

Actors,Relationships and Processes:the Structural Conversion of the Primary Social Governance

【作者】 孔娜娜

【导师】 陈伟东;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 社会科学研究以专业的方式来了解社会和描述社会,它既要提出所要研究的问题,解释问题产生的原因,还要提出解决问题的思路和路径。本文是基于社区调查所发现的基层社会问题而引发的思考。当前,我国基层社会治理面临四大问题:一是部门垄断与条块分割及其所带来的行政效率低下;二是基层社会原子化、社会内部凝聚力下降,社会成员个人理性增强而公共意识淡薄;三是政府行动多、社会行动少、政府行动与社会行动断裂、政府资源与社会资源离散化;四是城乡社区公共服务供给差距过大、农民流入城市却不能融入城市。上述问题既是我国基层社会结构变迁中的问题,也是基层社会治理结构转型中的问题,从关系层面分析涉及四组关系的讨论:国家内部、社会内部、国家与社会、城市与农村。经验事实证明上述问题不是独立而是相互联系存在的。在研究方法上,笔者使用整体主义方法论,将宏观分析和微观分析有机结合起来,通过研究和社会调查提出两个研究假设:行动者—关系结构和基层社会治理的过程论。全文以中国城市社区建设为切入点,以分析和解决基层社会治理中的突出问题为重点,按照基层社会治理的演进过程为逻辑顺序,来展开研究。部门分割到部门协作,政府内部关系转换。论文以政府职能社区化为逻辑起点,以城市管理和社会保障为个案,在纵向到底而横向分割体制下,国家是由多个行动主体所构成,各行动主体按照自身偏好采取自主行动,在行政协调机制缺乏或行政协调不力的情况下,出现部门垄断、条块冲突、街道办事处行政扩展、社区居委会被行政套牢。没有基层行政体制的改革,就没有基层社会治理结构的优化。以流程再造和资源整合为路径的基层行政体制改革,提供了政府部门走出“囚徒困境”的经验。居民组织化与社会再组织,社会内部关系转换。传统社区的瓦解是一种全球性现象,是工业化、市场化、城市化、国际化的产物。传统社区的瓦解并不意味着人类不需要共同体而是意味着人类需要建立新的共同体。西方发达国家的社区冲突更多表现为各种社会组织之间的冲突,而中国的社区冲突却更多表现为“低组织化”或“无组织化”、“低制度化”或“无制度化”冲突,这根源于中国“公共理性构成性缺失”,社会内部被分解为散落的个人或群体,这与西方国家社会内部由不同社会组织所构成不同。国内经验表明,基层社会再组织需要从地域性共同体转向组织性共同体,社区生活共同体是通过发展社区自治组织来建构的,基层社会内部凝聚力的增强,也是通过发展社区自治组织来实现的。基层社会再组织,将催生出以社区居委会为中心的多主体社区治理机制。合作行动,政府与社会关系模式的转换。发达国家社区建设之所以走上国家引导下的社会行动,其经验是这些国家采用了一系列有利于社会组织参与、政府组织与社会组织合作的政策工具。长沙市开福区、武汉市江汉区,政府通过购买服务、项目补贴、项目奖励等方式,促进社区管理和社区服务的社会化,为促进政府组织与社会组织合作、政府行动与社会行动的衔接提供了经验。从分治到一体,城乡关系的转换。改变城乡二元结构以促进城乡协调发展,改变农民与市民的二元身份以形成统一的国民待遇,这既是现代国家建设的需要,也是现代社会建设的需要,国家确保公民权利、塑造国民统一性,使全体公民归属于、认同于国家。推进城乡融合需要以城乡社区建设一体化、城乡基层社会治理结构转化为基本途径,同时,推进城乡融合也需要国家与社会、政府组织与社会组织、农民与市民的合作,建立包容性社区、包容性城市直至包容性社会。上述四大关系转换的出现是人们对基层社会存在的问题进行深刻反思和不断追寻最佳治理模型的产物。基层社会治理的转换不是单一的关系转换,而是结构性的转换,既有关系的变革,也有行动者角色变迁和治理过程更替,而基层社会治理的过程更替需要途经政府职能社区化、政府部门协作化、居民组织化、政府与社会合作化、城乡社区治理一体化五个阶段。

