

Study on the Evaluation for Woody Oil Construction Project

【作者】 王光华

【导师】 夏自谦;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 发展木本粮油产业对保障我国食用油安全具有重大意义,是建设现代林业产业体系的重要内容。近年来,随着我国国民经济高速发展,国家对发展木本粮油产业的重视程度已经从发展林业产业层面提升到保障国家粮食安全的战略高度。目前无论是中央和地方对发展木本粮油产业都非常重视。在国家政策支持、资金扶持和科技推动以及市场需求等诸多因素的推动下,我国木本粮油产业蓬勃发展,前景光明。许多科研人员、科技工作者对木本粮油产业的技术进行了大量研究,这些研究对推动木本粮油产业发展起到了重要作用。木本油料林是木本粮油林产业的重要内容。但就有关研究看,木本油料林建设项目的评价领域尚缺乏系统深入的研究。正是基于这一认识,本论文对木本油料林建设项目评价进行了全面系统的研究。论文首先提出了基于木本油料林项目特征的可持续发展生态经济学理论。论文在分析了生态功能、生态效益与生态经济效益的区别与联系的基础上,从生态资产增值视角分析了生态经济系统的“可持续性”与“可持续发展”的内涵。为维持生态经济系统的持续发展,则必须使生态资产得以增值,生态经济系统才是可持续发展的。生态需求分为公共生态需求和私人生态需求两类,满足生态私人消费必须依靠市场,以市场调节为主;满足生态社会消费必须依靠制度,以制度创新为主。同时,提出了生态经济产品边际效益递增规律,生态供需规律,生态经济等效益规律、生态经济级差地租、生态经济成本等概念,并进行了实证分析。以森林资源环境容量和承载能力理论为指导的生态产品、资源产品和生态文化产品利用增量化原则和价值链增值理论的资源价值增值化,是现代林业产业项目体系结构调整的基本原则;以生态效益和生态文化效益为基础的各种木本油料林物质和非物质产品市场空间的大幅度拓展是林业产业项目结构调整的基本方向。木本油料林项目评估指标体系分为生态经济效益评估指标体系、立项评估指标体系、项目管理评估指标体系、后评估指标体系、可持续发展评估指标体系五类,每一类别评价都有其具体的指标体系和评价方法。项目的生态经济价值分为生态资产存量价值和生态资产流量价值两大类。其下再分为市场化、半市场化和未市场化三种。适合与此的评价子标题包括存量资产价值评价指标体系和流量资产价值评价指标体系。木本油料林项目项目评价分为立项评价、后评价以及可持续性评价几个环节。可持续发展评价是长期被忽略的环节。影响木本油料林建设项目可持续性要素包括外部影响因素(宏观社会经济环境、市场影响因素)和项目目标、资金、技术、管理等内部影响因素。针对这些因素构建了可持续性评价指标体系。木本油料林项目评价可分为宏观评价和微观评价两大类。前者主要用于区域性木本油料林产业发展规划,后者应用于具体的木本油料林项目评价。论文对此进行了实证计量分析验证。

【Abstract】 It is a major strategic decision to promote woody oil industry in the new period of development in China,which is of great importance in guaranteeing the national ecological construction and consolidating the results of forestry reform.Now the government has promoted the emphasis of oil industry’s development from forestry grow to strategic national food security.At present,both the central and local governments pay a lot of attention on woody oil industry development. With the national policy and financial support,advanced technology and market demand, woody oil industry is flourishing and will have a bright future.Many researchers and scientists have conducted extensive researches on woody oil industry technology,which significantly push the development of woody oil industry.However, it is still a lack of systematic and thorough evaluation in the field.Based on this understanding,this paper investigated the ecological and economic benefits of woody oil industry comprehensively.Paper firstly proposed the sustainable development of ecological economics based on characteristics of woody oil industry.Then the assay analyzed the meaning of the "sustainability" and the "sustainable development" on ecological economic system from the eco-asset value perspective on the basis of differences and relations between ecological functions,ecological benefits and ecological economic benefits.To maintain the sustainable development of eco-economic system,it’s necessary to add value to the ecological assets.Ecological requirements are divided into negative requirement and positive requirement.To meet the positive requirement, it has to rely on market and market adjustment; to meet the negative requirement it has to depend on system and system innovation.It also proposed the bioeco law of increasing marginal benefit products, ecological law of supply and demand, law of ecological and economic benefits, ecological economic rent, and the concept of bioeco costs.The paper then put out an empirical analysis.Ecological and economic evaluation of woody oil industry can be divided into the evaluation on ecological and economic benefits, the appraisal of project construction and sustainability evaluation, etc. each category has its specific evaluation indexes and methods.Ecological and economic value of woody oil industry can be sorted into the stock value of ecological assets and flow value of ecological assets, under which is further divided into market-oriented, semi-market and not market-oriented value.Stock value of ecological assets appraisal indexes and flow value of ecological assets appraisal indexes are suitable sub-titles of the evaluation.Woody oil industry projects include project evaluation and project appraisal.Evaluation of sustainable development is a long-neglected link.Factors affecting the project’s sustainability consist of external factors (macro socio-economic environment, market factors) and internal factors like project objectives, finance, technology, management.The evaluation indexes are built upon these factors.Evaluation of ecological and economic benefits of woody oil industry can be divided into macro and micro evaluation.The former is mainly used for regional plans on woody oil industry development, the latter is applied to ecological economic evaluation of woody oil industry construction.The paper conducted an empirical measurement of verification.The principle of increment and value-added theory used by ecological products, resources products and eco-cultural products conducted by the environmental capacity of forest resources and bearing capacity theory are the basic principles to adjust the modern structure of woody oil industry.Various woody oil-based substances and non-material product market space expansion based on eco-efficiency and ecology benefits are the basic directions of industrial restructuring.


