

【作者】 谷涛

【导师】 尹少淳;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 美术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现象学视野下的美术教育研究是以现象学哲学为基础进行的美术教育认识和实践的理论建构。本论文从美术课程改革的现象开始,在理想与现实之间开启现象学之思,在现象丛生与理念交杂的美术教育现实之中,感受当下的美术教育存在。笔者深切感受到美术教育课程改革需要哲学基础的支撑,只有在认识论的层面澄明美术教育理解,才能使美术教育理论与实践获得一种去除遮蔽的明晰。现象学美术教育正是这样一种基于人文主义立场,在生活世界呼吸与体验之中,寻求一种去除遮蔽的道路。艺术在生活之中,不是在我们之外。它不是一种“崇高的、神圣的怪物”,它是每个人都需要的生活表达,它是每个健康的生命的一种基本需要。美术是在各种关系之中的存在,是一种生命本真的涌动,它的存在让我们感受到生存更圆满。从现象学意向性理论出发,我们可以了解人的认识是一个集知觉、判断、想象、意义、直观等的整体,人的原初认识状态不是一种分裂的状态。主体间性理论告诉我们人的存在是在诸多关系之中的交互、交往,人与世界具有共存性、共在性。人格教育理论告诉个体以自我实现与环境的交互,自我是处于“本我”与“超我”之间的一种现实平衡。每个人都需要在自我体认之中获得自我存在的价值。美术的认知与学习是一种基于个人的,在具体情境下的动态生成,个人知识并不是一种对象化、客观化与孤立化的存在。对于每一个老师而言,美术教学方法也是一种个人知识,只有在具体的情境的体验之中才‘能使方法成为活的方法,知识成为活的知识,实现现象学的超越。师生关系是一种主体间性的关系,美术教育只有发挥了教师与学生的主体性,让教师与学生获得教学与学习的意义感,才能成为一种有效率与有意义的生活。美术教育的源出之地是“生活世界”,它的起点与归宿都是人的生活。美术教育是一种超越了感性与理性区分的教育,美术具有艺术的感受性,在混合的感受性教育之中,获得心智的健全发展。美术教育需植根于“生活世界”,以一种与“生活世界”对话的态度,形成一种内心丰富的体验,获得生活的意义感,使美术教育的生活过程与生命的意义感同在。现象学美术教育认为教育的源出是“育”,教师的源出是一种“替代父母的关系”,教师需要听见教育的召唤与使命。美术教育的教师智慧体现在“教”乃“让-学习”,它在具体情境的氛围中,在体验的反思与理解之中获得。美术的学习应该紧密地和具体的生活经验联系起来,发展学生的体验关系。教学应该基于学生的认知规律,从学生的全面成长出发,设置每一堂美术教学具体的经验扩展主题。美术教学评价的目的在于使教师更了解学生,以实现对。儿童成长的激励。现象学美术教育的价值在于它的生活目的取向性,它的命题是“幸福+意义”。这种取向性吻合了时代精神的主题——尊重感受性,关照意义感。现象学美术教育的价值也在于它坚持美术教育的本真,要求恢复艺术教育的灵性,从个性到创造到自由,实现人的潜能的激发。这些追求与明确的方向感,可以为实现美术教育课程改革目标平添助力。总之,现象学美术教育秉持“回到事情本身”的精神,尝试从美术教育最本源的部分开始探讨问题。以“现象学还原”的方法将美术、教育、师生关系、自我、认知、创造、知识与学习等基础概念还原为本源的意义,在此基础上建构现象学美术教育认识论,得到更深刻的美术教育理解。现象学要求美术教育回到原初感性与理性未曾分裂的圆满状态,以实现对工具理性以及形而上学的超越。它将视线从自然科学的世界转回到“生活世界”,回到活生生的呼吸着的人的世界。它要求对人的感受性给予尊重,要求在生存的过程中关照意义感。以前我们称艺术是一种感性发达的学科,在现象学看来,这种表述也是不完备的。艺术性是饱满自然人性的发达,它超越了感性与理性的区分,其包含了敏感性、感悟力、理性以及情感等,它要求将机械的理性转化成为一种自然的理性。它要求在“前科学之真”之中赋予美术教育以生活的意义,让人在美术教育生活中能自然的、可经验的与人性化的安居。教育应出于真诚,而非出于对权威知识的迷信,它旨在挖掘与拓展人的可能性,解放人的创造力,摆脱工具理性衍生的规范、概念、程序与方法的束缚,实现在未被规范之前的人的可能性、完整性以及意义性。其终极目标指向人的生活意义与生命的归属感“幸福+意义”的诗意的栖居——一种超语言的、超理性的、意义感充盈的、自然的、圆满的生存状态。体验虽然是超逻辑的,但文本传播则必须仰仗逻辑性。所以,笔者以一颗诚挚与体验之心将超逻辑的体验化为“体验的逻辑”。本文是“指向明月的手指”,它不是明月本身。要最终完成现象学超越的理想,只有在真实的体验之中才能实现。

