

A Study on Literature and Family Culture of Duan of Linzi in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 许智银

【导师】 程奇立;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 区域文化与中国文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 唐代临淄段氏家族是唐代著名的大家族,因段志玄、段文昌、段成式等几代人在唐代历史上的独特贡献而享誉千古。本文从历史、文化和社会的角度,对这个由武起家、以文立身的家族典型进行了较全面的个案研究。写作中不局限于唐代,而将临淄段氏家族置于中国历史的大背景中展开论述,上溯其历史渊源,梳理其影响流绪,观照其文化建树,总结其特色贡献。全文除绪论、结语外,共十一章,前六章为综论,后五章为分论。绪论部分论述了本选题的学术意义,以及研究的目的、范围、方法及历史与现状等。第一章主要梳理了段氏家族的历史踪迹。两汉时期是段氏家族先祖在历史舞台上展露锋芒的重要历史阶段,北朝时期段氏家族再次得到重用,地位得以巩固,隋唐之际段氏家族在唐王朝的建立中发挥了更大的作用,奠定了其家族在唐代兴盛的基础。第二章考察段氏家族的文化因缘。诸如家庭内部的父母子女关系、兄弟姊妹关系、夫妻关系等,从中见出亲情的可贵。段氏家族的姻亲关系既有地缘特点,又有政治色彩。其生活方式可分为战争状态与和平时期两种类型。第三章论述段氏家族的社会交往,以段文昌和段成式为代表。段文昌在政治场合中的交往活动,既有与志同道合者的真挚友谊,也有与政敌之间的相互倾轧。段成式与同道文人的交往,在唐代文坛上形成了一个显著的文人群体。第四章为段氏家族与地域文化。段氏家族的家族文化风尚,随着其生活空间由边陲迁徙至内地的变化,受制于地域文化的影响,形成了由崇尚武力到渐进为崇尚文化的转型特色。段氏家族不同时期的文化名人在辗转各地为官摄政的同时,也在各地留下了或多或少的文化遗迹,为当地地域文化的丰富和发展做出了贡献。第五章阐述段氏家族对唐代文学的贡献。自段文昌起,段成式、段安节、段公路在唐代文学史上皆有文名,尤其是段成式,作为段氏家族中的扛鼎人物,一部《酉阳杂俎》奠定了他在中国文化和文学史上的地位。段氏家族祖孙的文学成就是多方面的,对唐代文学的贡献独具一格。第六章总结段氏家族的家学门风特点。其家学传统表现出兼收并蓄相对开放的“杂学”特点,其门风讲究责任意识,勇于担当。战争年代,奔驰疆场,不惜生命;和平时期,传递文化,存绝兴微。第七、八、九章分别从文学人类学角度、文学体式、多元文化视阈研究《酉阳杂俎》。从段成式的著述态度、审美情趣,到《酉阳杂俎》的叙述语言、驳杂内容等,莫不表现出鲜明的文学人类学倾向。《酉阳杂俎》开创了一种新的“杂俎体”体制,内容无所不有,文体兼采众长,形式分门别类,叙事追求怪奇,对后世产生了深远影响。《酉阳杂俎》中的酒文化、饮食文化、节日文化、婚姻俗尚、对外交往等,莫不是唐代社会文化的折射。第十章为《乐府杂录》研究。从《乐府杂录》乐曲的来源、乐器的文化溯源、乐舞、戏剧的发展等方面,对其展开了深入探讨,肯定了《乐府杂录》的独具价值。第十一章为《北户录》研究。《北户录》记载了岭南地区物产的历史地理分布、特色食品以及占卜民俗等,是研究岭南地域文化的宝贵资料。结语归纳了全文的主要观点和重要结论。临淄段氏家族自汉代起,历经岁月沧桑的磨练,见证了几多封建王朝的兴亡,亦武亦文,不辍奋斗,审时度势,图谋发展,至唐代达到了家族的显赫兴盛,以自己的独特贡献为唐代文化与文学增添了一笔奇异的色彩。

