

Plant,Arthropod Diversity and Forest Health Evaluation in Aershan Forestry Area,Inner-Mongolia

【作者】 李菁

【导师】 骆有庆; 石娟;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 阿尔山林业局位于内蒙古自治区东北部,是我国东北地区重要的资源储备区,也是大兴安岭生态屏障的重要组成部分。落叶松毛虫是该林区针叶林(特别是落叶松人工林)的首要害虫,以十年左右为周期间歇性发生,对兴安落叶松人工林的健康构成严重威胁,但目前尚无基于生物多样性和生态系统健康的相关研究。森林健康的影响因素较多,主要有生物灾害、火灾、酸雨,以及人为干扰等,但就阿尔山林区而言,森林健康主要受生物灾害影响,特别是落叶松毛虫、落叶松八齿小蠹以及舞毒蛾等。本文以阿尔山地区不同类型林分为研究对象,采用传统群落调查方法对植物群落,利用窗式诱捕器、灯诱以及人工捕捉相结合的方法对节肢动物等进行了采集、鉴定和群落分析。结合本林区的实际,采用评价指标法重点对有害生物抵御为主的森林健康状况进行了较系统的研究。主要结果如下:1.较系统地明确了阿尔山地区不同类型林分维管植物的主要种类及多样性。所调查林地共有植物33科71属102种,乔灌草分别为8种、9种和85种;其中菊科(12属21种)、蔷薇科(11属13种)、毛茛科(4属7种)、杜鹃花科(4属5种)、蝶形花科(3属5种)等在物种数量上属优势群落,而木贼科、燕尾蕨科、堇菜科、罂粟科、柳叶菜科、鹿蹄草科等类群物种数量较少,属偶见或罕见群落。从重要值的角度界定,乔木层优势树种为兴安落叶松和白桦;灌木层由于种类较少且分布不均,优势类群不明显,但相对较常见的为稠李和山荆子;草本层优势种群主要为兴安苔草、多年生黑麦草、东方草莓、问荆、粗根老灌草和北方拉拉藤等。从生态位宽度看,除优势树种兴安落叶松和白桦外,灌草层优势种群包括兴安苔草、多年生黑麦草、东方草莓、问荆、粗根老鹳草、北方拉拉藤、铁杆蒿、土庄绣线菊、翻白蚊子草和柳叶绣线菊等,这些种群生态位宽度大,分布范围广,环境适应性强。对不同林型而言,天然林在物种丰富度、物种多样性以及优势种群的分布等方面较人工林优势明显。2.系统明确了阿尔山地区不同林型和不同收集方式节肢动物的种类组成、优势类群、功能团和营养层及其多样性。阿尔山所调查林地节肢动物共166种,隶属于2纲15目87科。从物种数量上看,鳞翅目(13科43种)、鞘翅目(21科33种)、膜翅目(11科17种)和双翅目(10科20种)是优势类群。此外,直翅目(5科17种)、半翅目(4科10种)、同翅目(4科7种)和脉翅目(3科6种)也具有一定的优势。种类和数量较少的类群主要有竹节虫目、蜉蝣目、蜻蜓目、毛翅目、螳螂目、蛇蛉目以及蛛形纲蜘蛛类及蜱螨类。其中,天然林共有91种,人工林和石塘林(一种天然火山林)分别为66和30种。不同的收集方式在节肢动物种类、数量及多样性上存在较大差异:窗式诱捕器共收集节肢动物60种(以鞘翅目、膜翅目和双翅目昆虫为主);灯诱收集节肢动物种类为86种(以鳞翅目、鞘翅目、膜翅目和双翅目为主);人工捕捉方式共收集节肢动物44种(以直翅目、鞘翅目、同翅目和鳞翅目昆虫为主)。天然林、人工林和石塘林内节肢动物的物种丰富度和多样性的分布与收集方式有较大关系。本文共记录86个功能团,其中三种收集(窗式诱捕器、灯诱、人工捕捉)方式分别记录39种、51种和24种。在优势功能团中,植食性功能团有草地螟、二化螟、舞毒蛾、棕色卷蛾、步甲科、蚁科、横纹划蝽等:寄生性功能团有姬蜂科、茧蜂科及金小蜂科;捕食性功能团有蚁科、蜉蝣目、草蛉科、蚁蛉科、食虫虻科、螳螂、蜻蜓等;腐食性功能团有隐翅甲科、蝇科、埋葬甲科;蜘蛛类群的蟹蛛科、狼蛛科、皿蛛科及跳蛛科均为捕食性类群。对于营养层和优势功能团的分布及多样性,天然林均优于人工林。3.明确了有利于丰富并提升生物多样性的兴安落叶松和白桦的混交比例。混交比例对生物多样性的影响较大,因为混交比例决定了林分的乔木层组成状况,后者对于林下植物光环境的形成至关重要,而昆虫群落(特别是植食性昆虫)的分布又很大程度上取决于植被分布。通过对由自然或疏伐造成的兴安落叶松和白桦两树种不同混交比例梯度林分中植物和昆虫群落多样性的分析,基于对三种收集方式(窗式诱捕器、灯诱以及人工捕捉)的节肢动物进行物种多样性、功能团和营养层多样性的探讨,明确了兴安落叶松与白桦混交比例为5:5和7:3之间时最有利于丰富森林生物多样性,也能在一定程度上提升森林生态系统的稳定性。4.建立了基于抵御生物灾害的森林健康评价体系。基于该林区有害生物的历史监测资料以及本研究的调查结果,阿尔山地区天然林健康状况良好,但很少受到有害生物的侵袭。而人工林由于林分结构简单、生态系统稳定性低,极易受到有害生物的危害,如2001-2002年暴发于本林区的落叶松毛虫仅对人工林造成危害。基于该林区生物多样性评价的指标体系和对该林区森林健康影响因素的分析,本文选取结构性、功能性和干扰因素三类指标构建指标体系并利用健康综合指数法,对阿尔山林业局各林场进行了基于抵御生物灾害为主的林分健康评价。根据分值将森林健康状况分为五级:优秀(8-10)、健康(6-8)、一般健康(4-6)、不健康(2-4)和病态(0-2)。森林健康评价结果表明:林区整体健康综合指数为5.43,属一般健康水平。其中,德廷德、伊敏河、柴河源和桑都尔4个林场均属水源用材林区,达健康水平,各林场天然林比例分别占93%、61%、41%和63%,历史资料显示4个林场自2000年来未发生生物灾害;伊尔施、阿尔山和立新3个林场属后备阔叶水源用材林,属不健康水平,天然林比例依次为55%、57%和83%,自2000年来有害生物发生严重(主要包括落叶松毛虫、落叶松鞘蛾、落叶松八齿小蠹、以天牛为主的蛀干害虫、病害和鼠害等);柴河、古尔班、苏呼河、金江沟、南沟5个林场均为水源用材林(天池和兴安2个林场为石塘特种林),各林场天然林比例分别达75%、68%、71%、63%、70%、30%和39%,仅前三个林场有落叶松毛虫、落叶松八齿小蠹、病害以及鼠害的不连续记录且危害程度较低。因此,排除边缘效应(如柴河林场)、人工干扰(如伊尔施、阿尔山及立新林场)以及自然灾害(兴安林场和柴河源林场1998年发生严重火灾)等因素,本文建立的森林健康评价体系基本与各林场的林分组成状况及有害生物历史发生状况相吻合,能够较好地反映目标林分的森林健康状况,为分类实施森林健康调控提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Aershan forestry bureau, located in the northeast part of Inner-Mongolia, is an important reserve area of man-made forests of northeastern China. This area is also the key part of ecological shelter system of Daxinganling, which is critical for the ecological security of northern China.The Siberian moth, Dendrolimus superans (Butler) is the primary pest of this forest area, especially in the man-made forests. This pest has an intermittent outbreak interval of about ten years, and it is considered as a serious threat to the man-made larch forests of this area. However, there are no previous studies on forest biodiversity or ecosystem health in this area.There are various factors affecting forest health, including biological disasters, natural disasters (such as fire and acid rain) and man-made interferences. But as to Aershan area, the forests were mainly affected by biological disasters, especially by siberian moth, larch bark beetle and gypsy moth. The present study covers forests belonging to different types and forest farms in Aershan forest area. Plant communities were identified and analyzed by traditional methodology of community ecology. The arthropod communities were collected.identified and analyzed