

The Appeal and Voice of the Peasants in Rural Area

【作者】 余卫东

【导师】 唐鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 唐鸣, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放30年以来,我国农村经济社会全面发展,农村社会也呈现出了利益多样化和主体多元化的趋势,这使得中国乡村社会各主体间的利益冲突问题凸显了出来。表现在村庄政治领域,则是一方面国家意识形态控制能力的弱化,乡村组织频繁出现了违规、违纪甚至违法行为,另外一方面农民群众政治参与意识和能力不断提高,对政治权利和政治利益的追求达到了新的高度,农民群体日益要求实现自主管理。与此同时,国家在制度建构层面迎合了这一不断变化的实际,在制度创新中不断满足农民群体通过制度化渠道实现利益表达和政治诉求的需要。作为“中国式的草根民主”、发端于20世纪80年代初期的村民自治顺应了农村改革需要,目前已成为在农村基层实行的一项基本治理制度。但是在某些地方,由于多种因素的影响,农村基层群众在村委会换届选举中依法应当享有的民主权利、政治利益往往受到某种程度的侵犯。同时,在日常的村务管理过程中积累下来的多种矛盾和问题,往往也会选择在村委会换届选举时集中爆发。在此过程中,感觉自身利益受到不当侵犯的农民群众往往被迫选择信访作为其实现权利救济和利益表达的另外一条途径。但是,信访制度能否实现广大农民群众在换届选举过程中的利益诉求、其在利益表达上的实现程度以及自身的承载能力究竟如何,其能否化解矛盾及矛盾化解的程度怎样等有待于更为深入的探讨。由此而至,村民自治与信访制度形成了交集,村委会换届选举过程中的信访问题成为了我们的研究对象。本文通过对新形势下大量的村委会换届选举实践中出现的信访案例的分析梳理,廓清农民群众在实施村民自治过程中选择信访作为其权利救济途径和利益表达机制的原始动机、所涉及的利益冲突、其间的利益协调机制和矛盾化解效益,继而为农村基层信访制度的构建与完善提出有关的政策建议,并为乡村自治实践提供合理化的建设意见,力求有助于修改后并新颁布的《村民委员会组织法》的进一步完善、农民利益表达机制的进一步拓宽以及当前农村基层信访问题的更有效解决。通过对村委会换届选举信访产生的历史背景、社会变迁、政治关系等多角度分析,我们发现乡土社会的农民信访生成有着意识形态、社会发展、制度设计、社会媒介、利益表达等多方面的因素。比如,信访有着中国独特的意识形态和文化渊源,其深深植根于中国传统法制度体系的土壤之中,而中国传统法文化中的“无讼”观、“清官文化”等构成的人治社会法律传统,使乡土社会农民潜移默化中形成了这种依赖信访追求诉求解决和利益实现的特殊思维模式。再如,由于社会历史传统的承继性、国家制度设计的迟滞性、农民表达意识和能力弱且组织化程度低等自身缺陷性等多种因素造成的乡土社会农民利益表达权利失衡和制度内机制不畅通,最终导致了农民群体利益的受损。为了实现受损利益的补给,在多种利益表达机制中,信访就成为了农民群体的一个选项。村委会换届选举的信访个案纷繁复杂,有些不同时间、不同地点发生的信访案件在信访形式上往往存在某些方面相似性,而看似相同的信访个案仔细比较又存在巨大的差异性。通过对多个信访个案的抽象化概括,我们从信访行为层级的角度将其分为逐级信访和越级信访,从信访行为的群体性和谋求利益的共同性的角度将其分为独立信访和群体信访,从信访人就同一信访事由进行的信访次数的角度将其分为首次信访和重复信访,从信访行为的合法性的角度将其分为适法信访和违法信访,从信访行为实施方式的角度将其分为传统信访和网络信访。由于每个信访者其社会地位、生活经历、文化素养、思想认识等方面的差异,也必然导致在村委会换届选举信访活动中出现各式各样的心理需要。每一种信访心理都有着各不相同的表现形式,也就是这些不同的表现形式使得各种信访心理呈现出不同的特点。每一种信访心理的产生都有着内在个人因素和外在社会因素两个方面。但是有些信访心理侧重于信访人个人自身的认识、情感、性格等心理因素,如报复心理;而另外一些更侧重于外在社会因素对其的影响和作用,如情感偏见。