

The Validity of International Commercial Arbitration Agreement Study

【作者】 孙得胜

【导师】 翟云岭;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 国际商事仲裁是随着世界经济发展而发展的,中国的仲裁制度起步较晚,并且具有明显的中国特色。中国加入WTO后,对全世界的经济贸易产生了重大影响,但随着世界经济的快速发展,也出现了大量争议和经济纠纷,这对我国商事仲裁起到了客观推动的作用。同时,也要求我国仲裁制度应当注重立法的国际化,进而使中国的仲裁制度能够更好地服务社会经济。所有国家的仲裁立法和国际仲裁规则,都把仲裁协议作为仲裁管辖权取得的基础。没有仲裁协议,仲裁也就无从谈起,所做仲裁裁决也就没有法律效力。国际商事仲裁协议的性质主要有四个学说理论,它们是契约论、司法权理论、混合理论、自治论,笔者赞同契约论,认为契约性是仲裁协议的本质属性。国际商事仲裁协议成立的有效条件分为一般要件和特殊要件两方面。仲裁协议内容也必须是可执行的,如果仲裁协议内容对仲裁的约定不可执行,那么仲裁协议内容就毫无意义。国际商事仲裁协议生效后会对当事人、仲裁机构、法院产生法律效力。首先是对双方当事人产生约束力;其次是仲裁协议中会约定仲裁机构,也就是对仲裁机构产生约束力。国际商事仲裁协议效力扩张问题,有瑕疵的国际商事仲裁协议效力的认定及国际商事仲裁协议第三人的效力问题等,这些都是国际商事仲裁中出现的新问题,也是我国国际商事仲裁研究必须面对的问题。大多数国家在立法和实践上都对这些问题采取鼓励和支持的态度,我国亦应如此。中国加入WTO后,国际商事仲裁统一化运动必然会对中国产生影响。而我国仲裁法律制度还存在缺陷,其中对仲裁协议内容的严格规定有别于大多数国家,这种限定实际是在当事人仲裁意愿之外另行附加条件,会导致当事人的仲裁意愿得不到尊重,这与仲裁的本质不相符。我国仲裁法律制度的修改完善既要考虑世界先进仲裁立法,又要结合中国国情,这样才能兼具世界性、民族性、现代性。

【Abstract】 International commercial arbitration is with the development of the world economy development, China’s arbitration system starts late, and has distinct Chinese characteristics. After China’s accession to the WTO, the world’s economy and trade had a significant impact, but with the rapid development of world economy, there appears a large number of disputes and economic disputes, the commercial arbitration in China to promote the role of objective. At the same time, also called Chinese arbitration system should pay attention to the internationalization of the legislation, so that China’s arbitration system can better serve the social and economic.All national arbitration legislation and international arbitration rules, the arbitration agreement as the arbitration jurisdiction made based. There is no arbitration agreement, the arbitration will be out of the question, the award of arbitration have no legal effect. The international commercial arbitration agreement nature there are four main theories, which is the contract theory, the theory of judicial power, hybrid theory, autonomy, the author agrees with the contract, that contract is the essential attribute of the arbitration agreement.The international commercial arbitration agreement valid terms are divided into general requirements and special requirements in two areas. Arbitration agreement must also be performed, if the arbitration agreement to arbitration agreement unenforceable, then the arbitration agreement is meaningless. The international commercial arbitration agreement of parties, the court, arbitration institution has the legal effect. The first of them is for both parties to generate binding; followed by the arbitration agreement in an arbitration institution for arbitration, or binding.International commercial arbitration agreement validity extension problem, defective validity of international commercial arbitration and the cognizance of international arbitration agreement validity of third people, these are the new problems in international arbitration, and arbitration research must face the problem. Most country in the legislation and Practice on these questions encourage and support attitude, our country also should be so.After China joins WTO, international commercial arbitration unification movement will inevitably influence china. While China’s arbitration law has some defects, the arbitration agreement to the strict regulations are different from most other countries, this limitation is actually in the arbitration will be attached outside the condition, will cause the parties to the arbitration will get no respect, this is not consistent with the nature of arbitration. China’s arbitration law amendment should not only consider the world advanced arbitration legislation, but also with China’s national conditions, so as to both national, international, modern.


