

Between Revolution and Exercising Powers as a Ruling Party:the Research into the8Th Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party(CCP)

【作者】 岳奎

【导师】 郭圣福;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 党的第八届中央委员会是新中国成立后产生的第一届中央委员会,也是中国共产党从一个“革命党”走向“执政党”后选举产生的第一届中央领导集体。这届由大量革命家组成的中央委员会,在推进党的建设和社会主义现代化建设过程中呈现出明显的“革命性”特征,这既与当时的党情有关,也与党的中央领导成员结构特点有关。这届在“革命”与“执政”之间徘徊的中央委员会,在探索“什么是社会主义”、“怎样建设社会主义”以及“建设什么样的党”、“怎样建设党”的具体实践中,既有实践上的创举,也有理论上的重要突破,并形成了新中国成立后三十年间党进行自身建设和领导人民探索有中国特色社会主义道路上最为蔚为壮观的社会现代化图景。但是,八届中央委员会最终没能挣脱“以阶级斗争为纲”的樊篱,并在探索党的建设和有中国特色社会主义道路的过程中逐步走上了“文化大革命”的道路。这其中既有八届中央委员会领导人毛泽东、刘少奇等人的个人原因,也有八届中央委员会集体的责任,更有党的中央委员会组织架构、运行机制等方面的因素。历史证明,党的第八届中央委员绝大多数成员都站在斗争的正确方面,是一届经受了考验的中央委员会。本研究第一章梳理了无产阶级经典作家探索中央委员会建设和八大前党对中央委员会建设的探索,第二章考察了八届中央委员会的产生过程、成员结构、组成特点,其显著的“革命家”领导集体特质以及所具有的特殊的军人群体意识和群体品格,分析了八届中央委员会的结构特点及其履职目标。第三章到第六章则分别论述了八届中央委员会在履职期间,对社会主义经济、政治、思想文化和外交等方面的积极探索,指出其中取得的重要成绩和存在的不足,并据此勾勒出八届中央委员会的执政思维、执政逻辑和执政方略以及八届中央委员会的组织特点、组织结构对其执政逻辑、执政绩效的影响。第七章则重点论述了八届中央委员会与“文化大革命”的关系,得出了八届中央委员会由于对“什么是社会主义”、“怎样建设社会主义”以及“建设什么样的党”、“怎样建设党”认识的偏差,导致了其在社会主义经济、政治、思想文化、外交等活动以及党自身建设特别是党的中央领导体制建设方面的失误,最后发展到用“政治运动”和“革命手段”来发展社会主义生产力和进行党的建设的地步,并形成了“以阶级斗争为纲”的发展逻辑,又加之八届中央高层在“什么是社会主义”、“怎么建设社会主义”以及“建设什么样的党”、“怎样建设党”和“文化大革命”方面的分歧,最终导致了“文化大革命”的爆发。在“文化大革命”期间,无论是对党中央领导集体还是对中央委员会的领导体制、运行机制等等,都是一个沉重的打击和破坏。第八章在理性评估八届中央委员会执政绩效的基础上,对八届中央委员会自身建设的经验和执政经验进行了科学总结,得出了中央委员会应当依法执政,根据世情、国情、党情与时俱进,建立民主决策机制,强化对中央领导集体的监督机制建设,建立起中央委员会的防错纠错机制以及加强对马克思主义理论的学习,提高对“什么是社会主义”“怎么建设社会主义”、“建设什么样的党”“怎样建设党”等重要理论和实践问题的认识等重要结论。党的中央委员会是党的全国代表大会闭会期间党的最高权力机关,认真总结党的第八届中央委员会自身建设和执政经验,对当下中央委员会的建设具有重要的参考价值和理论意义。

【Abstract】 The8th Central Committee of CCP was not only the first Central Committee after the foundation of People’s Republic of China, but also the first central leader group which was elected after CCP had been transformed from a revolutionary party to a ruling party. The Central Committee made up of large quantities of revolutionists, demonstrated distinctive revolutionary features in their drive to promote party and socialist modernization construction. These features were related to both the situation of the party at that time and the feature of the membership structure of the Central Committee, whose focus swung between revolution and exercising powers as a ruling party. It made practical innovation and theoretical breakthrough in their exploration into the issues of "What is socialism ","How to build socialism","what kind of party should we build" and "How to build the party" and thus contributed to the most imposing socialist modernization prospect of CCP’S conducting self-construction and leading the people to carve a socialist road with Chinese Characteristics during the30years since the foundation of new China.However, the8th Central Committee of CCP failed to break the boundary of taking class struggle as the key link and gradually led to the dead end of Cultural Revolution in their exploration into building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Some personal factors of the leaders in the8th Central Committee of CCP such as Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, the collective responsibilities and the organization structure as well as the operation mechanism combined to contribute to the situation. History has proven that the majority of the8th Central Committee of CCP were on the right line of the struggle and the committee stood the test of the time.On the basis of the summary on the Central Committee construction explored by proletarian classic writers and CCP’s exploration into the same problem before the8th Congress of CCP in Chapter1, the author probes into the formation process, the membership structure, the composition characteristics, the distinctive revolutionists features of the leader group, and the special collective consciousness and morals of soldiers of the8th Central Committee of CCP in Chapter2, and its structure features and its executive objectives.The author elaborates on the proactive exploration into socialism drive by the8th CCP Central Committee during its term of service in economy, politics, culture, ideology and foreign affairs from Chapter3to Chapter6respectively, points out its major achievements and its deficiencies and outlines the ruling guideline, ruling logics and strategies of the8th CCP Central Committee and the influence exerted on its ruling logics and performance by the organizatior features and structures of the8th CCP Central Committee. In chapter7, the author mainly probes into the relationship between the8th CCP Central Committee and Cultural Revolution and draws a conclusion that it was the misunderstanding of the committee on "What is socialism","How to build socialism","what kind of party should we build" and "How to build the party" that led to the mistakes in economy, politics, ideology, culture, foreign affairs, and the construction of CCP especially the leadership mechanism of CCP during the process of socialism construction. And these mistakes aggravated to such a situation that the8th CCP Central Committee developed social productivity and self-construction through "political movement" and "revolutionary measures" and finally brought to the formation of the development guideline of taking class struggle as a key link. Coupled by the divergence on such problems as "What is socialism","How to build socialism","what kind of party should we build" and "How to build the party" and "cultural revolution" among the8th CCP Central Committee members, all these problems resulted in the breaking out of Cultural Revolution, which dealt a deadly blow to both the leader group of CCP and the leadership mechanism and operation mechanism of the Central Committee.On the basis of rational assessment on the achievements made by the8th CCP Central Committee, in chapter8, the author scientifically summarizes the experience on the construction of the committee itself and its experience as a ruling party. The author comes to an important conclusion that the Central Committee should rule the country by law, keep pace with the time in accordance with the real situation of the society, the country and the party, establish democratic decision mechanism, strengthen the supervision mechanism over the leader group of CCP Central Committee, set up the mechanism to prevent and correct mistakes, intensify the study on Marxism theories so as to improve the understanding of such important theories and practical problems as "What is socialism","How to build socialism","What kind of party should we build " and "How to build the party"The Central Committee of CCP is the organ of the supreme power during the adjournment of National People’s Congress. The summary on the experience in building the committee itself and exercising powers as a ruling party will be of great value and theoretical significance to the building of the current CCP Central Committee.


