

City Life and Cultural Memory

【作者】 任晓飞

【导师】 姚伟钧;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 公共娱乐空间与民众的日常生活紧密相连,是研究大众文化的重要窗口。本文以具体的物理空间为分析对象,以1912至1949年为限,再现了不同类型娱乐空间的时空变迁,探讨了近代汉口市民的公共娱乐生活与文化形象,描绘了基层单位日常娱乐生活中的完整画面,并通过挖掘在公共娱乐空间中所发生的形形色色的大小事件,建构了娱乐空间和大众文化的历史叙事与微观考察。第一章以街头、茶园与戏院作为切入点,考察具有传统意味的公共娱乐空间与民众日常生活的紧密关系。街头不仅担负着城市的交通,同时也是下层民众日常生活的舞台。流行于街头巷尾的公共娱乐活动,实际上是一种纽带,它将邻里之间,乃至社区与社区之间紧密联系起来。光顾茶馆几乎是汉口人日常生活的必修课,闲茶生活轻松而自在,为汉口这个繁忙的商业都市平添了几分闲逸与舒适,人们将茶馆作为休闲、会友、娱乐的场所,赋予了茶馆多重的功能。最早的戏院从茶馆中衍生,民国时期,戏院已经成为地方戏曲的主要舞台,专业化的经营使其成为最受民众欢迎的公共娱乐场所之一第二章论述了具有“时尚”与“摩登”意味的新式电影院、歌舞厅的空间功能与文化意义。电影象征着新兴都市文化的勃兴与现代化娱乐生活的追求,带给汉口市民前所未有的娱乐体验,激发了他们对外部世界的好奇心。从传统戏曲到电影,不仅仅是娱乐方式的变更,也是一种与都市生活相适应的社会文化心理及其意识的更弦易辙。电影给近代汉口市民提供的是摩登、西化生活可描摹的范本,而舞厅则给他们提供了一个可以展示自我、挥洒热情的空间。跳舞被人们视为效仿摩登西化生活方式的重要途径,一时间成为最具摩登意味的娱乐消费方式。不过,舞厅中种种穷奢极欲与纸醉金迷的世相,也使其经常遭到改良者和地方政府的非难与限制。第三章主要研究公共娱乐空间中的人群。考察了来自不同职业、不同阶层、不同文化背景的人们怎样利用这些空间,展示了公共娱乐生活如何将人们联系到一起。观众是娱乐空间主要最主要的人群,他们来自社会的不同阶层,因为职业与文化背景的差异,而表现出不同的行为习惯;艺人尽情地展示着他们的技艺,以声情并茂的歌唱与表演,将观众带入惟妙惟肖的故事情节中,他们艺术精湛,却难以得到认可,不但社会地位低下,而且徘徊在贫困的边缘;小贩为了市民的日常需求而工作,不但给人们带来了方便,更给汉口的公共娱乐生活带了极大的生机;女性在娱乐场所中拥有较多的自由,她们通过参与娱乐休闲活动,塑造并展示着自己“新女性”的形象,并利用传统的性别秩序,为自己谋求了生存的空间。第四章研究的对象集中于剧场业同业公会和戏剧业同业公会。