

The Fire and Fire Fighting of Hankou from 1927 to 1937

【作者】 胡启扬

【导师】 彭南生;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 民国时期,火患是困扰城市发展的重要因素。本文以1927年——1937年的汉口为讨论中心,在考察汉口地区消防传统、火灾状况、灾情成因以及机构组织运作等基础上,对以汉口为代表的近代城市消防应对机制进行全面的透视与考察,希冀重构民国时期城市市政管理的历史图景,客观展示政府机构与民间组织在具体市政事务中的交互作用以及对城市的影响,并在最后通过与国内外代表性城市的比较分析以凸显汉口城市消防的特点。第一章对长久以来火灾观念和消防传统进行概述。中国传统社会对于“火”的情感是很复杂的,一方面对它充满了向往,它的光明和热量是生活必需;另一方面又对它十分畏惧,慑于它的巨大破坏力对其敬而远之。“火灾”在历朝历代都是难以回避的话题,社会各个阶层对此也都有自己的看法,对传统社会消防理念及消防措施的总结也是近世消防事业进步的助力之一。不同的时期对于“火患”都有不同的应对方式,从科学技术、建筑规划到行规例法、组织机构等等,这不仅对时人消防产生作用,还影响着后世社会的发展。汉口乃九省通衢,地理位置优越,明中期以后汉口城市兴起,防火、救火便开始与汉口的生存息息相关。第二次鸦片战争后,汉口也自此成为中国内陆一个重要的通商口岸,整个城市被纳入了近代化的历程,城市工商业也开始蓬勃发展,至清末民初,汉口已然成为与上海不相上下的工商业大都市。随着社会的不断发展,人们对于消防的理解以及重视程度各有不同,采取的措施也在不断的发生变化,因此有必要对晚清以来的消防理念和措施进行概括总结以了解这一社会事务的历史脉络。第二章对于1927—1937年间汉口的城市消防情况进行细致的统计分析,并以代表性案例作具体观察。火灾的发生都伴有各式各样的原因,每个原因的出现都必然带着所处时代的烙印。民国时期社会经济发展进入新的历史阶段,近代工业文明开始深刻影响着社会生活,原有的一些生活方式和生产手段逐渐发生改变,因而火灾发生的缘由也显著增多。再加上这一时期社会动荡以致人为纵火事件频发,在这短短十年间,所发生的火灾造成的损失世所罕见。文章将对这一时期的繁杂的火灾情况进行总结、归类,并对与消防相关的城市人口及同时段其他城市的火情进行关联分析,以期总结出汉口城市火灾的一般特征。此外,本章还将选取具有代表性的事例进行具体案例分析,以进一步观察城市火情的复杂性。第三章分别从民办和官办两个视角对汉口城市消防中实际存在的双轨体制进行详细探讨。在民国时期由于政府在社会基层权威的弱化,民办消防的作用日趋重要。为深入了解这一时期汉口民办消防的全貌,本章拟从组织架构、分会监管、设备经费管理、地区影响以及社会参与等五个方面来观测民间消防组织的运作方式与特点。官办消防机构也是这一时期城市消防力量的重要组成,本章将从发展脉络和城市消防事务管理等方面来对其进行探讨。另外,还对将从官办机构的管理和官民机构的共同参与来论述两者交互作用,以此来观察官民机构在城市消防中的互动。第四章主要从灾前保险和灾后赈济两个环节来考察这十年间汉口城市的消防应对。“隐患险于明火、防范胜于救灾”,对火灾的防范历来都是城市消防管理的重要方面,近代金融业的发展使得火灾保险成为汉口应对城市火患的重要手段,本章将从火险的起源、火险机制的完善以及纵火图赔防范治理等方面来观察这一时期的城市消防应对。对灾后赈济则以案例观察的形式进行探讨与分析。第五章将选取同时期国内外代表性城市的市政消防作比较性研究,以此来进一步凸显汉口城市消防的时代特点。在国外城市中,以政府主导型的东京和民间主导型的洛杉矶为例,观察两种不同市政体制下城市管理的相关差异;在国内,则以北平和上海为代表,来探讨官民力量构成比例截然不同的两类城市对市政消防的管理情况,并以此来观察汉口的具体特点。最后,从社会发展的角度对文章论述内容和行文目的进行概括和关照,并在此基础上提出对近代城市市政管理的几点认识。城市市政离不开官民力量的共同参与,官方力量是城市事务的主导,民间组织则是参与的主要力量,两者都需要制度规范并且更需要为彼此留有合理的活动空间,维系城市市政中官民力量的动态平衡对城市市政管理的完善与发展具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 In the period of the Republic of China, the city development was persecuted by the Conflagration.The discussion of this thesis centers on Hankou from 1927 to 1937.Based on the surveying in Hankou area for the fire-fighting tradition, the status and the cause of conflagration, the organization,the operation and so on, this thesis conduct a comprehensive perspective and examination on the fire-fighting response mechanism of Hankou-one of the representative of the modern cities. The author hopes for reconstructing the history of the municipal administration in the period of the Republic of China and show the mutual action and its influence to the cities between the government agency and civil organizations on the specific municipal affairs. At last, this thesis highlights the characteristics of fire-fighting in the city of Hankou through comparative analysis of the representative cities at home and abroad.The first chapter is a summary of the sense of fire and fire-fighting traditions for a long time. Chinese traditional society had very complex emotions to "fire". On the one hand, "fire" made people yearn for because its light and heat were essential to life. On the other hand, Since the feared "fire" had very huge destructive force, people remained distant from it. "Conflagration" was an unavoidable topic in every dynasty and all social classes had their own views on it. The summary of the idea and measures of fire-fighting in traditional society is also one of the impetus for the development of fire-fighting programs in modern times. There were diverse coping styles of "fire" in different periods, such as from science and technology, the plan for architecture to the case law regulations, organizations and so on. These different coping styles not only act on the fire-fighting in that time, but also affect the social development of afterworld.The geographical position of Hankou is superior, which is well known for transportation. Hankou rose as a city from Mid-Ming dynasty, fire protection and fire fighting was linked closely with livelihood in Hankou. Hankou had become an important trading port in interior China since the second Opium War, which had been in the process of modernization, where industrial and commercial