

Study on Transfer of Rural Labor in Shandong Province

【作者】 张安良

【导师】 金彦平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 山东省不仅是一个经济大省,也是一个农业大省、人口大省,人均耕地面积只有1.21亩,低于全国1.38亩/人的平均水平。调查资料显示,目前山东省农村富余劳动力数量约为532.6万人,其中可转移农村富余劳动力约为439.77万人。再加上,山东省当前正处于工业化中期前半阶段,这一阶段正是加速农业人口非农化时期。因此,如何切实有效地推进山东省农村劳动力快速转移是摆在各级政府面前的一项重要任务,也是值得研究的一个重要课题。本论文共分十章,第一章主要介绍了选题的意义,第二章主要介绍了国内外研究相关理论,第三章对山东省农村劳动力变动和剩余进行了分析和估算,第四章分析了山东省农村劳动力转移的历史和现状,第五章对影响山东省农村劳动力转移的因素进行了分析,第六章主要分析了山东省农村劳动力转移的经济效应,对农业产出、农民收入的影响以及负面效应,第七章对山东省农村劳动力转移问卷调查分析,第八章指出了山东省农村劳动力转移存在的主要问题,第九章对山东省农村劳动力转移存在的主要问题提出对策与建议,第十章是本论文的结论与讨论部分。研究方法上,本文采用理论分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、宏观与微观相结合的方法,对山东省自解放以来的农村劳动力转移情况与趋势做了一些比较分析,就山东省农村劳动力剩余状况、影响山东省农村劳动力转移的主要因素、山东省农村劳动力转移效应做了重点调查研究,得出了一些富有创新性的结论,对山东省农村劳动力转移相关问题的解决具有一定的参考意义。山东省农村劳动力存大、增速快,据估算山东省目前尚有800多万农业剩余劳动力需要转移,庞大的剩余劳动力滞留往农业、在农村,不仅是一种巨大的人力资源浪费,而且会造成巨大的经济代价损失。据测算,从1980年到2011年,农业剩余劳动力滞留对山东省大约造成了相当于这30年GDP总和的26%的经济损失。所以,拓宽农村劳动力就业途径,尽快推进山东省农业剩余劳动力的转化与转移。山东省农村劳动力转移以1978年改革开放为转折点,明显地划分为两个时期:改革开放以前,山东省农村劳动力转移受制于人民公社体制和城乡隔离体制因索的约束,转移波动大,但总量小,转移渠道较窄;改革开放以后,随着农村经济体制的改革、各项制度政策的松动和社会经济的快速平稳发展,农村劳动力转移开始以较大规模、较快速度进行。目前,山东省农村劳动力转移正处于农村劳动力转移的第三阶段,即工业化社会阶段,并将持续维持至少20年的时间。在此期间,非农产业的增长速度、城市化进程、各项制度政策的完善以及农村劳动力人力资本状况的改善将成为决定山东省农村劳动力转移规模和速度的几个主要因素。农村劳动力转移尽管很好地促进了山东省GDP的增长,提高了农业劳动生产率,增加了农民收入,但是大批青壮年农村劳动力的大量流失,也在一定程度上对当地农业持续稳定增长和农村长期发展产生消极影响。因此,农村劳动力转移的速度、数量必须要有一个限度,否则会出现新的社会矛盾。尽管山东省每年都有大量的农村劳动力向外转移,但由于内外部因素的制约,目前山东省农村劳动力转移过程中仍然存在以下突出问题:一是劳动力转移成本过高;二是转移就业的组织化程度仍然偏低;三是转移劳动力就业培训缺乏;四是政府就业指导与帮扶不足;五是劳动力转移信息不畅;六是农民工工资拖欠时有发生。这些问题的存在,在很大程度上阻碍了山东省农村劳动力的快速合理转移。本文针对存在的主要问题提出了合理的对策与建议:一、政府职能上,提供公共服务产品,降低转移成本;建立和完善劳动力市场体系:加强对劳动力转移的组织和领导;保障劳动力转移的合法权益。二、产业政策上,挖掘农业就业审间;大大加快城市化和工业化进程;大力发展第三产业。三、社会政策上,加强户籍制度改革;制定劳动力转移的培训制度;建立和完善社会保障制度等,只有落实好这些对策与建议才能保证山东省农村劳动力合理、有序的转移。

