

On Polymer of Chinese

【作者】 刘红梅

【导师】 刘中富;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “聚合词语”指的是汉语中这样一类词语,如“真善美、春夏秋冬、锅碗瓢盆、桌椅板凳”等,这类词语多数是由同属于一个语义范畴的若干个成分并列组成,在语言运用中人们往往将其作为一个整体使用,使用频率较高,在结构和意义上都具有鲜明的特点。本文共有六章。第一章绪论。本章主要说明本文的研究对象和研究意义、研究概况、研究方法及语料来源。我们以《现代汉语词典》(第5版)、《现代汉语规范词典》、《汉语大词典》中所收录的聚合词语以及在日常报刊杂志中收集到的聚合词语为主要考察对象,共计376个。对本课题进行深入研究的意义在于:完善汉语词汇研究;有利于语言教学,尤其是对外汉语教学;有利于词典编纂;为今后的研究者提供一定的语料和研究思路。目前聚合词语的研究成果大致上可以分为散见研究和专篇研究两个方面。本文采用的研究方法有:第一,描写和解释相结合。我们对聚合词语的语音、语义、语法等方面进行详细描写,并在描写的基础上,运用文化语言学、认知语言学等相关理论对一些现象作出解释,力求揭示其内在的发展规律。第二,定性和定量相结合。通过对聚合词语的定量描写,确定该语言现象在词汇系统中的地位。第三,共时和历时相结合。对聚合词语进行共时描写,说明其基本特征,必要时联系词语的历时发展变化,追溯词语的源头。第四,调查法。在搜集语料和对留学生掌握情况调查的过程中对学生进行了问卷调查,所得情况与数据有一定的代表性和说服力。第二章聚合词语的性质特点、分类及其词汇地位。本章重点探讨了聚合词语的含义、性质和特点、分类及其在整个词汇系统中的地位。一、对于这种词汇现象,不同学者有不同命名,如“聚合体”“聚合词”“四字骈语”“并列N项式”等,本文对相关名称进行了探讨分析,并且比较了这类词语与词、短语的区别与联系,在此基础上,本文采用“聚合词语”这个名称,同时对聚合词语的选词标准进一步界定和说明。二、聚合词语是汉语中非常独特的语言现象,与英语中的成对词不同。就特点而言,我们认为聚合词语具有意义整体性强、结构相对定型、使用范围广、结构关系单一等特点。三、我们从词汇化的程度、结构层次多少、音节个数等角度对聚合词语进行了分类,并且讨论了聚合词语以四音节居多的原因,我们认为这与语言的节奏和汉民族讲究“四平八稳”的文化心理有一定关系。四、在词汇系统中,聚合词语属于是非典型成员,它与词、固定短语、自由短语之间均有一定的联系,其主体是类固定语,是形成和发展中的特殊的词汇单位。第三章聚合词语语义分析。本章主要讨论聚合词语各构成成分之间的语义关系、语义产生的认知机制、语义与文化的关系等问题。一、聚合词语的构成成分通常是属于同一个语义范畴的,根据语义场理论,我们探讨了各成分之间的语义关系,分为“平列型、序列型、对举型”三种类型,各个成分的意义是相互联系、相互制约的。