【Abstract】 Social science research in a professional manner to understand the social and description of society, it has to propose to study the problem, explain the cause of the problem, but also ideas and paths to solve problems. This article is based on community survey found that grass-roots social problems caused by thinking.At present, China’s grass-roots social governance is facing four major problems:First sector monopoly and the fragmentation of administrative inefficiency; weak grass-roots social atomization, the decline of social internal cohesion, individual members of society rational enhanced public awareness; government action, social action, government action and the breaking of social action, the discretization of government resources and social resources; farmers into the city but not into the city, the gap is too large supply of public services, urban and rural communities. Problems in the above problem is not only China’s grass-roots social structure changes in the grass-roots social governance restructuring, from a relational level of analysis involved the discussion of the four-group relations: within countries and within societies, the state and society, urban and rural areas. The experience proved the above problems are not independent but are linked there. On research methods, the author uses the methodology of holism, combine the macro and micro analysis, two hypotheses through research and social survey:the actors-the structure of relations and grass-roots social governance process theory. Full community building as a starting point to analyze and solve the outstanding problems in the grass-roots social governance focus on the evolution of the grass-roots social governance logical order to study.The separation of departments to the department collaboration within the government relations conversion. Papers to the community of government functions into a logical starting point, the case of urban management and social security in the vertical in the end and lateral segmentation system, the state is posed by multiple actors, all actors in accordance with their own preferences to take independent action in the case of lack of administrative coordination mechanisms or poor coordination of the administrative sector monopoly, the compartmentalization of conflict, administrative expansion of neighborhood offices, community committees, administrative stuck. Primary administrative system reform, there is no grass-roots social governance structure optimization. Process reengineering and integration of resources as a path of grass-roots administrative reform, the government departments out of the experience of the "prisoner’s dilemma".Residents’ associations and social organizations, social relations within conversion. The collapse of traditional communities is a global phenomenon, a product of industrialization, marketization, urbanization, and internationalization. The collapse of the traditional communities does not mean that human beings do not need the Community, but it does mean that the human need to create a new Community. Community conflict in Western developed countries are more conflict between the various social organizations, and community conflict are more "low organized" or "organized" and "low institutionalization" or "no system conflict rooted in the constitutive deletion of "public reason" within the community is broken down as scattered individuals or groups, with the Western countries within the community posed by the different social organizations. Domestic experience has shown that grass-roots social organizations need to shift from the Regional Community organization and community community life community is constructed through the development of community self-government organizations, and enhanced within the grass-roots social cohesion is also achieved through the development of community self-government organizations. The grass-roots social organizations, will give rise to a community neighborhood committees, the main community governance mechanisms.Cooperative action between the Government and the conversion of social relations model. The reason why the community building of developed countries embarked on the country under the guidance of social action, their experience is that these countries have adopted a range of policy instruments in favor of social organizations to participate in the cooperation of governmental organizations and social organizations. Changsha Kaifu District, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, the government through the purchase of services, project subsidies, project incentives, to promote community management of social and community services, to promote governmental organizations to cooperate with social organizations, the convergence of government action and social action experiences.From the divide and conquer to one conversion of the urban-rural relations. Change the urban-rural dual structure in order to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, to change the dual identity of the farmers and the public to form a unified national treatment, which is both the needs of the modern nation-building, but also the needs of the construction of modern society, the state ensure that citizens’ rights to shape the national unity for all citizens attributable to the identity in the country. Promote urban and rural integration requires the integration of urban and rural community development, urban and rural grass-roots social governance structure as the basic way, promoting urban and rural integration also requires the cooperation of state and society, government organizations and social organizations, farmers and the public, the establishment of an inclusive community, inclusive sex the city until an inclusive society. The conversion of these four relations is a product of grassroots social problems in deep reflection and constantly search for the best governance model. Of the conversion of grass-roots social governance is not a single conversion, but a structural transformation, the transformation of existing relations, are also actors, roles change and the replacement of the governance process, the process of replacement of the grass-roots social governance through the government functions and community-based, government departments collaboration, and residents’ associations, government and social co-operative, and the integration of urban and rural community governance in five phases.

  • 【分类号】C912;D035
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】3602
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