

Research on Risk and Differentiation of Landless Farmers during Urbanization

【作者】 冯晓平

【导师】 江立华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的快速推进,失地农民分化问题日益凸显,对该问题进行研究不但有助于把握我国城市化进程中失地农民分化的具体过程和内在机制,还有助于建构分析失地农民分化问题的系统、动态的理论框架,并为政府规避城市化过程中的风险、推动失地农民的合理分化提供研究上的支持。本研究将失地农民分化这一问题放置于我国征地城市化的宏观社会背景下展开,利用质性研究的基本方法,选取河南省的一个典型村庄作为研究个案,展现了城市化进程中该村庄农民完整的分化过程,以期寻找到推动失地农民分化的相关因素和内在动力机制,围绕着分化这一研究主题,笔者还详细考察了该村庄内农民在城市化征地过程中所经历的风险变迁,借此对城市化进程中失地农民风险的变迁机制及其与分化之间的理论联系有所认识,研究的具体内容遵循城市化推进的次序依次展开:首先,考察了征地以前我国农民的风险与分化状况。由于长期存在着既隔离又流动的特殊城乡关系,我国农民的身份也展现出同中有异的复杂状态,具体体现在生活和风险状态上就是既有总体性的特征,又有分异性的表现,在对农民总体性和分异性的生活和风险状况进行详细的考察和对比之后,研究发现:征地前,农民的风险量小、来源明确且具有可规避性,因此总体上处于一种不突出的隐形状态,农民内部的分化也由于分化边界不清且身份长期处于流动状态而呈现出隐形化的总体特征。其次,分析了城市化征地中农民的风险与分化状况。我国现有征地制度下的城市化扩张对农民中各个群体的生活造成了巨大的风险冲击,同时也改变着农民们的行动空间,为农民中各群体利用这些行动空间采取应对行动提供了可能,通过这一部分的分析发现:由于不合理的土地征用制度和农民主体的应对行动制造出了新的风险状况,失地农民的风险在征地中日益凸显,同时,由于征地制度和结构作用的差异性后果以及不同农民主体差异性的行动产生了新的分化动力,农民内部的结构在征地中开始出现更为明显的分化。最后,探讨了征地以后失地农民面临的风险与分化问题。征地之后失地农民遭遇了一个全新的风险境遇,但新的风险对不同失地农民群体的影响是不同的,在这种新的风险挑战下,失地农民之间在职业上出现了新的分化,在生活状况上朝向了不同的城市化方向发展,通过这一部分的分析发现:征地后,失地农民风险的总体特征表现为在特定群体身上的固化,失地农民之间的分化也出现了阶层化的趋势,即失地农民分化趋于固化为稳定的分层结构,固化成为失地后农民分化的总体特征。研究主要得出了以下结论:结论一:关于失地农民分化的结论,研究认为:在我国城市化进程中,失地农民的分化表现为从隐形的分化—凸显的分化—固化的分化的演变图式,推动其分化不断演变的内在动力来自于失地农民主体性因素和社会结构性因素之间的持续性互构,经由这一过程,农民之间的不平等被加剧,并不断得到固化。结论二:关于失地农民风险的结论,研究认为失地农民的风险在城市化过程中经历了与其分化相同的演进路径,而塑造了风险图景的内在机制也来自于失地农民主体性因素与社会结构性因素之间的互构,该结论也说明我国城市化进程中失地农民的分化过程同时也是失地农民风险的生产与再生产过程。结论三:关于失地农民风险与失地农民分化的结论,在得出前两项结论的基础上,笔者进一步对失地农民分化过程中所体现出来的分化与风险之间的理论关系进行了探讨和总结,认为两者之间存在着以下三个方面的联系,1.两者之间同根同源,即均产生于城市化进程中失地农民主体性因素和社会结构性因素之间的持续性互构;2.两者之间共生共变,即失地农民的分化与风险是城市化的双生子,在城市化征地的各个阶段,两种现象始终是共生的,且它们在变化的方向上是一致的,在变化的节奏上是同步的,存在着明显的共生共变关系;3.两者之间互相型塑,即失地农民风险不断地通过其分配过程影响和塑造着失地农民分化的结构形态,而失地农民分化也通过其对社会成员的差异化生产过程影响和引导着风险的流动路径,两者之间相互影响,相互型塑。本研究的创新点主要体现在三个方面,第一,通过对一个典型个案的深入研究,探讨了我国失地农民分化的具体过程和内在机制,从而丰富了关于中国失地农民分化具体过程的经验研究;第二,通过分析个案在城市化进程中风险变迁与结构分化的具体过程,尝试性的建构了风险与分化之间的理论联系;最后,通过分类、动态的研究失地农民及其主体性行动,拓展了现有失地农民研究的研究方式。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s urbanization, the problem of landless farmers’ differentiation increasingly becomes prominent. Research on this problem will not only help to grasp the specific process and mechanism of landless farmers’ differentiation during China’s urbanization, but also help to construct a systematic and dynamic theory frame about this problem and support the government to avoid risks and promote the reasonable differentiation of landless farmers during urbanization.This study will place the problem of landless farmers’ differentiation in the macro social background of land expropriation during China’s urbanization. The author adopts several basic methods of qualitative research and selects a typical village in Henan province as a case. In this study, the author shows a complete process of landless farmers’ differentiation in order to find out the inner drive mechanism which promotes landless farmers’ differentiation. Besides that, the author also investigates the changing risks which farmers are experiencing during urbanization in order to find out the inner mechanism of risk changing and the relationship between the risks and differentiation. Following the order of urbanization, the main contents are as follows:First of all, the author investigates farmers’ condition of risk and differentiation before the land expropriation. Because of the special relationship between urban and rural areas in our country, this is the coexistence of long-term isolation and limited flows, farmers’ identities are very complex in our country and their living condition and risk state show intercommunity and diversity at the same time. Through contrast and analysis, the author finds that farmers’ overall risk before the land expropriation is almost invisible, and so is the differentiation among farmers, that is because the differentiation of the boundary is not clear and farmers’ identities flow a lot.Secondly, the