二、根据聚合词语的构成成分与整体意义之间的关系,将聚合词语的语义分两种类型:组合性语义、融合性语义。从认知语言学的角度看,融合性语义的产生与隐喻、转喻、原型认知等思维方式有关,而独特的汉民族传统文化因素则综合制约着融合性语义的产生。三、聚合词语中有些原本是专门术语,其意义泛化后进入到共同语,扩大了使用范围。四、聚合词语以简单的形式承载了大量的具有中华民族特色的文化信息,本文从精神文化与物质文化两个层次入手,探讨了聚合词语中的文化内涵。第四章聚合词语语法与修辞分析。本章主要对于聚合词语语序成因、语法功能、修辞效果进行深入探讨。一、聚合词语的结构比较定型,一般情况下其构成成分的顺序不能够任意变动。聚合词语语序的排列主要受到语音因素、认知心理因素、民族文化因素等方面的影响。二、聚合词语的语法功能是指一个聚合词语在句子中所能起的语法作用及其在句子结构中所处的语法地位。按照构成聚合词语的成分的词性,我们将其分成四种类型,并分别考察了其语法功能。通过考察发现,聚合词语在运用中有比较明显的名词性倾向。我们认为,聚合词语意义的融合性特点是名词性倾向的主要原因。三、聚合词语对增强语言的表达效果起到非常重要的作用,在修辞上具有表达生动形象、结构均衡匀称、表义言简意赅的特点。第五章聚合词语的形成与词汇化分析。本章主要侧重于对聚合词语进行历时研究。一、对聚合词语的来源、形成方式、发展过程进行历时考察,揭示聚合词语的发展脉络,并且讨论聚合词语形成与发展的原因。聚合词语的形成受到语言机制的影响,同时受到社会文化因素的影响。二、运用词汇化理论对聚合词语的词汇化等级进行分析,说明聚合词语是一个开放性的发展中范畴,其内部成员词汇化的程度是不相等的。第六章聚合词语应用研究。本章主要从聚合词语的英译策略、聚合词语的对外汉语教学以及聚合词语研究与词典编纂这三个方面阐述了聚合词语研究的实践应用价值。一、依据适应语境、贴近原文的原则,聚合词语英译时可以采用直译、意译、节译、直译和意译相结合的方法。二、在对外汉语教学中进行聚合词语教学具有比较重要的作用;通过对留学生聚合词语掌握情况的调查以及聚合词语在对外汉语教材中收录情况的考察,我们发现在对外汉语教学中这一部分还比较薄弱,并在此基础上探讨了进行聚合词语教学的策略。三、目前,有些词典收释了一些聚合词语,我们主要考察了《现代汉语词典》和《现代汉语规范词典》收释聚合词语的情况,并进行了对比分析,在此基础上提出了词典收录聚合词语原则的一些个人看法。我们认为,词汇化程度高、使用频率高应该是收录聚合词语的主要原则。本文的创新点在于:第一,对聚合词语这种活跃于语言中、但又没有受到足够重视的语言现象进行系统深入的研究,研究角度更加全面。第二,注重共时研究与历时研究相结合,使得对该问题的研究更加清晰透彻。第三,加强了对聚合词语的应用研究。

