

Research on the Forest Changes and Forestry Construction in Northwest China in the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 冯尕才

【导师】 尹伟伦; 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 英国历史学家阿诺德·汤因比认为,历史是由一系列文明和环境之间的挑战与应战构成的。历史时期,西北森林资源比较丰富,但是因为其地处内陆的自然地理条件,特别是人类活动作用的结果,森林大量退化或消失,到了民国时期森林资源已经相当贫乏。在民国时期,西北地区的森林仍然发生着巨大的变迁。变迁的主要特征是民国前期局部地区森林有恢复和增长趋势,但就整个民国时期来说,森林资源却呈急剧流失的态势。森林资源减少的原因,是民间和军队燃料消耗、各类用材消耗、毁林开荒、军事消耗、自然灾害等,其社会背景则是西北地区文化、教育、经济的落后。森林资源的极度流失,导致燃料和用材短缺、水土流失加剧、荒漠化扩大、气候恶化、自然风景资源消失、经济文化衰落等一系列后果,严重制约着西北地区社会的进步,构成对西北各族人民生存和发展的极大挑战。与此同时,中日战争爆发,中华民族到了最危险的时候,西北地区又面临着支持抗战和建设大后方的挑战。对此种种挑战,西北各省奋起回应,在政治家、林学家、农学家、当地民众以及其他各界人士的关注和推动下,积极采取措施,实施天然林保护,开展植树造林,发展林业教育,进行林业科技研究和推广等工作,推进了西北地区的林业建设,揭开了西北地区生态建设的序幕,同时也承担起了支持抗战和建设国家坚固大后方基地的重任。论文以辩证唯物主义思想为指导,通过以历史学研究方法为主,区域研究法和田野调查法为辅的多种研究方法,分引言、上篇、下篇三个部分,对民国时期西北地区的森林变迁和林业建设的各个方面做了比较系统研究。引言阐述了“民国时期西北森林变迁及林业建设”这个课题的研究目的和意义,总结了目前学术界在相关领域的研究现状,确定了研究范围和研究方法,并对一些概念作了界定。上篇“挑战——民国时期西北森林资源的流失及其后果”分为三章。第一章探讨了民国时期西北森林的分布和变迁,第二章论述了森林资源的流失形态,第三章总结了西北地区森林资源流失的后果,分析了民国时期西北森林资源流失严重的社会背景。前三章主要论述了由于民国时期西北地区森林资源的流失导致了一系列严重后果,对西北各族人民的生存和社会发展构成了挑战,也在日本侵略、民族危亡的关头西北地区能否有力地支持抗战提出了挑战。下篇“应战——民国时期西北地区的林业建设”,共分七章。阐述了在上述挑战下,西北地区各省所采取的种种应战措施。第四章阐述了在民国各届政府的推动下,西北各省林业管理机构的成立,为林业建设工作的开展打下了基础。第五章论述了林业机关、团体和个人对西北地区森林资源进行考察,进行本地区林业建设规划。第六章探索了西北地区政府和民间都采取措施,在艰难环境中开展天然林保护工作。第七章介绍了西北各省区为了大规模开展植树造林,纷纷开辟苗圃,进行苗木培育工作。植树造林是改善西北生态环境的核心举措,第八章探讨了西北地区各省植树造林工作开展情况,并对其得失进行了总结和评价。第九章通过对西北地区林业教育发展情况的探讨,指出民国时期是西北地区林业教育发展的重要时期。第十章论述了民国时期西北地区的树木引种、杂交育种、林木抚育、森林经理等林业科技研究和推广等工作。第十一章论述了国内著名林学家在科学救国思想的指引下,在西北地区进行艰苦的林业建设工作,为西北地区人民树立了榜样,留下了宝贵的精神遗产。第十二章为“结论和展望”,对全文的内容进行了总结,归纳了民国时期西北地区森林变迁的经验教训和林业建设的重要意义,提出了今后林业发展的意见和建议。

