

Research on the Methods of the Performance Evaluation of Government Website Groups

【作者】 寿志勤

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 新公共管理理念决定了电子政务绩效评估的必然性,而政府网站绩效评估,特别是制度化政府网站群绩效评估,作为电子政务绩效评估的重要组成部分,至2002年以来已经成为了电子政务绩效评估理论方法研究和绩效管理实践的热点。本文在国内外政府网站绩效评估理论研究与应用实践现状分析的基础上,根据作者多年来在安徽省政府网站群绩效评估的实践与认知,着重在以下几个方面进行了研究和实证分析:(1)研究分析了政府网站、政府门户网站、政府网站群的基本概念和演变规律,描述了政府网站绩效构成以及政府网站绩效评估的基本内涵,指出政府网站作为一种公共服务Web软件产品,其网站绩效水平受政府服务内容保障、公众认知采纳与参与以及网站信息架构技术等因素影响,因此,网站可用性、在线服务内容质量、公众认知度与满意度是政府网站绩效产生的根源,也是政府网站绩效评估的主要标准,明确了政府网站绩效评估的宗旨。同时,利用立方体模型,从政府、公众、门户技术等两两互动维度的视角,对韩国学者Jungwoo. Lee建立的电子政府发展阶段通用参考框架进行了拓展研究,并分别给出了基于政府门户技术形态和基于用户行为特征的两种政府网站发展阶段模型描述。(2)分析了政府网站群所承载的透明型政府(“信息公开”)、服务型政府(“在线办事”)和民主型政府(“公众参与”)的电子化基本特征和服务价值取向,从用户体验(用户行为特征)的角度,在公众需求、政府服务、网站信息架构技术等维度互动分析基础上,构建了可用性政府网站绩效关键特征分析模型。该模型可以作为可用性政府网站核心服务功能绩效评估指标体系设计分析框架。(3)研究了制度化政府网站群绩效评估机制,分析制度化政府网站群绩效评估的基本特征、基本原则、基本模式和基本程序;特别是完成了由政府网站高层主管部门组织、专业评估机构直接参与的制度化安徽省政府网站群绩效评估机制的实证分析,分析描述了这种混合评估模式对绩效评估管理成效的优劣,尤其是指出了政府网站群绩效评估信息尚不能公开的弊端。(4)研究分析了制度化政府网站群绩效评估的周期性、层次性、规模性和集成性等特点,在此基础上建立了对政府网站群绩效评估指标体系构建原型以及改进戴明循环原理(PDCA)的周期性评估指标体系优化流程(PCI-A-CRP);同时,为了构建规范化的政府网站绩效评估指标体系,提出了基于度量元和维度视图概念的指标绩效维度分析方法和度量模型,对统一评测基准的、定性维度规范化量化评测规则进行了探讨,并设计了根据政府网站成熟度阶段划分原理的指标成熟度5等级区间评测基准(以取得网站样本数据综合评测值与网站绩效成熟度阶段划分描述的一致),给出了基于绩效维度视图和指标评测成熟度等级区间测量方法的地市级政府门户网站绩效评估指标体系规范化设计实例。(5)为了提高评估指标体系调整的合理性和客观性,以及修正处理方法的直观和有效,针对具有层次化结构特征的政府网站群评估指标体系,采用基于可拓层次分析法的专家调查设计方法和综合可拓区间数计算原理,对一个即将实施的地市级政府网站群绩效评估指标体系权重调整进行了专家综合调查,并给出了能够满足一致性条件的可拓区间指标权重计算方法与计算实例。同时,讨论了两种网站样本数据采集量化模型,并进行了试验统计对比分析;试验结果表明,基于准则层单元目标的多样本数据采集量化模型的数据采集质量较为稳定。而为了对网站群评测数据采集量化结果的描述与分析,引入网站绩效成熟度5阶段划分理论,并给出指标绩效成熟和网站群绩效平均成熟度的计算公式。(6)针对混合评估模式的政府网站群绩效评估组织与控制过程特点,运用产品生命周期质量控制原理,分前期评估准备、中期评估样本采集与综合评估分析、后期评估结果运用等三个阶段,分析、描述了各个阶段的质量控制关键要素,并着重就第三方机构参与的评估过程组织和评测数据采集质量的控制,给出了若干明确、具体的组织管理沟通控制流程以及网站群评测数据采集样本分配、数据样本采集与样本检验等质量管理方案。(7)针对政府网站信息公开服务的特点,借鉴基于ACSI的电子政务服务公众满意度模型,建立了政府网站信息公开服务绩效公众满意度因果关系假设模型,并通过结构方程模型的研究,在合肥市政府门户网站信息公开服务公众满意度调查研究的基础上,运用结构方程模型分析软件(AMOS)对该假设模型进行检验分析与模型修正,建立了该政府门户网站公众满意度因果关系路径分析图。这种因果关系路径分析图便于政府网站主管部门有效地分析影响政府网站信息公开服务公众满意度的相关因素及其影响系数。此外,也对案例中的政府门户网站信息公开服务公众满意度指数与其对应绩效成熟度等级水平进行了比较分析,以期发现两者之间存在的必然联系。总之,本文较为系统、全面地对政府网站群绩效评估方法进行研究与讨论,其研究内容有助于丰富电子政府绩效评估理论与方法,并能够在实践应用中,促进政府网站群发展的绩效评估质量、绩效管理成效和服务绩效水平的提高。