【Abstract】 Shandong province is not only an economic Province is also a big agricultural Province, the largest population in the province and the land is only1.21mu, below the national average of1.38mu. Many of the contradictions of the original have been concealed surplus labor freed. Survey data shows, the surplus rural labor force in Shandong Province, about5.326million, of which can transfer of rural surplus labor force to about4.3977million. And with Shandong Province’s industrialization is still at the mid-stage, which is accelerating non-agricultural period. Therefore, how to effectively promote the rural labor transfer has been an essential task facing by the all levels of government, is also an important subject for study.This paper is divided into ten chapters, the first chapter introduces the significance of the subject, the second chapter mainly indicates related theory about the domestic and foreign research, the third chapter analyses and estimates the surplus rural labor force changes in Shandong province, and chapter4makes an analysis about rural labor transfer in the history and current situation in Shandong province, the fifth chapter makes a analysis about the influence factors of rural labor transfer in Shandong province, the sixth chapter mainly analysis the economic effect, agricultural output, and farmers’ income and negative effects that caused by the rural labor transfer in Shandong province, chapter7conveys a case analysis in the way of microscopic investigation, chapter8points out the main problems of the rural labor transfer in Shandong province, chapter9provides some solutions and suggestions about the main problems of the rural labor transfer in Shandong province, chapter10is as the final part of discussion and conclusion of this paper.By using qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, the combination of theory analysis and empirical research, the combination of microcosmic and macrocosm, this paper discusses the present situation and future trend of Shandong Province’s rural labor transfer. Specifically, it also analyses the amount of Shandong Province’s surplus labor force, the factors affecting Shandong Province’s rural labor transformation, and the transfer effect, eliciting some innovative conclusion. This has certain reference significance to the transfer of Shandong Province’s surplus rural labor for a settlement.Shandong Province’s rural labor force stock, and faster, according to estimation, there are more than 800agricultural surplus labors in Shandong Province need to transfer. Huge surplus labor force stranded in the countryside in agriculture, is not only a huge waste of human resources, and will cause huge economic loss cost. According to estimates, the economic costs of surplus and stay of agricultural labors in Shandong accounts for more than26%of GDP over the past three decades. So, to broaden the way rural labor employment, earnestly promote Shandong Province’s rural labor transfer as soon as possible.With the reforming and opening of that year marking a turning point, the development course of Shandong Province rural labor transfer is divided into two periods before and after:Before reform and open policy, the scale and speed of the transfer is bound to the People’s Commune system and the country and countryside census register isolation system, have a great fluctuation, but small amount, space of rural labor move is little; after reform and opening up, As the reform of rural economics system, the looseness of government policies, and the rapid and stable development of social and economic, Shandong Province rural labor transfer begin in a large-scale, faster pace. At present, the rural labor transfer of Shandong has just begun its third phase, industrialization stage, and will continue to maintain at least20years. In this period, the growth and size of blame farming industry, urbanization, the government policy consummation and the improvement rural labor’s human capital conditions will become a major constraining factor in the rapid growth of rural labor transfer of Shandong.Though the rural labor transfer greatly accelerates the development of the GDP, and improves the agricultural labor productivity, increases the farmers’ income, as many young rural labor lost, it also has a negative impact on local agriculture stabilizes growth continuously and the long-term development of rural areas to a certain extent. Therefore, the scale and speed of the transfer should take a limit, or will easily come into a new series of social conflicts.Although there are a large number of rural labors to transfer each year in Shandong Province, due to the limitation of different factors, the outstanding issue of existence is mirrored in the following respects: The first is the task of promoting rural labor transfer still arduous; the second is the cost of transferring is prohibitive:the third is the degree of transferring is relatively low; fourth, peasant employment is short of training; fifth, the shortfall in employment guidance and services; sixth, the information channel of transferring is impeded; finally, the wages owed to farmers have occurred from time to time. The existence of these problems restricted the transfer of the rural labors badly. For this, we should take effective measures, promote force of rural surplus labor actively fast, and transfer reasonably.


