

Research on Wujing 《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》

【作者】 李娜

【导师】 刘志伟;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为音乐与文学相结合的产物,乐府及乐府古题之文学、文化传统受到音乐尤其是音乐文化的决定性影响。乐府古题作为乐府文学、文化传统的载体,其与乐府诗歌产生的种种纠结,也是在音乐文化的诸种分流中发生、发展的。本文第一、二章即围绕此二点探讨中国古代音乐文化对乐府以及乐府古题文学、文化传统所产生的种种影响。大体说来,中国古代音乐文化可区划为三个分野:其一,作为史学载体,记史言事;其二,作为儒家乐教理论的有机组成部分介入礼乐政治,实现其教化人心、安邦定国的社会价值;其三,满足人类的审美与娱情悦性需求。前二者适应了统治者对音乐的定位,第三点则满足了人类最普遍的精神欲求,这种分化又进而促成乐府诗歌发展为两股潮流:前二者赋予乐府诗歌在后世作为《诗经》后继者的崇高文化地位,同时也促使乐府诗歌创作和研究更多关注占题本事本义;而第三点则推动乐府诗歌创作不甘受制于古题本义之束缚,更注重向形式美的方向发展。《乐府古题要解》正是在初、盛唐时期两种乐府诗歌潮流兴替之际应运而生,其对乐府古题本事、本辞的追溯及对其本义的发掘,正与开元礼乐政治文化背景下文人大力创作古题乐府诗歌的文学潮流相呼应,这在本文第三章有详论。第四章集中对《乐府古题要解》进行本体研究,在详考其版本、内容体例的基础上,阐明《乐府古题要解》在乐府研究史及乐府解题著作发展史中的价值和地位。其中,重点考察《乐府古题要解》明抄本之源流,在前人研究基础上得出如下新结论,即《乐府古题要解》今实有三种完整版本,并非前人所论两种:其一,毛晋汲古阁津逮秘书本,乃今日通行之版;其二明代藏书家柳佥正德抄本,现存于日本东京静嘉堂文库;其三,明人陆东据《乐府诗集》校勘之柳佥抄本,后为明人梁梧刻印,今藏于国家图书馆。在内容方面,《乐府古题要解》不仅收录大量古题,并从本事、本辞中寻绎其本义;对不同古题按其音乐种类予以分类;并收录大量魏晋南北朝以来的杂体诗。作为唐人对汉魏六朝古题的总结,《乐府古题要解》乃承前启后之作,不仅集中吸收了唐前乐府以及乐府解题研究的成果,并对唐后的乐府研究及乐府解题产生深远影响,乃乐府研究及乐府解题史中具有里程碑意义的权威文献。《乐府古题要解》所采用唐前文献主要包括四类:诸史之乐志、相关歌辞总集、解题类著作以及笔记小说,其中重点参考了《宋书·乐志》、《古今乐录》、《琴操》、《古今注》等著作。《乐府古题要解》对后世《乐府诗集》等产生巨大影响。《乐府古题要解》的学术传承主要体现在乐府分类和乐府解题两个方面。在分类方法上,《乐府古题要解》在《宋书·乐志》按照音乐种类将古题分八类的基础上,结合南北朝来乐府诗歌文本的发展,将乐府诗歌分为十类,《乐府诗集》则在此基础上又结合隋唐乐府诗歌的新发展将乐府诗歌诗歌分为十二类。在解题方面,《乐府古题要解》通过各相关著作追溯古题之本事、本辞以详考古题本义,其对古题之释义也具有经典性价值:不仅郭茂倩《乐府诗集》几乎全部采录,历代解释乐府古题也都以《乐府古题要解》之说为宗,后世乐府解题著作也都大量学习《乐府古题要解》之解题体例。《乐府古题要解》之作者吴兢,乃唐代著名史学家,本文第三章第四节从其生平家世以及学术思想入手,来探讨《乐府古题要解》与其政治理想之间的联系。在此基础上,第五章进-步分析《乐府古题要解》所承载的吴兢乐府观,即从文学、历史、政治三个角度解读古题;进而评价乐府古题诗歌,批判了背离古题本义的乐府诗歌潮流。其书不仅体现了吴兢以其史学眼光对古题本身史学价值的审视,更蕴含了一名史官对国家礼乐文化的关注和思考。此外,吴兢之乐府观的形成与唐代乐府诗歌创作和唐人乐府观也有密切联系。唐初士大夫即接受以乐府为《诗经》之后继的观念,并形成了雅正文学思潮:在创作中重视回顾古题本事、本辞;对于乐府的文化定位,唐代前期由于国家大力复兴礼乐文化,而倾向于《雅》、《颂》,中唐以后则由于社会原因,更重视以《国风》之义来指导乐府创作。

