

Posture Study on China’s Provincial Eco-civilization Development

【作者】 吴明红

【导师】 尹伟伦; 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 生态文明作为人类文明的新形态,是人与自然和谐双赢的文明。生态文明建设需要反思传统工业文明的弊端,摒弃不合理的思想观念,调整政策法规,彻底转变不可持续的生产、生活方式,化解文明与自然的冲突,确保生态健康、环境良好、资源永续,人类社会可持续发展。因此,党的十七大将建设生态文明确立为一项重大的国家战略,使之成为中国特色社会主义事业总体布局的重要组成部分。目前,建设生态文明已成为举国上下之共识,社会各界均在探索,建立能够对生态文明建设状况实现科学、客观、系统评价的生态文明建设评价指标体系。由于生态文明建设是一个动态的进程,对生态文明建设情况的考察,不仅要关注其当前的存在状态,更应该重视其发展的态势。本文从发展趋势的视角,根据作者所在课题组已构建的生态文明建设评价指标体系(Eco-Civilization Construction Indices, ECCI),对全国及各省域(未含港澳台地区,下同)生态文明的发展走势进行定量分析,总结其发展规律,并根据各省域的相似特点,归纳出我国当前存在的不同类型生态文明发展态势,以期为各类型的省份明确自身生态文明发展状态,准确定位下一步生态文明建设的重点,寻找推进生态文明建设的有效途径,提供理论依据和科学指导。文中采用理论联系实际的方法论原则,广泛运用哲学、社会学、统计学等方法,既注重对已有文献资料的理论分析,又注重对现实的理论反思,定性与定量相结合,既注重现实的量化分析,也注重对客观规律的归纳总结。以目标为导向,将生态文明建设分解为:生态充满活力、环境质量优良、社会事业发达、各方面高度协调四个方面的目标,根据各方面目标选取有代表性和数据支撑的具体指标,构建生态文明建设评价指标体系。基于2003-2010年度数据,对全国及各省域生态文明发展态势进行量化分析。结果显示,全国生态文明整体水平呈持续进步的态势。各具体方面,生态活力发展稳定,呈持续上升态势;环境质量退化的趋势还未能根本扭转;经济社会发展成就显著,社会发展水平稳步提升;协调发展能力逐年提高,表明我国正朝着协调发展的方向加速迈进。根据各省域生态文明发展情况,全国可划分为:全面协调型、协调发展型、生态改善型、环境友好型、环境改善型和传统发展型六种生态文明发展态势。各省份应发挥优势,弥补不足,因地制宜探索各具特色的生态文明建设之路。

【Abstract】 As a brand-new form of human civilization, Eco-civilization is a result of harmonious civilization between nature and human being. Eco-civilization construction is developed through reflecting the industrial civilization, changing the traditional ideology, and revising the concerning policies and laws, so it make human to change the unreasonable behaviors of production and consumption, to develop Green-technology, lead our people to live and work under sound ecological and environmental conditions, then our economy and society will develop in a sustainable way. In the light of this demand, Eco-civilization was regarded as a significant strategy in the Socialism development process after the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).However, how to measure Eco-civilization scientifically and objectively is one of the blocks on the process of Eco-civilization, so it’s necessary to build a systematical measurement index. And a changing nature of the development determines that we can not only focus on recent situation, but also development trend in the future. This dissertation constructs ECCI (Eco-Civilization Construction Indices) from process perspective, and summarizes the regularity using quantitatively analysis on all provinces in China, and induces the law of Eco-civilization development by comparing each province’s characteristics. The contribution of this research is to figure out the effective and efficient way to Eco-civilization in the next step.The research reflects the recent situation of Eco-civilization development and analyzes some typical documents by the method of combining theory and practice, employing sociology and statistic methods comprehensively, like both quantitative and qualitative method. Finally, the research would divide construction of Eco-civilization into fourfold aims which are supplement one another-ecology energy, sound environment, developed social undertaking, and coordination of each parts in society. By analyzing these data on Eco-civilization construction that have been collected by each province from 2003 to 2010, the research constructs a complete, complemented, and systematical Eco-Civilization Construction Indices.Through analysis of this research, Eco-civilization construction appears the upward trend. However, trend of degraded environment haven’t been changed completely, The research will summarize six development postures, namely the comprehensive development, coordinative development, ecology improvement, environment friendly, environment improvement and traditional development, according to the real development situation of each province.


