

The Establishment and Application of Monitoring Parameter System on Survival Status of Giant Panda(Ailuropoda Melanoleuca Qinlingensis) in Qinling Mountain

【作者】 金学林

【导师】 胡德夫;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)作为旗舰物种,在野生动物保护中具有独特的地位和作用。第三次大熊猫调查后,大熊猫种群生存状态的研究和监测已成为该物种的焦点问题。然而,由于缺乏大熊猫种群状态监测的指标体系,使得野外监测工作存在以下困难:一是收集的很多信息无法用于内业分析;二是由于监测指标繁杂,管护人员很难全面掌握和正确采集,导致分析结果的偏差;三是没有规范的数据分析和大熊猫及其栖息地的评估体系,很难将研究成果转化为大熊猫保护管理的实用技术。本研究主要是通过对抽样强度、监测指标选择以及栖息地适宜性评价中的权重赋值进行研究,构建秦岭大熊猫生存状态的监测和评价参数体系,为今后大熊猫种群及其栖息地监测奠定科学依据。为此,本研究以秦岭山系大熊猫分布最为密集的佛坪自然保护区、观音山自然保护区和老县城自然保护区作为试验样地,进行了3年多的野外监测,并结合全国第三次大熊猫调查的大量数据,开展了大熊猫生存状况监测指标体系构建的研究和应用,所取得主要研究结果如下:1.根据必要性、可行性、客观性、可量化性、经济性、不可替代性和获取途径唯一性7项原则,综合利用目标分析法、生境选择分析法、主成分分析法、因子间相关性分析等方法对已有的监测因子分别进行分析和评估,最后将监测因子归纳为食物资源、数量分布、植被生境、伴生动物、干扰及地理环境6类指标,然后在各类指标中根据综合评估的权重得分值,确立各类指标中各监测因子的选择顺序,建立了秦岭大熊猫栖息地监测指标体系。根据这一结果,在确保实现监测目标的前提下,对现行的监测指标进行了优化。2.利用建立的监测指标体系,选取秦岭中部大熊猫分布最为集中的佛坪、老县城和观音山3个自然保护区为研究样地,通过对野外监测的布样、数据采集、数据处理进行系统的描述和探索,并利用统计学方法和GIS技术对研究区域2008年至2010年大熊猫及其栖息地的状况、伴生动物空间分布及种类结构、干扰的种类和时空分布进行初步分析。结果表明,从2008年到2010年,研究区大熊猫痕迹样线遇见率没有显著性差异,研究区的大熊猫种群数量基本稳定;老县城村周边、观音山保护区沿108国道附近及108到凉风垭沿线的人为干扰较为严重,主要是放牧、采药和旅游等活动带来的干扰,从干扰种类上来看各年份变化不大。3.通过大熊猫生境选择分析,确立了三个层次的评价指标,分别为:A层为需要通过运算获得的指标,包括地形因子、植被因子、食物因子和干扰因子4类指标;B层为可以通过野外调查监测直接获取数据的指标,包含的指标有:地形因子要有海拔高度、坡度、坡向、坡位等;植被因子有森林起源、植被类型、乔木郁闭度和高度、灌木盖度和高度;食物因子包括有无竹子、竹种、高度、生长状况;干扰因子主要包括人类活动造成的各类干扰。C层为B层各因子的特征值。在建立栖息地评价模型时,首先将各因子在生境选择分析中的Wi的标准化值ai作为权重值进行分析,较为客观真实地反映了各因子在生境中的作用,避免了以往简单等级赋值的笼统性和不准确性,为获得准确评价结果奠定了基础。最后根据建立的评价模型,利用GIS等综合手法,对研究区的大熊猫栖息地进行评估。利用大熊猫分布点验证结果发现利用该评价模型及因子赋值方法进行评价的栖息地质量更为真实合理。4.对野外监测的抽样强度、监测数据的获取方式及大熊猫受干扰的量化研究技术等进行探索,寻求更为经济、客观的监测数据获取方法和途径,进一步完善监测参数体系。结果发现对一些依靠主观判断的数据,利用传统方法其精度和准确度往往达不到30%,因此在监测和调查中应尽量采用客观方式获取数据,如采用仪器、GIS等方式来获取,监测中尽量不要采用无法客观度量的因子。同时发现不同的抽样强度对抽样结果的精度是有一定影响的,但即使在进行三分之一强度的抽样(或样线大于30条)时,其精度也可以保证在80%左右,可以满足监测的基本需要。同时利用粪便中的糖皮质激素含量进行非损伤性大熊猫受干扰状况监测研究,发现大熊猫粪便糖皮质激素含量水平与大熊猫栖息地受干扰等级成高度正相关性,表明这一技术可以用来监测大熊猫受干扰的状况,这也是国内首次将此技术应用于野外野生动物受干扰的监测研究。本研究结果证明,建立秦岭大熊猫监测指标体系,有利于在节约监测成本的前提下,客观、快速、准确的获取野外监测数据,及时对秦岭大熊猫及其栖息地的现状开展准确评估,为准确了解秦岭大熊猫及其栖息地的变化情况,及时调整保护策略,从而有效地开展大熊猫秦岭亚种的保护工作。该指标体系及评价模型的建立也为当地自然保护区开展生态监测起到了指导和示范作用。

