

"Huang Di Nei Jing" Thought and Modern Business Management

【作者】 文理

【导师】 杨善林; 王键;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在2008年3月第1届“管理学在中国”学术研讨会上,国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部主任郭重庆院士提出:中国管理学的创建要从对西方管理经典的“照着说”,到向中国管理“接着讲”的转变,以及“接着讲”的一个重要路径就是“接着中国传统文化讲”。上世纪已故北京大学季羡林教授提出:21世纪发展人文社会学科,中国要根据自己的实际情况,必须要有新东西。同时还指出:中国语言学在世界上是最为古老,但用研究英文、法文、拉丁文等有曲折变化的语言的方法,来研究没有曲折变化的汉语是不行的,必须根据汉语的具体情况来研究,不能用外国那一套来进行研究。从科学历史的视角审视中国各个学科的发展,几千年的传统文化思想在实践中得到检验,而延续到今天,应该是数中医学最为成熟和完整:既有整体、动态、和谐的思想观念的认识论,又有解决问题的方法论,并且将认识论与方法论进行了成熟地交融。中国的医学和管理学均为本土传统文化下的的产物,二个学科都具有自然科学和社会科学二重属性的相同共性:在哲学层面上,共具备动态观念、整体观念、和谐观念特征;在系统观念上,同属于复杂性学科的开放巨系统,在实践应用上,同属于综合性的交叉和应用性学科;在整体决策上,共同包含着科学性、艺术性、道德性的多元化。古代医圣孙思邈在《千金要方》中指出:“古之善为医者,上医医国,中医医人,下医医病”(诊候)。自古以来的中医学界都认为,《黄帝内经》是医学名著的群经之首。由于其内容充满着:“上知天文,下知地理,中知人事”,所以“可以长久,以教众庶,亦不疑殆,医道论篇,可传后世,可以为宝”(素问著至教论)。《黄帝内经》中的特征之一为取象比类思维,在关于治疗疾病和治理国家的内容中,书中多次出现:取治人之象,比治国之类;取医学之象,比宰相之类。由此,文章取中医之象,比管理之类展开论述,主要内容如下:在阐述了选题研究的背景与意义基础上,其一,解读了《黄帝内经》中“取象比类”中的取象要符合对象、合象和应象条件,以及其思维的模式,综述了近20年学者们对阴阳五行理论的研究发展;其二,以中医的阴阳哲理为背景,阐述了国内外相关的激励理论,指出正激励与负激励在概念上的欠缺,从而遵循《黄帝内经》中取象比类思维,提出阳激励与阴激励的概念,及阳激励与阴激励存在着此长彼消,此消彼长,此长彼长,此消彼消的变化规律,依照阳主阴从等原则,以及中医对阴阳失调调理模式的归纳,推出阳激励与阴激励失调的和谐调整模式;其三,以中医五行理论为背景,阐述了国内外相关的企业高层管理团队组建研究状况,以及五行理论的基本内容和五形人的由来,提出以《黄帝内经》五形人来组建企业的高层管理团队,同时提出高层管理团队五职能出现异常的乘侮现象的和谐调整思路,另外,通过以五行理论设计了心理特征调查表,通过对合肥工业大学学生参加中国赛区的国际企业管理挑战赛和全国MBA培养院校企业竞争模拟上取得全国总决赛资格队伍的成员心理特征进行分析后,发现存在这样的一个规律:团队成员心理特征差异性高,团队的决策质量也高,但决策效率则低,即决策质量与决策效率是成反比关系;其四,以中医阴阳五行理论为背景,阐述了国内外有关阴阳五行在兵法中和战争的应用,对西方著名战略学家迈克尔波特等提出的基本竞争战略进行了细致分析,依照《黄帝内经》中的定义,建立了应用阴阳五行系统思想来选择竞争战略的系统关系模型,并分析了TCL企业的战略选择实例,然后,依据产品的价格与销售比例关系,建立了一个可量化的数学模型,通过对2010年全国MBA培养院校的“企业竞争模拟”大赛实例的量化分析,得出5种基本竞争战略在选择时,必须注意的三个基本原则:企业应该首先坚持原先好的竞争战略;而在改变战略时,应该遵循中医阴阳五行系统的变化规律,先选择相邻相生的战略,再考虑选择相隔相克的战略;其五,在分别介绍了中医与西医视角下的企业诊断内容后,基于《黄帝内经》对五藏的定义,对人类五藏的主藏功能系统与企业五大管理的阴阳功能系统进行了比类,根据钱学森等院士提出“运用从定性到定量的综合集成来解决复杂巨系统的问题”,在基于孟凯韬提出在中医上应用的阴阳五行数学理论上,建立了企业五大管理功能系统的若干数学表达方式,并且以中医的“四诊合参”设计了诊断体系及诊断指标量表,尝试性对企业进行模糊综合的诊断;最后,以《黄帝内经》中万物都遵循的“生长化收藏”规律,审视“管理学在中国”学术发展背景下,本土企业管理学的学术发展,需要学术界领导在科学研究、教育培训、管理实践、学术组织和应用领域上,把握“生而勿杀,长而勿罚,化而勿制,收而勿害,藏而勿抑”(素问·五常致大论)和动态的五行系统的生克和谐原则。总之,文章以“继承不泥古,创新不离宗”为宗旨,以《黄帝内经》中动态辨证论治思想的“调”字为主要线条,依次以阴阳、五行、阴阳五行、诊断理论对企业管理中存在的员工激励问题、高层管理团队的组建问题、竞争战略的选择问题、管理系统的运作问题进行了思考。

【Abstract】 At the first China Management seminar dated in March2008, Chinese academician GUOChong-qing, director of China Administration section from the Ministry Education of NationalNatural Science Foundation, proposed that the establishment of Chinese management should turnfrom preaching according to the western management classics to innovating China management ontheir basis. One of the important paths of innovating China management is to put traditional Chineseculture to modern practice. Meanwhile, the late professor JI Xian-lin from Beijing Universityproposed, China must act according to her own actual situation and have new things in the21stcentury if she wants to develop the humanities social studies. Meanwhile, Professor JI also pointedout, the Chinese linguistics is one of the most ancient all over the world, but the way of studying themethod of language like English, French, and Latin et al. that have turns and twists in their changecannot be used to study the Chinese language which has no turns and twists in her change. Therefore,the Chinese language has to be studied according to its specific condition instead of the approachesused in foreign countries.Examining the development of different disciplines in China from the angle of history, we canfind that Traditional Chinese cultural thought has received wide acceptance in practice today. Amongthem, Traditional Chinese Medicine has developed in a most mature and integrated way, includingcomprehensive, dynamic, harmonious epistemology and problem-solving methodology as well.Besides, epistemology and