

【作者】 陈昌乐

【导师】 刘天君;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 1.研究目的通过分析、比较三种佛家静功(参话头、持咒、念佛)的修炼方法和修炼过程中修炼者的脑电特征,研究不同佛家静功间生理、心理的异同。2.研究方法采用“双向设计、关联检测、相互释义”的思路设计本项实验。双向设计是指从外部检测和内部操作两个方面设计。内部操作指被试自身的全部操作内容,在本实验中包括三种佛家静功三调(调身、调息、调心)的内容;外部检测是指实验人员对被试的检测与评价,在本实验中包括脑电、呼吸、以及禅修状态自评。其中脑电的分析采用了LZ复杂度、近似熵、功率谱等方法。关联检测是指检测时内部操作与外部检测同步进行。根据内部操作的特点,与外部检测的需求,将检测过程分为“练功前安静态(简称功前)、练功状态一(简称功一)练功状态二(简称功二)、收功”四个阶段。以敲磬作为提示,使得修炼者内部操作状态的转换,与外部检测的分段对应起来。相互释义是指在分析时,将不同佛家静功的内在操作方式与外部检测结果有机地结合起来,相互解释。在本实验中表现为:脑电指标的变化可以被解释为三调操作变化的外在表现,而三调操作可以被解释为脑电指标变化的动因。在多种佛家静功中,选取操作方法上具有代表性、修炼人数较多的三种佛家静功:参话头、持咒、念佛作为研究对象。从四川、陕西等地的数十座寺庙中收集被试45名。采用自行设计的实验过程自评量表,使得被试在修炼过程中进入状态情况的评价半客观化。为了提高实验质量,在实验前,对每个被试都进行单独培训,告知实验的目的、意义,需要其配合那些操作。通过解码、编程,将脑电数据导入matlab进行分析。在进行滤波,数据压缩等处理后,选取功率谱(全脑总功率、α、β、θ、δ四个频段的实际功率与相对功率),近似熵、LZ复杂度多项指标,从线性分析与非线性分析两个方面来把握修炼者脑电信号的特征。数据分析分为三部分:1三种佛家静功组间一般情况比较,2三种佛家静功组间两两比较,3每种佛家静功内部两小组间比较(在分析过程中,发现同一种佛家静功内部α频带功率存在上升与下降两种趋势,于是进一步将每种佛家静功按a频带功率增、减情况分为两个小组)。功法间比较与小组间比较又分为各指标直接检测值的比较和各指标变化趋势(功一、功二、收功三种状态与功前的比值)的比较。采用SPSS 16.0 for windows软件进行数据统计分析,所得数据用均数±标准差(x±s)表示。各组数据先行正态性检验、方差齐性检验,方差齐时组间两两比较选用选用t检验,方差不齐时选用t’检验。显著水平取α=0.05。3.研究结果3.1.三种修行方法内部操作比较三种佛家静功修炼方法的“调身”、“调息”操作基本相同,主要差别在于“调心”。念佛与持咒的“调心”操作较为接近。操作方法是将所有的意念都集中在咒语或佛号上特点是注意窄化,意识活动的内容单一,意识活动的模式单调;参话头的“调心”操作方法是尽力参究(参究不同于思考,思考是通过推理,回忆等手段寻找答案,参究是等待答案自己在意识中出现)一个根本没有答案的问题,特点是意识活动活跃,意识活动的模式多变。3.2.三种修行方法外部检测比较3.2.1.被试一般情况2010~2011年间,在四川、陕西等地十余座寺庙中招募符合标准的和尚45人,其中参话头13人,持咒16人,念佛16人。均为右利手,年龄在47.33±15.3岁。三组间年龄,修行年限,每天平均修行强度均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。说明三组佛家静功修炼者具有可比性。3.2.2.三种佛家静功组间两两比较3.2.2.1.三种佛家静功在近似熵、LZ复杂度、功率谱实测值的组间两两比较仅β频段实际功率指标在功前状态,参话头与另两组在多个脑区有显著性差异(P<0.05),其余状态没有差异,结合均值说明参话头组安静状态下大脑兴奋性更低。其余指标在各状态无显著性差异(P>0.05)。三种佛家静功近似熵、LZ复杂度、功率谱变化趋势的比较参话头与另两组的区别主要表现在:a参话头组练功过程中近似熵、LZ复杂度呈逐渐升高趋势,另两组不变。参话头的增幅与另两组的增幅组间比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。其中LZ复杂度的的增幅显著性大于近似熵,表现为组间比较P值更小,有显著性差异的脑区更多;念佛组与持咒组比较:念佛组总功率、α频段实际功率在功一、收功状态升高幅度显著大于持咒组(P<0.05),但功二状态组间比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。所以整体看没有确定的趋势。3.2.3.各种佛家静功内部两小组间比较3.2.3.1.两小组在近似熵、LZ复杂度、功率谱实测值的组间比较持咒功法的两小组在近似熵、LZ复杂度、总功率、α频段实际功率、α频段相对功率、β频段实际功率等指标上都有显著差异。另两种功法的小组间比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。佛家静功内部两小组间近似熵、LZ复杂度、功率谱变化趋势的比较三种功法的两小组在总功率、α频段实际功率、α频段相对功率、β频段实际功率等指标上都有显著差异。近似熵、LZ复杂度均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。4.研究结论4.1.从脑电特征上,参话头、持咒、念佛三组佛家静功修炼者的差异表现为,参话头组近似熵、复杂度逐渐升高,与另两组有显著性差异(P<0.05);参话头、念佛组的总功率、a频段功率、p频段功率均逐渐升高,与持咒组有显著性差异(P<0.05);参话头组β频段功率升高幅度大于念佛组(P<0.05)。4.2.同一佛家静功内部,α频段功率有上升与下降两种变化趋势,变化趋势间均有显著性差异(P<0.05),根据不同变化趋势分成的小组间近似熵、复杂度变化趋势相同(P>0.05)。4.3.从大脑生理活动特征上,参话头、持咒、念佛三组佛家静功修炼者的差异表现为,参话头组与念佛组大脑安静与兴奋两种状态都逐渐加深,持咒组大脑安静与兴奋两种状态的深度保持不变;参话头大脑活动变化模式的变异性逐渐增大,持咒组、念佛组的变化模式保持不变。4.4.同一种功法修炼者的大脑安静程度存在加深和减弱两种趋势,但他们大脑活动变化模式的变异性具有共同特征。4.5.从意识活动特征上,参话头、持咒、念佛三组的差异表现为,参话头过程中大脑意识活动的模式多变,没有思维内容,意识活动强度增大;持咒组意识活动模式稳定不变,意识活动内容不变,意识活动强度不变;念佛组意识活动模式稳定不变,意识活动强度增大。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo assess the similarities and differences_on these different Buddhist Quiet Qigong methods, especially in physiology and psychology through comparing and analyzing three different methods (meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan/mantra chanting procedure/the verbal chanting of the name of Buddha)and their related EEG characteristics of the practitioners of Buddhist Quiet Qigong.Methods1. The method of "Two-way design, Correlated detection, Mutual explanation" was used in this experiment.2. Both of external detection and internal operation were involved in the Two-way design. The internal operation refers to all operating content during the experimental process, which including the content of adjusting body, adjusting breath and adjusting mind of the three different methods on Buddhist Quiet Qigong. The External detection refers to the examination and evaluation of participants which including EEG characteristics, breath, and the self-evaluation of their meditation status. LZ complexity, approximate entropy, power spectrum were used as the main analysis methods on EEG.3. The correlation detection refers to the synchronization of the external detection and the internal operation. According to the features of internal operation and the conditions of external detection, the whole process of testing was divided into four stages, respectively the quiet state (before exercise), the first stage of exercise (exercise one), the second stage of exercise (exercise two) and exercise end. By knocking the Qing, the practitioners were informed the different stage of the external detection in order to adjust their internal operation-the meditation status.4. Mutual explanation means the internal operation of practitioners and the external detection were combined in our analysis. In our experiment, mutual