

Research on Zhao Dai Xiao Shao

【作者】 郝成文

【导师】 车文明;

【作者基本信息】 山西师范大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《昭代箫韶》,演述杨家将戏曲的清宫连台本大戏之一种,自嘉庆年间创编以后,历嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、光绪五朝演出,清廷对之喜爱程度为其它连台本大戏所不及。鉴于该剧具有的代表性,本文以《昭代箫韶》为主要研究对象。杨家将故事在宋末元初就已进入艺术领域了,有着“三分史实七分虚构”的特点。清代之前,杨家将戏曲、小说已非常繁盛,《昭代箫韶》的人物及剧情除改编自宋史、元明杂剧、传奇及杨家将小说外,还应该受到了民间评话、说唱等的影响。嘉庆十八年,刻本《昭代箫韶》诞生,其产生与清代统治者的民族特性、政治意图、文化政策等有关,也与其创作群体所属地域文化有某种程度的联系。各朝演出脚本均以嘉庆刻本为基础,并有所不同。嘉庆末年,清宫亦曾上演过《昭代箫韶》,并非完全按照嘉庆刻本来演。道光、咸丰年间的演出体制较为固定,演出脚本也大致相同,该脚本是将嘉庆刻本经过删节、改编过后的本子。同治年间曾挑演过数段。光绪年间,在慈禧太后的主持下,将昆弋本改编为升平署府本与本家本两种皮黄本。皮黄府本的改编底本为道光、咸丰年间的演出脚本,而本家本的改编底本为嘉庆刻本。本家本的改编力度更大。在舞台艺术上,《昭代箫韶》的衣饰精美、场面宏大、调度繁复、曲辞典雅,以清宫三层大戏楼为演出地点,充分运用了各种砌末、舞台装置,在一定程度上淡化了戏曲“虚拟性”的特征,体现着皇家特色。《昭代箫韶》对民间剧坛的影响较为隐蔽,呈现出片段式的、模糊式的特点,《雁门关》中的八郎、耶律青莲可为一例。与其它清宫连台本大戏相比,《昭代箫韶》体现着相似的创作手法和审美趣味,与民间杨家将戏曲相比,则少了一些活泼和生机。总之,作为一种清代宫廷连台本大戏,《昭代箫韶》无疑是成熟的和具有代表性的,从原本到改编,从文本到场上,都散发着宫廷特有的文化意蕴,体现着清代宫廷演剧的独特审美趣味。深入研究《昭代箫韶》,不仅有助于我们准确厘定《昭代箫韶》在杨家将戏曲发展史或清代宫廷演剧史上的地位,还可以进一步归纳清宫连台本大戏的编创理论、演出特色等,进而建构宫廷演剧史和宫廷戏剧美学理论。

【Abstract】 Zhao dai xiao shao, one of court Series drama repertoire,the content is about TheYang General’Family Story.After it was been writen, through five dynastys of Jiaqing、Daoguang、Xianfeng、Tongzhi、Guangxu . Comparaed with orther Court Series dramarepertoire,it is more populer in court. It can be seen as a Typical in Court Series dramarepertoire.As this reason, the main object of study is Zhao dai xiao shao in this article.Between late song dynasty and early yuan dynasty, the Yang General’Family Storyhad enter into the art field.It has a characteristics that historical facts thirty percent and thefictional seventy percent.Before the qing dynasty,The drama and fiction about the Yang General’Family Storyalready very prosperous, the characters and plot in Zhao dai xiao shao except Comes fromhistory of Song, the drama of Yuan and Ming dynasty, poetic dramas of the Ming and Qingdynasties, the Yang General’Family fiction,should be influenced by folk art such as storytellers and rap music.On the eighteen years of Jiaqing dynasty,the carving copy of Zhao dai xiao shao hadcame out. There is a relationship between Zhao dai xiao shao and the qing dynasty rulers’national character, political intentions , the cultural policy. Also, there are Someconnection between Zhao dai xiao shao and regional culture of the author group.Theperformance script in all dynasty based on the the carving copy of Zhao dai xiao shao,buteach has a difference.In the end of the Jiaqing dynasty, Zhao dai xiao shao had performed,but not allaccording to the carving copy of Zhao dai xiao shao. In the Daoguang and Xianfengdynasty, The performance system is nearly fixed, almost the same script,this script is a abridged, adaptated form the carving copy of Zhao dai xiao shao.In the Xianfengdynasty,it had performanced a few paragraphs which be selected.In Guangxu dynasty,Inparticular,It was been adapted two kinds of arias,pihuang singing Shengpingshu script andpihuang singing benjia script,under the auspices of the Cixi Queen in guangxu dynastys.The pihuang singing Shengpingshu script is adapted on the Daoguang Xianfeng performscript. The pihuang singing benjia script is adapted on the carving copy. The pihuangsinging benjia script’adaptation efforts is more bigger than others.In stage art, Clothing is fine, Scene grand, scheduling heavy and complicated,poemselegant. The Performance site is the three layer stage in palace, to make full use of thevarious props, stage device. In a certain degree, deviated from the Virtualor characteristics,embodies the royal characteristics.The influence of the Zhao dai xiao shao is very hidden to the folk dramatic world,present a segment and fuzziness characteristics,the Balang and Yelvqinglian characters inYanmenguan can be a example.Compared with other court Series drama repertoire, theZhao dai xiao shao embodies the similar creation and aesthetic interest,and less lively andactive to folk drama.In brief,as a court Series drama repertoire,undoubtedly,the Zhao dai xiao shao plays ismore maturer and representative. Adapted from the original, text to play, Sending out thepalace culture connotation,embodies the qing dynasty palace dramatics of unique aestheticinterest.