前者由娱乐业经营者组成,后者是艺人组织。对公会的组织结构与制度的解读说明,它们与传统的行会有着明显的不同,但仍保留了许多传统的因素。此外,国家对公会组织的控制也在日益增强。为了谋求行业发展,与地方政府之间展开了博弈,一方面争取涨价,另一方面不断的申请减免税收。与此同时,公会还扮演了多种公益角色,它不仅是同业互助的团体,也是协调行业与政府,乃至行业与地方社会关系的桥梁。第五章主要分析公共娱乐空间中发生的种种冲突,并揭示其背后所隐藏的错综复杂的矛盾关系。公共娱乐空间作为对公众开放的场所,常常成为各种力量争夺的对象和多种权利斗争的舞台,人们不仅为利用空间,占据空间而产生矛盾,也因改造和控制娱乐而发生冲突。当人们发现生计难以为继,遭受饥饿、恐慌或战争的威胁,且对于这种生活的状态无能为力时,冲突便会频繁的发生。而政治动乱、经济恶化、道德失范等无序状态,军人横行、滥用职权、流氓肆虐等乱象,则削弱了地方政府控制社会秩序的能力。第六章研究了社会精英如何对民众的公共娱乐生活极其空间施加影响。改良者留下的描述和批判大众娱乐行为的记录说明,在他们的眼中,大众文化的形象常常是十分负面的,那些旧的传统与风俗,代表了愚昧与落后,需要改革。为此,改良者根据自己的理想,对地方戏曲进行了改造。他们将正统的价值观念乃至革命理想灌输在表演的节目中,使其成为推进文明,提高民众道德水准的工具。此外,改良者还与地方政府展开了合作,塑造了一大批新型的公共娱乐空间。精英试图借此教化民众,传播新思想,而政府则试图通过空间政治技术的运用,塑造极具政治象征意义的空间,向民众灌输民族与国家的观念。第七章主要讨论了地方政府怎样对大众的公共娱乐行为进行控制。为了避免不良娱乐给社会风气带来的影响,政府竭力控制人们的公共娱乐行为,这个政策成为强化社会控制的手段之一。在此过程中,警察实际上成为政府控制大众娱乐的代言人,他们对大众娱乐的限制不但涉及那些被认为是“淫邪”地方戏曲,或是“迷信”的节日庆典,还包括人们不良的日常行为。地方政府还建立了完善的审查制度,对戏曲和电影的内容进行严格的审查,那些不符合规范的文化产品被厉行禁止。与此同时,对艺人的集中训练也紧锣密鼓的展开。此外,地方政府在管理公共娱乐场所方面作出了努力,包括对娱乐场建筑安全隐患的排查与改进,公共卫生事业在娱乐场所中的展开等等。总之,公共娱乐空间作为一个微观的世界,不但与近代汉口市民的日常生活紧密相联,更与这个城市的记忆系统密切相关,它反映了经济、文化、政治、社会的变迁。整个民国时期,在经历了改良、革命、战争与种种社会乱象的洗礼之后,汉口的公共娱乐空间和市民的娱乐生活,或多或少因精英的改良和政府的控制发生了变化,然而,大众文化仍显示出了其坚韧和旺盛的生命力。

