

The Research of the Cultural Perspective in Chinese Traditional Politics

【作者】 谢永宽

【导师】 张俊芳;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 怎样认识中国传统政治的文化因素,及其对当代的影响与启示已经成为当前学术界关注和研究的一个重要问题之一,许多研究者都从不同角度对这一问题进行了研究,但其规范性、系统性还不够深入。本文以中国传统政治为研究对象,运用马克思主义基本原理和方法论,特别是马克思主义的批判文化的理论,以文化的视角进行深入解读,对中国传统政治的矛盾冲突加以总结,并分析其存在的根源,通过文化批判和继承,进一步客观认识中国传统政治的产生、发展与特征,在探讨其存在的历史必然性和合理性的同时,深刻揭示其历史局限性。文章主要内容分六大部分:第一部分,以中国“大一统”政治格局形成的地理环境为主题,分别对有利于统一的地理条件即丘陵与平原的分布及其作用、华北平原的独特政治功能,不利于统一的地理条件即多种性地貌造成的交通不便与区域差异以及政治统治对自然差异的强化进行分析,论述了“大一统”君主专制政治的历史必然性即地理环境对“大一统”政治需要的适应以及民族战争对“大一统”的强化与推动作用。第二部分,以中国传统政治的血缘宗法文化为主题,分别从血缘宗法文化的形成即国家政治与血缘文化的整体性、血缘宗法文化与专制政治的契合,血缘文化的基本特征即血缘宗法文化的独特性、血缘宗法文化与政治关系的混同性、血缘宗法文化影响的延续性进行分析,特别对血缘宗法文化的混同性中“政治组织与家族组织的合一、君统与宗统的合一和国家的政治观念与家庭的宗法观念的合一”进行了“三合一”的概括阐述,论述了血缘宗法文化对传统政治的影响即早期国家结构中的宗法文化的影响、血缘宗法文化影响力的弱化趋势、君主专制的新变化。第三部分,以中国传统政治的社会本位文化为主题,分别从社会本位文化的形成及价值目标即社会本位文化系统的形成、社会本位文化系统的价值目标,社会本位文化的基本特征即义务本位的单向性、角色本位的名教性进行分析,论述了社会本位文化对中国传统政治的影响即形成了义务本位的文化体系、构建起“礼”的义务规范体系、显现了角色本位的文化特性。第四部分,以中国传统政治的符号文化为主题,分别对符号文化的基本形态即政治符号——综合分析、思想符号——以政治神话为例、建筑符号——以宫殿为例进行分析,论述了符号文化对中国传统政治的影响即政治符号的功能、政治神话的功能、祭祀礼仪的功能、宫室建筑的功能,阐述了四者叠加生成一种新的观念,形成无形的软性服从力,共同完成相同或相似的政治功能,共同昭示皇权的权威。第五部分,以中国传统政治的伦理文化为主题,分别从伦理化的形成即文化制约政治组织生成机制的形成、伦理文化的基本特征即伦理文化与儒学相契合、伦理文化与政治权力紧密结合进行分析,论述了伦理文化对中国传统政治的影响即伦理文化对政治组织运行的制约、伦理文化对君权的制约、伦理文化对专制政治的功效。第六部分,以中国传统政治的“圣王政治”文化为主题,分析论述了“内圣外王”政治文化的外在合理性即“王”的权力和“圣”的义务、“圣”的道德和“王”的权力、“王”的事功和“圣”的道德,揭示了“内圣外王”政治文化的内在矛盾性即“圣王合一”的现实虚幻性、“内圣外王”政治文化的本质虚伪性、“内圣外王”的反文化性。文化批判的目的是为了文化继承。马克思主义文化批判选择的价值标准和基本原则应当是“取其精华,去其糟粕”。诚然,文化工作在我国革命、建设、改革各个历史时期都发挥了不可替代的重大作用,我们不守旧复古,更不主张用传统政治文化来指导现代化建设。本文从文化的视角深刻阐述中国传统政治历史局限性及对中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的启示意义,从而进一步阐明当代中国选择适合自身国情的发展道路,构建符合历史与现实、国内与国外、传统与现代的民族文化的重要价值与客观选择。

