

Study on the Evolution of Logistics Format

【作者】 徐扬

【导师】 申金升;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 随着物流发展的日益加快和物流活动战略地位的不断提高,物流产业快速壮大,物流组织形态及其管理活动也日渐复杂多样。面对物流发展中体现的诸多新特性,如何解释这种变化,找到物流变革的发展动力和实施主体,揭示物流的发展规律成为物流研究中的重要课题。本文综合运用系统理论中的复杂适应系统、自组织及涌现现象理论,经济学中的企业理论,交易费用理论和分工理论以及模块化理论中的相关原理,以物流合作问题为导向,采用定量和定性分析相结合的方法,提出了物流业态的概念并构建了分析物流业态演进问题的一般框架,研究了物流业态及其演进的动力、机理和路径问题。研究结果对解释物流组织形态形成,物流组织界面变化和物流领域中合作的发展,以及对制定物流标准化和物流信息化战略以及推动物流企业流程再造具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文的主要工作和创新点有:(1)提出一种新的物流定义形式,将物流视为克服生产各个阶段及生产、消费之间空间与时间的分离而进行的,涉及各种货物及相关信息、资金的计划、实施和控制管理的各项活动,物流产业可以视为经济系统中创造时间、空间效用的生产体系。通过将物流业态演进视为基于过程的复杂适应系统的变革这一角度,对物流活动进行微观分析。(2)构建了团队合作分析的一般数理模型并扩展到多团队合作和组织间合作,解释了团队的协作效应并给出了管理层出现的理论意义。(3)提出了组织技能空间概念模型,用之来度量复杂性。通过分析任务单元的依赖关系,并根据任务完成过程的潜在冲突在组织技能空间中不同区域的分布方式来研究复杂性,从而将动态的复杂性和变化的企业能力纳入到一个统一的分析框架之中。与团队合作模型结合可以分析任务复杂性对组织的影响,以及组织分工解决复杂问题的具体方式。(4)研究了物流任务之间依赖关系的复杂性对物流企业组织结构以及企业间合作方式的影响,将物流企业在通过量的速度经济和企业能力存量之间取得平衡的目标进行分解。一是分析通过默会知识封装,减少对公共知识的需求,有效的降低物流的复杂性的方式来处理复杂任务的方式。物流企业根据自营业务和联盟合作的需要进行组织内部的优化,对职能模块的一系列操作符的组合,这些操作符主要有分割、替代、移植、排除和扩展。本文对于每一种操作符的成本和价值获取进行了分析。并建立了物流企业组织架构调整的价值地形图。一是通过企业层次之间的合作解决复杂问题,重点讨论了协作成本系数以及自营绩效系数和分成比例对物流联盟的影响。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:With the accelerating development of logistics and the improvement of logistics strategy status, logistics industry has continued to grow steadily, and logistics organizational form and management activities are increasingly complex and diverse. In the face of several new features of logistics development, how to explain this change, find the impetus and implementation object of transformation of logistics, reveal the law of development of logistics have become the important topics in logistics research.The dissertation integrates complex adaptive system, self-organizing and emergency theory of systems theory, enterprise theory, transaction cost theory and division theory of economics, and some relative principles of modular theory, is driven by logistics cooperation, and uses quantitative and qualitative analysis methods to propose the concept of logistics format, build a general framework of analyzing the evolution of logistics format, and studies logistics format and its evolution’s motive power, mechanism and path problems. This paper has the innovation of theory and method. The results have theoretical and practical significance for explaining the logistics organization form, the interface of logistics organization and logistics cooperation, making the strategy of logistics standardization information and promoting the logistics business process reengineering. The main work and innovations of the dissertation are:(1) The dissertation brings up a new definition form of logistics, the logistics as various activities to overcome the various stages of production and separation of space and time between production and consumption, involving a variety of goods and related information, capital planning, implementation and control of management. The logistics industry can be viewed as a production system that can create time and space utility in the economic system. By regarding the evolution of logistics format as the change of the complex adaptive system based on process, this paper gives the microscopic analysis for logistic activity.(2) The dissertation builds a general mathematical model of teamwork cooperation and extended to cooperation among teams and among organizations, explains the cooperation effect of teamwork and gives the theoretical significance of management class emersion. (3) The dissertation proposes a conceptual model of organizational skills space which is used to measure complexity. By analyzing the dependence of the task unit, and studying the complexity in terms of the distribution problem of potential conflicts in the course of accomplishing the task which have the different areas in the organizational skill spaces. Thus the dynamic complexity and change of enterprise capabilities are fitted into a unified analytical framework. According to combine with the team model, it can analyze how the team task complexity affect the organization, and the specific ways that the organization division solve complex problems(4) This paper studies the influence of the logistics task dependency relationship complexity to the organizational structure of the logistics enterprises and ways of cooperation between enterprises, decomposing an objective of balance between the speed economies of throughput and the stock of the capacity of the logistics enterprises. One is to analysis to deal with the complex tasks by way of capsule the tacit knowledge and decreasing the demand for public knowledge, and effectively reducing the complexity of the logistics. According to the need of self-service business and alliances cooperation to conduct the internal organization optimal within the organization need to optimize the functions of the module on a combination of a series of operators, these operators are split, substitution, transfer, exclusion, and expansion. The dissertation analyzes the cost of each operator and its value gaining and establishes the value topographic maps of a logistics enterprise organization adjustment. The other is to work out the complicated problems through the cooperation between the enterprise level, focuses on the impact of collaboration cost ratio and self-performance coefficient ratio to logistics alliances.

  • 【分类号】F224;F252
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1004
  • 攻读期成果

