

Han Ling Emperor and Hongdumen Academy Research

【作者】 杨继刚

【导师】 王齐洲;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 鸿都门学是东汉末年由汉灵帝发起创立的一所艺文机构,以尺牍、辞赋、鸟虫篆作为取材标准,大量招引才艺之士为官。由于遭到正统士人的激烈反对,鸿都门学虽然在迅速兴起之后,很快就在历史舞台消失,但却在政治、教育、文学等诸多方面对后世产生了深远的影响。本文采用文献学的方法,结合东汉末年的政治形势,对汉灵帝的一生进行综评,探讨鸿都门学成立的深刻历史原因,考证与之有关的基本史实,揭示其具有的制度特征。第一章简述鸿都门学的研究状况,确定论文的研究对象、范围及重点,说明研究意义和研究方法。第二章综述汉灵帝的生平以及鸿都门学成立的原因。在概括灵帝生平时,共分为四个部分进行评述。桓灵之际的东汉王朝动荡不安,面临着严重的统治危机。外戚宦官交替专权,士人离心,边患不断。灵帝身为外藩,在外戚势力的扶持之下登上皇位,为了巩固皇权,灵帝不得不在各大政治势力之间寻求平衡。同时,面对深重的危机,灵帝不甘心坐以待毙,采取了一些措施,试图挽救东汉王朝行将灭亡的命运。在变革失败的情况下,灵帝身上固有的封建帝王的荒侈本性充分暴露,作出许多乱政之举,最终把东汉王朝推向灭亡的深渊。鸿都门学是作为灵帝变革的一项措施出现的,它的成立具有深刻复杂的历史文化背景,共分为三个方面加以论述。其中灾异是其成立的近因;帝王对于辞赋的喜好是成立的远因;灵帝从当时政治形势出发,维护统治的动机是成立的深层原因。第三章对鸿都门学所涉及的名物进行考证。包括鸿都门学地理位置考、鸿都都门学人物考、鸿都门学才艺考三个部分。澄清基本史实是进行理论研究之前的必要基础和前提条件。鸿都门是洛阳都城中的一座宫门,但对其所在的确切位置却存在有两种不同的观点,一种认为在北宫之中,另一种则认为在南宫之中。本文通过对文献的考订,认为鸿都门的确切位置应当在南宫之中。鸿都诸生群体庞大,数以千计,很多还享有高官显爵,但是史籍之中留存下来的相关记载却很少,姓名可考者仅有七人。在本章之中,首先对鸿都文学代表人物之一乐松是否任中常侍一事进行考证,据此对汉灵帝设立鸿都门学的政治意图加以审视;然后通过材料的排比,概述鸿都文学的另一代表人物梁鹄生平经历,从梁鹄在汉末动乱中的去取选择,探讨鸿都门学群体与士人群体之间的关系,以及鸿都门学的思想取向。在对人物的考证之后,再对鸿都门学诸生所擅长的才艺逐一加以分析。鸿都门学的辞赋创作中以俗赋作品居多,尺牍则大多是一些公牍文体,鸟虫篆是同时具有政治实用功能和装饰功能的特殊书体。第四章从制度的层面对鸿都门学的特征加以探讨。分别将鸿都门学与太学、金马门待诏、东观进行对比,在彼此间的比照中凸显各自的特点。鸿都门学与太学相比,两者在以下四个方面存在差异:入学方式、生员构成、教学内容与目标、学生的待遇与出路。鸿都门学与金马门待诏相比,两者在人员数量和任职情况上都存在着较大差别,鸿都门学不仅人数远多于金马门待诏,而且政治前景也比后者更为优越。两者的相似之处,则是都与后世的门下省制度有关联。鸿都门学与东观相比,两者在机构功能、成员身份、艺文创作三个方面有所不同。东观的功能要多于鸿都门学,其成员也多以高门士人为主,艺文创作风格上正统而保守。