author analyzes the changes of farmers’ risk and differentiation during the land expropriation. In the current system, land expropriation not only brings a great impact to farmers’ life, but also changes the farmers’ action space and provides the possibilities for farmers’ to take actions. Through the analysis of this part, the author finds that due to the unreasonable land requisition and individual subjective actions which create new risk status, the risks of landless farmers increasingly become prominent. Meanwhile, promoted by difference consequences of farmers’ actions and social structure and systems, the structure of differentiation among farmers becomes visible.Finally, the author discusses farmers’ condition of risk and differentiation after the land expropriation.Landless farmers face an absolute new risk situation after they lose the land. Facing this new challenge, professions and living conditions of landless farmers have undergone significant differentiation and are going toward different directions of urbanization. Through the discussion of this part, the author thinks the risks are flowing to specific groups of farmers and fix on them.The trend of stratification is emerging among landless farmers after the land expropriation.This research comes to the following conclusions:Conclusion1:the differentiation of landless farmers experiences a special process which is from invisible to visible to fixed during urbanization. The inner power to promote this process is from the persistent mutual construction between farmers’subjectivity factors and social structural factors. And the author thinks the inequality among landless farmers increases during this process.Conclusion2:after investing the changing risks during urbanization, the author finds out risks show the same evolution schema as the differentiation and inner mechanism to produce and reproduce risk is also from the mutual construction of farmers’subjectivity factors and social structural factors. That means the process of landless farmers’differentiation is also a process of production and reproduction of risks.Conclusion3:on the basis of the conclusion1and conclusion2, the author goes future and explores the relationship between risks and differentiation of landless farmers, to sum up, there are three points:firstly, the farmers’differentiation and risks are twin phenomena during the land expropriation of China and the common internal power to promote differentiation and risks is from the persistent mutual construction between farmers’subjectivity factors and social structural factors. Secondly, the risks during this process have a symbiotic relationship and change together with the differentiation. Last but not the least, risks can influence and shape the structure of landless farmers’ differentiation by its allocation process and the differentiation of landless farmers also can lead the flow path of farmers’risks by its differential operation, so differentiation and risks of landless farmers influence and construct each other mutually.There are three innovations in this research. Firstly, this study discusses the specific process and the inherent mechanism of landless farmers’differentiation, which enriches the empirical study about landless farmers’differentiation.Secondly, through the analysis of risk and differentiation in the specific process, the author tries to explore the theory relationship between risk and differentiation. Last but not the least, the author makes use of a classified and dynamic way to study the problem of landless farmers’differentiation and pays more attention to farmers’subjectivity, so this study also expands the existing approach to the research on landless farmers.

【关键词】 城市化分层分化失地农民风险
【Key words】 Landless farmersRiskDifferentiationStratificationUrbanization
  • 【分类号】C912.82;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2634
  • 攻读期成果

