

Study on Issues of Forestry Investment & Financing in China

【作者】 盛均全

【导师】 张彩虹;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 该文以我国面临的生态困局情况和我国林业建设新局面为切入点,论述了林业投融资研究的背景,指出了研究的目的和意义。本研究中采用的方法是以马克思主义哲学-唯物辩证法作为方法论,定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法等。在明确研究目的基础上,归纳总结了国内外研究现状。虽然对林业投融资的国内外研究很多,但对我国林业投资效率高低、如何引入市场机制、如何拓宽林业投融资渠道等方面的研究还需要进一步深入探讨。本研究以众多理论为基础,如资本理论、金融理论、林业经济学理论、生态经济学理论和公共经济学相关理论等。本文对我国林业投融资的现状进行了研究,对我国林业投资效率进行了分析,对中国林业融资进行了分析,分析研究了我国林业投融资存在的问题及原因,提出了改革和完善我国林业投融资的对策。总的来说,本研究所得结论如下:(1)从造林面积来考察的林业总投资效率在快速下降,年平均下降13.2%。在投入不变情况下,产出需要相应增加才能达到DEA有效。(2)营林固定资产投资与历年造林而积呈低度相关,营林固定资产投资与森工固定资产投资呈高度相关,营林同定资产投资与历年木材产量呈弱高度相关。(3)权力寻租导致林业投资效率低下,国家林业事业正受到严峻考验,高效地实施公平、公开、公正的中介服务,加快建立林业资本市场,拓宽林业投融资渠道等。本研究的创新之处主要体现在以下几方面:(1)用林业产出的实物量指标进行了林业投资效率分析。从造林面积来考察的林业总投资效率在快速下降,年平均下降13.2%。(2)从整体上和分地区对我国林业投资效率进行了两方而分析,完成了CCR模型和BCC模型的计算和分析。(3)改革和完善我国林业投融资的对策主要恶:治理林业腐败,减少或杜绝权力寻租;建立林业投融资的市场化机制;依法高效实施全民义务植树等。

【Abstract】 With facing the ecological dilemma our country forestry comes to a new phase. This essay discussed this study background of forestry financing, points out the purpose and significance of the research. This study’s method is based on Marxism philosophy, and include qualitative analysis combining with quantitative method. Under a clear objective foundation, summarizes the research literature at home and abroad. Although there are a lot of research about the forestry investment and financing, but that should be needed to discuss further such as forestry investment efficiency, how to introduce the market mechanism, how to widen forestry investment and financing channels and so on. This study is based on many theories foundation such as capital theory, finance theory, forestry economics theory.This present situation on China forestry investment and financing, investment efficiency analysis, the reasons for the problems about the forestry investment and financing and forestry investment-financing strategy put forward to be discussed. (1) Total investment efficiency rapidly decline, by-13.2% average year from the area of afforestataion.In the investment under the condition of a constant output requires a corresponding increase, in order to achieve the effectiveness of DEA.(2)There is a low correlation between forestry investment of fixed assets and area of afforest.(3) Rent-seeking makes forestry investment at low efficiency, the state forestry career is facing a severe test. Intermediary services can be run on basis of fair, open, impartial. To accelerate the establishment of forestry capital market, and expand forestry investment and financing channels.The innovation of this study is mainly reflected in the following aspects.(1) Total investment efficiency rapidly decline, by-13.2% average year from the area of afforestataion.(2) Our country forestry efficiency were discussed on two aspects:the CCR model and BCC model. (3) The reform and improvement of China’s forestry investment and financing measures include:to reduce or eliminate corruption, rent-seeking; to establish market mechanism of forestry investment and financina.


