

Research on Signal Control Optimization Model on Urban Road Traffic Under Mixed Traffic Condition

【作者】 陈小红

【导师】 钱大琳;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 信号配时参数优化设计是城市道路交通信号控制系统的核心部分,是一个十分重要且又复杂的实际问题,它涉及到交通方式路权分配及出行者效益。混合交通是我国城市道路交通的典型特性,多种交通方式混合出行使道路交通管理具有较强的不可操作性。因此,科学地研究混合交通环境下城市道路交通信号控制优化模型,为缓解城市道路拥堵、创建安全舒适的出行环境等提供保障,为开发混合交通环境下城市道路交通信号控制系统提供理论基础。本文立足于城市道路交通混合交通流运行特性及构成,将混合交通流对信号控制方案的影响归纳为交叉口机动车与慢行交通之间路权的不合理分配以及路段行人过街信号对机动车流的干扰。依据交通控制原理,结合“机非共存”的思想,形成混合交通环境下交通控制的三类研究问题:(1)交叉口多交通方式整体优化控制方案;(2)路段行人过街信号与交叉口协调控制方案;(3)混合交通区域多目标协调控制方案。三类问题的研究层层递进,构成一个点-线-面的研究结构,探讨适合我国典型混合交通特性的信号控制方案。本文完成的主要科研工作和研究成果有如下四个方面:(1)针对信号控制交叉口机动车与慢行交通之间出行效益不均衡的问题,通过分析交叉口混合交通结构对信号控制方案的影响,建立了交叉口信号配时参数多目标优化模型,并根据机动车与慢行交通的混合比例确定控制性能指标的权重系数。以北京市不同混合交通结构的交叉口为对象进行案例分析,验证了该模型适合于慢行交通混合比例较大的信号控制交叉口。(2)针对主次干道相交且慢行交通流量较大的路口,关键相位主干道较宽、非关键相位车辆绿灯时间较短无法满足同相位行人一次过街的问题,结合机动车信号兼控行人方案,对交叉口行人专用相位设置方法进行修正,提出了一种新的交叉口行人信号灯控制方案,并建立了该方案下交叉口行人控制延误计算模型及配时参数优化模型。以北京市典型主次干道相交的两相位信号交叉口为对象进行了案例分析,当次干道行人进口道慢行交通流量较大时,该方案能取得较好的效果。(3)针对路段行人过街信号与上下游交叉口协调控制的问题,通过分析路段行人过街信号对下游交叉口控制方案的影响,验证了路段行人过街信号与上下游交叉口协调控制的必要性。在此基础上,根据机动车流的离散特性,给出了车队延误计算模型,并依据协调控制原理,提出了混合交通环境下路段行人过街信号与交叉口协调控制优化方案,建立了该方案下交叉口绿信比与相位差共同优化模型以及人行横道绿信比优化模型。以北京市某人行横道及上下游交叉口组成的路段为例进行了仿真验证,结果表明该协调优化方案可行有效,在单点控制方案、不考虑路段行人过街信号的交叉口协调控制方案、以及本文提出的考虑行人过街信号的协调控制方案下,各指标值按“协调优化”—“单点控制”—“不考虑行人过街信号的协调”的顺序逐渐增大,进一步验证了研究路段人行横道行人过街信号与上下游交叉口协调控制的必要性。(4)针对混合交通环境下区域协调控制信号配时参数优化设计的问题,从定性的角度给出了混合交通环境协调控制区域的界定方法,通过分析慢行交通短距离出行特性对区域控制配时参数的影响,建立了公共信号周期时长和绿信比共同优化的多目标双层规划模型及算法;通过研究相位差与行程时间之间的关系,提出了以行程时间为约束条件的相位差优化模型及算法。以北京市某混合交通控制区域为例进行了分析,并与实际调查数据进行比较,验证了本文提出的控制方案在路网通行能力及出行者延误方面的改进效果。

【Abstract】 The optimization design of signal timing parameters is an essential part of the traffic signal control system for urban road. It is a very important and complex practical problem, involving assignment of the right of way and traffic benefits. Mixed traffic is the typical characteristic in urban road in China, which reduces the operationality of traffic organization optimization management. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further study on traffic signal control design under mixed traffic condition in urban road, in order to provide solution for alleviating traffic congestion and creating safe and comfortable travel environment, as well as to provide a theoretical basis for developing traffic signal control system under mixed traffic condition in urban road.Based on the operating characteristics and constitutions of mixed traffic flow in urban road, the impacts of mixed traffic flow on the signal control system are generalized into two categories:(1) unreasonable assignment of the right of way between the intersection of motor vehicles and slow mode transportation, and (2) interference from mid-block street crossing signal on the traffic flow. According to the principle of traffic control, using the idea of "co-existence between motor-vehicle and slow mode transportation", this dissertation presents three types of traffic control problems under mixed traffic condition,(1) The whole optimization control method of multi-transportation at intersection;(2) Signal coordination control optimization method of mid-block street crossing and intersections;(3) Multi-objective area coordination control method under mixed traffic condition. These three collective problems, from different aspects, explore progressively signal control plan for the typical mixed traffic in China, forming a point-line-surface structure of signal control plan problem.The main scientific research work and results are:1. For considering the equilibrium benefits of motor vehicle and slow mode transportation, this paper presented the multi-objective optimization method of signal timing parameter at intersection by analyzing the influences of the composition of mixed traffic at intersection on traffic control. Then, the weight coefficients of control performance indexes were calculated by the mixed ratio of vehicle and slow mode transportation. Furthermore, taking intersections of different mixed traffic structure for example, this study provided simulation experiment of multi-objective optimization model. The results of actual calculation indicate that the model is feasible and is more suitable for the signal control intersection which has the higher mixed ratio of slow mode transportation.2. Through analyzing the two-phase signal control intersection with two phases which have large different road level and heavy pedestrian traffic flow. Being green time in non-critical phase is shorter and the lane of critical is wider, the pedestrian can’t be crossing in one time. Then, a new control method was introduced for the intersection by modified the pedestrian phase based on the ideas of motor vehicle signals which control pedestrian simultaneously. Furthermore, pedestrian control delay calculation model was established, as well as the signal timing parameters optimization model was presented. From the results of a comparative case study with real world traffic flow data in Beijing, the new method is better effectiveness in heavy pedestrian traffic flow of secondary road.3. By analyzing the impact on mid-block street crossing to the control system at adjacent intersections, this study tested and verified the necessity to research on the signal coordination control optimization method of mid-block street crossing and intersections. This paper focused on the research of signal timing parameters optimization of mid-block street crossing and intersections according to the coordination control theory. Considering the discreteness of motorcade, delay model of vehicles was introduced. Then, split and offset common optimization model of intersections and the split optimization model of mid-block street crossing were proposed. The system composed of mid-block street crossing and intersections is taken for example to simulate in the single-point control at intersection, coordinated control without mid-block street crossing signal and the coordinated control method presented in this paper. The results show that the new method is feasible and the indexes are increased gradually according to the order of "coordination control in this paper"—"signal control for single intersection"—"coordination control without mid-block street crossing". The necessity of the research on coordination control of mid-block street crossing and intersections is proved again.4. To research on area coordination control signal timing parameters optimization method under mixed traffic condition, the traffic zone division method was given from qualitative point of view. Considering the impact of slow mode transportation’s short distance travel characteristics on area coordination control, the paper established the multi-objective bi-level programming model for common cycle time and split. The offset optimization model was designed by using constraint condition of vehicle average travel time under single-point control program. By comparing with practical investigation data in Beijing, transport network capacity and delay of travelers are improved with the area coordination control method in this paper.