【Abstract】 The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a flagship species, which has a unique role and special status in the protection of wildlife. After the third panda survey, the panda population is further being studied and monitoring the species has become a major focus. Unfortunately, the lack of a scientifically advanced monitoring index system for the Giant Panda population creates problems in field monitoring. Firstly, much of the information collected in the monitoring can not be used for analysis; Secondly, the multipurpose monitoring indicators make it difficult for management personnel to master and properly collect, leading to the deviation of analysis results; Thirdly, the absence of a standard data analysis or assessment system of the Giant Panda and its habitat prevents achievements to be reached in regards to the practical technology used in the protection and management of the Giant Panda. This study is mainly researched through sampling strength, selecting monitoring index, weighting the habitat suitability assessment, to establish the parameter system for monitoring and evaluating living conditions of Qinling Giant Pandas {Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis),which will provide a scientific base for monitoring the Giant Panda population and habitat in future. For this purpose, this study chooses the most dense population area of the giant panda in the Qinling mountains as research samples for monitoring, such as Foping nature reserves, Guanyinshan nature reserve and Laoxiancheng nature reserve, which is carried out over3years. And also, with large amounts of data from the third Giant Panda survey, we have made great efforts on the research of system building for monitoring living conditions of pandas. The main research results are as follows:1. According to certain necessity, feasibility, objectivity, quantifiable and economy, uniqueness and comparability seven principles, the comprehensive utilization of target analysis, habitat choice analysis, principal component analysis, factor correlation between the analysis methods of the existing monitoring factor analysis and assessment, respectively summarized as factor will be monitoring the food resources, quantity distribution, vegetation habitat, associated animals, interference and geographical environment and indexes. Then in all kinds of index according to the weight of the comprehensive evaluation value of all kinds of index, and establish the score of each factor, the choice of monitoring order established the Qinling panda habitat monitoring index system. According to the results, the guarantee monitoring targets in on the premise of that the existing monitoring index optimization.2. Based on the established monitoring index system, we selected3nature reserves as research sample regions. Through data acquisition, data processing systems and exploration, and the description of the use of statistical methods and GIS technology to research the area of the Giant Panda habitat condition in2008to2010, and associated animal spatial distribution and type structure, the type of time and space distribution and interference preliminary analysis, showed that from2008to2010, the Giant Panda research area sample line traces found no significant difference between rate, the Giant Panda population basic stability; Laoxiangcheng Guanyinshan reserve around the village, along the108national highway near the108to Liangfengya along the same interference is serious, mainly due to grazing, herbalism as the primary gathering and tourism, and other events with interference, from year to year interference has changed little.3. Through the analysis of the Giant Panda habitat choice, and established the three levels of evaluation indexes, respectively is:A layer to get through for the operation, including terrain factors index, the vegetation factors, food factors and interference factor4class target; B layer can according to the field investigation direct access to data monitoring index, the index contains a: terrain factors are altitude, slope, slopes, sloping sections, etc; The vegetation factors are forest origin, vegetation types, trees, shrubs, and highly crowned density coverage and height; Food factors included the history of bamboo, bamboo, height, growth condition; Interference factor:the main cause of human activities for all kinds of interference. C layer for B layer the characteristic value of factors. In establishing habitat evaluation model, the first choice in each factor to the analysis of the standardization of habitat value as weights were analyzed, and a more objective and true reflection of the various factors in the role of the habitat, avoided the former simple level assignment of general sex and not the accuracy, to get accurate evaluation results to lay the foundation. According to the established evaluation model and comprehensive technique, such as using GIS in the study of the Giant Panda habitat for the evaluation. Using the Giant Panda tau verification results found a way to use the evaluation model and factor assignment method to evaluate the quality of the habitat more realistically.4. Which birth rates and survival rates of the Giant Panda population grows the biggest influence. If considering population and other factors, the reckoning isolated the extinction of Giant Pandas risk will rise. Then the Giant Panda faced with the Qinling risk factors, the analysis of habitat fragmentation of the formation of the small populations, habitat capacity, human interference and damage to the global environment and to the survival of the Giant Panda change can cause a bigger threat. Should strengthen the habitat protection and actively carry out artificial releasing. It was also found that different sampling strength of sampling the accuracy of the results has a certain impact, but even in a third of the strength of the sampling (or sample line more than30of them), the precision can be guaranteed at around85%, and can meet the basic needs of monitoring. At the same time, a stool to glucocorticoids content in the Giant Panda to injury by interference condition monitoring research found that the Giant Panda dung, the sugar cortical hormone level and the Giant Panda habitat disturbance level into highly positive correlation, shows that this technology can be used to monitor the status of the Giant Panda interference, this also is home for the first time this technology used in the wild animals suffer interference monitoring research.The research results show that establish monitoring index system, Giant Panda Qinling beneficial to save cost monitoring, under the prerequisite of objective, rapid and accurate, in time for the wild monitoring data of Giant Panda habitat and the present situation of Qinling develop accurate assessment, to know exactly what the Qinling Giant Panda and for the change of habitats, adjust protection strategy, so as to effectively carry out the work of protecting the Qinling Panda subspecies. The index system and evaluation and the establishment of the model for local nature reserve developing ecological monitoring and demonstration.


