

An Reflection and Analysis on the Values System of Landscape Architecture

【作者】 沈洁

【导师】 王向荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪90年代末开始,中国的风景园林行业逐步迈进了一个全球化和社会转型语境中的新历史时期。一方面,经济的繁荣和环境意识的提高带来了该行业前所未有的迅猛发展,大量的建设在神州大地上如火如荼的展开;而另一方面,在实践领域的欣欣向荣背后,良莠不齐的建造结果也印证了当代风景园林理论研究滞后、价值观念混乱和缺失的事实。对风景园林价值观体系进行研究,探索能够指导当代中国风景园林实践的价值观理论便成为当前迫在眉睫的课题。本文从与园林发展紧密相关的哲学、美学、社会学、生态学、环境伦理学等多门学科的角度出发,通过对园林历史的梳理,厘清了风景园林价值观体系的构成及其相关价值的嬗变历程。并通过对中西方文化及园林核心范畴的一系列比较,探讨了中西方历史园林在各价值观念上的本质异同。最后,通过笔者参与的实践项目,对价值观体系理论在实践中的应用做了进一步的检验。本文在对风景园林主要价值的历史演变进行梳理和总结的基础上,提出当代风景园林价值观体系应包括:美与艺术、社会、生态和文化价值观四类内容,并取得了以下具有一定价值的研究成果:1)系统的梳理了风景园林主要价值的演变历程。从一开始对美与艺术的推崇,到近代自由民主召唤下社会关怀的产生,再到环境危机背景下对生态价值的关注,.直至今天全球化趋势下呼唤地域文化的回归,园林从诞生至今,在价值取向上经历了美与艺术——社会——生态——文化价值的演变与发展。它们之间不是后者取代前者,而是一个相互叠加的过程。2)比较了中西方文化和园林相关价值的核心范畴。试图从哲学的高度来探讨中西方历史园林在不同表象下的价值本源差异以及二者的汇通之处。3)构建了一套基于哲学认知系统下的当代风景园林价值观的体系,对当前风景园林的实践探索具有一定的理论指导意义。

【Abstract】 The Chinese landscape architecture industry has gradually stepped into a new historical period in the context of globalization and social transformation since the late1990s. On one hand, prosperity of economy and the improvement of environmental awareness bring an unprecedented rapid development of the industry and a lot of construction is undergoing like a raging fire.On the other hand, behind the prosperity of practical area, uneven result of construction confirms two facts:one fact is the hysteresis of theoretical research of contemporary landscape architecture, the other fact is the confusion and lack of core values. The research on the main values system of landscape architecture which can guide the contemporary practices of landscape architecture is becoming the imminent subject.This research started from the subjects which are closely related to the development of landscape architecture, for example, philosophy, aesthetics, sociology, ecology, environmental ethics, etc., clarified the composition of the main values system and the developing process of the associated values through the combining of garden history. The similarities and differences of the essence between Chinese and Western culture and historical garden were also discussed. Further test on the theory of core values system in practice was made based on my own participation.Based on combing and summarizing the historical development of landscape architecture’s core values, this article indicated that the contemporary core values system of landscape architecture should include four parts which respectively are aesthetic and artistic, social, ecological and cultural values, and obtained a certain valuable research results as follows:1) The evolution course for the main values of landscape architecture was reviewed systematically. At first the aesthetic goal was to be supreme, in1890s social care came from the desire of freedom and democracy, in1960s the ecological concern emerged under the background of environmental crisis, and now the regional culture is proposed under the trend of globalization. From be born up to nowadays, the main values of landscape architecture experience four stages:the stage of aesthetic and artistic, social, ecological and cultural values. The development of values is not a process that latter replaced the former, but superposed each other.2) A series of comparison was conducted between the essence of Chinese and Western culture and historical garden. This article tried to stand at the height of philosophy to discuss the similarities and differences of origin of values under their totally different appearances.3) Based on philosophical cognitive system, this article constructed the contemporary core values system of landscape architecture in order to provide a guide to current practices.