【Abstract】 The Duan’s Family of Linzi was an old and well-known family in Tang Dynasty, because of several generational great litterateurs such as Duan Zhixuan, Duan Wenchang and Duan Chengshi, were all came from this family. The article aimed to study this family which is a typical case of ancient clans which were rose from military and supported in culture as an individual case. In this article, the background of research will be the whole Chinese history not limited in the Tang Dynasty, then, tracing back the history, sorting out the influence, viewing the achievements on culture of the family and summarizing its special contributions.The whole article is divided into 11 chapters except the introduction and the conclusion. Chapters 1 to 6 are comprehensive exposition and chapters 5 to 11 are specialized analysis.The Introduction is about the academic significance of the topic and the purpose, confines, methods and the research history and status.Chapter 1 is about the historical trace of the Duan’s Family. In Western and Eastern Han Dynasty, the ancestors of this family had stepped on the stage of history, and in Northern Dynasty the political position of the family had been confirmed by the reusing of the imperial authority, and in Tang Dynasty, the family became flourishing because of the importance in the rise of Tang Dynasty during the change from Sui to Tang.Chapter 2 is the study of family culture of the Duan’s Family, such as the relationship of parents and their children, brothers and sisters and husbands and wives, which shows the family love in this clan, as well as the significant of the affinities has geographical and political elements. The life style could be divided into two types:war times and peaceful times.Chapter 3 is the research about the social relationship of the Duan’s Family exampled by Duan Wenchang and Duan Chengshi. During the political communications, Duan Wenchang got sincerely friendship as well as jostle against one another. Duan Chengshi communicated with letterers who had same ideal and formed a remarkable group in Tang Dynasty.Chapter 4 is the research of the relationship between the Duan’s Family and the regional culture. The cultural style of this family was influenced by the geographical change from the frontier area to the interior area. During this progress, the cultural style of the family turned into culture instead of warrior. By the way, when the members of this family took office of other places, they left a lot of historical remains and contributed to enrich and develop the growth of local culture.Chapter 5 is the research of the contribution in literature of the Duan’s Family in Tang Dynasty. Since Duan Wenchang, Duan Chengshi, Duan Anjie and Duan Gonglu were all element persons in the history of literature in Tang Dynasty, especially Duan Chengshi, as one of the most famous litterateurs in this family; his Youyang Miscellany made him an important writer in history of Chinese literature and culture. The contribution in literature of the grandparent and grandchild in Duan’s Family was in several aspects and in unique.Chapter 6 is the study of the characteristic in knowledge transmission and family customary m o r al st an d a r ds of D ua n’s F a mi l y . In k no w le d g e tr a n s m i ss i o n, th e y h a d a n op e n mi n d a s t h eE c le c ti c s in p re- Qi n p e r i od ; a n d in f a mi l y c u st o ma r y mo r a l st a n da r d s, r e sp on si b il i t y w a s th emo s t f a it h in th e fa m i l y: th e y d e vo te d th e ms e lv e s in ba t t l e f ie ld s th e n k e pt se e ds of c ul t u r e i np e a c e f u l ti m e .Ch a p te r 7 , 8 a n d 9 a r e th e st u dy o f Yo u y a n g Mis c e ll a ny i n d if f e r e n t a sp ect s su c h a s li t e r a r ya nt h r o p ol o g y, li t e rar y s t yl e a n d mu l t i c u lt u r a l. Yo u y a n g M is c e ll a n y r e f le c ts th a t th e w ri t e r h a sd is t i n c t v ie w s in l i t e r a r y a n th r op o lo gy b o th in a tt i t u de a nd c o n te n t. By w rit i n g Yo u y a n gM is c e ll a n y th e a ut h or c r e a t e d a ne w st y le o f li t e ratu r e c a l l e d“za z u ti”(杂俎体) , in wh ic h ha s t h ef o ll o w in g f e at u r e s: th e c on te n t is mi x e d an d no th i n g n e e de d is la c ki n g , th e li t e r a ry for m h a sa ss i m i l a te d di f f e ren t o t he r st y le s, th e mo da li t y is a rr a n ge d in to so r ts , a n d th e na rr at i o n is i np ur su i t o f w e ir d . Th e st o r i e s in th e b o o k r e f le ct e d th e r e a l l i f e in Tang D yn as t y , esp e ci a l l y t h ec u lt u r e of w in e , d ie t, f e st i v a l, ma r r ia g e a n d co mm u n ic a t i o n w it h o v e r se as .Ch apt e r 1 0 is t he st u dy o f Yu e fu za lu , c o n fir me d th e u ni q u e va lu e o f th i s b o ok b y d e e p l ya n a ly s is in th e so u r c e o f mu si c , th e or ig in o f mu si c a l i ns t r u me n t, th e c o mb in e o f mu si c a n dd a n c e , a nd th e d e ve lo pm e n t o f p la y s .Ch apt e r 11 is th e st u d y o f B e i hu lu , a r e c o rd w hi c h is a n pr e c io u s ma te r ia l of t h ed is t r ib ut i on o f p r o d uc ts , th e c h a r a c te r is t i c f o od a nd th e p op ul a r d iv i n e o f so u t h of t he F i ve R i d g e s.T he con clu si o n su m m a r iz e d th e ma in p o in ts and s i gni f i c an t a r gu me nt s of th e a rti c le . F r o mH a n D yn a st y , th e D u a n’s F a mi l y of Lin zi ex pe rie nc ed th e u p a nd d o w n o f d if fer e n t f e ud a ld yn as t i e s, d ur in g th i s p r o gre ss , th e me mb e r s ju d ged t h e ho u r a nd si z e d up th e si t u ati on , t h ef a mi l y v e r se d in b o t h l i t e r a tu r e a nd mi l i ta r y a ffair s, a t la s t be an i l l u st r i ou s cl an i n Ta ng Dy n as t y,wh i ch ha d f am ou s an d un i qu e c o n t r i bu t i on i n l i t er a r y an d cu l tu re i n t ha t t i m e.


