

On the Group of Clerk during the Republic of China(1920—1945)

【作者】 巴杰

【导师】 朱英;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 店员是近代中国颇具影响的一类职业群体,人数众多的店员对城市发展、商业繁荣及民国时期的政治走向都有着重要影响,轰轰烈烈的店员运动一度成为20年代大规模社会动员的重要组成部分。作为职业群体,店员大多具备一定的教育程度,学历也与店员的职位高低相称。职位的高低、种类及店铺的经营状况则关系到店员的薪资收入,进而影响其生活状况。制度化管理模式规范了店员的工作、生活,店员逐渐成为有纪律、有组织的社会群体,在此基础上构建自身的职业与身份认同,但制度管理中的“人情”余绪,消弱了店员之于店铺的认同、归属感,薪金待遇往往成为这种不满情绪的发泄口。同侪间的复杂关系,导致店员的从众心理,不得不参与集体行动,否则就会孤立于集体氛围的职场文化之外。社会形象的塑造来自夸大的宣传、偏见及性别歧视,而不是店员自身陋习及不同观察视角的建构。以店员为主要关注对象的媒介出现,彰显了店员的群体影响力,也实现了报纸文人关注底层、训导店员进入“革命”道路的理想。当然,报纸媒介披露的多是编辑希望的应该如此的店员生活,专栏对店员生活的“再现”,其实是编辑、读者、被描述者(后二者可能重合)之间彼此妥协发言权的结果,反映的是三者对店员生活的建构与再建构。不过,报纸文人改造店员的方向与店员的自身主动性存在着一定的矛盾,报纸文人关注店员生活,侧重于规范生活内容,店员强调业余生活,着眼点在于趣味性及可取得性。店员工会是店员表达诉求的合法平台,店员的底层声音因而得到社会的广泛关注。但活跃于店员工会的多不是普通店员,甚至于根本就不是店员,店员工会的立场也不完全是普通店员经济、政治利益的诉求体现。并且,店员工会并不成熟,工会的话语定位及阶级认同,更多的是精英份子生活观念及意识形态影响的结果。国民党对店员的身份归属、店员工会的会员资格及入会管理颇多争议,店员是否应组织工会,在总工会、总商会、商民协会以及国民党各级党部的工人部、商民部之间,纷争不断,国民党中央执行委员会的相关政策也是摇摆不定,一定程度上影响到店员工会的职能范围及自律效果。共产党之于店员的认识,有国统区、根据地两个思路。国统区内,着重关注店员的日常生活,引导店员把生活中的日常苦难转换为阶级苦难;根据地内,店员的阶级斗争、政治动员被过度夸大,店员成了工人阶级内部不甚清晰一个符号。店员的政治参与既有被动的合作,又有主动的参与,并呈现出对国家政权的依附状态。店员的经济斗争集中于提高工资待遇、改善工作环境、限制店主辞退店员等经济诉求,且大多以罢工的激进方式进行。国民政府在处理店员、店主间的劳资争议时,着眼点在于维护社会稳定及其统治,有时会压制店员迎合店主,有时会压制店主偏向店员,并没有既定的政策考量。但模棱两可的劳资政策,很难圆满解决劳资间的纷争,有时甚至会激化彼此间的矛盾。店员救济主要是失业救济,包括职业介绍、协助川资、因公救济等;店员教育包括子弟教育和职业教育,以职业教育为主;店员保障以储蓄应对风险为主,一定程度上尝试社会保险及团体互助。店员参与的社会救济活动包括直接捐款、通过文娱活动募集资金进行慈善救济等,并存在着一定的强迫性。

【Abstract】 The clerks is considered as a much influential occupation group in modern China, the clerks which had a large segment of the population had an important influence on urban development, business prosperity and the period of the Republic of China’s politics, the vigorous clerk movements became an important part of social mobilization in the20s.As an occupation group, most of the clerks had a certain level of education, Educational history and staff position are evenly matched. Positions,varied jobs and shops performance were related to the salary of the clerks,and they had a great influence on the conditions of clerk life.Institutionalized management standardized the job, life of the clerks, and the clerks had gradually become a disciplined, organized social group.And based on this conclusion,they formed their own occupation and identities.But the clerks’identities and the belonging to the shops were weakened because of the "human" style in the management system, they often aired their grievances by saying something about salaries, the clerks had conformity mentality since the complex relationships among the profession.They had to take part in group activities, or they would be isolated from the professional culture with the group atmosphere. The building of social image from the exaggerated propaganda, prejudiced opinions and sex discrimination, but not the bad habits of the clerks and their different angle of views.The influence of the clerks group were showed by the emergence of the media which focus on the clerks,and the newspaper literati’s ideals about concerning the foot of the society and disciplining the clerks to "revolution" path at the same time. Of course, what the newspaper media disclosed was the clerks’life should be that more editors hoped, and the " reproduction" of the clerks’life was actually the result that the editors, the readers and the described (maybe the last two coincided) made concessions.It reflected the clerks’living construction or reconstruction by the three. However,there were some contradictions between the newspaper literati’s direction of reforming the clerks and the clerks’own initiative. The newspaper literati concerned the clerks’life, put particular emphasis on the normative content of life, moreover, the clerks focused on the amateur life,the interest and availability.The union for the clerks is a legal platform for the clerks to express their requests, the sounds of the bottom got much attention and affirmation in social circles because of it. But the stirring persons in Union were mostly not ordinary clerks, they were even not clerks,and the union hardly represented the rights and interests of the ordinary clerks. In addition, the union was still in the rough, how to orientate their saying and class identities depended on living concept and ideology of the elites. There was much controversy in the Kuomintang about the clerks’identity,the clerk union’s membership and how to administer the members.And there were different attitudes on if the clerks should build their union among the union headquarters, Chamber of Commerce,association of the commerce and the worker department,the commerce department of the Kuomintang party organizations at different levels.The policies of Kuomintang central executive committee were blowing hot and cold.All this affected the function and autonomic effects of clerk union. The Communist Party have two methods about the clerks,one was in the KMT ruled area, there they were concerned about the daily life of the clerks,waken them from the life difficult to class hardships.The other was in the Communist ruled area,there the class conflict and political mobilization of the clerks were exaggerated, the clerks became an abstract symbol in the working class.The political participation of the clerks had both passive cooperation and active participation, and it appeared that it on depend on the state power. The clerks’economic struggle concentrated on raising wages, improving the working environment, limited the rights of the shopper dismiss the clerks,etc. And most of the movements were on the way of radical strike.To deal with disputes between the clerks and the owner,the national government had no established policy consideration,sometimes pressing clerk to cater to the shopkeeper, sometimes pressing the bias clerk.But it is difficult to solve labor disputes, sometimes even sharpened the contradictions.The relief of the clerks consisted mostly of the unemployment relief,it included profession introduction,assisting the travel expenses, relief on official business,etc.Clerk education was mainly vocational training,it included children education and vocational training.Clerk safeguard was mainly to save to respond to risks,in the same time to try to attend social insurance and the team mutual aid. Social relief activities that the clerks attended included direct donations, raising funds for the charity through recreational activities, it had a certain obligatory.

【关键词】 店员店员工会劳资争议救济活动
【Key words】 ClerkClerk UnionLabor DisputeRelief activities