再按照一定的标准,还可将信访心理动机划分为若干的大类。比如,按照信访人追求利益的合法性,可以将其分为三类:以合法性利益诉求的,包括个体维权、英雄情结;以不当利益为诉求的,包括报复心理、牟利心理;而从众心理介乎两者之间的,即可能以合法利益为诉求,有可能追随信访组织者牟取非法利益。每一种信访事由都有其自身的特点和产生的原因。这些原因即可能涉及到乡村社会的政治、经济、文化或者社会伦理,也可能涉及到国家层面的制度规范:即可能涉及到参与村民委员会换届选举中的选民、候选人等个人,也可能涉及到基层政府、村党支部、上届村委会等组织。而且每一种信访事由之间也存在一定程度的联系,其完全可能相互渗透、相互作用,导致问题的复杂化、矛盾的积聚化。村委会换届选举中出现的信访行为,除了受到信访人个人内在心理需要作用之外,还受到选举过程中不断出现的各种信访事由引起的利益分化等外部诱因的作用。我们通过对村委会换届选举中的信访案例进行梳理,归纳出村委会选举中的农民信访焦点主要分布在选举资格争议、选举程序瑕疵、贿选舞弊问题、乡镇政府不当干预、黑恶宗族势力操纵以及历史遗留问题等六大事由之中。信访问题的复杂性决定了信访消解方法的多元性。实践中,基层政府或信访部门处理村民委员会换届选举信访问题的经常性手段主要包括政治工作引导、心理干预疏导、法律法规宣讲、部门联动调处、强行压制息访和预警机制构建。从这些多样性的方法中,我们可以看出,基层政府或信访部门在信访化解中可供选择的手段还是充裕的。需要说明的是,不同的信访案件采取的方法还是有所差别。基层政府或信访部门可以根据信访人的政治身份、受教育程度、心理状况等个人特质,以及信访问题的特殊性等因素选择特定的消解手段实现矛盾化解的效益最大化。当然,不同的消解手段对不同的信访人群和信访事由,可能会产生不同的效果。比如,对具有党员身份的信访人选择政治工作引导的手段,效果肯定会优于普通群众,因为前者往往具有更高的政治觉悟;而对重复信访者,采用心理疏导的手段效果也会优于法律法规宣讲,因为其本身对法律法规政策的熟悉程度或许会超出常人的想象。必须看到,不同的信访手段并不相互排斥,一个信访案件的解决往往需要多种消解手段的复合作用。比如,对于集体上访而言,单一的信访消解手段就显得捉襟见肘,而根据群体心理的差异性,将集体信访人划分为不同的群体,分别采取不同的手段化解矛盾,一定会起到事半功倍的效果。值得肯定的是,村委会换届选举之后的信访作为农民利益表达一种途径,在最直接意义上,它实现了农民对村庄的政治参与,从长远角度考虑,其又有助于乡村社会政治文明的实现。但是作为农民利益表达渠道的信访也往往出现各种各样的困境,农民的利益要求不能通过信访得到畅通表达,这与信访制度本身的缺陷密切相关。信访渠道的间接性影响着农民利益表达的效果,信访运行中错位的政绩观影响着农民利益表达的积极性,信访部门之间缺失协调性无形中增加了农民利益表达的成本,信访执行权的相对弱势也同样影响着农民利益表达的行为。因此,为实现农民利益表达机制的拓展和完善,当前需要从制度设计、组织健全、环境优化以及物质基础累积等角度采取措施。比如,在人大代表中选举特别是县乡人大代表选举中,要引入竞争机制。通过引入竞争机制,以更好保证农民选民选出具有较强的参政议政能力、能够代表农民利益、具有较强的代表和责任意识的代表,使选举确确实实地成为农民进行利益表达的一条重要通道。社会转型期的农民信访有着共性的逻辑,这表现为农民信访往往围绕着一些共性问题展开,这包括农村土地征用问题、土地承包及集体福利问题、村务财务及村干部经济作风问题、宅基地纠纷问题、村委会换届选举与两委工作问题等。但与其他方面的信访比较,村委会选举信访又有着自己的特质。特别是,农民选择每三年一次的村委会换届选举作为上访的切入点,着实呈现出农民群众“借事搞事”式的智慧和勇气,他们借助村委会换届选举信访作为其向乡村政治实体进行利益表达和政治诉求的手段,其目的是希望重新调整、平衡和理顺各种对自己不利的利益关系和矛盾冲突。而为了解决村委会换届选举中的信访问题,各级政府则必须双管齐下,既要推动信访制度的制度创新,又要推进村民自治实践继续向前健康发展。只有两者相互配合,实现农民权利的系统保障,才能从根本上化解村委会换届选举中的信访问题。