methodology will be a blend in a mature way. China Medical Science andManagement are both the outcome in Chinese native traditional culture. The two disciplines bothhave the attribute of natural science and social sciences in common. From the perspective ofphilosophy, both have the characteristic of comprehensive idea, integrated idea, and harmonious idea;from the system respect, both belong to the opening macro-system of complex discipline; in theapplication, both belong to the synthetic cross and application discipline; at the overalldecision-making level, both are characterized by the scientific, artistry, moral multiplication.The pharmaceutical saint named SUN Si-miao in the ancient times pointed out in his worksQian Jin Yao Fang that as for the doctors in the ancient times, those good at curing manage tocultivate one’s moral character (in modern words means Human Resource and Management) andhave the ability to govern a country; the ordinary (in modern words means Healthy Management)can cure a person for preserving health; the worst can cure one’s physique or mental diseases. Sincethe ancient times in the traditional Chinese medicine circle, all think that Huang Di Nei Jing rankstop in all famous medical works in that it is full of wisdom of astronomy, geography, and personnel.Therefore, the classic lasts long, being considered to teach common people forever, to act quickly aswell. The skill mentioned in the great works can be treasure, spreading future generations (plain askZhao to teach a theory). One of the most striking thoughts in Huang Di Nei Jing is the thinking ofTake xiang and Compare lei, and content concerning disease treatment and country government arenot infrequent in it. Take xiang of curing a person, and compare lei of governing a nation; Take xiangof medical science, and Compare lei of a prime minister. Therefore, the dissertation centers on takingxiang of traditional Chinese medicine, and Compare lei of the management. The main contents are asfollows:Based on the above-mentioned background and significance of research, this dissertation, firstexplains the conditions of Take xiang from Take xiang and Compare lei in Huang Di Nei Jing shouldget in accordance with Duixiang, Hexiang and Yingxiang, as well as its mode of thinking, summarizes the progress of Yin Yang and Five Xing Theory made by the scholars in the past20years. Second, according to the philosophy of Yin and Yang of Traditional Chinese Medicine, thisdissertation describes the relevant motivation theory at home and abroad, and points out theweakness of incentives and negative incentives, proposes the concept of Yin incentive and Yangincentive by following the mind Take xiang and Compare lei from Huang Di Nei Jing. There existsuch4combinations that Yin incentive and Yang incentive grow or diminish simultaneously, or onediminishes and the other grows. In accordance with the principle that Yang dominates Yin, and themechanism of striking a balance between Yin and Yang in TCM, this dissertation proposes theharmonious model of adjusting Yin incentives and Yang incentives. Third, this dissertation,according to the background of Five xing theory of TCM, discusses the research on how to set up ahigh-level domestic and foreign-related enterprise management team, proposes forming the seniormanagement team by following the Five xing people in Huang Di Nei Jing, pointing out the seniormanagement team humiliated by the phenomenon of abnormal harmonious adjustment. On thesesbases, this dissertation designs the psychological questionnaire according to the Five xing theory.Research indicates that there exists a law that the more apparent differences in psychologicalcharacteristics of team members, the higher quality of the decision-making team, but the