【Abstract】 Hongdumen Academy was an art institute which was established by Han Ling Emperor at the end of the Later Han Dynasty. Hongdumen Academy conscripted many people who had acquired their mastery of Chi Du,Han Fu and NiaoChongZhuan into the government. Hongdumen Academy disappeared away from the stage of history rapidly soon after its rapid rise,by reason of the orthodox intellectuals’strong opposition.Even so, Hongdumen Academy resulted in very great influence on politics,education and literature.In this paper,using the method of phiology,in combination with the political status in a bid to evaluate the life of Han Ling Emperor,explore the complex reasons of Hongdumen Academy’s fonudation,make a textual research on fundamental historical facts,reveal the important feature of Hongdumen Academy.The first chapter description the research situation to determine the object of study papers,scope and focus of how the research significance and research methodologies.Chapter II an overview of the life of Han Ling Emperor and the reasons of the Hongdumen Academy’s fonudation. The thesis which divides into four parts summarize the life of Han Ling Emperor. At that time when Han Ling Emperor ascended the throne,the Later Han Dynasty faceded the serious situation of outside sorrow and inte rnal troubles.The ruling class tnternal Waiqi and eunuch took their turns to control power, the traditional intellectual estranged themselves gradually from the government, the frontier was very unsteady. In order to consolidate his rule, Han Ling Emperor had to try to find a balance among all political powers. Confronting the serious crisis,Han Ling Emperor was unwilling to await his doom,he took some measures to save crisis.After the failure of reformation,the inherent dissolute nature of feudal emperors had been fully exposed, Han Ling Emperor made many ridiculous actions which pushed the Later Han Dynasty into the abyss of downfall eventually.The foundation of Hongdumen Academy was one of Han Ling Emperor’s reforming measures,its appearance had a profound historical background. The thesis which divides into three parts to discuss the background, a theory of "heterodoxy of natural disasters"was the proximate cause.the Emperor’s love of cifu was the remote cause,the motive for maintaining control was the deep-root cause.Chapter III of the textual research on name objects about Hongdumen Academy,including the textual research on geographical position of Hongdumen Academy, the textual research on the figures of Hongdumen Academy and the research on the skills of Hongdumen Academy.Clarifing facts is the basis and prerequisite for theoretical research. Hongdumen is one of palace gates in Luoyang,there are two different opinions about the exact position of Hongdumen,the first view considered that Hongdumen was a palace gates of northern palace,on the contrary,the second opinion deemed it was in the sonthern palace. Our textual research shows that Hongdumen was a palace gates of southern palace.The number of Hongdumen Academy members was enormous, there were nearly one thousand members in Hongdumen Academy.Although many of them were of high official titles,only a few records were left.There were only seven people whose names were recorded.In this chapter,we will first discuss weather Yue-song had held the office of Zhong-chang-shi,in view of above, examine closely the politic motive of the foundation of Hongdumen Academy.Then we will introduce the biography of Liang-hong,who was another representative of Hongdumen Academy, by means of Parallelism and contrast of literature material.From the choice of Liang-hong, we will probe into the relationship between the Hongdumen Academy group and traditional intelligentsia group,and the mental orientation of Hongdumen Academy.After the textual research of representatives,the chapter will analyse the skills of Hongdumen Academy one by one.The members of Hongdumen Academy produced many prose poems,most of them were popular rhapsoddies.Chi-du mainly were official papers, Niao-chong seal script wsa a kind of special typeface,which had both political function and decorate function.ChapterⅣ of the probe of Hongdumen Academy’s features on system level. Hongdumen Academy were compared with imperial college,Dong-guan and Jin-ma-men Daizhao separately.By means of contrast,we found that there were four distinctions between Hongdumen Academy and imperial college:matriculation,composition of members, content and goal of courses,treatment and prospects. Compared with Jin-ma-men Daizhao,there were obvious differences between the number of members and the arrangement for posts.There were far more members in Hongdumen Academy than that in Jin-ma-men Daizhao.The members of Hongdumen Academy had better political future than Jin-ma-men Daizhao. The similarities between Hongdumen Academy and Jin-ma-men Daizhao was that they both were associated with the Later generation’s system of subglottic province. There were three distinctions between Hongdumen Academy and Dong-guan:institutions function, memberships, literary and artistic creation.Dong-guan had more functions than Hongdumen Academy,most of the members of Dong-guan were of noble birth.For this reason,their literature works were orthodox and conservative.

  • 【分类号】G256
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】553