【Abstract】 As the cultural and literary traditions of Yuefu (the the combination of music and literature, starting from Han dynasty) and the classic title(that was immtated in the later years) had been distinctly affected by music and music culture. As the symbol of the traditions of Yuefu, the conflictions between the classic title and the text also originated and developed with the various distributaries of music culture.The first and second chapters discuses the effects that Chinese ancient music culture had on the cultural and literary traditions of Yuefu and the classic title.Actually,Chinese ancient music culture may divided into three parts:firstly, as the history documents to record events;secondly,as part of the Confucianism to educate people and to stabilize the society;thirdly, as entertainment to satisfy human kind’s need.The first two points suited the rulers interests, but the last one gratified people. Diversion like this attributed the two trends of the Yuefu poems:the first two endowed the high status to the Yuefu poems as the successor of《The Book of Songs》 and lead Yuefu poems-writing back to the original meaning;the third one promoted the Yuefu poems away from the confines of the classic title.The birth of《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》 is inevitable, in which the author researched the original meaning of the classic title of Yuefu in order to act in cooperation with the literary tide during High Tang.Chapter four focuses on the book of《the explanation on the classic title of Yuefu》,in which the versions、the contents and the value of the book was clarified.On the version,《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》 had three kind complete versions: the first one is printed by Maojin who live Ming dynasty, which is the general version tooday; the second one is the handwritten copy finished by Liuqian who lived the Zhengde years in Ming dynasty which was saved in JingJiaTang private library in Tokyo; the third one was printed by Liangwu who lived Ming dynasty which was preserved in national library of China in Beijing. In terms of content,《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》 collected a great deal of the classic title and uncover edthe true meaning of them by the original story and lyrics and classify the classic title by different music and compile large number of Miscellaneous poems during In Wei Jin Southern and Northern dynasties.As a summary of Han Wei and the Six Dynasties ancient title made by people in Tang dynasty, 《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》 served as a link between past and future. It quoted the result on the research Yuefu and the classic title before Tang dynasty and affected the later study.《The explanation on the classic title of Yuefu》 cited four kind literatures:the music documents; the official history book; the collection on lyrics; the book on expounding the classic title and the note-novel.The academic inheritance of 《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》 is mainly reflected in two aspects:the classification of Yuefu poems and the explanation on the classic title. on classification,the book divided the poems as ten categories on the base of music document from 《Book on Song Dynasty》 and the new development Han Wei and the Six Dynasties.On the classic title explaining the book explores the original meaning through finding the original story and lyrics,which was learned by Guomaoqian and later scholars.Wujing,the author of 《the Explanation on Classic Title of Yuefu》 is a famous historian in Tang dynasty.The fourth part of Chapter three discusses the relation between the book and Wujing’s political ideal by analyzing his family、experience and thought.Then, Chapter five investigates Wujing’s sensation on Yuefu, that is understanding Yuefu in literary, politice, history and criticizing the poem trend during Qi and Liang dynasty which deviated from the original meaning of the classic title. It not only reflected the deliberation of Wujing to the value of the classic title historically,but also included his concern to the national ritual-music culture. In addition, Wujing’s sensation on Yuefu also related with the Yuefu poem writing and the conception Yuefu of peole in Tang dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