lowerefficiency in decision-making. Namely, there exists an inverse proportional relationship betweendecision making quality and decision-making efficiency. The above research is verified by theanalysis of the psychological characteristics of university students from Hefei University ofTechnology attending the Global Management Challenge——GMC, and those qualified to attend theFinals of the National MBA Competitive Simulation from China national training institutions.Fourth, this dissertation, according to the Yin and Yang theory of TCM, describes the application ofYin Yang and Five Xing to the war and the tactics of winning wars at home and abroad, making adetailed analysis of the basic competitive strategy proposed by the well-known strategist namedMichael Porter. In accordance with the definition in Huang Di Nei Jing, this dissertation establishesthe systematic model of choosing competitive strategies by using the ideological system of Yin Yangand Five Xing, taking TCL in China as an example. On these bases, this dissertation sets up amathematical model which can be quantified based on the proportion of product prices to sales. Onthe quantitative analysis of the instance of the2010National MBA Competitive Simulation fromChina national training institutions, it is concluded that three basic principles must be paid attentionto when choosing the five basic competitive strategies: first of all, enterprises should insist theestablished good competitive strategy; and when changing strategies, enterprises should follow thechange rule of Yin Yang and Five xing in TCM, first choosing the adjacent and synergistic strategiesand then considering the separated and phase grams of strategies. Fifth,this dissertation makes acomparison between the human5dominating functional system and the enterprise’s5managementfunction of Yin Yang system according to the definition of Five Zang in Huang Di Nei Jing after thecontents of enterprise diagnosis are introduced from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicineand western medicine. According to Chinese famous academician QIAN Xue-sen’s idea that thegiant complex system problem can be solved by applying the integrated analysis from the qualitativeintegrated analysis to quantitative integrated analysis and the Yin Yang and Five Xing mathematicstheory applied in the Traditional Chinese Medicine put forward by MENG Kai-tao, somemathematical expressions concerning the enterprise’s five management function system are given.Besides, the diagnosis system and corresponding diagnostic index scale are designed by using the4diagnostic participations in TCM in an attempt to make a fuzzy comprehensive diagnosis for theenterprise. Last but not least, this dissertation holds that everything ought to follow the Growing, lasting, turning, receiving, and storing rules in Huang Di Nei Jing. Under the academic backgroundof Management in China, academic leaders are required to grasp the principle of holding burning butnot killing, lasting but not penalty, turning but not restricting, receiving but not harming, storing butnot restraining when conducting scientific research, delivering education training, implementingmanagement practice, establishing academic organizations and promoting management applications.In brief, the dissertation revolves around the word Tiao, dynamic dialectical thought oftreatment in Huang Di Nei Jing, taking the objective succession but not completely sticking,innovation but not parting form the suzerain for reference. Such topics in enterprise management asemployee’s incentives, top management team construction, competitive strategy choices, andmanagement system operations are discussed by using the Yin Yang, Five Xing, Yin Yang and FiveXing, diagnosis theory in Huang Di Nei Jing.


