

Risk Assessments and Management Countermeasures of Forestry Bio-security in China

【作者】 赵宇翔

【导师】 吴坚; 骆有庆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林保护, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会、经济、政治和科学技术的发展,生物安全问题已由单一基于生物技术领域扩延至生物武器、生物入侵、疫病、遗传资源等涉及生物体的多个领域,并上升为关系国家安全的重大问题。林业生物安全作为生物安全的重要组成部分,己引起了科研界和管理部门高度关注和重视。本文以总结和分析国内外有关生物安全的定义和管理状况为起点,在界定林业生物安全定义的基础上,将林业生物安全作为一个有机的系统,运用现代风险管理理论的基本原理和方法,从目标设定、风险识别、风险分析与评价、风险控制4个方面,开展了我国林业生物安全的风险评价与管理对策的研究。主要研究结论如下:(1)根据国内外有关生物安全定义的界定状况,从狭义和广义2个方而界定了林业生物安全的定义,其中,狭义定义指基于生物技术研发和生产的林业生物体及其产物,通过防范和管理措施,达到不对人类、动植物、微生物、生态环境及社会和经济造成现实损害或构成潜在风险的态势;广义定义指林业生物体及其产物在一定时空范围内,保持和控制其本身不受损害或者不对人类、动植物、微生物、生态环境及社会和经济造成现实损害或构成潜在风险的态势。分析林业生物安全安全定义的结构,确定了其定义由主体、客体、目标和评价系统4个基本要素构成,并相互关联,互为因果。归纳和分析了林业生物安全的内涵和特征,得出林业生物安全属国家安全范畴,体现林业特性,具有极端性、相对性、复杂性和管理性,表现出涵盖领域多、生命性强、潜伏性突出和区域性显著的特征。(2)基于现代风险管理理论的基本原理和研究方法,分析和提出了林业生物安全风险管理的定义、特征和管理过程,从目标设定、风险识别、风险分析与评价、风险控制4个方面,构建了林业生物安全风险管理的基本框架,确定了开展我国林业生物安全风险管理的对象、范围、时限和日标,并将达到林业生物体及其产物的健康、安全和可持续利用作为林业生物安全风险管理的最终目标。(3)识别林业生物安全的风险源,确定了影响林业生物安全的生物风险因子和非生物风险因子,其中,生物风险因子主要包括林业入侵生物、林业遗传资源、林业转基因生物、野生动物疫病等,非生物风险因子主要包括气候变化、森林火灾、污染等,并就各主要风险因子对林业生物安全的影响及主要影响方式进行了分析。(4)将基于灰色系统理论的多层次灰色评价法引入森林保护专业领域中,建立了林业生物安全风险评价的指标体系和灰色评价模型。以评价四川省林业生物安全状况为例,对该指标体系和评价模型进行了验证,得出四川省林业生物安全风险综合评价值为3.4810,处于较高风险等级,评价结果符合当前四川省林业生物安全的实际状况。(5)以林业生物安全涉及的林业入侵生物、林业遗传资源、林业转基因生物、野生动物疫病4个主要生物风险因子为对象,定性分析了我国林业生物安全所处的风险态势,探究了林业入侵生物的传播途径、林业遗传资源的丧失途径、林业转基因生物的来源途径、野生动物疫病传播途径,得出目前我国林业生物安全的主要风险来源。在此基础上,运用多层次灰色评价法,对我国林业生物安全风险状况进行了定量评价,获得我国林业生物安全风险的综合评价值为3.8858,处于高风险等级,风险状况严峻,应加以足够重视和采取有效措施降低风险等级。(6)在全面梳理我国林业生物安全管理工作历史沿革的基础上,系统总结了目前我国林业生物安全管理领域的法律法规、政策以及管理体制、制度和机构队伍等的建设情况,分析了当前林业生物安全管理存在的问题、特点、重要性以及面临的发展机遇、发展趋势,并在借鉴国外林业生物安全管理实践的基础上,结合我国林业生物安全的风险状况和管理现状的分析结果,确定了我国林业生物安全管理的思路、实现途径,并从建立健全法律法制体系、政策体系、管理体系以及加强培训与应急演练、加大宣传方面提出了具体的对策措施。

