考文献260篇。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:Railway transportation plays an important role in social economy. It is a general trend to develop high-speed railway in recent years. With the increase of the train speed, vibrations of vehicle increase sharply. Riding stability, comfort and road safety become worse gradually. The higher speed that causes the more prominent dynamics and vibration problems, the more serious security will be. So, the study of high speed vehicle’s dynamic behaviors, vibration control and time delay to restrain vibration, in particular, to restrain the lateral vibration is extremely necessary.This dissertation deals with building high-speed locomotive model and dynamic analysis based on magnetorheological damper, studying semi-active control strategy and time delay in control system. The main work and innovative contributions of this dissertation are as follows.(1) On the basis of analyzing dynamic characteristics of magnetorheological damper, it is proposed that magnetorheological dampers can be applied to high-speed locomotive as anti-snake shock absorber and the secondary lateral damper.17degrees of freedom lateral semi-active control model and21degrees of freedom lateral semi-active control model of high-speed whole locomotive with MR dampers are established. Simulation analysis is performed to verify that the magnetorheological damper is applied to high-speed locomotive is feasible.(2) After analyzing and comparing passive control, semi-active on-off control, and general fuzzy control strategy, a self-adapt fuzzy control strategy is put forward. The simulations are performed for the different control strategy to the high-speed locomotive lateral dynamic model based on magnetorheolotical damper. The simulation results show that the self-adapt fuzzy control strategy can lower the lateral vibration of the locomotive effectively, restrain snaking motion, and improve the riding comfort obviously than others.(3) The critical velocity of high-speed locomotive system is solved. The limit-loop and bifurcation is analyzed under critical state which verifies self-adapt fuzzy control strategy’s validity. The first-order approximate solution of magnetorheolotical damper control system is obtained by the averaging method. According to singularity theory, the hysteretic integration and double limit integration of system are studied. And the effects of system parameters on amplitude frequency curve and stability are analyzed in detail. (4) The lateral dynamic action of locomotive system is studied. Effects of structure parameters and suspension parameters on lateral dynamic are investigated. Much of design requirements are put forward to reduce the lateral dynamic and enhance riding stability. According to the analyzed result, some advice to optimize parameters of locomotive system is given.(5) Theoretical studies and simulation are included about dynamic characteristics of the quarter and whole locomotive dynamic system based on magnetorheological damper with time delay. Through the method of multi-scale, the primary resonance of magnetorheological damper control system is analyzed in detail. The effects of system parameters on amplitude frequency curve and system stability are investigated.