【Abstract】 As an important factor in the research of popular culture, the public leisure places are closely connected with people’s daily life. In this paper, the author takes physical space as analysis object and represents the development of entertainment places from the perspective of changes of space and time. Through representation, the author analyzes the modern citizens’entertainment life as well as cultural image in Hankow. This article also offers a whole picture of people’s daily entertainment life as well as the stories and events happened in the public leisure places, aiming to form a historical narration and micro-examination of public leisure places and popular culture.The first chapter investigates the close relationship between traditional leisure places and people’s everyday life with case study of street,teahouse and theater.Street or neighborhood is not only a part of a city’s transportation system, but also common people’s living stage. Being a bridge that links neighbors or even communities together, public entertainments exist everywhere in the street. Teahouse is a typical public entertainment place in Hankow and also a must need for citizens. They come for the ease and comfortable atmosphere. The busy city life seems to slow down here. With constant development, teahouse turns to be more functional place where people meet, relax and find entertainment. The earliest theater was born from teahouse. In the Period of the Republic of China, theater has become the main stage for local opera. After specialized operation, it is ranked as one of the most popular public leisure places.In the second chapter, the author goes to discuss space function and cultural meaning of new cinema and ballroom. Film is the result of emerging city culture and modern entertainment, which brings a lot of unprecedented fun to Hankow residents. The cinema has raised their curiosity to the outside world. From theater to cinema, it is not just a change of entertainment style. It is an evolutionary of social culture psychology and consciousness that adapt to the development of city life. While cinema is more like a model for people to imitate western life style, ball room provide them a free place to express themselves. Dancing is considered as an important way to follow modern western life style and once was the most fashionable entertainment. However, it is committed that the luxury and extravagance in this place gives some cause for anxiety. That’s why reformers and government blame ballroom frequently. Next chapter emphasizes on the population appeared in these public leisure places. The author investigates how people with different jobs, different classes and different cultural backgrounds use these places and how they are tied by the public entertainment life. Audiences have formed the main part of entertainment space. They are from different classes and have different occupations and backgrounds, so that each person’s habit is different. Actors try their best to demonstrate superior acting and remarkable singing and dancing, audiences also greatly enjoy the show, but the society shows no approval for the actors. They always belong to lower class and live in poverty. Pedlars work for residents’basic needs and make life more convenient. Thanks for pedlars, the public entertainment life is more vigorous and lively. Female also play vital role in public leisure places who owns more freedom. They anticipate into entertainment activity positively in order to create a "new woman" image. Traditional gender order allows female to pursue their own living spaces.In the forth chapter, the analysis object concentrates on the theater trade association and opera trade association. Theater trade association consists of entertainment owner, while opera trade association is organized by actors. The author explains the organization structure and system of trade association and concludes that there are obvious divergences between trade association and traditional association though the former one also reserves many traditions. Besides, the nation has improved its control ability on trade association. Such condition came into being then that trade association plays a game with local government. On the one hand, the association makes extra effort to increase price. On the other hand, it strives for tax reduction continuously. At the same time, it plays many parts in industry development. It provides mutual aids for the same trade and coordinates with government on behalf of the industry. Interchange and communication turns to be possible.The author also points out the conflicts in public leisure places and reveals the complex contradictory relationship behind these conflicts. Since public leisure places are open to everyone, it’s been a target for all kinds of organizations who fight to occupy and make full use of these places, thus numerous conflicts occurred, especially when the living environment is tough and out of order, people have to suffer from hunger, panic or threat of war and what’s worse, they can do nothing at all. Collide also happen when owners want to fix or control entertainment space. The government’s control ability is weakened under such condition because the society is wrecked by political turmoil, deteriorating economy, moral abnormality and so on. At this time, soldiers in the army are abused for crime of abuse of authority and evil forces.The six chapter discusses the impact social elite brings to the public leisure places. Reformers have left a plenty of articles or records to describe and criticize the popular culture, which is obviously unacceptable at that time. Those local traditions or customs stands for ignorance and backward which should be reformed. Therefore, the elite launch a reformation to local opera according to their ideals. They plant new ideas and revolutionary thoughts in local residents’through performances. Public entertainment is a method for reformers to build civilization and raise residents to a higher moral level. Moreover, reformers also cooperate with local government and open up a lot of new type of public leisure places. Social elite tend to enlighten people and spread their ideas. Government hopes that in this way, it can create a space featured with political significance, inculcating concept of nationalism and ethnic.ihen the author move forward to analyze how local government takes public entertainment under control. In order to avoid any bad effect caused vulgar amusement, government actively limits the public entertainment. This policy also serves for reinforcing social control. In this process, the police actually are the spoke man for government to implement this limitation, which involves under-level local opera, superstition anniversary and also inappropriate day-after-day behavior. A thorough system is set up to censor the content of opera and film. Those which do not comply with morals and regulations will be strictly forbid to publish. At the same time, actors start to gain professional training. At last, the government key up an endeavor to improve the environment in public leisure places, including investigate and improve the hidden danger and public sanitation.In summary, being a microcosm, public leisure places is bound up with residents’ daily life in modern Hankow as well as the city’s long history. It reflects the development of economy, culture, politics and society. During the period of the Republic of China, after a series of events such as reform, revolution, wars, etc, Hankow’s public leisure places and people’s entertainment life has been more or less changed due to the elite’s reformation and local government’s control. However, the popular culture still survives and shows a strong vigor and perseverance.

  • 【分类号】K258;K26;F299.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】2051