business began to develop. Hankou had become a big city as important as Shanghai. In this process, fire protection has been changing according to people’s understanding of fire protection. It is necessary to analyze and generalize fire protection conceptions, ideas, and measures during late Qing Dynasty, to understand the development of this kind of social affair.The second chapter analyzes the Hankou fire protection situation carefully according to accurate statistical data between 1927 to1937, with some case studies. Various factors might bring about fire, but all these factors could not be separated from their surroundings and times. The social and economical development entered a new era during the 10 years. The modern industrial civilization affected the social life deeply, some ways of life and production changed gradually, and causes of fire also increased. Disturbance and unrest was prevailing during this period, parts of fire disaster were on account to some people’s purposes. The loss caused by fire was rare in all times. This chapter classifies fires and firemen in Hankou during this period, comparing to fires in other cities. There are some specific case studies to demonstrate the complicated situation of fire in cities.The third chapter discusses the two systems in fire protection in Hankou, civilian-run and official fire protections. The government authority weakens in this period, so fire protection run by citizens played a more important role. This chapter analyzes the operation and feature of civilian-run fire protections from organization, branch, equipment, funds, influence on the community, and participation in local affairs. Official fire protection was also an important part in Hankou, Which is discussed from its development and management of fire protection of the city in this chapter. This chapter also pays attention to the cooperation between official and civilian-run institutions, to see their mutual affections in fire protection in a city.The fourth chapter mainly study the fire response of Hankou city from two links that the disaster insurance and disaster relief these ten years. "Hidden is danger than fire, prevention is better than disa ster relief", the prevention of fire has always been an important aspect of the city fire management, the development of the modern financial industry makes fire insurance as Hankou an important means to cope with urban fires. This chapter will study the city fire response in this period from the origin of fir e insurance, fire insurance mechanism for the improvement and prevent arson Figure lose control. To discuss and analyze the case of disaster relief.The fifth chapter will select the domestic and international representation of the city’s municipal f ire in the same period for comparative study, in order to further highlight the characteristics of the tim es of the Hankou City Fire. In foreign cities, select the governmental dominant Tokyo and civilian do minant of Losangeles as examples, the effect of two different municipal system under city manageme nt related differences; in the country, select Peiping and Shanghai which are very different cities in the composition ratio of the power of officials and the public as examples, to discuss t the management o f municipal fire and to observe the specific characteristics of Hankou.Finally, to summarize and care the paper content and he writing purpose, and on this basis to mak e thoughts on the modern city municipal management. City Municipal is inseparable from the particip ating jointly of the official and civilian, the official strength city affairs is dominant, civilian organizati on is involved in the main force, both of which require institutional norms and the greater the need for each other to keep a reasonable space for activities, maintain the city municipal people power in dyna mic balance of city municipal management improvement and development important significance.

【关键词】 民国汉口火灾城市消防
【Key words】 The Republic of ChinaHankouFireFire fighting in the city
  • 【分类号】K262.9;TU998.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】451