【Abstract】 In Chinese “polymer” refers to such words as “the true, the good and thebeautiful;spring,summer,autumn,winter; pots;tables, chairs, benches, stools” and so on,which aremade up with phonemes similar in meaning in coordinate way. In the Chinese, people tend to useit as a whole with a higher frequency. Polymers both in structure and meaning have a distinctcharacter. There are six chapters in this article.The first chapter is an introduction. This chapter describes the subject, the significance, themethods and sources of corpora of this article. A total of376polymers collected from ModernChinese Dictionary (the5th Edition), the standard Dictionary of modern Chinese, Dictionary ofthe Chinese language and daily newspapers and magazines were studied in this article. We mightbe benefited from this research in the following four aspects: studying on the perfection ofChinese vocabulary; helping with language teaching, especially teaching Chinese as a foreignlanguage; improving dictionary compilation; providing a corpus for future research and study.Currently researches on polymers can generally be divided into scattered research andspecialized research. The research methods used in this article are: First, the combination ofdescription and explanation. Phonetics, semantics, syntax, and so on of polymer were describedin detail, and on the basis of the description, cultural Linguistics, cognitive linguistics theorieswere applied to explain some phenomenon, seeking to reveal its inner law of development.Second, the combination of qualitative and quantitative. By quantitative description of polymers,the status of the language phenomenon in vocabulary system was defined. Third, thecombination of synchronic and diachronic. We describe their basic features, and if necessary,contacting with the development of the word changes, date back the source of words. Fourth,investigation methods. When we collected corpus, we use questionnaire, and data derived from acertain degree of representative ness and convincing.The second chapter is polymer’s nature characteristics, classification and lexical status. Thischapter focused on the polymer’s meaning, nature and characteristics, classification and lexicalstatus in the system as a whole. First, For this vocabulary phenomenon, different scholars named it differently such as "aggregate body""aggregate word""four word parallel language""n itemsappositional formula", we discuss and analyse these names, and compare these words withword, and phrase in difference and contact, we give a name “polymer” to these words. Theselecting certerion were further defined and described. Second, Polymer in Chinese is a peculiarphenomenon, it is different from in pairs in English. As far as the characteristics, we believe thatthe polymer has the properties of “meaning as a whole, structure of fixed, applies to a wide range,structure of a single". Third, we classified the polymers from the aspects of "the extent ofvocabulary, structure angle and the number of syllables”, and discuss why most polymers havefour-syllable; we believe that it is related to the rhythm of language and "well organized" culturalpsychology of Han nationality. Fourth, in vocabulary system, polymer isn’t typical member, ithas a certain connection with word, a fixed phrase, and phrase.Its body is fixed, and it is specialin the formation and development of lexical units.The third chapter is polymer’s semantic analysis. This chapter focuses on polymer’ssemantic features, cognitive mechanisms, as well as the relationship between semantic andcultural, and other issues. First,they are made up with phonemes similar in meaning in coordinateway. According to semantic field theory, we explore the semantic relationships between thevarious components, which are divided into "parallel-type, sequence-type, control-type" threetypes, various components of significance is interrelated and mutual checks. Second, accordingto the relationship between its components and meaning, the polymer’s meaning is divided intotwo types: the polymer’s meaning is simple adduct of polymer composition’s meaning; Mostof polymer’s meaning is not simple adduct of polymer composition’s meaning, but throughmetaphor、metonymy、cultural factors etc.based on the literal meaning to generate new meaning,the integrity of polymer’s meaning is more prominent. Third, some polymers are special terms,coming into the language after significance generalization, expanding the scope of uses. Fourth,polymer host a large number of cultural information with Chinese characteristics by simpleforms, this article discusses the cultural connotation in polymers from the two levels of spiritualculture and material culture,Chapter fourth is polymer’s analysis of grammar and rhetoric. This chapter discusses thepolymer’s word order, grammar function and rhetoric effects of words. First, the structure of polymer is fixed and words can’t be changed randomly. Polymer’s word order is mainlyinfluenced by phonetic, cognitive factors and cultural factors. Second,polymer’s grammarfunction refers to the polymer’s function syntax in a sentence.According to the part of speech ofthe components, we divide polymer into four types:Noun morpheme polymer、Verbal morphemepolymer、 Adjective morpheme polymer and other type. The entire polymers show thecharacteristics of nouns, which primarily results from the semantic generalization ofpolymerization or extended meaning. Third, polymer played a very important role in enhancingthe effect of language expression, showing characteristics of "rhetorical expression with vivid,balanced symmetrical structure and semantic features concise."The fifth chapter focuses on diachronic analysis of polymer. First,we probed into polymer’ssources, formation of vocabulary, and diachronic development process, revealed polymer term ofdevelopment and discussed the causes of polymer formation and development. Polymerformation and development are influenced by language mechanism and cultural factors. Second,using the vocabulary of theory to analyze the polymer level of vocabulary words, it isdemonstrated that polymer terms is an open developing areas, whose internal members of wordsare not equal.In Chapter six, application research upon the polymer is carried out. First, pursuant to theprinciple of adaptation to context and closer to the original, when we translat polymer,we canuse the literal translation, free translation, English translation of words translated, with acombination of literal translation and free translation method. Second, this research may beapplied to the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. This dissertation investigates variouseditions of Chinese textbook for foreign students, and generalizes strategies in teaching polymer.Third, at present, some dictionaries collect and explain a number of polymers, we carried out acomparative analysis, and we believe that the high level of vocabulary and high frequency ofuse should be taken as the guiding principles in collecting polymers.The innovative points of this dissertation: First, polymers which are active in the language,but having not received sufficient attention were researched on the more in-depth andcomprehensive. Second, through the combination of synchronic and diachronic, more clear andthorough research on this subject was made. Third, emphasis on the application of polymer was studied.

【关键词】 汉语聚合词语认知
【Key words】 ChinesePolymerCognitive