by manual collection, window traps and light traps. Besides.the forest health was evaluated by constructing evaluation indices based on the main forest pests and forest in this region.The main results and conclusions are as follows:1. The species composition and diversity patterns of plants were systematically examined in the present study.Totally 102 plant species, belonging to 71 genus and 33 families were recorded in Aershan.Arbors, shrubs and herbs had 8,9 and 85 species, respectively.In terms of number of individual, Compositae (12 genus,21 species), Rosaceae(11,13), Ranunculaceae (4,7), Ericaceae (4,5) and Papilionaceae (3,5) were the dominant groups while occasional groups included Equisetaceae, Cheiropleuriaceae, Violaceae, Papaveraceae, Onagraceae and Pyrolaceae, most of which had only one species recorded.In terms of importance values,the trees Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.) and Japanese white birch (Betua platyphylla Suk.) were the dominant populations in arbor layer while the dominant populations in herb layer included Carex chingannensis L., Lolium perenne L., Fragaria orientalis (Glehn) Juzep., Equisetum palustre L., Geranium dahuricum DC. and Galium boreale L., The shrub layer did not have obvious dominant populations because of low variation and nonuniform distribution pattern. However, common populations were Prunus asiatica L.and Malus bauata Jusepczuk.In terms of niche breadth, except for the two dominant tree species (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. and Betula platyphylla Suk.) in this area. Car ex chingannensis L.. Lolium perenne L., Fragaria orientalis (Glehn) Juzep., Equisetum palustre L., Geranium dahuricum DC. Galium boreale L., Artemisia sacrorum Leded., Spiraea pubescens Turcz., Filipendula intemedia (Glehn) Juzep. and Spiraea salicifolia L. were dominant populations with large niche breadth. This populations also showed broad distribution areas and high environmental adaptability.In terms of different forest types, natural forests showed obvious advantages both in forest biodiversity and distribution of dominant populations.2. The species composition, diversity pattern, nutrition level and guilds were systematically examined in different levels.166 species of arthropods were recorded, belonging to 87 families and 15 orders.In terms of number of species, Lepidoptera (13 families,43 species), Coleoptera (21,33),Diptera (11,20), Hymenoptera (11,17), Orthoptera (5,17), Hemiptera(4,10),Homoptera (4,7) and Neuroptera (3,6) were defined as the dominant groups.They included the most abundant populations of this area, while only rare species were found in Phasmatodea, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, Mantodea, Raphidiodea, and some species belonging to Arachnoidea representing the rare groups. The natural, man-made and volcanic forests (a special natural forest) recorded 91,66 and 30 species, respectively.Great differences were found in the arthropod community collected by different methods. As to the window traps,60 species were recorded, most of which belonging to Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera. As to the light traps,86 speices (mainly belonging to Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera) were recorded. As to manual collection,44 speices (mainly belonging to Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera) were recorded.99 species were recorded in natural forest while 66 and 30 species were recorded in man-made and volcanicforests. Variation were found in the species richness and diversity of arthropods by different collection methods.86 guilds were recorded in the present study, window trap, light trap and manual collection found 39.51 and 24, respectively. In the dominant guilds, Loxostege sticticalis L., Chilo suppressalis (Walker), Lymantria dispar L., Choristoneura luticostan, Carabidae, Formicidae and Sigara substriata Uhler were classified as phytophagous guilds. Parasitical guilds included Ichneumonidae. Braconidae