

On the Rectification of Disclosure Obligations in the Marine Insurance

【作者】 王金玉

【导师】 傅廷中;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 传统海上保险告知义务体制已运行百年有余,其极具特色,可谓保险法领域中的一枝奇葩。在现今海运时代,投保人与保险人之间的缔约信息披露义务已经发生了本质改变,从海上保险司法实践中不断涌现的裁判结果迥异的告知义务纠纷案例,说明固守传统的现行告知义务法律规则,已经越来越不能适应世事变迁的步伐。论文从矫正论的角度出发,对传统海上保险告知义务规则的诸多问题进行了分析,并在此基础上,对海上保险告知义务新秩序的构建,提出了具体的立法建议。论文由引言、正文和结论组成,正文部分共分六大章节进行详细阐述。第一章剖析了海上保险告知义务的法律属性,将其矫正为以过错责任为限的法定义务。第二章主要探究了海上保险合同缔约主体在履行告知义务时发生的保险信息不对称问题,推导出海上保险告知义务与信息不对称之间的内在联系,并提出了相应的改进路径。第三章旨在探究现行的海上保险告知义务模式的优缺点,在比较分析无限和有限告知义务两种模式基础上,提出无限告知义务模式应仅局限在海上货物保险领域中适用,其他种类的海上保险应采用有限告知义务模式。第四章在法经济学的范式下对海上保险告知义务规则进行了纠正性分析,在考量缔约主体之间利益冲突问题的前提下,对履行告知义务所产生的交易成本和法律效益进行重新评判。第五章重点分析了《鹿特丹规则》作为一个新海运公约,其架构出的诸多新制度,对海上保险告知义务规则的变革影响,可能延缓海上保险无限告知义务向有限告知义务的转变进程。第六章研究了海上保险告知义务新秩序的构建问题,对我国未来可能选择的海上保险告知义务规则提出了具体的立法构想。通过运用比较法、文献法、案例分析法等方法,对现行海上保险告知义务制度进行矫正性分析,打破旧告知义务制度的羁绊,推陈出新,逐步验证新告知义务秩序中的规范配置的新方案,促进海运保险业有序发展。

【Abstract】 It has been hundreds of years since the operation of traditional duty of disclosure in marine insurance, and its distinguishing feature makes it rather a rarity in the field of insurance law. In the modern marine business, information disclosure between the assured and the insurer has changed radically, which is illustrated in the enormous maritime disputes with totally different rulings and arbitration awards emerged from the judicial practice. That is to say, firmly entrenched in the existing duty of disclosure is only increasingly out of step. Therefore, this paper, starting with the theory of rectification, analyzes various problems in traditional duty of disclosure, and based on this, puts forward some specific legislative suggestions in order to build a new regime of duty of disclosure.This paper consists of three parts, i.e., the introduction, the body and the conclusion. Specific details will be given in the main body which is divided into six chapters:The first chapter analyses the legal nature of duty of disclosure in marine insurance, and corrects it as an obligation within the limit of fault liability. The second chapter focuses on the information asymmetry between the two parities of the marine insurance contract when performing and observing the duty of disclosure, and derives the internal relation between the duty of disclosure and asymmetric information from the analysis of the two, and meanwhile, offers the ways for perfection. The third chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the existing pattern of duty of disclosure in marine insurance. By comparing such unlimited informative obligation and limited informative obligation two patterns, this paper suggests that unlimited informative obligation only be applied to the Marine Cargo Insurance, whereas other kinds of marine insurance adopt limited informative obligation. The fourth chapter analyzes and corrects the duty of disclosure under the paradigm of the economic analysis of law, and in light of the conflicts of interest between the two parities, reevaluates the transaction cost and the benefit of law accompanied by performing and observing duty of disclosure. The fifth chapter emphatically reveals Rotterdam Rules, a new maritime convention, many of its brand-new rules that has influences the evolution of duty of disclosure in marine insurance, may slow the process of unlimited informative obligation shifting to limited informative obligation. The sixth chapter goes into the frame work of new order of duty of disclosure, and concludes with some specific legislative conceptions.By using comparison method, literature method and case analysis etc., this paper analyzes the existing duty of disclosure in marine insurance from a corrective perspective in the hope of breaking the bonds and giving this traditional system a new life, as well as testing the suggested solutions in the new one so that a sound and prosperous marine business can be achieved.

  • 【分类号】D922.284;D996.19
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】439
  • 攻读期成果