【Abstract】 New public management philosophy determines the necessity of e-governmentperformance evaluation, and the government website performance evaluation,especially the institutionalized one, as an important part of e-government performanceevaluation, since2002, has become some hot spots in the theories and methods ofgovernment performance evaluation and in the government performance managementpractices.In this paper, based on the analysis of domestic and foreign government websiteperformance evaluation theory research and practical applications, and according to theauthor’s experiences of the government website performance evaluation practices in Anhuiover the years, some basic assessment problems as and some empirical analysis or casesare researched in the following aspects:Firstly,the basic concepts and evolution law of government websites, government portalwebsites and government website groups are studied and analyzed, the performance composition ofgovernment website groups and the basic contents of government websites performance evaluationare described, and government websites, as public service Web-based software products, theperformance level of which is affected by the support of government service contents, the awarenessof public adoption and public participation, website information architecture technology and otherfactors, which are pointed out.Therefore, the website availability, the quality of online services, and public awareness andpublic satisfaction are not only the root causes for government website performance, but also themajor standards of government website performance evaluation. At the same time, by using of thecube model, from the interactive dimension perspectives of the government, public, portaltechnology, a common reference framework of e-government stage development established byJungwoo. Lee, a Korean scholar,is researched and extended, and the two kinds of models ofgovernment websites stage development are given based on the government portal technology formand the user behavior patterns.Secondly, the electronic basic features and service value tropism of the transparent government("information disclosure"), service-oriented government ("online services") and democracy-orientedgovernment ("public participation") hosted by government website groups are analyzed, and fromthe view of user experience (user behavior), based on the dimension interaction analysis of publicdemands, government services and website information architecture technology, an analysis modelof key features of available government website performance is constructed. The model can be usedas the design and analysis framework of the core service performance evaluation index system ofthem.Thirdly, the systematic evaluation mechanism of government website groups performance, aswell as some basic characteristics, basic principles, basic modes and basic procedures of them, arestudied and analyzed, especially the case analysis of the Anhui provincial government website groupperformance evaluation mechanism participated directly by both the high-level governmentdepartment, in charge of their websites, and the third-party evaluation agencies is completed, and thestrengths and weaknesses of this mixed assessment model for the results of performance evaluationmanagement are analyzed, particularly the shortcoming that the performance evaluation information has not been open to the pulic yet is indicated.Fourthly, the traits of the systematic government website group performance evaluation, such asperiodicity, hierarchy, scale and integration, are researched and analyzed. Based on the aboveanalysis, a construction prototype of government website group performance evaluation indexsystem and the optimization processes of periodic evaluation index system (PCI-A-CRP) byimproving the Dai Ming cycle principle (PDCA) are constituted. Meanwhile, in order to build astandardized performance evaluation system of government websites, dimensional analysis methodsand measurement models of indicator performance based on metric elements and dimensional viewconcept are proposed, and the evaluation methods of unifying evaluation benchmarks, standardizingand quantifying qualitative dimensions are discussed, and interval5level’s benchmarks based on theprinciple of government website maturity phasing division are designed to reach agreement onoverall evaluation values of sample data and the description of website performance maturity stagesdivision. Subsequently, based on these motheds, a standardized design example of performanceevaluation index system is given, which can be used to effectively measure municipal governmentportal websites’ performances.Fifthly, for the purpose of improving the rationality and objectivity of evaluation index systemadjustment and amending the intuition and efficiency of process approach, aiming at governmentwebsites group evaluation index system with a hierarchical structure, expert survey design methodand calculated theory of synthesis extension interval based on the extended AHP are adopted tomake a comprehensive survey of experts for the weights adjustment of a municipal governmentwebsites group performance evaluation index system, and the calculation method and the calculationexample of the extended interval index weights with consistency are given. At the same time, twotypes of quantified models of the website sample data collection are discussed, and the testedstatistical contrast is analyzed. Test results show that the quality of data collection model withmultiple sample data based on the rule layer unit objectives is more stable. In order to describe andanalyze quantitative results of the website group evaluation data collection,5Stages division theoryof website performance maturity is introduced, and a calculated formula for indicator performancematurity and the average maturity of website group performance are given.Sixthly, in allusion to the characteristics of government websites group performance assessmentorganization and control process with the mixed evaluation model, by using of the quality controlprinciples of the product life cycle, and according to the three stages involved in pre-assessmentpreparation, mid-term assessment sample collection and the comprehensive assessment analysis,post-assessment results application, the key elements of quality control of each stages are analyzedand described, and finally, focusing on assessment process organization and evaluation datacollection quality control involved in the third-party, some clear and specific processes of theorganization management and communication control, and quality management programs of websitegroup evaluation data collection sample allocation, data sample collection and sample testing aregiven.Seventhly, according to the characteristics of information openness service of governmentwebsites, drawing on e-government services public satisfaction models based on ACSI, a causalassumptions model for public satisfaction of government website information disclosure serviceperformance is established, and through studying the structural equation methods(SEM), based onthe public satisfaction survey of Hefei government portal website information disclosure service, astructural equation analysis software(AMOS) is applied to test and update the hypothetical model,and public satisfaction causal path analysis diagram of the government portal is constructed. Thiscausal path analysis diagram is convenient for website director department to analyze the relevant factors and their impact factor affecting the public satisfaction of government website informationdisclosure services. In addition, a comparative analysis of the public satisfaction index and itscorresponding performance maturity level is given in the above government information opennessservice case, in order to find out the necessary link between them.In short, this paper researches and discusses the basic theories and methods ofgovernment website service performance evaluation comprehensively, which can help toenrich the content of e-government performance evaluation theory, and in practicalapplications, can promote to raise the quality of government websites group assessment,the effectiveness of government performance management and the level of governmentwebsites group service performances.