【Abstract】 How to realize the cultural factors of Chinese traditional political and its influences and enlightenment to the contemporary era has been one of the most important issues with great concern of the academic community. Many researchers have discussed it from different aspects, but its systematicness and normalization is still not enough. This paper takes the Chinese traditional political as the research object, applying the basic principles and methodology of Marxism, especially the cultural critical theory of Marxism, taking deep interpretation of a cultural perspective to sum up our Chinese traditional political conflicts and analyze its origin. Through the cultural criticism and inheritance, we can get a further objective understanding of the generation, the development and the characteristics of Chinese traditional political. At the same time of discussing the existing historical inevitability and rationality this paper also reveals its historical limitation profoundly. The main content of the article is divided into six parts:The first theme is about Chinese "grand unification" political structure in the formation of the geographical environment. It analyzes a variety of geographical conditions conducive to uniform, that is, the distribution of hills and plains and the unique political function of the North China Plain. It also analyzes regional differences and inconvenient traffic caused by varied landforms, which are not conducive to uniform. It discusses political domination in strengthening natural differences and the historical inevitability of monarchy, that is, the adaptation of geographical environment to "grand unification" politics and the strengthening force of ethnic wars to it.The theme of the second part is the culture of Chinese traditional blood patriarchal clan. It analyze from the formation of the blood patriarchal clan namely the country politics and the unity of blood culture, from the unification of blood patriarchal clan and autocracy, from the basic feature of blood culture namely the typical of blood patriarchal clan culture, from the mix of the relationship between the blood patriarchal clan and politics and the lasting effect of blood patriarchal clan. It pays more attention to combine the unification between the political organization and clan organization, the unification between monarchy domination and blood domination and the unification between the concept of country politics and the concept of clan blood. It tells them briefly and state the role blood patriarchal clan plays in the traditional rule namely the influence the patriarchal clan system in the early country structure the weaken impact of the blood patriarchal clan and the new change of absolute monarchy.Let us regard the culture of Chinese traditional politics as the third theme, and analyze it from the forming of social standard culture which can also be called the forming of social standard culture system, the value of the target of the social standard culture system, and the basic characteristics of social standard culture, that is, obligations based one-way and norm nature of the role-based. It discourses the effects of social standard culture to Chinese traditional politics, including the forming of the obligation-based culture system, the construction of "ceremony" voluntary system of norms, and shows the cultural characteristics of the role-based.Part IV focused on China’s traditional political culture, it is a comprehensive analysis of the cultural symbols, political symbols and ideological symbol-a political myth, for example, the architectural symbol-when analyze Palace, we discuss the impact of the cultural symbols of China’s traditional political functions of political symbols, the functions of political myth, ritual etiquette of the function, the function of the palace building and described the four superimposed to generate a new concept, the formation of the invisible soft obey power and accomplish the same or similar political function to clear the authority of the imperial power.PartV takes the ethical culture of Chinese traditional politics as the theme, we can analyze it from these following aspects:the formation of ethics, that is, the formation of organization of culture constraining politics; the basic characteristics of the ethical culture, that is, the agreement of the ethical culture and Confucianism; and the close combination of the ethical culture and political rights. It expounds the influence of the ethical culture on the Chinese traditional politics, that is, the restraint of ethical culture upon political organization and monarchical power, and the effect of ethical culture on the authoritarian politics.Part VI takes the Sage politics culture of Chinese traditional politics as the theme, we expound the external rationality of the Sage-inner and Monarchy-outer political culture, that is, the power of the Monarchy and the duty of the Sage, the mortal of the Sage and the power of the Monarchy, and the feats of the Monarchy and the mortal of the Sage. As a result, we reveal the inner contradictions of the Sage-inner and Monarchy-outer political culture, that is, the illustration of the reality of the combination of the Sage of the Monarchy, the hypocrisy and the counter-culture of the Sage-inner and Monarchy-outer political culture.Cultural criticism is to cultural heritage. Cultural critique of Marxism chose the value of standards and basic principles should be the "essence, to its dregs. Indeed, the cultural work in China’s revolution, construction, reform and various historical periods have played an irreplaceable role, we are not old-fashioned retro, do not advocate the use of traditional political culture to guide the modernization. From a cultural perspective profoundly expounded China’s traditional political and historical limitations and the significance of the political development road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, in order to further clarify contemporary China has chosen the path of development suited to their own national conditions, to build the history and reality, domestic and foreign, traditional modern national culture values and objective selection.


