

Study on Historical Villas and Gardens in Urban Areas of Rome

【作者】 田甜

【导师】 刘晓明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 罗马作为欧洲著名的历史名城,不仅是西方文明的发祥地,还是世界天主教中心,其独特的城市文化演绎出了不同于意大利南北部和欧洲其他重要城市的特有的园林艺术形式。论文主要研究的是罗马在经历罗马帝国首都、教皇国首都、意大利王国首都最终到意大利共和国首都这一系列政权变化和社会变革下的城区内的别墅园林。本论文以现代罗马城区为主要研究范围,以古罗马时期、教皇国时期到意大利共和国时期为纵向历史发展轴线,将罗马城区内历史别墅园林发展史大致分为古罗马艺术、文艺复兴早期、文艺复兴盛期、巴洛克早期、巴洛克盛期、现代主义等六个重要的建造时期。罗马古城墙外的别墅园林位于古罗马城区与罗马郊区之间的过渡区,尽管由于现代城市的扩张不少花园被破坏,但它们才是真正影响罗马历史别墅花园发展的代表作,相比那些远离罗马城区的别墅园林,它们更是进一步研究意大利文艺复兴和巴洛克园林的重要素材和有利佐证,它们的规模、布局以及使用功能更能体现罗马花园的共性特征。因此罗马远郊的别墅园林并不在本研究的讨论范围内,加之中世纪时期罗马遭受到了严重破坏,城内园林建造活动一度停滞,这一时期也没有被作为重要历史时期列出。本论文主要从不同社会阶段的历史背景入手,以六大章节为主,通过解读罗马别墅园林与社会阶层、土地供给方式、水源特权、绘画艺术潮流之间的关系,阐述古罗马时期、文艺复兴时期、巴洛克时期以及近、现代发展时期等重要建造时期罗马花园所发生的设计理念上的转变;通过收集大量外文文献资料,利用图像研究法分析罗马城区内重要历史别墅园林的建造设计版画和相关绘画作品,结合实地踏察对罗马城区内这些别墅园林进行梳理和归类,并通过对每一时期代表作别墅花园的专题案例研究对该时期花园的空间要素和空间布局进行特征总结。论文最后一章总结了罗马城区历史别墅园林特有的风格特征,解答了意大利重要的园林艺术流派罗马园林之所以对西方园林发展产生深远影响的缘由,强调了罗马园林对当今罗马城市绿地系统的重要构架,并在讨论部分指出了论文存在的不足之处。论文为罗马别墅园林这一研究专题提供了系统的研究框架、详细的设计手稿和文献资料,填补了国内对罗马城区历史别墅园林研究的空白,希望能够抛砖引玉;由于时间有限,罗马别墅花园研究资料的庞杂和侧重不同造成了文献资料甄别工作的不足,以及对遗址花园的实地调研的过程中不免存有遗漏,造成论文在具体的案例研究上还不够深入,希望能够在以后的研究工作中进一步弥补这一缺憾。

【Abstract】 As the popular historic city in European Union, Rome is regarded as the birthplace of western civilization, and is also the catholic center in the world. Its culture which is different from other Italian cities or important European cities caused roman own unique landscape art. After the collapse of Roman Empire, the city has been the capital of the Papal State, the Kingdom of Italy and Italy Republic. The dissertation mainly discussed the historic villas and gardens around the seven hills and outside the ancient roman walls of Rome with the influences of social and political changes in different phases.In main six chapters, classified into six important constructions periods such as ancient roman garden, early renaissance garden, high renaissance garden, early baroque garden, high baroque garden and modern reformation of gardens, the main villas and gardens studied in the paper were restricted in the scope of Rome city blocks in modern times. Those gardens located in the areas between urban and rural zones are more original and classical models than the rural gardens in old times and represented the historic changes with the society upheaval which were not alike in scale, layout and function with the real rural ones. And these gardens should be considered as the significant research resources and proofs of Italian renaissance and baroque times. That is why the paper not includes the rural villas and gardens. There was no garden construction in middle age so there was blank in the framework of the thesis.Based on each social historic background, the dissertation analyzed the theories changes in the development of garden design, and further discussed the relationship between gardens with social classes, land supplies, water privileges, and artistic trends in ancient, renaissance, baroque and modern periods. Through masses of documents collections and sites investigations, the typical villas and gardens could be analyzed and sorted out into different types in general; the engraving plans and perspective pictures of villas and gardens were mainly studied in detail by the method of iconography and finally summarized space elements and layout features of these gardens.In the last chapter the thesis concluded the characters of the villas and gardens in city of Rome, explained the major influences of roman gardens on other Italian cities and European countries and the main role played in roman city Greenland System. The paper supported considerable iconographic and literature materials in Roman garden research and made the basis for the further studies in domestic. However, with the complex research data and lack of investigation time, there could be a pity in the cases studies of the dissertation.