【Abstract】 Reform and opening up to30years, the rural economy is all round development, emerging diversification of interest and subject pluralism that leads to conflict of interests between them. This phenomenon expression one point is the weakness of the country’s ideology, and the other point is the farmers are becoming the political participation and they have the ability to become a independent management people. At the same time, the country’s system reaches the same consensus with peasants’ requirement.As "Chinese Grassroots Democracy" is originated in1980s. It is complied with the rural reform and now is becoming a basic management system.Because of some unsure reason, the right of peasants have not fully realized and broken out during the election. The peasants were forced to choice the letter and visit to express their voice. The more we want to know is that whether petition can solve the conflict of interest during the election and how about the itself bearing capacity. So, the villagers autonomy is combined with the petition, and the petition during election becoming the research object.This text is aiming at analysis petition case that happened in the election in order to know original motivation of peasants’right、conflict of interest and coordination mechanism. analysising these problems can complete basic level policy and the villagers autonomy and《The villagers committees)) can be also more reasonable.According to study petition’s history background, social change and political relations we found source of it has many facts, such as ideology, social development, system design, social media, interests expression and so on. The petition has its special history and cultural origin, its is based on traditional law system, but the opinion of traditional law system is about no suit or ruling makes peasants protect their interest or voice through the special way, that is petition. For another example, because of the social history of inheritance, state of the system design of hysteresis, peasants’poor express consciousness and low degree of organization lead to rights imbalances and mechanism is not clear. In order to complete this damaged interests, petition is the one choice of the expression. During the election of village, there are many different kinds of petition, sometimes they looked similar to each other but has big difference of it. According to abstract some petition, we can divide it for tow parts from the grade, that is level petition and bypass the leadership grade petition. From the interest aspect, we can divide it as independent and masses. From the number of it, we can divide it as first and repeat. From the legal aspect, we can divide it as legal and illegal. From the implementation way, we can divide it as traditional and network.The complaint has different social status, life experience, cultural cultivated manners and mind leads to different needs. Because of the different complaint has different expression, the petition has many different characteristics. Each characteristic has it own reason as personal reason and social reason. According to psychological motivation it can be divided into many part,like legal interest complaint, illegal interest complaint and conformity complaint.Each of it has its own reason. It can involve in political, economy, cultural and also in system of country, that is to say, it can involve in electing person or basic level government. And these can be worked together to make things more difficult.we study these case to find out the central point of the conflict of election, defects of election program, the fraud problem, unreasonable guidance, malice religious work and other history problems.The complexity of the petition problem determines the diversity of the petition digestion methods. in practice, the means of local government or petition departments to handle letters and visits of the general election of villagers’committees including the guiding of political work, psychological intervention,the preaching of the laws and regulations, sector mediation, forcible suppression of interest to visit and build early-warning mechanism. From diversity, we can see, the choice of means of the primary government or petition departments in the petition to resolve is sufficient. It should be noted that the approach taken by the different case letters is different. The primary government or petition department according to the petitioner’s political identity, level of education, mental health and other personal characteristics, as well as petition the special problems and other factors to select a specific digestion means to resolve the contradictions to maximize the benefits. Of course, to many petitioners and letters pretext, different digestion means may produce different results. For example, choose the means of political work to guide the petitioner with the party membership, the effect will certainly be better than ordinary people, because the former tend to have higher political consciousness; to repeat petitioners, the effect of using psychological counseling means will be better than preaching the laws and regulations, because their familiarity with the legal regulations and policies may be beyond the imagination of ordinary people.It must be noted that the different means of petition are not mutually exclusive, to resolve a complaint cases often require the compositing action of a variety of digestion means.For example, in terms of a collective petition, single petition digestion methods become stretched, according to the differences of group psychology, the collective petitioner is divided into different groups, respectively, to take a different means to resolve contradictions, it will certainly take a multiplier effect.Worthy of recognition, the petition of the village committee after the general election as a way of the expressing of farmers’interests, in directly, it implements the political participation of farmers of the village, from the long-term perspective, and help the rural social and political civilization. Petition as the interests of farmers expressed channels often have a variety of difficulties, farmers’interests and demands can not through petition to get smooth expression, which is closely related to the defects of the petition system. The indirection of letters and visits impact on the effect of expression of the interests of farmers, during the process of petition, misplaced view of achievements affect the enthusiasm of the expression of the farmers’interests, lack of coordination between the petition department virtually increase the cost of the expression of the interests of farmers, relative to vulnerable of petition implementation rights also affect the behavior of the expression of the farmers’ interests. Therefore, in order to come true the expansion and improvement of the express mechanisms of the farmers’interests, we need to take measures of system design, well-organized, environmental optimization and the cumulation of material basis. For example, people’s deputies in elections, especially in the election of county and township people’s congress deputies, we need to introduce a competition mechanism. Through the introduction of competition mechanism, in order to better ensure that the peasant electorate has a strong political participation capacity, able to represent the interests of farmers, has a strong representation and sense of responsibility on behalf,the election really and actually to become an important channel of the expression of farmers’interests.The farmers petition in the period of social transformation have a common logic, the performance of the petition of farmers often revolve around some common issues, including rural land expropriation, land contract and collective welfare, financial affairs of the village and village cadres economic style, homestead disputes, the village committee general election, with two committees work problems. But compared with other aspects of the petition, the village committee election petition also has its own properties. In particular, the farmers choose the village committee general elections once every three years as a petition entry point, indeed, showing the wisdom and courage of the "peasant masses" by things trouble them with the village committee election petition as to rural political entities, the means of expression of interests and political aspirations, their objective is to re-adjust, balance and rationalize all kinds of conflict on their own adverse interests and contradictions. In order to resolve the issue of the village committee election petition, all levels of government must be a two-pronged approach to promote the petition system and system innovation, but also to promote the practice of villagers’autonomy to continue to forward the healthy development. Only the coordination of the two complement and achieving the systematical protection of farmers’rights can fundamentally resolve the petition issues in the village committee election.

  • 【分类号】D921.8;D632.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2383