【Abstract】 British historian Arnold Joseph Toynbee held that history is form by a series of challenges and responding between civilizations and environment.In historical period, there were rich forest resources in Northwest China.But because of this region is located in the arid inland with the rare rainfall and wicked environment, especially because of the results made by human activity, many forests were degradation even disappeared, the forest resources became shortage extremely. In the period of the Republic of China, the forest still had been changing greatly, the main features were the forest resources had lost rapidly in whole period, although increased and recovered in local areas in early times. The reasons of forest resources loss were private and army fuel consumption, all kind of timber consumption, deforested-land reclamation, military consumption, and natural disaster, etc. The backgrounds of forest resources loss were backward culture, economy and education in the region. The extremely loss of forest resources caused fuel and timber shortage, water loss and soil erosion becoming seriously, desertification expanding, climatic deterioration, natural scenery disappeared, economy and culture declined, etc, and caused restricted social progress. These consequences brought forward challenge to existence of people and social development in Northwest China. Meanwhile, after the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, Chinese nation was in the most dangerous moment, Northwest China faced the challenge to support war and build rear area. In this situation, Concerned and promoted by politician, foresters, agronomist, local people and other sectors, all provinces of Northwest China responded the challenges bravely, took active measures to protect natural forest, developed tree-planting widely, developed forestry education, researched and extended forestry technology, promoted forestry construction, started the ecological civilization construction in Northwest China. At the same time,the forest construction in the regin also supported Anti-Japanese War and undertook responsibility to build the solid national rear bases.This article divided three sections. With the basis of the dialectical materialism ideological, the article systematically studies all aspects of forest changes and forestry construction Northwest China in the period of Republic of China by utilizing the method of history, regional research and field investigation.The first Section is the foreword. In this section, the author introduces the purpose and significance of this artical, summarizes the present research situation in related fields in academic circles, determines research scope, methods, and some concepts.The second section is tilled "challenge—forest resources loss and its consequences in the period of Republic of China" and divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the forest distribution and changes in the period of the Republic of China in Northwest. Chapter 2 investigated the loss form of forest resources. Chapter 3 summarizes the consequences of forest resource loss, analyzed the social background about forest resource loss. The first three chapters mainly discusses that forest resources loss in Northwest China in the period of the republic of China led to a series serious consequences, which challenged to existence of people and social development in Northwest China. Meanwhile, the forestry construction faced the challenge to support Anti-Japanese War and build rear area in the most dangerous moment of China.The third section titled "Responding the challenge—the forestry construction in Northwest China in the period of the Republic of China" and includes seven chapters, which elaborates all provinces of Northwest China had taken various measures to respond the challenge. Chapter 4 elaborated all provinces established forestry institutions as a basis for forestry construction promoted by the central government. Chapter 5 discusses that in order to make forestry construction plan, forestry agencies, organizations and individuals investigated forest resources in Northwest China. Chapter 6 studies the government and people of the Northwest China had taken measures to protect natural forest under the hard conditions. Chapter 7 investigates the provinces of the Northwest China opened up nursery and cultivated seedling for large-scale afforestation. Tree planting is anther most important measure for improve ecological environment, so Chapter 8 discusses afforestation movement in Northwest, sums up experiences and draws lessons from success and failure. Chapter 9 studied forestry education development and pointed out that it was an important period for forestry education development in Northwest in the period of the Republic of China. Chapter 10 discusses forestry technology research and extension, such as tree introduction, cross breeding, forest management, etc, had taken in this regin in the period of the Republic of China. Chapterl 1 elaborates guided by the Thought of Saving the Nation through Cience, many famous foresters worked hard in Northwest China, set an example for local people and left valuable spiritual heritage for Northwest China. Chapter 12 generalizes the experience and lessons of forest changes, affirms the achievement of the forestry construction, put forward some suggestions for forestry construction in the future.

  • 【分类号】K258;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】492
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