【Abstract】 With the development of social, economic, politics, science and technology, bio-security issues have extended to organisms-related multi-fields, such as biological weapons, biological invasions, epidemics and genetic resources. From a single field based on biotechnology, it has risen to major issues involving national security. Forestry bio-security is an important part of the bio-security, which has been greatly concerned by research communities and many management departments.As a starting point for the whole study, this paper summarized and analyzed the definition of bio-security and management status both at home and abroad. On the basis of forestry bio-security definition, the forestry bio-security was seen as an organic system. This study used the principal modern risk management theory and methods from four aspects:goal setting, risk identification, risk analysis and assessment as well as risk controlling, to study China’s forestry bio-security management issues. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) According to the definition of domestic and foreign bio-security conception, this study defined the forestry bio-security definition for the first time from broad and narrow aspects. The narrow definition referred that based on forest organisms and products of biotechnology research development and production, through prevention and management measures, reach the trend that humans, animals, plants, micro-organisms, ecological environment, social and economic won’t be damaged or even posed under potential risks. The broad definition referred that within a certain range of temporal and spatial, forest organisms and products could keep themselves out of being damaged, and prevent themselves from causing damage or potential risks to humans, animals, plants, micro-organisms, ecological environment, social and economic. Structure of the forestry bio-security definition was analyzed, indicating that the definition consists of four basic key elements:subject, object, objectives and evaluation system. These four elements con-elate and interact with each other. Connotation and characteristics of forestry bio-security were concluded and analyzed, showing that forest bio-security belongs to national security aspect, reflecting the characteristics of forestry with extreme, relativity, complexity and manageability. It also shows features such as covering large aspects, bearing strong life, great latency and significant regionality.(2) Based on the modern risk management theory contents and features of forestry bio-security, conception, characteristics and basic framework of forestry bio-security risk management were analyzed and indicated in this paper. From the aspects of aims setting, risk evaluation, risk identification and analysis as well as risk control, the objects, scopes, time limit and targets of forestry bio-security risk management were determined, in order to reach the terminal aim that managing the health, security and sustainable of forestry organisms and products.(3) Forestry bio-security risk sources were investigated. Biological risk factors and non-biological risk factors were indicated. Forestry invasive species, forest genetic resources, forestry genetically modified organisms, wild animal diseases were identified as the biological risk factors; climate change, forest fires, pollution, biological laboratory and quarantine laboratories were identified as non-biological risk factors, as well as other risk factors such as natural disturbances, population growth and human needs. Besides, the influence and the main influential methods of risk factors to forestry bio-security were analyzed.(4) The Multi-Hierarchy Grey Evaluation Method based on Gray System Theory was introduced into forestry conservation for the first time. An index system and gray evaluation model of forestry bio-security risk assessment were established. The study took the Sichuan forestry bio-security status for example to validate the index system and evaluation model, the value was 3.4810 indicating a high level of risk. The evaluation results accorded with the actual situation of Sichuan forestry bio-security.(5) Four main biological risk factors involving with forestry bio-security:forestry invasive species, forestry genetic resources and forestry genetically modified organisms as well as wild animal epidemic were taken as objects to analysis the risk trends of China’s forestry bio-security. Pathways of invasive species, loss ways of forestry genetic resources, coming sources of forestry genetically modified organisms and the transmission of wild animal disease were also explored. China’s major sources of forestry bio-security risk were indicated. Based on the qualitative analysis and the evaluation from Multi-hierarchy Grey Evaluation Method, this paper concluded that China’s forestry bio-security risk was at a high-level risk at present with the value of 3.8858, which should be paid more attention and taken effective measures to reduce the level of risk.(6) After comprehensively reviewing the historical evolution of China’s forestry bio-security management, this paper systematically summarized the laws, regulations, policies, management systems, institutions and the status of team building of China’s current forestry bio-security management, and analyzed the existing problems, characteristics, importance, development opportunities and development trends for current forestry bio-security management. On the basis of the foreign bio-security management practices, together with the current risk and management status of China’s forestry bio-security, ideas and approaches of China’s forestry bio-security management were determined. Specific measures were proposed from the aspects of establishing legal systems, policy systems, management systems, as well as strengthen advocacy, training and emergency drill.