and Pteromalidae. Predatory guilds included Formicidae, Ephemeridae, Chrysopidae,Myrmeleontidae, Aslidae, Mantodea, Odonata while Staphylinidae, Muscidae and Silphidae belonged to saprophagic guilds. In addition, four families of the spider group were also classified as predatory guilds. The natural forests had obvious advantages over man-made forests in terms of the distribution and diversity of nutrition level and number of guilds.3. The optimal mixed proportion of larch and birch for the enrichment and increase of biodiversity was examined.The biodiversity was greatly influenced by mixed proportion of the two tree species since it determined the canopy structure, which was critical for the forest light environment. In addition, the arthropods (especially the phytophagous species) were mainly affected by the neighbouring plants. Based on the thinning caused composion gradient of the two tree species. We examined the plant and arthropod diversity along a tree mixture gradient, caused by thinnings of the two tree species or natural factors. We concluded that a composition ratio of between 5:5 and 7:3 is most favourable for the enrichment of forest biodiversity and for improving of forest health level.4. An index system of forest evaluation against biological disasters was constructed.Based on the historical data and our investigations on the forest pests in this region, the natural forests in Aershan area were well managed, healthy and seldom affected by biological disasters. Meanwhile, the man-made forests were easily affected by biological disasters because of uniform stand structure and unstable ecosystem. This can be well proved by the fact that only the man-made forests were damaged by the outbreak of the Siberian moth in 2001-2002.Based on the diversity evaluation system and the analysis of factors affecting forest health, an index system including structure, function and disturbance level of stands were built to evaluate the forest health status of different forest types in Aershan. The forest health degree had five levels including excellent (8-10), healthy (6-8), relatively healthy (4-6), unhealthy (2-4) and morbid (0-2). The results showed that the average health index of the Aershan forest was 5.43, which was classified to relatively health level. Forests of four farms, Detingde, Yiminhe, Chaiheyuan and Sangduer in headwater were classified as healthy. The proportion of natural forests in the farms was 93%,61%,41% and 63%, respectively. The historical data showed that none of them were affected by forest pests since 2000.Three farms (Yiershi, Aershan and Lixin) were on unhealthy level, all of which were classified as reserving headwaters forests. The proportion of natural forest of the three farms were 55%,57% and 83% and thay were heavily damaged by forest pests in recent more that ten years (mainly included siberian moth, gypsy moth, larch pine beetle, long horn beetle, disease and rodent). Seven farms (Chaihe, Guerban, Suhuhe, Jinjianggou, Nangou, Tianchi and Xingan) were relatively healthy, Tianchi and Xingan forest farms were volcanic forests, but the other five ones were headwaters forests. The proportions of natural forests of the seven forest farms were 70%,39%,42%、75%、68%、71% and 63%, respectively. Only Chaihe, Guerban and Suhuhe forest farms were slightly and discontinuously affected by the Siberian moth, forest bark beetles, deseases and rodents according to the historical records.In summary, except for the effects of edge effect (Chaihe farm), manual interferences (Yiershi, Aershan and Lixin farms) and natural disasters (Xingan and Chaiheyuan farms seriously burned in 1998), the results based on the evaluation index system in the present study were consistent with those based on the composing of natural forests and the historical data of forest pests in Aershan area. The forest health status can well be reflected by the present indices system and classified management practices can be put forward based on this knowledge.