【Abstract】 The Phenomenological Art Education is based on the phenomenological philosophy as a theoretical basis. It is one of theoretical construct for understanding and practice of Art Education.In this thesis, open the phenomenological thinking between the ideal and the reality from the phenomenon of the art curriculum reform. With the mixed idea and plagued phenomenon, I understand the presence of contemporary art education. I deeply feel the art education curriculum reform needs the support of the philosophical foundation only in the clarity of Art Education to understand the epistemological level, to make Art Education theory and practice to obtain a obscured clarity. The Phenomenological Art Education has such a position based on humanism, breathing life among the world experience to seek a removal sheltered road. Art is in our life, not out of us. It is not a "noble and sacred monster", but is one of expressive needs in everyone’s life. It is a basic need of every healthy life. Art is the existence among various relationships. It is a surging of real life. Its presence let us feel the survival of a more satisfactory.Starting from the phenomenological theory of intentionality, we can understand human’s knowing is a set of perception, judgment, imagination, meaning, intuitive, etc. such as whole, and original state of knowing is not a split state. Inter-Subjectivity Theory tells us that human existence in many relationships, interactions, exchanges. And the relation between human and world is coexistence. Theory of Character Education tell us that the individual through "Ego" to achieve the interaction with the environment. "Ego" always looking for a realistic balance between“Id”and "Super-Ego". Everybody needs to achieve self-value through self-recognition. Cognitive and learning of art is based on the individual. It is a dynamical generation in the specific context. Personal knowing is not an objective and isolated objection. For each teacher, the art teaching methods is also personal knowing, only the experience of specific situations to make knowledge becomes the knowing of living to achieve the surmount of the phenomenology. The relationship between teachers and students is a relationship of Inter-Subjectivity. Art Education only play Subjectivity of teachers and students, teachers and students get a sense of the significance of teaching and learning in order to become an efficient and meaningful life.The source of Art Education is "Life World". Its starting point and ultimate destination are human life. Art Education is one of pedagogy beyond the distinction between emotion and reason. With the susceptibility of art and the pedagogy of the mixed feelings, the children will access to the sound development of the mind. Art education need to be rooted in the "Living World", a "living world" attitude of dialogue, the formation of a rich inner experience, get a sense of the meaning of life. The process of art educational life will be accompanied by a sense of the meaning of life.According to the Phenomenological Art Education’s point of view, the source of education is“Parenting”. The source of the teacher is a kind of relationship in loco parentis. Teachers need to hear the call and mission of education. For teachers, the wisdom of Art Education embodied in that“teaching”is“let-learning”. Educational wisdom obtained in the atmosphere of the specific context and in the reflection or understanding of the experience. Art learning should be closely linked to specific life experiences, developing the relationship of students’ experience. Teaching should be based on students’ cognitive law, from the students’ overall growth, set each congregation art teaching experience extended theme. The aim of art teaching’s evaluation is enable teachers to better understand the students, in order to achieve the incentive for a child’s development.The value of the Phenomenological Art Education is that the orientation of its purpose in life, its proposition is“happy+meaning”. Such an orientation approach with the theme of the spirit of the times:the return of the person’s susceptibility to respect. The era let us to inject meaning into the survival sense. Its value also is that it is adhere to the true of art education, to require the spiritual restoration of arts education. From personality to creativity and freedom, it excites the human potential. The pursuit and clear sense of direction will help the reform of art educational curriculum to be more successful.In short, we uphold the spirit of“Back to the things themselves”, try to discuss the issues from the origin part of art education. We use "Phenomenological Reduction" approach to reduce the basic concepts of knowledge, such as art, education, teacher-student relationships, self-awareness, creativity etc. to the origin of the phenomenon. On the basis, we can construct the Art Educational epistemology, get the more profound understanding about our Art Education. The Phenomenological Art Education let us go back to the original state, in that sense and reason have not split, in order to achieve beyond instrumental rationality and metaphysics. We will turn back to the people“living world”from the world of natural science, to return to the world of the living breathing person. It requires us to respect sensitivity and significance of a sense of life. We call art is an emotional and well-developed discipline, in the phenomenological view, this formulation is incomplete. The art is full of human nature. It goes beyond the emotional and rational distinction, which includes sensitivity, sentiment, ration and emotion etc. It requires rational transformation of mechanical into a natural reason. It requires that Pre-scientific True give art education to the meaning of life, people naturally in the life of art education, experience and humane stay. Education should be in good faith, rather than the superstition of authoritative knowledge, it is intended that the mining and expansion of human possibility, the liberation of human creativity, to get rid of the shackles of instrumental rationality derived norms, concepts, procedures and methods the possibility to achieve is not norms before, integrity and significance. The ultimate goal point to people’s lives significance and sense of belonging to the life of "happiness+significance" poetic dwelling:a super-language, ultra-rational, meaning a sense of filling the natural, the successful survival of the state.Although the experience is the ultra-logical, but the text communication must rely on logic. Therefore, I transformed ultra-logical experience into the "logic of experience" in a sincere heart. This thesis is a finger pointing to the moon. But it is not the moon itself. To finally realize the phenomenological ideal of surmount,.we should be achieved it only among the real experience.

  • 【分类号】J20-4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1253

