

Reasserach on the Participatory Development in the Poor Village

【作者】 王志丹

【导师】 向德平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 参与式发展在我国农村减贫的实践中运用已久,已经不是一个陌生的概念。发展学、人类学、经济学等学科的学者和扶贫领域的相关人士对此的关注较多,并且提出了很多有意义的总结与思考。本研究立足于中国本土的扶贫发展环境,试图以D村灾后重建发展过程为样本,通过社会学的理论视角与方法来认识并讨论参与式扶贫发展。因此,本文首先要分析参与式发展的环境、一般过程与功能。然后以社会互构论和行动理论为视角来思考D村参与式发展的特色。最后在D村研究的基础上讨论如何融合参与式发展技术与我国农村贫困地区的发展现实,思考参与式扶贫的政策制度模式。首先,本文将村民参与视为一种发展的行动。根据社会行动理论的基本范式分析在地震灾后D村村民参与发展的外部环境、行动的实践过程、行动的对村庄发展产生的效果和村民参与行动的模式。论文的导论部分为论文的叙述和讨论进行铺垫。通过研究缘起和理论视角的交代奠定了本文社会学的理论视角和写作思路。梳理了参与式的发展及其在中国的实践历程,归纳分析了参与式发展在中国的特点、功能、困境及出路。其次,论文分析了D村发展历程与参与式发展的环境。具体包括D村的发展历程与自然环境、政策环境以及村庄社会环境。从对D村的基本情况及“汶川地震”给村庄带来的影响来看,D村的发展先后经历了动员式发展、集资式发展。但是在经过了地震的影响之后,村庄发展进入了参与式发展阶段。通过分析自然环境、政策环境以及村庄社会内部环境分析D村发展的环境,讨论分析了在自然、政策与社会环境的综合作用下D村发展的有利条件与不利因素。再次,论文通过参与式发展一般过程的讨论与介绍梳理了参与式发展的一般过程与模式,然后就D村参与式发展规划的过程与内容进行了描述和分析,最后对D村参与式发展规划进行了总结:既以村庄为基本单位、以农户需求为基础的参与式发展规划,并且在发展过程中外部经验作为技术支持,不断地通过检测评估来进行调整的村民参与发展特点。通过利用对D村两年的灾后重建评估数据和相关资料对参与式灾后重建的效果进行描述与评估。并在评估的基础上对D村村民参与发展行动的模式进行概括。本文在最后分别从两个社会学理论视角来反思与讨论参与式发展在中国发展的模式。从社会互构论的视角思考了参与式扶贫政策的整合模式。通过参与式扶贫发展规划整合针对单个贫困的政策层面和区域性的扶贫政策体系。从社会行动的角度来看,在参与式扶贫过程中,则要考虑参与式扶贫的环境与目标对村民参与动机的影响。

【Abstract】 Participatory development has been applied in rural poverty reduction for a long time. And in academic circle, the development studies, anthropology, economics and other disciplines of scholars have lots of research and beneficial thinking on it. The dissertation intends to analyze the environment, normal process, function of participatory development and character in village-D. And it takes sociology theory as amylase tools to explore how to combine the technical of participatory development with policy of poverty reduction in Chinese circumstance.First of all, the participatory is a pattern of social action. According to social-action theory, outer environment of D village, discourse and practice of development, and the function of participatory are needed. So the dissertation introduce sociological theory angle of view and ways of writing are determined in first of all. And dissertation reviews on participatory development of evolution process and development in Chinese rural poverty reduction process.Secondly, Dissertation decrypts the process and environment of development for village D. First of all, dissertation introduces to the Village D and its damages after "wen chuan earthquake", combs the village development history in the next. At last, the dissertation discusses the natural, policy and social environment of participatory development, analyze the village D’s environment of development in that way.Thirdly, dissertation discusses the ordinal pattern and discourse of participatory. Dissertation combs the process of participatory development and review the development process of village D in that way. And induce the participatory development planning of village D. assess on village D’s participatory development with two years assessment data. Chapter six is generalization on characters of village D’s participatory development with assessment data.At last, dissertation has to reflection on participatory development mode in Chinese environments with sociology theory. First of all, under the "social mutual-construction theory" the dissertation explores how to combine the individual and structural policy with participatory development planning. Second, environmental analyses are needed in the research of participatory development under the social-action theory.


