

A Study on Part’s Organizational Construction in the Non-Public System’s Enterprise

【作者】 管恩琦

【导师】 吴长春;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 非公有制企业党建是党的建设一个全新领域,同时也是我们党面临的一个重大而又现实的问题。正如胡锦涛同志所指出的:执政的中国共产党不仅需要在传统领域推动党建工作不断与时俱进,更需要对新领域的党建工作大胆开拓创新,这也是我们党顺应时代发展要求,全面提升自身执政能力的现实需要。当前,我国正处于社会转型、经济转轨的重要阶段,这对党的基层组织建设,特别是非公有制企业党的建设提出了新的挑战。在新形势下,执政的中国共产党如何做好非公有制企业党建工作,从而引导非公有制经济健康发展,实现对这一领域的领导,这是直接关系到能否实现我们党提出的到2020年全面建设小康社会、到本世纪中叶建成现代化国家宏伟目标的重大问题。本文以中国特色社会主义理论为指导,立足于新形势下非公有制企业发展的新实际,着眼于非公有制经济发展对党建理论研究所提出的迫切需要解决的理论与实践问题,针对非公有制企业党建工作的特点,对非公有制企业党的组织建设进行分析,试图对非公有制企业党的组织建设理论与实践作一些探索,从而不断提升非公有制企业党的组织建设工作的科学化水平。全文正文部分共分六章,其主要内容分别如下:第一章,全章重点阐述了选题的依据及研究的意义,从非公有制企业党的组织建设工作对巩固党的阶级基础、扩大党的群众基础的宏观和对引导非公有制经济健康发展的微观这两个层面展开分析;与此同时,总结和梳理以往的研究成果,并在此基础上提出研究的关注点、特点和研究中的不足之处。第二章,全章对马克思主义经典作家、毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民和胡锦涛的非公有制企业党的组织建设理论的背景、内容和意义作了全面解读。从理论渊源上回溯了非公有制企业党的组织建设的历史,厘清了非公有制企业党的组织建设理论的形成和发展脉络。主张以科学的理论指导非公有制企业党建工作,从而进一步提升非公有制企业党的组织建设科学化水平。第三章,全章主要对现存两种非公有制企业党建组织管理体制模式的利弊进行分析。在此基础上,构建一套责任明确、职能清晰,层次分明、体系完善,设置科学、管理规范的组织管理体制。从而理顺组织管理体制,整合各方力量,形成合力,为非公有制企业党建工作提供坚强的组织领导保障。第四章,全章主要对非公有制企业引入“公推直选”党组织领导班子的任职方式的特色、效果和现存问题进行深入讨论。科学合理地配置党组织领导班子,有效地规范非公有制企业领导班子的选举工作,从而提高非公有制企业党建工作的效能。第五章,全章主要阐述非公有制企业党务工作者队伍建设问题。其科学阐释了当前党务工作者队伍的特点、存在的主要问题和党务工作者应必备的素质,并在此基础上提出党务工作者队伍职业化建设之创新机制。第六章,全章客观分析非公有制企业党员的主要特点、党员管理面临的挑战、党员管理中存在的主要问题及其成因。在此基础上,探索新形势下党员管理工作的新机制,并提出切实可行的解决对策。

【Abstract】 Party’s construction of non-public enterprise is a brand new field as well as a crucial and realistic problem which CCP confronted. As it is emphasized by Chinese president Hu Jintao:the regnal CCP not only promotes the party’s construction in traditional field but also develops and revolutionizes it in new field boldly. It is also the realistic need for CCP to keep pace with times and improve the administrative ability. At present, our country is at the crossroads of transformation both in economy and society, It brings a new challenge to the primary-level construction of CCP, especially for the party’s construction of non-public enterprise. Under the new circumstance, how to lead the party’s construction of non-public enterprise and has a smooth development in its economy is a vital problem for the regnal CCP.The control of this field is directly related to the success or failure of our magnificent aim proposed by the party:build an well-being society in all-around way by 2020 and a modernized county in the middle period of this century. This paper is guided by the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, based on the new developmental reality of non-public enterprise, regarding of the urgent practical and theoretical problem that brought by the impact that the development of non-public economy has on the study of party construction theory. It also make some analysis concerning the vital problems by aiming at the features of the party’s construction in non-public enterprise and tries to explore the theory and practice in the party’s organizational construction of non-public enterprise, so the scientific level of that it can be improved greatly.The main body of the thesis consists of six chapters, the major part is showed as below:Chapter I, this chapter elaborated the basis and the meaning of the topic, conducted the analysises from that party’s organizational construction affairs in non-public enterprise can con solidate class basis as well as from two macroscophical and microsmic aspects that they can expand the masses basis and lead respectively health development in non-public enterprise; This chapter also launched the summarizing and clarifying the past research achievements and the research focus、 characteristics and shortcomings based on it.ChapterⅡ, in this chapter, it decodes holistically the theoretical background、content、meaning about the party construction in non-public enterprise of the four-generation leadership:Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao. It also looks back on the theoretical origin of he party construction in non-public enterprise, clarifies its theory formation and developmental texture. At the same time, it advocates that party construction in non-public enterprise be guided by scientific theory, so the scientific level of it can be promoted further.ChapterⅢ, in this chapter, it mainly analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of two existing management systems in party construction of non-public enterprise and builds a management system with explicit responsibility、clear function、well-organized structure、perfect system、scientific installment and standards management on this basis. Thereby, we can disentangle the management system、integrate all strength、produce joined forces and provide a firm guarantee both in organization and leadership.ChapterⅣ, this chapter gives a deep discussion about the characteristic、effect and the existing problem in the way of taking office by the introduction of "recommended by the public and direct election". By this, we can deploy the leadership group in the party organization scientifically and reasonably and standardize the process of election in the non-public enterprise, so the efficiency of the party’s construction in non-public enterprise would be promoted greatly.ChapterⅤ, this chapter focuses on the problem in the team construction of party’s affair workers in non-public enterprise. it scientifically elaborated he characteristics of the party affair workers, the existing problem in the team of party’s affair workers and the necessary quality that the worker must have. And forward the innovative mechanism of party’s affair workers based on the former analysis.ChapterⅥ, in this section, it analyzes the main distinguished features of the party’s members, the challenges which they faced, the existing problem and the reasons in the management of party’s members in non-public enterprise. According to these, a new mechanism should be explored in the new situation and a feasible solution should be provided.