explanation manifested that the changes of indicator of EEG were interpreted as external performance of "three-adjusting operating", while the internal operation-"three-adjusting operating" was thought as the reason of indicator changes of EEG.Result1. The comparison of approximate entropy, LZ complexity and power spectrum of three Buddhist Quiet Qigong methods. The main distinguish between the mantra chanting procedure group and others were: there was a gradually increase in approximate entropy, LZ complexity with several encephalic regions, but there was no change in others group. There was a significant difference of a amplitude between the meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan group and the other two groups (P<0.05).There was significant amplitude of LZ complexity which was greater than approximate entropy. The smaller P value was, the more obvious changes happened in encephalic regions. The comparison between the verbal chanting the name of Buddha group and the mantra chanting procedure group showed that there was a significant amplitude in the verbal chanting the name of Buddha group than the mantra chanting procedure group in total power and the actual power of a frequency band in exercise one stage and exercise end stage (P<0.05), but exercise two stage had no obvious difference in both two groups (P>0.05).So there was no definite trend on the whole. With the exception of the absolute power ofβfrequency band in before exercise stage, the meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan group and the other two groups had significant difference in multiple brain division (P<0.05).Combining mean, it was showed that the brain excitability of meditate the "head phrase’of a gongan group was lower in quiet state. No obvious difference was founded in others indicators in all meditation practice stages (P>0.05)2. The comparison within two groups of Buddhist Quiet Qigong methods Obvious differences were revealed within two groups of the mantra chanting procedure group among total power, the actual power ofα,βfrequency band and the relative power of a frequency band. There was no significant difference showed in both approximate entropy and LZ complexity within the other two groups (P>0.05).Conclusion1. Analyzed the EEG characteristics, the differences of practices were showed that there were a gradually increase in approximate entropy, LZ complexity in the meditate the ’head phrase’of a gongan group, but there was no obvious change in the other two groups; There was a remarkable increasing trend in total power, power of a andβfrequency band in both the meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan group and the verbal chanting of the name of Buddha group, a slight decrease trend in the mantra chanting procedure group; There was an more obvious increase of power ofβfrequency band in the meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan group than the verbal chanting of the name of Buddha group.2. Within each of Buddhist Quiet Qigong, both ascending and descending variation tendency were founded in a frequency band power. The variation tendencies of approximate entropy, LZ complexity were identical between groups divided according to different variation tendency.3. From the brain physiological activity characteristics, the differences of practices were showed the two states of brain activities both excitability and quiet were gradually enhanced in the meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan group was greater than the verbal chanting of the name of Buddha group, while unchanged in the mantra chanting procedure group; The variability of the mode of thinking activity change gradually increasing in the meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan group, it was unchanged in the mantra chanting procedure group and the verbal chanting of the name of Buddha group.4. There were both deepen and weaken variation tendencies in practice brain quiet degree in the same Buddhist Quiet Qigong method, but a common variable characteristics was showed in the mode of brain activity change.5. From consciousness activity characteristics, the differences of practices were manifested that the brain thinking constantly produce new mode, accompanying6. consciousness activity intensity enlarged, no defined thinking content in process of meditate the’head phrase’of a gongan; The mode of brain thinking, consciousness activity intensity and thinking content unchanged in the mantra chanting procedure group The mode of brain thinking unchanged and consciousness activity intensity strengthened the verbal chanting of the name of Buddha group.

【关键词】 禅修佛家静功脑电图
【Key words】 meditationBuddhist Quiet Qigong methodsEEG

